Hangzhou auction 5

Xiao Fan was now focussing back on the auction to get more herbs. For now, he had calmed down from his confusion about his wants to have Qian Wei.

However, how he had calmed down from that had sprung out another problem, his current woman was surely offended, yet was acting if everything was okay.

He had no doubts when getting back to the hotel room another discussion about it was waiting for him.

And unlike the one they had here would that be a whole different thing, because there would be no one else listening.

He knew if he looked back, Du Lan would look calm and collected, yet there were no doubts about what she was thinking about him currently.

She was a smart woman, and so wouldn't show it here, in front of others, but she hadn't forgiven him.

The only thing going favourably for him anymore was the number of herbs they were auctioning.

He was gaining such a good harvest that with all of these herbs not becoming a Body Activation realm expert would be all his fault.

By now, he had hogged over twenty herbs, and each one of them could boost cultivation if used correctly. And this was begging the question.

How did Zou Zexi have all of these things yet was selling them away for others? Definitely, a warlord wouldn't be selling power straight away from himself.

Furthermore, it wasn't like Xiao Fan hadn't tried putting some herbs to be gathered for him in Hefei City, but there it ended up in resulting zero success.

Here, however, the same herbs seemed to be on hand if one had money to spend.

And these herbs weren't candy to be picked on the side of the street.

Yet again, that wasn't his problem to be worrying, and if one was offering, he would take what he could. They didn't even cost almost anything if compared to what he would be doing with them.

For example, the highest bid he had done so far was 2 000 gold for a herb that would have had purifying element.

Yet he didn't get even get that one since someone explained that they needed this herb for their relative, who needed this or would face death.

He had given up on it as not to see a monster that would let someone else die. And the purifying element wasn't that big of a deal at all.

Not getting it, he would only need to spend another day in bed after breaking through to Body Activation realm.

However, almost every other herb that could help a person in Body Activation realm was taken by him who knew exactly what one could do with every herb that was offered here.

He just saw these items as ingredients that when mixed, would have an explosive effect on his cultivation, there was nothing mysterious in these herbs for him.

Auction ends.

At the end of the auction, he lost a lot of money but gained things which had much greater importance for him.

Money is easy to make for him, but cultivation can't be bought at least not with money. Maybe with his life span, as he could trade that with a certain person floating around the auction house's galleries.

When the auction was ending not even thinking about looking to Qian Wei's booth from the railing again, he turned around to face Du Lan, who was somewhat of trying to forget about the thing by focussing on her sword.

Now that the auction ended, he knew that his real battle for the night had just started.

And as he turned around towards Du Lan was she acting aloof in front of him, not bothering to have any response when he walked next to her.

¨Lan'er the auction is over. We can leave now¨ As he was saying this, his tone was as much of a suggestive and apologetic as one could be.

Yet Du Lan still didn't respond anything to him; they just left the room in this unsettling mood.

When they were leaving their private booth, they didn't get a second step out outside before they noted that an adult man was waiting for them.

Qian Bai had finally come to talk about the sword with Xiao Fan. Even before the auction had stopped had he come here, waiting for him, he couldn't afford to let him leave without a talk.

¨Junior Xiao Fan I would like to have a word with you about selling some Greenheart¨ Qian Bai presented himself, telling what he wanted, but what he wanted wasn't Greenheart but the talk.

When Qian Bai had come in front of them, Du Lan, who was very much so angry towards Xiao Fan became like the lovey-dovey couple with Xiao Fan which seemed normal to Qian Bai.

But her acting like this sends chills down Xiao Fan's spine.

For Du Lan, it was that he wanted to act like a normal couple with no worries. There was no need to show to possible enemies that there was discord.

Xiao Fan, when he had noticed her chance in mood, didn't celebrate at all and acted with her.

And so replied to Qian Bai ¨Senior Qian Bai my throat is almost dried up from shouting so can we talk about this tomorrow?¨

He made an excuse to leave quickly.

¨I can come to your office to talk about selling more Greenheart¨ He made an excuse to leave quickly.

Still, he knew that he couldn't slither away from meeting him.

Although this was a proposition from someone of the status of Qian Bai, Xiao Fan's current standing with his woman didn't let him go with Qian Bai right now.

Also if he would go somewhere with Qian Bai, wouldn't his daughter be there right now?

It would be the best to continue this tomorrow, when he had soothed Du Lan down and when Qian Wei wouldn't be around.

Du Lan on his side could, for once, appreciate his foresight.

While Qian Bai frowned, did Xiao Fan just now block his offer? Did something happen on his side too, or why wouldn't he agree? Yet if he didn't want to, he couldn't force him even if he was a junior.

¨Then you will come to my office the next morning where we will talk more about it¨ And that was the end of their conversation as the man turned back to his private booth with a mixed impression.

Qian Bai had gotten him to talk with him; however, Qian Wei didn't get her sword, and furthermore, he saw the woman next to Xiao Fan carrying the sword on her hip.

It was also going to be tough for Qian Bai.

However, it seemed that his daughter wasn't so caring about the sword anymore.

Because when he came back into the booth, Qian Wei was still out of this world, and in his time away, her fingers hadn't stopped even for a moment from fiddling her hair.

¨Wei I got Xiao Fan to talk with me tomorrow. When he comes I will use any method to gain the sword for you¨ He spoke to her still leaning on the sofa.

Yet that name might not have been the best one to say to her, as when Qian Wei heard the words, she pulled her hair with enough force that some of her hair fell off with the tug.

¨Father don't talk about him!¨ She raised her voice enough that it could have been heard by Xiao Fan and Du Lan in the position they had been moments ago.

Luckily for everyone, they had moved on.

Qian Bai was shocked a bit, but at least he now knew about who the man she was thinking about this time was, it was no other than Xiao Fan.

Understanding this, he didn't say more, but confirmed inside his head why her daughter was acting this way, but then again, why had she a spark with him?

Didn't she only idolise all those big names in proper places who were miles stronger than her? Why would she have any interest in someone so much weaker than her?

Despited his pondering, Qian Bai would not get any answers today, and so they also left the auction house in a dreary mood.

Meanwhile, Xiao Fan and Du Lan walking through the night came into their rented hotel room without speaking a word to the other.

When Xiao Fan was shutting the door behind her, he took a long breather and prepared for the worst.

This would be the moment where he would hear another lecture from her, he reasoned.

Indeed the worst came immediately after the door had made a click sound, noting its closing.

Du Lan turned around and started her scolding that she felt very suitable.

When the first sentence came out the defence, Xiao Fan had thought of became crumbled entirely in front of her, who didn't want to reason.

Starting the speech, she also took steps towards Xiao Fan on the door who was going to be hearing a long discourse about his wrongdoings.

With a finger pointing at him, she started unloading how bad of a man he was for thinking such things while being with her.

From there on out Xiao Fan was taking a step back for every step she took forward.

He tried to calm her down with words, but as mentioned before, his defence that had crumbled had no effect.

He could only retreat and apologise.

At some point, everything about it being a mistake was lost; she seemed just to be venting her frustration on him.

Still, she did have a good reason to be shouting.

In reality, however, Du Lan's reason for being so overboard with him was that currently, she had the best opportunity to push him down a little to her level.

Du Lan very much knew what came with power.

And since she had securely strapped herself onto his branch, it would be in her best interest to climb that branch and claim the whole tree.

Then put herself in a position to dictate any terms she wanted. And the first dictation of her would, of course, be, no other women.

Having a goal in mind, she would use this golden opportunity to the best of her capabilities.

Make Xiao Fan regret his wrongdoing and imprint the notion that doing something that he had done was absolutely forbidden.

Finally a long hour later, Du Lan finally ¨calmed¨ down enough to stop screaming and shouting at him, of course, that didn't mean she forgave him totally as that would mean her losing all the pressure she got on him.

Now keeping this pressure included Xiao Fan sleeping on a different bed.

However, this was somewhat good also for Xiao Fan, who after getting this lecture could repeatedly squish the thought of Qian Wei even smaller than before.

He also reflected when he thought how different it was after sleeping with Du Lan a month and now again sleeping alone.

Why should he get more women if that would endanger the woman he already held dear?

Also, he didn't know anything about Qian Wei other than how she looked, and so she could be something which he wouldn't like.

He concluded that holding onto Du Lan came before taking any other women even if there would be another as good as her to him, before starting to sleep.

Next morning waking up, he immediately noticed how she wasn't there pressing his chest like she used to, and this made him feel empty, a thought that wasn't his alone.

However, the next moment he sprang out the room, towards the outside without alarming the sleeping Du Lan.

Du Lan, on the other hand, had tried to find solace in the blanket that had been rolled in a way resembling Xiao Fan.

She had rolled the blanket in a way resembling a person and had tugged her head deep into that blanket like she used to do with him.

Although she planned to shove him down, she hadn't thought about how she could sleep, and so had a tough time getting any sleep without him being her shelter.

Watching her sleep, Xiao Fan knew she wouldn't be waking up any time soon as she liked to take long sleeps.

Before she would wake up, he needed to go and do some things around town to fix everything and be done with them before she wakes up.