Chapter 80: Revenge

[Hey! This brat killed the Captain!]: pirate

A pirate who had went to check out the conditions of his captain said when he realized his captain died.

[What a brat!... Well he's dead now anyway]: pirate 2

The one who spoke was the one who stood over Sabo's body and decided he didn't want to see the brats face anymore so he tried to kick him into the ocean.

[Oww! What the fuck!]: pirate 2

[What's wrong? What happened?]: pirate

[This brat!... I tried to kick him into the water but I can't move him]: pirate 2

The other pirates gathered around Sabo and tried to pick him up.

[Holy shit!... Why is he so heavy?]: pirate 3

The group of pirates saw that Sabo was wearing something weird and tried to take it off him.

[It's these clothes… They are so heavy]: pirate 4

They all struggled to take off the clothes that Sabo wore and after 20 minutes of struggling, they finally got the vest off.

[Holy Shit! How was this brat able to wear this and still move!?]: pirate

They took the naked Sabo and kicked him into the waters and then threw the weighted vest in feeling that they couldn't use it for anything. Luckily the vest missed Sabo by just a few inches and sunk down to the bottom super fast.

[Let's go grab a drink boy's! We need to find out who will be the next captain]: pirate 2

The pirates left the docks and went into town to grab some drinks, soon there was a man in a hood who saw what had happened he grabbed Sabo before he could sink and left.

Luffy and Ace returned to Soren with tears in their eyes, when Soren saw them he thought that it happened and asked anyway.

[What happened? Where's Sabo?]: soren

[S-sabo Is.. Is… Dead!]: luffy

Luffy was covered in his own snot and tears as he told Soren what happened, as Luffy told Soren what happened Ace was sulking to the side blaming himself for not helping Sabo in his time of need. After Luffy explained what happened he spoke.

[Where are these pirates?]: soren

[They must be down by the docks still]: luffy

Soren then laid his hand over Luffy's straw hat and said.

[Luffy! Ace! Follow me, we are going to go show those pirates who they messed with]: soren

Soren then walked towards the docks through the town but was soon stopped by Ace who spoke out.

[There they are!... Look, they are drinking]: ace

Soren then looked over to the bar and recognised it, it was the place Misha worked at. Misha begged to experience the work life even though Soren said that she had no need because they had no need for money, but after some convincing, Soren helped her get a job in this bar. Inside the bar, Soren brought Ace and Luffy in to go confront the pirates.

[Hey sweet stuff, come fill my drink will ya!]: pirate 5

The patrons of the bar watched as the pirate had hit on the one waitress who was off limits, they had all seen her Husband the day he came in to get her the job. I was at this moment that everyone started to feel pity for this pirate, but didn't tell him otherwise.

[On my way]: misha

Misha had grabbed the big pitcher of beer and walked over to the group of pirates.

[Here is your beer]: misha

[Thanks sweet stuff… Hey, you should come with me to my room later, I can show you a good time hahaha]: pirate 5

[No thank you, I have a husband]: misha

The pirate was angered that he was declined and told that she has a husband, he then spoke with an angered voice.

[Hey bitch, I gave you a great offer… I can give you everything your husband can't… Money, Power, Pleas-]: pirate 5

The pirate was cut short of his sentence due to Misha slapping him across his face, he then got up and yelled.

[How dare you!... I will r*pe you bitch]: pirate 5

[Ahem!... You will what to my wife?]: soren

The pirate turned around when he heard someone speak to him and had a smile appear on his face when he heard him say wife.

[Hey, your wife hit me and I feel a bit light headed, I might need to go to the hospital… I will need medical fees… I could also take her as medical fe-]: pirate 5

The pirate couldn't finish his sentence once more when he was smacked again, this time by Soren.

[Keep your nasty thoughts to yourself before I kill you for them]: soren

The pirate was furious but the position he was slapped to made him catch sight of 2 boys, he then spoke once more.

[Hey! I can forgive you if you tell me your relations with those 2 right behind you]: pirate 5

Soren turned to look at Ace and Luffy then turned back towards the pirate and said.

[they are my disciples, and I have been told you killed my third disciple, is that true?]: soren

The pirate started to give a chuckle and then spoke.

[No… I didn't get the chance to kill that brat, but I did throw his ass in the ocean to feed the fish]: pirate 5

Soren's face gave no change in appearance while Ace and Luffy were fighting back the urge to kill this pirate, then Soren spoke.

[So who had killed him?]: soren

Then a pirate spoke up laughing his ass off.

[I did! Hahaha! I enjoyed his last words as I shot him… Why? Do you have a problem with me shooting him?]: pirate 2

Soren then looked over to the pirate who just spoke, he didn't say anything he just acted. One second the pirate was talking about his kill like it was some sort of trophy, and in the next second his head was separated from his body.

[Tim!... Hey! Who dares to harm my crew!]: pirate 5

Soren then turned back to the pirate who was trying to get Misha in bed, while he was wiping the blood from his hand with a rag he spoke to the pirate.

[I want you to know, I will kill all of you… It's not for revenge or for you trying to sleep with my wife… I'm going to do it because I want to… I haven't killed anyone in 3 years, and my hands are a bit itchy… And after I kill you I will use your body parts to feed the fish like you did Sabo]: soren

Soren sounded like a psycho when he spoke to these pirates, and after he spoke the fear was set in for the pirates as the bloodbath started.