
"Mr Grey?"

I stopped my chuckling, turning my attention to the scene.

"I know you are rich, but you shouldn't look down on James!" Nelson rebuked me as he stood up. He gave me a passionate and defensive glare as he stood up straight.

"Don't worry, Dan. I am used to this." James comforted.

Jack smiled towards me with an almost villainous expression, signalling his favour like an absolute prick. I sighed inwardly, I still hate this guy. I made Jack's character like one of those obnoxious bullies that you can find in any TV show, and I turns out that it feels more disgusting in person. Ughhh!

But to be honest, I can't get on the protagonist's bad side; that would not be good for my well-being. Plus I just got a few random notifications on my holographic screen, I'd rather have a look at it before I make any stupid decisions.

[goal added: socialise]

[goal added: top 5 in exam]

Uggghhhh... Welp, I'd rather not become friends with Jack.

"Heh... you see? No one likes ya! James, just leave Haven already!" Jack continued with his abuse.

I honestly can't take this right now, but I don't know how to deal with this guy... acting like a concerned person wouldn't really fit Simon's character, I'd need a much more sophisticated approach... but then again, Simon wasn't an amazing person with words.

But then again, I am not Simon. Let's see what happens if I spice up this scene...

I turned my head towards Jack and gave a subtle smile. Now I am going to rip him to shreds.

"Sorry, but I am not laughing at James..." I curled my mouth to form an evil smile. The light in the room suddenly reflected from my eyes as I spoke, drawing emphasis to my eyes.

"You seem to be awfully confident when you talk, Jack. You must be sooooo happy that you finally found someone that you can pick on... it must make your dick very hard since you finally don't look the worst, right?" I said in a mocking tone.

"You don't know what you are talking about!" Jack shouted as he got up from his chair.

"Oh, I am quiet sure." I spoke as I suddenly directed a gaze of malicious intent towards Jack. The ambient light made me look like a wolf stalking its prey, emphasising the apparent green colour in my eyes.

"Eeeck!" Jack suddenly tripped backwards and landed butt first on his chair.

"Hmmph, That's what I thought." I gently spoke as I returned my gaze to the screen in front of me.

After I finished dealing with Jack, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. 'Damn... that was so stressful!' I thought to myself. I have never done that to someone before, but for some reason it felt so natural. Investing into charisma was definitely not a mistake.

After a few more seconds, I calmed down. I now felt focused.

"Hey, Mr Grey." A voice spoke out to me.

I turned my head back to the direction of James and Dan.

"Yes?" I asked calmly.

[skill acquired: Silver Tongued Lvl 1(59.076%)]

"Sorry that I said that... James is just a real good friend of mine, I can't take him being bullied..." Dan said as he scratched the back of his head. The whole time he didn't look me in the eyes, it kinda felt annoying, but I rolled with it.

"No problems." I briefly responded.

[skill acquired: Piercing Gaze lvl 2(12.981%)]

'It seems like no one else can see this screen eh?' I guess getting top 5 in exams should be easy, I mean I literally wrote the exams for my novel. Socialising might be a bit hard, but I have some hope. Haven is a big place, there are plenty of characters to choose from.

I wonder what I'll get from completing these goals anyways?

I sighed slowly as I opened up what seemed to be a mirror function on my screen. As I looked at the image in front of me, I felt quite happy. My looks were definitely better than on earth, this time I had a really dark shade of grey instead of black hair. Everything seemed in the right place, my build didn't contain nearly as much fat as I did in my last life either...

I guess that voice in my head deserves an apology...

Hopefully if I play my cards right, I can fix that stupid harem ending. I really don't want to live through another shitty disappointment.

[main goal added: Obtain Partners For Harem Candidates(0/5)]

Shit. I really don't need this right now! I AM DEFINITELY NOT GETTING INTO THIS STUFF!!!

I have never been in a relationship myself, I honestly don't have the qualifications for this. I need something easier , like 'killing a cultist'.

[goal added: kill the cultist located in the gym]

That's more like it.

"Role call is now over, please open up your text books to page 44" The teacher spoke.

Come to think about it, I did write that the teachers don't interfere with student conflicts. I reasoned in the novel that this is so students learn to deal with their own problems rather than relying on their background. But as all things go, this wasn't effective. Rich students often had a squad of goons to back them up, so background still had a role to play.

I opened my book to page 44, only finding the same knowledge that I had written back in the early days of the novel: Visualisation theory. The whole book was just a textbook within my own novel which I uploaded in an extra chapter that had easily 100k words. It took me a couple of days to write it, but it is definitely worth it now.

'Hmmmm.... just some mana flow regulation and some basic two-dimensional shape visualisation theory...'

It would be fair to say that this sort of stuff was the backbone of my novel, even if the romance wasn't amazing; this was. But then again, if I had more time, the details could have been even more fleshed out.

"Simon Grey. Please explain in your own words, the most effective way to visualise a two-dimensional shape." The teacher spoke.

I guess I should answer it well, but not TOO well. I stood up and spoke confidently.

"There is no 'easiest way' to visualise a 2D shape. But there are of course 'good' or 'superior' ways to visualise a 2D shape. For instance, to visualise a perfect square, it is easier to feel the corner of a wall and then visualising, rather than outright thinking it through in your mind. However, this is relative, what may work in one situation may not work in another. Having a shape on hand would be nice, but in an exam, you need your head. It really depends on who you are and what the situation is."

I sat down in satisfaction.

"Mmm... very good, indeed. That answer is exactly what I wanted, it illustrates the fact that Visualisation is a personal and situational matter. Good answer."

'Phew... anymore and I would have started talking about advanced angle calculations and mental trigonometry...'

'Hmmm... where is the female lead? Shouldn't she be here by now?'