
Saturday rolled around, and by then Hermione had lost even more faith in their new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. They were learning nothing. On Thursday, he spent the entire hour talking about himself. Not the course, like some other professors, but himself.

Arithmancy was going well, other than the fact that she could almost feel Rebecca Gamp's eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. Sally-Anne had pointed out that Hermione knocked Rebecca out of the top spot in the class, and Rose had cryptically informed them that smart people could become touchy when threatened.

"Were you the one being threatened by someone smarter than you, or were you threatening someone smarter than you?" asked Ron at breakfast.

"Yes," replied Rose.

"Don't want to talk about it?" Sally-Anne asked.

"Not really," Rose replied.

"There are things she doesn't talk about?" Ginny asked. "I thought she just kept talking all day."

"Dragons are also on that list," Ron said, receiving a death glare from Rose. Quickly changing the subject before he ended up encased in amber again, he said, "It's Saturday, so what are we going to do today?"

"I've got Quidditch practice in a few minutes," Harry said.

"Already?" Hermione asked. "Doesn't Wood work you a little hard?"

"I guess, but it's still a lot of fun."

"Why don't we all go keep Harry company at practice?" suggested Sally-Anne. "Ginny, would you like to join us?"

"No thanks," Ginny whispered, nearly silenced by Harry's eyes on her.

"Are you sure?" Sally-Anne asked, trying to move so she could see the red-head's face.

Ginny nodded, her face turning red.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Alright, then," Sally-Anne said. Quickly, she added, "I'm sorry, Harry, I forgot to ask if it was alright. Come to think of it, I didn't ask anyone if it was alright."

"I don't mind going," Hermione said. "I'm not sure I'll pay much attention, but it'd be nice to get some fresh air."

"I didn't have any other plans today," Rose said. "Although, I do want to go visit the House-elves sometime soon."

Ron wasn't sure he wanted to go. He really wanted to join the team, but there were no open positions, not to mention he wasn't sure he was good enough even if there were. What Ron really wanted to do was practice, but he was only now allowed to have a broom on school grounds. Unfortunately, there hadn't been any room in his trunk for a broom, and he didn't even own the one at home. Technically, they were the family's brooms. Why couldn't he have anything he wanted?

Rose gasped, grinned, then began to scribble in her notebook, indicating that she had just had an idea.

"What's she doing?" Ginny asked, averting her eyes the second Harry turned towards her.

"She takes notes on everything," Sally-Anne said. "It's actually not a bad idea, especially for someone with ADHD like Rose."

"Someone with what?" Ron asked.

"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder," Hermione said. "A mental disorder characterized by a short attention span, constant hyperactivity, and impulsiveness."

"So, Rose?" Ron asked, grinning.

"Rose doesn't just have ADHD," Hermione said. "She's the poster child for ADHD."

"Are you lot talking about me?" Rose asked, looking up from her notebook.

"Absolutely not, Rose," Hermione said. "Never."

"Alright, just making sure," Rose said, closing her notebook.

"Or as my parents say," Hermione added, "attention deficit– Oooh! Shiny!"

Ron and Sally-Anne laughed, and even Harry smiled a little.

Sally-Anne was starting to worry about him. He wasn't talking much and he always seemed distracted, leading her to believe something was bothering him, but he wouldn't say what.

She decided to ask Rose about it. If Rose didn't know, then Sally-Anne was sure that she could find out.

After breakfast, the five of them headed off to the Quidditch Pitch to watch the team practice, and for a while, that's what they did.

Not five minutes after the team got into the air, a problem arrived in the form of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

"Oh no," Hermione said when she saw the other students walking onto the Pitch.

"Hey, it's Drakey!" Rose exclaimed, hopping down from the stands.

Hermione didn't understand why Rose just jumped off the stands, but she figured it out when the crimson-haired girl floated down and landed on her feet, unharmed.

The Gryffindors amassed at the entrance, and Rose received a glare from Malfoy as she approached.

"Do you not like 'Drakey'?" she asked. "What about 'Blondie'?"

"What's the Freak doing here?!" he shouted.

"Not Blondie, then," Rose said, furling her brow in concentration. "How about 'Greasy Hair'?"

"Stop it," Malfoy said through gritted teeth.


That one got a series of snickers from the Gryffindors, all of whom had landed to find out why the Slytherins were there.

"My name is Draco Malfoy!" Malfoy shouted, his face flushed.


More snickers from the Gryffindors.



The Twins burst out laughing.

"Drakalistic Malcadocious. Final offer."

"Ignoring the Freak," Malfoy shouted, "we have the Pitch!"

"Says who?" Wood asked.

"Says this," Marcus Flint sneered.

He held up a piece of parchment, which Wood took out of his hands.

"A signed notice from Professor Snape," Wood said, "granting the Slytherin Quidditch team use of the Pitch to train their new Seeker." He lowered the parchment. "New Seeker?"

"Obviously that's why Drakalistic's here," Rose said. "He's the new Seeker! Although, why he's the new Seeker, I don't know."

"Looks like he just bought his way onto the team," Ron said. "What are those, Nimbus Two-thousand Ones?"

"A full set, it looks like," Rose said. "Way to go the extra mile, Drakalicious!"

"Rose, stop it," Hermione hissed.

"Why don't you lot just run along?" Malfoy sneered, ignoring Rose. "It's time for the big kids to play."

"The big kids were just playing, Malfoy," Ron said, grinning.

"Big talk from someone who couldn't make the team," Malfoy shot back.

That touched a nerve. Ron lunged for Malfoy, but his brothers caught him before he could do any damage.

Unfortunately for the young Gryffindor, the sole result of his mistake was the Slytherin team laughing at him.

"I didn't realize that the standards for the Slytherin team were so low," Rose said. "I mean, no offence to the rest of you, but objectively speaking, Butterhead isn't the best choice for a Seeker. You've got far more students that have better skill in the air, as well as faster reflexes than him."

"This coming from a girl in a stupid red dress," Malfoy sneered.

"My dress is black, since you failed your Perception Check, but way to recycle Goldilocks's comebacks. So not only do you look like your father, you talk like him too." Rose looked around, then whispered, "I hate to say this, Butterhead, but I don't think he was on the Quidditch team. If you're trying to be just like him, you're doing an awful job of it." Rose tilted her head to the side. "Although, I guess that was obvious from your hair. Do you just dump a bucket of grease on it every morning? I feel like I'd need to wash my gloves after touching it."

"Your hair's crimson!" Malfoy shouted, receiving no support from the rest of his team.

Unlike Malfoy, they had no vendetta against the crimson-haired girl, and they had all heard rumors about her… unique abilities. Exaggerated by Gryffindors, of course, but there had to be some truth to them.

"That's to hide the blood," Rose said, smiling in a way that gave a few of the onlookers shivers.

Draco was getting frustrated. After the encounter with the girl over the summer, his father had taught him a few techniques to stay calm in any situation. His father had assured Draco that it would help him prepare for the next time he met the Freak, but all the calming draught in the world wasn't going to change the fact that this girl showed him neither respect nor fear. He couldn't figure out how to beat her. He didn't want to just shrug off her onslaught of annoyance, he wanted to see the girl in tears! Draco wanted to get under her skin and make her lash out at him. He wanted to see her squirm!

"You can't win, Drakykins," Rose said, interrupting the blond boy's train of thought. "Signed note or not, we were here first. If you've got a problem, feel free to take it up with Professor McGonagall. You can have the Pitch after they're through with it."

"We have the Pitch now!" shouted Flint. "No matter what you say!"

"The only way I see people moving is if you make them," Rose said, "and I hate to tell you, that's not going to happen."

Malfoy pulled his wand on Rose. Fred, George, and Ron all pulled out their wands, but Rose didn't even flinch.

"Well, I win round one," she said. "Boys, put down your wands, you'll only get in trouble."

"What were you saying before about reflexes, Freak?" Malfoy spat.

"Malfoy, don't!" Hermione said.

Why was Rose antagonizing him like that? Did she want this to turn into a fight?

"Shut up, Mudblood!"

"Now, that was awful rude," Rose said, still not moving an inch. "I think you owe the nice young lady an apology, Draco."

"How's this for an apology?" he sneered, raising his wand.

Rose smirked, and a flash of light lit up the Pitch.

The moment the Slytherins entered the Pitch, Rose knew a fight was going to break out, because that was Butterhead's solution to all his problems. In preparation, Rose had hidden a fast torch, an alchemical item that took a swift action to light, in her sleeve. Combined with the spell pyrotechnics from her new ring of fire command, she could create fireworks from the open flame of the torch.

One swift action to light the torch and one standard action to activate her ring equaled over a dozen confused students and one excited Rose.

"What was that?" Malfoy shouted, still rubbing his eyes with both hands to clear the spots.

He stopped when he realized what he was doing.

"WHERE IS MY BROOM?!" he demanded.

The Slytherin Team all looked around, each realizing in turn that none of them had their brooms.

The Gryffindors thought it was amusing until they too realized that someone had taken their brooms.

"Rose, what did you do?" demanded Harry, who was quite attached to his broom, and more than a little panicked about its sudden disappearance.

"Anyone who wants their brooms back," Rose announced, "should turn around and start walking until you run into something. That something should be your broom. If it isn't, then keep walking."

Rose reached her left hand towards the sky, flexing her fingers as she did so.

"You–" Malfoy began, but was cut off by Rose shooting fire out of her outstretched hand.

"Broomsticks are nice and dry, Butterhead," she said. "They burn really easily, and I can get to them faster than you can. Do you really think that Goldilocks will replace those?"

One by one, each of the Slytherin students turned around and left the Pitch. The last one to leave was Malfoy, who gave Rose a look of pure hatred before leaving.

"How'd you do that?" one of the chasers whose name Rose couldn't remember asked after everyone had left.

"She's just going to say–" Hermione began.

"Maaaaagic!" Rose replied, waving her fingers.

As they had done last Christmas, the Twins waved their arms in an arc behind her.

"Seriously, where are our brooms?" Wood asked.

"What did I tell you?" Rose replied. "Turn around, and start walking."

Considering no one had taken their eyes off the Slytherins, they hadn't noticed their brooms sticking out of the ground behind them. Apparently, someone had shoved them all in the ground while the team had been blinded.

After everyone had their brooms back, the team continued practicing until lunch time, at which point the exhausted team and their not exhausted captain changed out of their uniforms and went to lunch.

"I've got to get going," Sally-Anne said as they finished lunch. "Professor Babbling asked to meet with me this afternoon."

"Alright," Rose said. "We'll walk with you. Right, everyone?"

"Sure," Hermione said. "Why not?"

On their way to Professor Babbling's office, they discovered something odd, even for Hogwarts.

"Whose shoes are those?" Rose asked her friends.

The other four followed Rose's gaze to the ceiling. A pair of shoes dangled from the rafters, held up by laces that were tied together.

"How would we know?" Ron asked. "Why not just ask your imaginary friend?"

"Ronald, that was rude," Hermione scolded.

"I'll find out," Rose replied.

The shoes floated up off the rafters, then gently glided down into Rose's waiting hands.

Rose looked the shoes over, then held them up to Harry.

"Look familiar?"

"No, I don't think so," Harry replied.

The other three shook their heads.

"Why just Harry?" asked Sally-Anne.

"He's got the best Perception Check," Rose replied. "They're Luna's."

"The Ravenclaw girl?" Ron asked.

"No, Cohort," Rose said, "the other Luna. I don't think a single person in this entire school shares a name with another person."

"Don't call me Cohort!"

"There's no need to shout," Sally-Anne said. "I need to get to Professor Babbling's office, and we're almost there. Rose, can you find Luna?"

"Easily," Rose replied.

"Good. And you know it bothers Ron when you call him 'Cohort'."

"I know, that's why I did it."

Sally-Anne glared at Rose in a way that reminded her a little of Carolina.

"Rose, be nice. He's your friend."

"Alright," Rose said. In the tone of a child being forced to say something, she added, "Sorry, Ronald."

"It's fine," he said in the same tone of voice as Rose.

"I'll see you all later," Sally-Anne said, a little worried that her friends were going to kill each other without her.

Sally-Anne walked to Professor Babbling's office alone. Her hand shook as she knocked on the open door.

Professor Babbling sat at her desk, which was in full view of the door. She glowered at papers as she marked up each one with a red quill.

"Professor?" Sally-Anne asked. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I did," Professor Babbling replied. "Please, have a seat."

Sally-Anne looked around the room as she walked inside. There were pictures of designs and charts with runes on them all over the room.

"Professor Vector said you had taken an interest in wards," Professor Babbling said. "Is this correct?"

"I guess," Sally-Anne replied. "I just wanna keep people safe, like Rose."

"Like… Rose Peta-Lorrum?"

"Yeah. I know she comes off as strange, but it's better with her around. She sticks up for us, and when you told us about wards during the seminar last year, I thought it would be neat to learn some defencive spells. So Rose and Hermione helped me research wards in the library. That's how I found your paper on dimensional prisons."

"Yes, and you were able to apply the theory well enough that you helped your friends break out of one."

"Not really, most of that was Rose and Hermione," Sally-Anne replied. "Everyone was amazing! Ron just pulled random information out of his head, Harry spotted those runes in seconds, and then Hermione did… Arithmancy… stuff that I can't begin to understand. And Rose looked like she was having the time of her life!"

"Yes, she does seem strange," Professor Babbling said thoughtfully. "If it's defencive spells that you're interested in, I think I may have an idea."

The Ancient Runes Professor unfolded her hands and turned over her left hand, revealing an intricate design of interlocking circles tattooed to her palm. There were four circles inside a big circle, although each one had divots and dots placed at random.

"This is a Shield Rune," Professor Babbling explained to the bewildered second-year. "This is one of the most versatile runes, due its multiple components. Each of those four circles is another component, which all join together to form the rune."

She flexed her hand, splaying her fingers to fully reveal the rune. A shimmering, almost translucent disc appeared above her open palm.

"Wow," Sally-Anne breathed. "How'd you do that?"

"Runes don't need a wand to activate them," explained Professor Babbling, "and with enough practice, it's possible to do any magic without an incantation."

She closed her hand, causing the disc to vanish from sight.

"That's the most basic effect of the rune." She indicated one of the circles. "That's the only component necessary to create that shield. It stops spells and objects alike, depending on how much energy is put into it. Additionally, it can absorb the energy from blocked spells to power it."

"Wow," Sally-Anne said again. "Would you please teach me how to do that?"

"That's why I'm showing this to you," Professor Babbling replied, smiling.

"Why me?" Sally-Anne asked.

"It takes a lot of work to master the shield rune," Professor Babbling said. "But once you do, it is the best in defencive magic. I believe you have what it takes, Sally-Anne."

"But I don't!" Sally-Anne replied. "I didn't do anything other than read that paper on the dimensional prison. I had to keep asking Rose and Hermione to tell me what many of the words meant, and–"

"Did you ask them at any point to explain it to you?"

"No, but–"

"So you worked out the concept for yourself?"

"I guess."

"Sally-Anne, that's a very complicated topic, and there were no depictions of what it actually looks like anywhere in that paper. It took Professor Vector and I years to get it to a working state, and that paper was intended for advanced seventh-years and professors. As a first-year, you were able to conceptualize it well enough to identify it and explain how to dismantle it to other first-years, and all you required were a few definitions of terms."

Sally-Anne blushed.

"But it made so much sense after Hermione explained some Arithmancy to me. It just sort of… clicked, I guess."

"Then that means that Ms. Granger is a good teacher," Bathsheda said. "You are a good student, and it would be my pleasure to teach you."

"Thank you, Ma'am," Sally-Anne said. "If that's a tattoo, I'll need to ask my folks first."


"They don't like the idea of me having a tattoo."

"Is there a problem?"

"Well, Mum says it hurts a little to get one, and my hand would be sore for a few days, and Dad doesn't like the idea of me 'permanently defacing my beautiful skin'."

"My apologies, I should've realized that Muggles have different ways of drawing tattoos. With magic, it's completely painless and easily removed. Not to mention, the base component only takes five minutes to draw."

"Oh," Sally-Anne replied. She was still sure that she should ask her parents, but she really wanted to try that spell. Her mind was reeling with the possibilities. "Can you do it now?"

"Of course," Professor Babbling said, producing her wand. "I'll just need you to hold your hand still."

Sally-Anne placed her right hand on the desk.

"Other hand, Sally-Anne," Bathsheda said. "You're right-handed, correct?"


"Then you'll want to use your right hand for your wand, and your left hand for the rune."

"Oh. I hadn't thought of that," the second-year said, placing her left hand on the desk.

"It's alright," Bathsheda said. "I did the same thing myself when I first got the runes."

Professor Babbling began to run her wand along the girl's left palm. After a minute, black lines began to appear on her hand.

"Didn't you say runes are strongest when engraved in stone?" asked Sally-Anne.

"That's true for most runes," Professor Babbling replied. "This rune was designed specifically to be tattooed on human flesh. That's why it looks different to those that you saw in the prison. Those also needed to be able to be inverted, whereas these don't. In fact, it's more beneficial to the user if these runes can't be countered."

Sally-Anne wasn't sure that she was interested in runes nearly as much as Hermione was interested in Arithmancy, but she was sure of one thing: She was interested in these runes.

Meanwhile, Sally-Anne's friends had found Luna. The poor Ravenclaw was getting harassed by a group of Ravenclaw students.

"What's the matter, Loony?" one of them jeered. "Can't find your shoes?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure I will," Luna said calmly. "I'm sure it was just Nargles again."

This got several snickers out of her housemates.

"I don't understand," Luna said. "Why are you laughing? Haven't you heard of Nargles?"

"Did you read about those in the Quibbler?" sneered one of her housemates.

"Daddy just published an article about them," Luna said. "I'd show you, but I can't find my copy."

"Well, maybe the Nargles took it," mocked another one.

Hermione had the worst feeling watching them. The other students were slowly backing Luna into a wall. There were four of them, so they were easily able to cover all the girl's escape routes. Why did everything have to turn out so badly here? Maybe it was the lack of supervision. Hermione wondered if granting the portraits the ability to deduct house points would fix that.

"May I please leave?" asked Luna, apparently oblivious to the intentions of her classmates. "I would like to return to my search for my shoes. My feet are starting to get cold."

"But we're having such a nice chat," one of the Ravenclaws said.

"It doesn't look like it," Hermione blurted out, drawing attention to their group.

The Ravenclaws turned to see the group of Gryffindors in the hallway.

"What do you four want?" asked one of the Ravenclaws.

Unlike the Slytherins, Ravenclaws were too advanced to believe in the mindless rumors about Rose Peta-Lorrum. There was no way a first-year could do any of the things people claimed she did.

"I was wondering why you were backing my friend against the wall," Rose said, moving to the front of the group to give herself a clear line of sight to the unnamed Ravenclaw mooks.

Hermione began to step away from Rose, hoping to avoid getting hit by a misfired spell.

Harry and Ron followed suit. This wasn't their fight.

"Friend?!" one of them scoffed. "Who'd be friends with Loony?!"

"I would," Rose said, noticing that her friends were stepping back to give her more room to work. "I think the better question is, who wouldn't be friends with her? Her hair's like a beam of sunlight, and her voice sounds like a summer breeze. Not to mention, she's the only person on this plane that make sense." She turned to Hermione. "No offence, Hermione."

Hermione smiled and took a step back, hoping Rose wouldn't involve her further in the conflict.

"What, are you in love?" jeered one of the students.

"Yeah right," another one added. "The only woman who'd love Loony is her mum!"

Rose and Luna both flinched at the mention of Luna's mum as the Ravenclaws laughed.

Rose looked at the familiar scene, and for a moment she was back at Arcrel, backed into a corner by He'la Kal'ah and his goons. She should've been safe at Arcrel, just as Luna should've been safe at Hogwarts.

They were supposed to be safe.

Arcrel, Faera

Exact Time Unknown

"Ali! Ali!"

Rose didn't know what to do. She couldn't do anything other than cry for help. It was happening again. He'la Kal'ah had cornered her after Alice had left her alone for a minute.

Rose was supposed to be safe at Arcrel, but she wasn't. People like Kal'ah kept making her life miserable. Would she ever be safe? Would Kal'ah just keep finding her, no matter what happened? How did he always know where she was? Did he keep following her after class?

A lot of questions fluttered around Rose's brains like butterflies, but there was one that was more important than the rest: Where was Alice?


"No one's coming for you, Singya," Kal'ah sneered. "That arrogant brat Thra'la's gone, and so is that other piece of filth with the pink hair."

"Ali isn't a piece of filth," Rose murmured, "and don't talk that way about my brother."

"You're not the boss of me!" spat Kal'ah. "Don't you dare order me around, Singya!"

He and the three members of his fan club had her backed up against a wall. There was nowhere to run.

He raised his fist, ready to punch her.

It was happening again, just like before. Kal'ah was going to beat her again. Would he kill her this time? Rose squeezed her eyes shut, begging for it all to be over. Why did this keep happening?

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Rose opened her eyes when she heard Alice's voice.

The older girl had grabbed Kal'ah's arm and twisted it behind his back.

Kal'ah's face contorted as Alice pulled his arm back further.

"Don't you know that I'm the Grand Queen of Arcrel?" asked Alice, "and picking on other students is punishable by slow, painful torture?"

"Don't you dare–" Kal'ah began as he attempted to jab Alice with his elbow.

Before Kal'ah could finish his sentence, Alice spun around, dragging Kal'ah with her. She hurled him into one of his flunkies, dropping them both. The other two went for her, but she grabbed both of their arms and slammed them into one another.

As his crew fell to the ground, Kal'ah tried to climb to his feet, but was stopped by Alice planting her boot on his chest.

"Listen closely, Kal'ah," Alice said. "The Elves have tried to arrest me 12 times, and on each one, I successfully resisted arrest. That means you can't have me arrested. So if you even think about coming after Rose again, remember that I'm not going anywhere. I will stop you each time you come after her. And before you think you can have me removed, remember that you have to go through Professor Ozerl first, and he'll listen to me over you every time."

Alice lifted her boot, and Kal'ah made a run for it, his fan club at his heels.

"Remember, Rose Peta-Lorrum is under my protection," she said, emphasizing each word as she said it, "and anyone who crosses her crosses me."

"I'll get you for this!" Kal'ah shouted.

"No, you won't!" Alice called back.

She turned to Rose, who was curled up in a ball on the ground.

"It's alright, Rosie," Alice said, helping the other Human girl up off the ground. "Arcrel's your home, and I'm going to make sure that you're safe in it. Now come on. How about I make us both a nice cup of hot cocoa? That always cheers me up when I've had a rotten day."

Rose smiled and hugged her savior.

"Thanks, Wonder Girl."

Alice laughed, hugging the crimson-haired girl.

"I'm not a superhero, Rose."

"You're my superhero, Ali. You're the best big sister ever."

Alice smiled.

"You know, I've always wanted a little sister."

Hermione stared in shock. Not only had the girl's housemates probably stolen her shoes of all things, they were teasing her about her mum being dead!

The unnamed Ravenclaw NPCs floated up to the ceiling, and Rose advanced on her prey.

"Silly Ravenclaws," Rose said. "Don't you know that mocking a student about dead parents is punishable by slow, painful torture?"

"Let us down!"

"No," Rose replied. "It's a shame that I can't persist reverse gravity." Her face lit up. "Oh! I know! I can encase you in rock until you suffocate!"

"Is she serious?" one of them asked.

"Of course," Rose replied. "Although, I could also turn you to stone for the rest of your lives. I wonder if I can plane shift you to the Elemental Plane of Fire. Or open a gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire. You know what? I think I'll just set you on fire."

Rose raised her wand.

"Rose!" Hermione shouted.

"Bit busy, Hermione," Rose replied.

She aimed her wand just above one of the students' heads, and a green ray lanced out of it. The ray struck the ceiling beside the student and it turned to dust.

The four students stared at her in horror as they realized that the rumors about the girl were true.

"Apologize to Luna."

"We're sorry, Loon– Luna!"

"Promise not to take her belongings!"

"We promise!"

"Tell her you love her!"


Rose fired another green beam at the Ravenclaws, taking out another chunk of the ceiling.

"We love you, Luna!"

Rose snapped her fingers, and the Ravenclaws fell to the ground.

"Spread the word: Luna Lovegood is under my protection," Rose said, emphasizing each word, just as her sister had done when fending off Kal'ah, "and anyone who crosses her crosses me."

The Ravenclaws slowly climbed to their feet, staring at Rose.

"Well?!" Rose shouted. "You can't spread the word from here! Go! RUN!"

Rose's voice echoed through the halls as Luna's attackers ran off, desperate to get away from Rose.

Rose grinned as she watched the terrified Ravenclaws flee from her, then turned to Luna.

"When I was a little girl, my parents died. One of the students at my old school told me that I should've died with them. He got away with nearly killing me. I'm not gonna let that happen to you, Luna. I'm gonna keep you safe, just like my big sister did for me."

Luna smiled. "Thank you, Rose. That's very kind of you."