Chapter 79: Sabo’s death

It has been 2 weeks since Luffy, Ace and Sabo started their training with Soren, every day would start out under the tree at 8 in the morning, from there they would run 5km around town with their weighted vests. After they got back from running they would get a 20 minute break only to start hand to hand combat with each other, Soren taught them some stances and forms before leaving them to practice. After they trained in fighting Soren had them climb to the top of the tree, normally it would be and easy task but with weighted vests it was much harder. Over these 2 weeks of training Luffy had wanted to quit thousands of times only to be hit over the head by Soren and told that the training will help him achieve his goal, and on the last day Soren upgraded the weights for everyone.

[Congratulations you 3, you can now perform basic weight training exercises, now it's time to add more weight]: soren

When the 3 boys heard Soren say that they were going to add more weight to the vests they broke down.

[Come one Soren-sensei, we already adapted to this weight, why add more?]: sabo

All Soren did was look at Sabo and take off his own weighted vest placing it on the ground, then he gave the 3 a challenge.

[If you 3 can lift this weighted vest I will stop your training here and teach you something better]: soren

The 3 looked at each other and thought Soren was giving them a freebie to progress in their training. Ace was the first to walk up and try picking up the vest.

[Hnnggghh!... Hey! Why can't I lift this?]: ace

Ace looked at Soren who just had a smile on his face, then was pushed to the side by Sabo who said.

[Step aside and stop playing… Hnnggghh!... What is this made of?]: sabo

Sabo had the same reaction as Ace when he realized that he couldn't even lift the corner of the vest, looking at Soren he could see that Soren was a true monster before looking a Luffy seeing if he would try.

[How about you Luffy? Will you try and pick up the vest?]: soren

Luffy just looked at Soren and could tell that he wasn't going to be able to lift the vest and said.

[No… I can't lift it… Can we move on to the next training?]: luffy

Luffy for once said something smart and Soren praised him in his mind, as he picked up his vest he spoke about his power to increase the weight of things.

[I can increase the weight of anything I want and in doing so I train my body to be stronger, I will now increase the weight of your vests]: soren

When Soren said this the 3 boys felt the vest get twice as heavy and started to waver in their stances, and after a couple minutes to adjust Soren said.

[Good, now start by taking a trip through town]: soren

The 3 boys groaned and ran off heading towards the town and Soren went back to his training.

[I should train my tail as to not have it as a weakness, when Misha accidentally grabbed it last night I realized that it could be a problem in the future for me]: soren

Soren then put away his weighted vest and released the gravity that was pressing down on him, then he started working out his tail doing push-ups and pull-ups. At first it was hard and he fell from the tree a few times but it got easier as time went on.

Almost 3 years had passed and Soren was now training Ace and Sabo in the basics of Observation Haki because it was almost time for them to set sail on their own, but something happened as when Soren was training the 2 of them Luffy was late to the training session.

[Hey, where is Luffy?]: soren

Ace and Sabo took off their blindfolds and shrugged their shoulders saying.

[He should have been here 3 hours ago]: both

Soren then closed his eyes to think only to remember that Luffy was taken hostage by a group of pirates to get information on where his hideout was. Soren then asked Ace and Sabo a quick question.

[Did you guys steal from a group of pirates and get caught?]: soren

The twos faces turned pale and sweat started to form on their foreheads, only to soon break down.

[Were sorry Soren-sensei, we saw a group of pirates in town and wanted to test our new skills. But we were caught and escaped]: ace and sabo

[Haah… You kids, what will I do with you]: soren

Soren then spread out his Observation Haki to search for Luffy, after a minute Soren found Luffy and spoke up.

[I know where he is… But as punishment you will go and rescue him, am I clear?]: soren

[Clear Sir!]: ace and sabo

They both ran off in the direction Soren pointed and started looking for signs of Luffy, and once they reached the dock where a group of pirates surrounded an 11 year old boy.

[Hey!... That's my brother, you better let him go now or else]: ace

Ace was the first to shout out and grab the attention of the group of pirates while Sabo snuck around the group of pirates to save Luffy.

[Little Brat! Where is our treasure!? Talk or else I will take his life]: pirate

Ace was stalling for time while waiting for Sabo to get in place, the pirate started to get impatient and held his cutlass closer to Luffy's throat, blood could be seen starting to form on the blade.

[Now Sabo!]: ace

Ace shouted out and the pirates were taken by his words and started looking around for who the brat before them called out too but it was to late, Sabo then dropped on top of the pirate who held Luffy in his arms making the pirate fall to the ground and letting Luffy escape.

[Run Luffy! I will catch up soon]: sabo

Sabo killed the pirate he fell on just from the weight that Sabo had on his vest, it was around 450kg, Sabo then was surrounded by the other pirates as Luffy ran towards Ace.

[You're dead brat!... Die!]: pirate

A pirate lunged at Sabo who dodged with some effort but not much as his training with Soren started letting him get ahold of Observation Haki, once Sabo saw the opening made by the pirate who tried to impale him he ran for it.

[Run guys! I'm right behind you]: sabo

Sabo started gesturing for Ace and Sabo to run as he was running away from the pirates, Ace and Luffy started to book it only ho hear something they never wished to hear.


[GUAHHH!]: sabo

Ace and Luffy turned around to see Sabo falling to the ground with blood covering his clothes.

[SABO!!]: ace and luffy

[No!... R-run, I will be okay!... Ace… Take Luffy and run *Cough*]: sabo

Sabo told Ace to take Luffy and run because he knew that Ace was more reasonable and just as he thought Ace grabbed Luffy and started to run.

[I will miss you guys *Cough* Haha, Soren-sensei… Thank you]: sabo