Talking Crazy

Rose replied. This had happened once before last year when Rose was having nightmares after her encounter with the dragon. Fortunately, this meant that she knew exactly what to do.

came her friend's reply,

Rose paused for a moment. Shadow was too clever! Worse, Rose loved it when Shadow was clever! It was so exciting watching Shadow work her way through a problem. The way her mask would completely conceal her face, betraying no emotion…

Shadow pathed.

This time, there was a pause from Shadow, and the next thing Rose "heard" was Alice's "voice".

Alice asked.

protested Rose.

Alice replied.

Shadow pathed.

exclaimed Alice.

Rose exclaimed.

Sk'lar pathed.

Rose smiled. Alice was right in that normally Shadow didn't think about anyone else, or at least not helpfully. Normally it was just "How can that person kill me, and how can I subdue them?", but when it came to Rose, Shadow made the effort to think "How can I help her?". In this case, that question yielded the answer "Get her brother."

Rose replied.

Alice pathed.

Rose replied.

asked Shadow.

Rose pathed, shrugging despite none of the other members of the conversation could see her.

asked Sk'lar.

Rose replied, tilting her head to one side.

Sk'lar replied.

shouted Alice.

Shadow replied, ignoring Alice.

Rose explained.

concluded Alice.

asked Shadow.

Rose thought back to earlier that day when the voices began screaming at her. She remembered the voices that had been whispering her name the past month, then strained herself to call up the memories of the voices shouting at her last year.

Last year, it sounded varied, like a whole crowd of people had been shouting at her, but this year it was different. It took Rose a moment, but she worked out the difference.

Rose pathed finally.

Alice pathed.

added Shadow.

Rose exclaimed.

Alice snickered while Shadow replied,

pathed Sk'lar.

Rose replied.

Rose agreed,

Alice pathed, a little disappointed that her favorite tactic wasn't working out for her little sister.

replied Rose cheerfully.

Sk'lar pathed.

asked Rose.

Shadow replied.

Rose pathed.

Sk'lar pathed.

Alice pathed.

Rose exclaimed.

Rose and Alice both knew that Rose would never actually harm her older sister, especially when referring to her as "Ali".

Sk'lar pathed, mostly ignoring his sisters.

Rose wasn't sure what her brother was planning, but it was her brother, so she knew she could trust that this was an actual idea and not an excuse to talk to Carolina. He shouldn't need excuses to talk to her, they were dating. Rose also knew that relationships were new to Sk'lar, as hugs had been when she first met him, so it wouldn't surprise her if he didn't understand that he could talk to her simply because he missed her.

Carolina pathed after a moment.

Rose pathed.

Carolina replied.

asked Sk'lar.

Rose replied.

asked Sk'lar.

Rose replied, slowly working out her brother's plan.

Alice and Carolina laughed. Carolina because she knew the feeling all too well, and Alice because she enjoyed inspiring the feeling in others.

Sk'lar pathed.

Alice pathed as she realized the plan.

Carolina pathed.

Shadow pathed.

Throughout their adventures, Carolina had experienced some… issues with the behavior of her teammates. They all knew she meant well, but Bowie and Shadow had learned how to word their intentions in a way that would sit well with Carolina's conscience.

Carolina pathed.

Carolina possessed a unique talent for sensing when other people were lying. She could see straight through her teammates' respective facades and had drilled down into the real them within a few days of knowing them. Shadow had taken her longer, as the Halfling had actively tried to hide her true nature, but Carolina figured her out eventually.

Carolina was simply good with people. She cared about people and honestly wanted to help them. She took Vow of Poverty because she believed that the best use of money was spending it on other people (something that Rose sort of understood). Carolina hadn't just been awarded the title of Saint for sacrificing her life to save an entire city, and possibly all of De'rok, but for being a nearly selfless person.

pathed Rose.

Shadow replied.

Carolina added.

Rose replied. Rose grinned.

Carolina replied, genuinely happy that Rose was excited.

replied Rose.

Carolina replied, enjoying feeling like one of the smart people.

Rose pathed.

Sk'lar pathed.

replied Rose.

Carolina pathed.

Rose pathed.

Carolina exclaimed.

Rose pathed.

Carolina pathed.

exclaimed Rose.

pathed Carolina.

Rose asked.

Carolina replied.

Rose was happy that they were helping her. It felt like old times again. She missed working through a problem with her friends.

asked Shadow.

replied Rose.

asked Sk'lar.

Carolina pathed.

Rose pathed.

Carolina pathed.

pathed Sk'lar.

Carolina replied.

exclaimed Rose.

replied Carolina.

asked Alice.

pathed Carolina.

pathed Sk'lar.

exclaimed Alice.

exclaimed Rose.

Shadow replied.

Rose smiled and laid back in her temporary bed.

That evening, upon Poppy's request, Albus gathered Minerva, Severus, Septima, Bathsheda, Filius, Pomona, and Poppy together in his office for their annual attempt to expel Rose.

Poppy gave a brief summary of her experience, then turned to Albus.

"Albus, she can't be allowed to stay here," Poppy said. "This is the third time she's heard voices, and she said she's heard them for weeks."

If it had been anyone else, they probably would've sighed, but Albus was adept at keeping his face neutral. He had seen this coming, but was hoping for a little more preparation time.

"St. Mungo's is more than prepared to handle students like her. Were it anyone else, she'd be gone in a second!"

"I'm not sure anyone's prepared to handle students like her," muttered Minerva.

"But she isn't anyone else," Severus said. "She's the Headmaster's new favorite student."

"Severus," Minerva said, glaring at him. "She saved your life."

"Doubtful," muttered Severus.

"Yes, I'm sure Quirrell would've just left you there to starve," Minerva said sardonically. "I'm sure he wasn't planning on killing you."

"Would you two please stop bickering for five seconds?" Septima snapped, having already lost her patience for the pair of teachers. "The girl had another hallucination! How do we know that this will ever stop? What if she gets worse?"

"She did resolve a potential free-for-all between fourteen students without violence last month," Bathsheda reminded them. "Her friends all speak highly of her."

Septima turned to Bathsheda, irritated that the Ancient Runes Professor was standing up for the lunatic.

"How would you know?" she snapped.

"Let's not get off topic," Albus said, knowing full well that Bathsheda was "secretly" tutoring Sally-Anne Perks, going so far as to imprint a shield rune onto the girl's hand.

"Bathsheda is correct," Albus continued. "Ms. Peta-Lorrum does stand up for the other students. If you are truly concerned about their well-being, then I believe keeping her here would be the correct approach."

Carolina's analysis of the professors wasn't that far off, and Albus had come to the same conclusions years ago. He had hired most of them because they were exceptional in their respective fields, and they were all concerned for their students. Like Rose and her friends, Albus intended to use this to his advantage.

"But what if she doesn't stay like that?" asked Septima. Personally, she had little problem with the crimson-haired girl, but if the odd child were to become a threat, then Hermione would be the student in the most danger.

"Any student could start attacking the others," Pomona countered. "As I stated last year, Draco Malfoy does attack the other students."

"I've also received information claiming that Xenophilius Lovegood's daughter was being harassed by some of my students," Filius added. "Of course, I made sure that they stopped, but I think Ms. Peta-Lorrum actually stepped in first."

"Yes, I believe we've all noticed the section of the Ravenclaw table allocated to those two," Septima said.

"What happens to the students if she leaves?" Bathsheda asked. "What happens to Perks, and Granger, and Lovegood? Those three girls seem to depend on Peta-Lorrum for protection. Protection that we should be providing in some capacity."

"We can't be everywhere at once!" exclaimed Filius.

"They'll need to learn to fend for themselves eventually," Severus said. "They might as well learn now."

"I would like to remind you that we are all supposed to be offering these students a safe environment in which to learn and grow," Albus said calmly. "We should not be fulfilling our own personal vendettas." He glanced at Severus as he said this, then turned to Septima. "We should not be focusing on a single student. We should be worrying about all of the students, and the question now stands: Does Rose Peta-Lorrum help or harm this endeavor?"

Several of his gathered staff began to speak, but he held up his hand to indicate that he wasn't finished.

"Poppy, you are correct. Were this any other student, they would already be in St. Mungo's, but this isn't any other student. Any other student would've run away from danger, but Rose ran into it. She ran to the aid of a person that makes it well known that he doesn't like her, knowing full well that one of the most powerful dark wizards in history was possibly waiting for her. As some of you have mentioned, she stands up for those in need, often without harming another individual."

"For Merlin's sake, Albus, you said yourself last term that she carries a concealed weapon on her person!" exclaimed Septima.

"So do we, Septima," Albus said. "They're called 'wands', and are far more dangerous than Crimson Thorn. I realize that you're concerned for the safety of Ms. Granger, but you must realize that Rose takes great care not to harm her friends, especially Ms. Granger."

"What's Crimson Thorn?" asked Poppy.

"The large double sword that Peta-Lorrum keeps on her person at all times," Septima fumed.

"The large– WHAT?!" exclaimed Poppy.

"There are worse things that can be done with a wand," Bathsheda said. "The Cruciatus curse, for instance, or a variety of burning or stinging hexes."

"I can probably reattach any limb she removes," Poppy said, "so long as she doesn't take off someone's head."

"I've got her word that she won't use him on any students," Albus reassured his staff.

"'Him'?" asked Septima.

"She claims the weapon is male," replied Albus.

"What if her hallucinations change from audible to visual?" Severus asked. "What if she forgets that Granger is her friend?"

The staff pondered this for a long time. Albus was certain that Rose wasn't going mad, just that she could hear something real that they couldn't hear. He looked out at his staff as they all tried to work out their next argument before talking.

He was certain that he couldn't convince Severus that this was a good idea, but that was because the child annoyed the Potions Master. Septima was just concerned about the welfare of her favorite student, and Poppy was concerned that the Hospital Wing couldn't handle the fallout from Rose going on a murder spree.

On the other side of the argument were Bathsheda, Filius, and Pomona. Albus was surprised by Filius, whom he had been expecting to take the other side. Filius did prefer that his students not be harassed, and that Hogwarts remain safe for all, but at the moment, it seemed that he believed that Rose was furthering that cause. Of course, Pomona wouldn't want to kick out a child who'd done nothing wrong, especially an orphan. Bathsheda seemed to be getting a positive review of Rose from Sally-Anne, so that played in Albus's favor.

The only one from whom he'd heard little was Minerva, who was the girl's Head of House, and probably had the most experience with the girl.

"Minerva, you've been awfully quiet," Albus said, turning to his Transfiguration Professor. "Anything to add?"

"Peta-Lorrum is annoying, disrespectful, and hyperactive," Minerva said. "And all of that is on a good day. However, she did work hard last year to ensure that no one was hurt. She seems stable most of the time, although she does go on about people and places of which I've never heard."

"Is that why you let her wander the halls unattended?" asked Poppy irritably.

"I didn't simply let her walk out, Poppy," Minerva replied. "She… vanished."

"Vanished?" asked Septima.

"Like she did last year?" asked Bathsheda. "In the chambers?"

"Exactly like last year," replied Minerva. "It wasn't invisibility or a disillusionment charm, it was actual apparition."

"How can she apparate on the grounds?!" exclaimed Filius.

"We don't know," muttered Severus. "Minerva said she did it over the summer holiday as well."

"So she can apparate," Septima said. "She's got a concealed weapon, uses magic that we've never heard of before, can apparently read minds, and–"

"Gave Ms. Granger a magic seashell that allows her to communicate with the girl and know when she's in trouble," Minerva said.

Most of the staff, who had been unaware of this fact, stared at her.

"Sorry?" asked Septima, a little shocked that she'd never heard about this from Hermione.

"It's how Granger and Perks survived the troll last year," Minerva said, wishing that she'd remembered that sooner. "Granger said that she used it to tell Peta-Lorrum that they were in trouble, and Peta-Lorrum said that she can use it to learn the exact location of Granger and how she's doing at any time."

"Couldn't they be using that to cheat?" asked Filius.

"Have you met her?" Septima asked, annoyed that anyone would even suggest that her Arithmancy prodigy would do such a thing as cheat.

"Septima's right," Minerva agreed. "Granger's too honest for it. I'm not sure the girl knows how to lie. Besides which, Granger keeps it in her left pocket at all times, and it's not the easiest place to reach during an exam."

"That does explain how Peta-Lorrum always knows exactly when our Arithmancy lessons end," Septima muttered.

"She also mentioned a fail-safe for harming a student," Albus replied.

"She's still delusional," muttered Severus.

"Every child has got imaginary friends," Pomona countered. "Find me one who doesn't, and I'll find you one who's ashamed to admit it."

"How do we know she did hear something?" Bathsheda asked slowly. "What if she was just playing a game?"

"Some children do seek more attention after the loss of a parent," offered Filius.

"There is one way to be sure," Severus said.

"Severus," hissed Minerva. "For the last time, we are not using veritaserum on a child!"

"Aren't there ways of countering it?" asked Poppy.

"Yes," Filius replied. "I don't know if Ms. Peta-Lorrum can, but there are means of continuing to lie while under veritaserum."

"Which is precisely the reason that it's not used in trials," Albus said. Try as he had, he was unable to improve veritaserum. All the potion did was compel its drinker to tell the truth. For most people, that compulsion was enough, but to people with mental discipline, it did nothing.

Albus personally knew two such people, but despite both of them being effectively immune to veritaserum, both of them kept the antidote on hand at all times, just in case. He understood the need to be prepared, but that was just plain paranoid. However, he had come to rely on the paranoia of Severus and his friend Alastor, so he didn't bother either of them about it.

"We still know nothing about her," Severus said. Apart from whatever Albus isn't telling us.

Severus had come to loath the fact that Albus always kept secrets. It was just a fact of life by now. The Headmaster always kept some information from him, despite being part of the "inner circle".

There was something Albus wasn't telling them; some explanation about why he was really letting that crimson brat stay here.

Severus would admit to himself that she was more proficient than most Gryffindors at Potions. She had even gotten Longbottom to succeed at one of their assignments. Her pendant had worked, as he had been able to scare even the Weasley Twins straight (Which was a little funny), and the annoying child had eased up her attempts at befriending him.

In spite of all of this, something still bothered Severus about the girl. Something seemed… wrong about her. Severus got a bad feeling every time he looked at her, like she was at the heart of something dark, something that would threaten to destroy Hogwarts itself if she weren't stopped. Looking at her felt like looking into the darkest recesses of his own soul, like if he stared long enough, he would eventually go mad.

Also, she annoyed him, but he was pretty sure it was part of the dark recesses thing and not her attempts at becoming his "best friend".

"That is not entirely true, Severus," Albus said. "No one has been reported missing, thus we can conclude that she is either not from around here, or has no one to miss her. She has claimed both of these theories to be facts. She claims that she can read minds and talk to inanimate objects, and has proven this time and time again."

Albus looked out at his collected staff.

"I'm not asking any of you to trust her; I'm asking you to trust me. As a sign of good faith, I am willing to take full responsibility for anything that Rose Peta-Lorrum does. If she attacks the students or turns on us, sorting the matter will be the last thing I do as Headmaster."

Needless to say, his staff were shocked by this. None of them would have expected Albus to go so far as to resign for the girl.

It succeeded in getting his point across to his professors.

Severus was still sceptical of her, but if Albus was willing to go that far for the girl, then Septima would settle for keeping an eye on her.

Poppy was still nervous about the girl, not convinced that she was even human, but she took what she could get.

Satisfied with the resolution, the other professors filed out of his office until only he and Minerva remained.

"Why?" she asked. "Why go so far for Peta-Lorrum when no one else trusts her?"

"Because she explained herself to me," Albus replied. "She honestly believed what she told me, and I've seen and heard enough to believe that she has experienced at least part of what she told me. Not to mention, I believe that she will be a valuable asset in times to come."

"You really think You-Know-Who–"


"–is going to come back to life?"

"I've been trying to work out how, but I fear he will return," Albus said.

Fortunately for us, he thought. Rose is incapable of bringing people back to life who have been dead for more than a few seconds.

As he thought about it, he realized that a lot of her magic had time limits in multiples of six seconds. Albus wondered if there was a reason for it.

"When he does," Albus concluded, "we'll want Rose by our side. She is unique, Minerva."

"That's one word for it," Minerva replied. She breathed a sigh of resignation, then added, "Just please don't make her a prefect."

"No, she ignores the rules far too much to be in charge of enforcing them," Albus replied. "I believe Ms. Perks will make a better prefect, don't you?"

Minerva hated when Albus did that. She knew he could read her mind, but liked to think that he didn't read her mind. Minerva knew Albus better than most, but she couldn't figure out how he acquired his information otherwise.

"Albus, if this happens again, there will be no stopping them," said Minerva. "Not to mention if word gets out about her 'fits', you'll go down with her."

"I'm aware, Minerva," replied Albus. "Rose is adept at defending herself, as I'm sure you're aware. Short of bringing up the topic of dragons, I'm not sure anything phases her."

Up until then, Minerva had been getting tidbits of information about the crimson-haired girl from Peta-Lorrum's friends. They were the ones that would know her best, but the information never came directly to her, it always went through either Percy Weasley or Alex Nertlyn. What if it did go directly to her? How could she get the information straight from them?

It was this question that she had been pondering throughout the meeting, and the answer finally struck her: People were always more talkative when they didn't feel like they were being interrogated. For instance, over a friendly game of chess.

"I've just had an idea," Minerva said. "I may be able to get more information from her friends. I think she's a little more honest with them than she is with us."

"I'm not sure that's entirely true, but it couldn't hurt," Albus replied thoughtfully. "What did you have in mind?"

Minerva explained her idea to the Headmaster, who agreed it had potential. Not to mention, they were both a little curious as to how her intended target had gone from nearly failing all of his classes to suddenly passing them all with flying colours.

"I originally suspected that he was cheating off of Granger, but I watched him like a hawk during the final," Minerva said. "He didn't look up once from his paper. In fact, he hardly paused at all during the exam."

"I agree that Rose is most likely involved," Albus said, "but the girl doesn't strike me as a cheater, nor as someone who would help others cheat."

Minerva nodded.

"Still, with Septima talking to Ms. Granger and Bathsheda talking with Ms. Perks, we're covering most of our bases."

"When has Bathsheda been talking to Perks?" asked Minerva. "Why has Bathsheda been talking to Perks?"

"Which reminds me, I need to talk to Bathsheda about that," Albus said.

Minerva sighed. Why did Albus insist on talking in riddles? Why couldn't anyone just make sense?

When I am headmistress, Minerva thought as she exited the Headmaster's office, I'm going to pass a rule that requires that everyone make sense at all times. Peta-Lorrum won't know what to do with herself if she's still here. She'll have no choice but to be silent. It will be wonderful!