Michelle Fey

NO REGRETS! This is going to be new baseline for life. I am not going to be some weak willed idiot that cant do shit. From now on, I am going to have a genuinely good time. I am going to thrive, not just survive.

From now on, I am going to cover all the loose ends I can find. But first, I need to survive this double date.


O, I forgot... I downloaded my study materials onto my phone apparently. No wonder Rachel finds Simon reliable... Wait... shouldn't I know all of his habits? FUCK!

'A plot hole.' I didn't mention how Simon was particularly good in business or any of the other subjects, so this unknown has been resolved on its own... so I guess not even I know everything.

Nevertheless, I know the general ideals, moral codes, interests, traumas and flaws of all the noteworthy characters. So this shouldn't be too much of a problem...

'Ugghhh... whatever.' I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked through all of my notes. The notes were very easy to understand for me since I practically invented the economy and businesses, but there were just so many notes to look through! After another half an hour of frenzied reading, I finally memorised and comprehended everything from the notes.

"Heya, Simz!"

I looked in front of me to see a beautiful red haired girl wearing a tight leather pants and a simple but well fitted white T-shirt.

'BubbleMickeyTea... Mickey... MICHELLE?!' Are you kidding me?! Michelle is the female lead's twin sister... how the fuck does Simon know her? I did not write about them knowing each other...

I wrote that Michelle is the beautiful twin sister of the female lead. However, she is still not as talented in her visionary capabilities, causing her to gain an inferiority complex. This lack of talent landed her in C-class, where she managed to study so hard that no one doubted her as one of the top 5 in terms of grades. Simon just barely makes it into the top 20, but he is nevertheless good in exams.

The only remote place that I heard a mention of a relationship between the two, was in a fan theory that stated that Simon and Michelle are possible study buddies because of how high they score in business. But I never confirmed nor denied the theory, leaving me in this predicament.

"Heya~ Mickey..." I said as I nervously waved my hand.

"Soooo... did you get what I asked for?" Michelle rested her elbows on the table and asked.

"Yes... you will not be disappointed!" I fake laughed.

'Kill me. I feel like a slave right now.'

Am I basically selling my protagonist's body right now? Isn't this like very unethical? I really don't like the idea of being James' pimp, and I don't think it's right either.

"Heh... you seem to be nervous huh? Almost as if you are contemplating failure... well you already what's on stake, I hope you got what I asked for." Michelle giggled evilly.

"Ye-" just as I was about to finish my response, another pair of students arrived at the table.

"Hi Simon, is this person the one you told me to mingle with?" James said as soon as he got within talking range.

"Hmmph! Who's she?" Rachel pouted.

"Girly, you got all dressed up... you even got a pretty red dress and high heels. What's the special occasion?" Michelle glared at Rachel, sending chills down everyone's spines.

"I am here to complete my business assignment." Rachel responded in a hostile tone.

At this point I am not sure whether they are just like this or that they hate each other beforehand. I never really wrote anything about there being a history between the two.

Both of the newcomers eventually sat down in their respective seats and picked what they wanted from the menu.

"Heya, Simon? What do I do for the profit diagram part...? I am not sure whether a pie chart or a column graph is more effective in showing what I want to display." Rachel nervously asked.

"Use both.. actually, use both of them and a table. Make everything available for the teacher to mark. Never hurts to add more RELEVANT information." I calmly advised.

"Okay!" She smiled as she got back to work.

"So what are we ordering?" I asked.

"We can probably get the 'Pier's Catch'. That's what this place is known for, and it can fill 4 people easily." Michelle confidently spoke.

"Hmmm... I agree, this seems like a good choice." James said plainly.

Michelle turned to James Who was sitting beside her and started to strike up a conversation. "So you must be the '10' that Simz got for me... you seem good... what are your interests?"

"I study swordsmanship and art." James calmly responded.


I looked at Michelle in absolute horror. Does she think that this is a joke? This is literally the best man in the world!

"So plain, so simple, so... BORING."

"HEY! Stop being so mean to James!" Rachel shouted.

This is to be expected, Michelle is very aggressive and domineering compared to Rachel who is more kind and virtuous.

"Yes, please not at the table." I calmly spoke.

"James, are you all good?" I asked kindly.

"Yes, I am fine." James smiles at me, showing that he didn't actually mind.

Michelle is starting to piss me off now... she just called my beautifully written protagonist 'boring'. This is a direct slap in the face for an author! FUCK!

"Well seeing that you helped saved my sister, thank you James. But this will be the last time we have lunch together."


Is my protagonist THAT UNINTERESTING? YOU FUCKING BITCH! Damn... I am losing my cool, thank goodness I have absolute focus. Otherwise this would be a tougher occasion.

Soon after, we ordered a few drinks and the main dish. Nothing else really happened afterwards, I just helped Rachel with her business assignment while the other two didn't mind each other.

I just hope the stakes aren't bad...