Tier 3 Black Scaled Gorilla


An explosion caused layers of cement and debris to be flung into the air, I could really look back so I kept on facing forwards. The demon is definitely something a Haven student can't beat unless they are a 3rd year genius. This demon was summoned by a group of cultists in the novel by sacrificing their lives for the ritual.

However, how I wrote it, it was summoned during an assembly, causing a large number of student at the west end of the auditorium to get mauled to death. But for some reason the demon is here, a week before it should... FUCK YOU BUTTERFLY EFFECT!

I have to keep on running! I deliberately made this demon the peek of its tier. This wall all a plot device so James could awaken his OP physique, but now I am here, running for my life...


A large slab of cement flew from behind me, which I carefully dodged.

If I remember right, this demon is a black scaled gorilla. This gorilla has the defence of a 4th tier demon because of the scales. James only managed to defeat it by releasing a huge lock that was hidden in his body, causing a large explosion of energy to destroy the demon, otherwise, he would have died.

Even if I somehow chip away at it carefully for an entire hour, there's no guarantee that I won't be slammed, mauled, scratched, beaten, eaten or murdered by this thing! FUCK! Why didn't I give this thing a fatal weakness? Is this what I get for trying to build a story?



I can't believe that after being alive for only 24 hours without being ill, that I will die like this. Since I can't win, I might as well try to die with some honour.


"Hey that guy has stopped running!"

"What the fuck is he doing?!! DOES HE WANT TO DIE?!?"

A swarm of people that were running suddenly stopped as they witness a student facing down at the rampaging demon ape.

"Wait... he's not going to face him right...?"

The lone student stood in front of the Now still ape demon.



The demon ape slowly towered over the student, crossing its arms almost as if it was disappointed.

"Puny human! You dare to insult my manhood?"



"Foul human brat! You have angered me. Any last words?"


The demon ape suddenly felt its knees become weak as it found itself on its knees, ashamed.

"Devil... not even I am this cruel as to insult one's manhood..."

"Never have I met a being that has brought me this low, with just words. There is no point in rampaging like this anymore." The ape spoke as it suddenly phased through the ground.



"..." aren't I supposed to be dead by now?

[skill acquired: crushing words lvl 6(97.1)]

I looked to the ground with my face deadpanned. This is not how this encounter works... I am supposed to be mauled to death by a rampaging ape?

Doesn't this mean that my protagonist will never unlock his special physique and will forever remain as a slightly underpowered protagonist? DID I JUST FUCK UP THE PLOT?!?!

'SHIT! I need to get out of here before people start to remember my face!'

I ran the hell out of the area, rushing through the small disaster zone, finally making my way towards the restaurant. Even though there was such a large commotion just a kilometre away, the restaurant is still so lively! There are still a ton of people eating and drinking here! How did they not notice the demon ape?

Suddenly a waiter walked up to me. "Mr, you seem to be panicked. Don't worry, a tier 3 demon beast cannot penetrate the restaurant's protective array. By any chance do you have a reservation?"

He is so damn calm...

"Yes I do, 11:45, I should be with 'Mickey'."

The waiter looked through a list which was on his tablet. "O, just this way sir. You are a tad bit early but no problems."

The waiter guided me to a medium sized table and poured me a glass of sparkling water, leaving after he gave the menu.

The interior of the restaurant was covered with beautiful paintings and sculptures, just as described in the novel. The walls were white, and the sun reflected its gentle rays across the room. It wasn't annoying for me since I just happened to have sunglasses. But as I looked at the paintings, I felt a sense of euphoria.

The paintings felt so lively, so powerful. A painting of an ocean held so much vast details and intricate strokes. Each stroke had a sense of power and knowledge stored within it. The visionary insights were in no way lacking, if I can just focus on the paintings for an hour I can probably learn I thing or two...

It almost makes me forget that I nearly died again a few minutes ago.

[comprehended tier 3 aura: Grand Tempest Of The Oceans]

To be honest, nothing feels real right now. This is stuff that I have dreamed about, written about and fantasised about. Like hell I am going to let this go to waste! I will fix the plot! I will fix the romance! I will live a good life! NO MORE HOLDING BACK!

What I am feeling is real. These people are real. My opportunities are real.

I am not just going to go about with these random goals, I am going to do what I wasn't able to last time around. Deathbed? Goodbye!

I am going to finish the story with a perfect ending. No more lucking out.


"So you are saying that a kid insulted a demon away?"

"Vice-principal Feng... it is just as you say. We have witnesses, but none have seen his face."

"Bring him to me, he is going to become my personal student. Finally someone that makes me interested!"