Free at Last

Neville and Luna walked quickly to the top floor, hoping to find Professor Dumbledore in his office. Tutela ran beside them; they had more important matters to attend to than her being seen by someone.

As they reached the fifth floor, they ran into Harry, Sally-Anne, and Ginny.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, seeing his friends in distress.

"Rose found Sirius Black."

Harry's heart stopped. It was the moment he'd been waiting for all year. His moment to get revenge on the man who turned his parents over to Voldemort. He could hardly think about what to do next.

"Where?!" he demanded.

"Near the Whomping Willow, but–"

Harry ran past Neville and Luna, right into a barrier that wasn't in front of him a moment ago.

"Don't you dare!" Sally-Anne was nearly red-faced as she dropped the barrier. "He'll kill you!"

Harry whirled around, fists clenched, ready to tear down anyone that stood in his way.

"I don't care! I've got to make him pay for what he did!"

He assessed Sally-Anne's body language. Straight back, eyes forward, completely focused on Harry. She wasn't backing down either, but all he needed was an opening.

"And Rose won't?"

"I can take him this time! I know it!"

Why wouldn't they listen? Why didn't anyone listen to him? Harry knew he could handle Sirius Black on his own. He could sense anyone coming and snipe a moving target from 30 feet away. He only needed one shot at Black to make him pay.

"It's not just him out there! If you find him, and the Dementors spot you two, they'll flock straight to him! They've got orders to kiss on sight. Do you know what that means?"

"Of course I do! They take his soul! So what?"

"Remember the Express? Remember how that Dementor went after us when it was supposed to be looking for him? Or the Quidditch Match in November? Or how those Dementors searched our carriages and no one else's? They don't care about doing their job! They just want easy prey! One look at you, and every Dementor will fly straight for you! That will be it! They'll take your soul and you'll be empty!"

Harry understood, but this was something he needed to do. For his mum and his dad, and even their friend Peter who tried to stop Sirius Black the night he betrayed them. The Dementor's Kiss scared him; Harry couldn't imagine what it was like to lose someone like that. Their body still there, but their mind completely gone. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to stand that happening to Ron, or Sally-Anne, or Cho.

She wouldn't doubt him. Why was Sally-Anne always babying him? Sally-Anne was worried about him, but he didn't need someone worrying about him. Being sheltered by her wasn't that different from being kept in the dark by the Dursleys. Someone was always telling him to stay out of something, and that he wasn't important enough to be treated like a normal person.

Sally-Anne began to cry. It hurt a little to see his friend upset, but he could apologize later. Now wasn't the time to worry about her. He needed to stay focused on getting Sirius Black.

"Fine." Sally-Anne's voice was soft, but she recovered quickly. "But I'm going with you."

"Thank you," Harry huffed.

The two ran off, ignorant of the rest of their friends.

"I'm not getting left behind again!"

Ginny took off after Harry and Sally-Anne, leaving Neville, Luna, and Tutela behind.

The pair exchanged glances and shrugged. They had direct orders from Rose, and neither one had any ideas of disobeying them.

Ron and Hermione backed away from the dog. Hermione felt the wall that blocked sight of the Whomping Willow from the rest of the castle behind her. She was trapped.

Black lunged at the pair. Hermione and Ron hesitated for just a split-second, losing their opening on Black, but someone else had them covered.

Another spell threw Black towards the Whomping Willow. He landed on his side as a familiar house-elf lept out from behind the wall and put himself between them and the dog.

"Sirius Black will not be harming Dripty's friends!"

"Dripty!" Hermione exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"Dripty is keeping an eye on Miss Hermione for Miss Rose, since Miss Hermione is not carrying her blue seashell."

"So that makes three of us that are being followed all the time," Ron muttered.

That sparked an idea in Hermione's head. Fred and George! They were never far behind Ron.

"Where are Fred and George?"

"Don't know."

The dog climbed to his feet and bolted at them again. Dripty ran towards Black before Ron or Hermione could stop him and thrust his hand into the air. A shimmering wave flew from the elf, but Black was ready. He turned back into a human, rolled out of the way of Dripty's magic, then lunged at Dripty as a dog.

"No!" Hermione screamed as Sirius grabbed Dripty and threw him into the wall.

She raised her hand to attack Sirius, but Ron was already ready.


Sirius was knocked off his feet by the scattering hex, but recovered shortly after landing on the ground.

"Accio Dripty!"

The house-elf's limp body flew into Ron's arms.

"Dripty!" he called.

"Dripty is being alright," Dripty replied wearily.

"He's conscious," Ron said.

"Dripty, can you contact Rose?" Hermione asked.

"Who is being Rose?" Dripty asked.

"He's delirious," Hermione said. "I doubt that's on the list of conditions Rose is informed of."

Sirius Black began to charge them, but Hermione reacted first and threw up her hand.


Black froze in place.

"Brilliant," Ron said. "What was that?"

"Wandless immobilization charm," Hermione replied. "It doesn't last long. We've got to get out of here."

"Take Dripty," Ron said. "He's after me, so Dripty will be in more danger if I've got him."

Hermione could hardly believe what she just heard. Not only was Ron was thinking about someone else, but a house-elf.

"Ron, that's–"

"He's breaking free!" Ron shouted.

Hermione took Dripty from Ron as Sirius lunged at them. Ron pointed his wand at the ground.


Sirius, Hermione, and Ron were all thrown back. Hermione held Dripty in her arms, making sure to shield him with her body. She landed on the soft grass, hardly sore from the fall (Rose had done much worse to her), but Ron was slammed into the wall.

"Ron!" Hermione gasped, climbing to her feet.

The dog recovered faster than she did and went straight at Ron. He clamped down on Ron's right arm, and Hermione saw blood seep out of the wound.

"Ah!" Ron gasped. He gritted his teeth and began to kick Black. This ultimately resulted in the dog clamping onto his leg instead of his arm.

Hermione heard a crunching sound as Ron's leg was broken.

"Let go of him!" Hermione raised her hand for another spell, cradling Dripty in her offhand.


The ground around the boys turned to quicksand, but Sirius lept out of the way before it took full effect.

"We is not having croissants today," Dripty muttered.

Hermione gingerly laid the house-elf down on the wall, then ran towards Ron to put some distance between her and Dripty. She dispelled the quicksand, but Black went after her the second she did. With her reflexes and mind dulled by her sleep deprivation, all she could do was scream as Sirius Black attacked her.

"Depulso! Accio Hermione!"

The black dog flew through the air, caught off guard by a repulsion charm, as Hermione flew through the air and landed in front of Ron. When she looked up, she hardly believed what she saw.

Ron stood on one leg, keeping his weight off his bad leg, and held his wand in his left hand. Ron's arm twitched with anticipation while his eyes bore holes into Black, tracing his every move. Hermione couldn't believe it was the same boy who couldn't open his mouth without inserting his foot into it.

"Thanks," Hermione said, climbing to her feet. "He's a lot tougher than I thought he'd be. How do we beat him?"

"We don't." Ron was sullen when he said it, but spoke with such certainty Hermione found it hard to argue.


"We don't need to beat him. We just need to stall long enough for Rose to find us."

"I haven't got the condition conch. She's not going to find us."

"What about Dripty's?"

"They attune to one person, it–"

"Then you take Dripty and run. It's me he wants, not you. Find Rose, or McGonagall… Hell, I'll take Snape."

"I'm not leaving you!"

"And I'm not gonna let you get hurt again! Not if I can stop it!"

Sirius lept at them. Ron raised his wand, but Hermione didn't realize he wasn't aiming it at Black before it was too late.


Ron's spell hurled Hermione through the air. She landed not far from Dripty, recovering in time to see Black reach Ron.


Black knocked Ron to the ground and grabbed his left arm, crippling it just like the right. He dragged Ron towards the Whomping Willow.

"Run!" Ron shouted.

Ron's right arm was limp, and he wasn't in a position to fight back with his legs. Still, he struggled against the dog.

Hermione scrambled to her feet and threw her hand towards the pair.


Sirius froze in place, but began moving after just a few seconds.

"Atala!" Hermione screamed, but it was even less effective than the previous charm.

"Forget about me!" Ron shouted. "Run!"

"Atala!" Sobs broke up Hermione's voice as she tried again and again to freeze Black. Sorrow threatened to overwhelm her after each failed attempt to save her friend. Ron sacrificed himself to save her, and her repayment was letting him be dragged off by a murderer.

There was nothing she could do except watch.

"Drop him or I drop you."

Hermione nearly lept for joy when Rose appeared. She had a firm grip on the dog's neck, while the dog retained his firm grip on Ron.

"Drop him, Padfoot."

Black's eyes darted to Rose, then returned to Ron.

"That's right, I know who you are. I know about your entire group of misfits, including the one sneaking up on me!"

Rose raised her right arm and drew Crimson Thorn. She took aim just past Hermione as a blue orb appeared at the tip of her weapon.

Hermione whipped her head around, and sure enough, another person stepped out of the shadows cast by the setting sun. He kept his wand trained on the trio, although Hermione couldn't tell at whom he was aiming.

"Professor Lupin?" Hermione gasped.

"Let him go, Rose," he said.

"What are you doing here?" Rose asked.

"It's a long story, but you've got to let him go."

"No, I mean what are you doing here this close to moonrise? It's a full moon tonight, in case you weren't paying attention!"

Wheels began to turn in the haze in Hermione's mind. Professor Lupin was absent for about one week every month. The last time he'd been absent, Professor Snape gave them a pop quiz on wolfsbane potion, which was used to suppress the animalistic instincts of a werewolf when they transformed. Finally, Rose had just mentioned the full moon.

Professor Lupin was a werewolf.

"He's a werewolf?" asked Ron, apparently arriving at the same conclusion as Hermione.

"I–" Professor Lupin started.

"That's not all I know," Rose continued. "I know who you're really after, Padfoot, and I know who really killed all those people 12 years ago. I know where to find him, but I'll only help if you let Ron go."

Hermione looked from Ron, to Rose, to Sirius, to Professor Lupin. Even with Rose, Hermione wasn't sure how they'd fare against a teacher. Rose could only do so much, and Professor Lupin wasn't ten feet from where Hermione was standing. Not to mention, Dripty was still delirious, and both of Ron's arms were broken. It'd be Hermione and Rose against Black and Lupin, and Hermione was in not state to fight.

"Do as she says," Professor Lupin said, lowering his wand. "If there's anyone that can find him, it's her."

After a brief hesitation, Sirius Black released Ron's arm. As he did, Crimson Thorn vanished into Rose's glove, and she drew Serendipity.

"I wish he were healed," Rose whispered, gingerly touching Ron's arm.

Ron's body glowed with a faint silvery light, which quickly vanished as if it were a wisp of smoke on the wind. When the light was gone, Ron's wounds had healed.

"What did I tell you about letting your hand get injured?" Rose asked.

"Not to, I know," Ron replied, climbing to his feet. "Left-handed casting was a good fallback, though."

"Where's Scabbers?" Rose asked.

Ron patted himself down.

"I had him just a moment ago," Ron said. "I was going to show Hermione, and… and apologize for saying Crookshanks ate him."

"It's fine," Hermione said. "Why do you need him?"

"He's not a rat," Rose said. "He's a man disguised as a rat." She held her wand to her face. "I wish I knew where Scabbers was."

After six seconds, Rose pointed her wand at the grass.

"Ob, fetch."

Rose's shadow stood up, taking the shape of her personal kleptomaniac. Obtenebar darted at the spot in the grass, tackling a small shape before it could get away. The rat thrashed around in Obtenebar's grasp, desperately trying to escape her clutches.

Rose kept her wand aimed at the pair, then muttered another spell under her breath.

Before their eyes, the rat was replaced by a stout, balding man. His face resembled that of a rat's, and he fidgeted as he stood up and looked around.

Beside Ron and Rose, the dog reverted to a man. Sirius was thin and frail, with grungy black hair.

"Sirius!" "Scabbers" gasped. "Remus! My friends!"

"Save it!" Professor Lupin barked.

"Hermione, Rose, what's happening?" Ron asked.

"Hermione, Ron, meet Peter Pettigrew," Rose said. "The former Secret Keeper for James and Lily Potter, until he outed them to Voldie."

Hermione looked at the group, and found herself relieved that she wasn't the only one confused about this.

"Rose, just how much do you know?" Professor Lupin asked.

Rose explained everything she'd learned about them. James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew had attended Hogwarts together, giving themselves nicknames based on each one's alternate form. They called themselves the Marauders, and stayed friends after graduation. When Voldemort set his sights on James and his wife Lily, they took action to hide them. Using a type of magic called the Fidelius Charm, they hid them, making their location secret to everyone but one person. It'd have been too obvious if Sirius kept their secret, so they turned to Pettigrew instead. Sirius realized that Pettigrew had been turned, but found him too late to make a difference. Peter fought back, setting off an explosion and faking his own death to escape.

"This worthless waste of clothing turned into a rat, cutting off three of his fingers so it'd look like Sirius Black had killed him in the explosion. Since Sirius's family is known for dark magic already, people didn't think too hard about what had happened. Petey escaped and took his place as the Weasley rat for 12 years. That's why he didn't look so great over the summer. He saw that Sirius Black was out of Azkaban, and knew that Sirius would go right after him. After Cohort insisted that Scabbers be in the picture of you lot for the Daily Propaganda article about the Basilisk killing, Sirius realized that Petey was still alive and worked out a plan to escape. He escaped because Dementors are useless and can't properly detect an animagus. He fled, kept an eye on Harry over the summer since Padfoot's still Harry's torerl, then came here to try to grab Wormtail."

"But–" Ron began.

"Not done. Professor Lupin figured it out when he saw Petey roaming the castle as Scabbers and recognized the rat. He helped Sirius get away on Hallowe'en night, and that night a few months ago, and helped him avoid further detection. Moony didn't tell anyone because he thought no one would believe him."

Ron and Hermione looked from Rose, to Peter, to Sirius, then to Professor Lupin.

"Am I wrong?" Rose asked.

"Pardon my language," Lupin said, "but how the bloody Hell did you figure all that out?"

"Shadow told me," Rose replied, as if it were supposed to explain everything.

Except for Hermione, to whom that made perfect sense, everyone stared at Rose.


"Yes, Sirius?"

"Who the Hell is this girl?"

"Salutations!" Rose exclaimed, curtsying. "Rose Peta-Lorrum. It's nice to meet you."

"Sure," Sirius replied, turning back to Professor Lupin. "Can we kill him now?"

"Sirius, there are children around," Professor Lupin snapped.

"We've seen someone die before," Rose said, pointing her wand at Hermione and muttering something under her breath.

Hermione felt like she'd just got a full night's rest, something that hadn't happened in months. Add to that the fighting was over and Sirius Black was handled, and Hermione felt better than she'd felt all year.

"Mr. Black," Hermione said, "if you kill him, he can't confess to killing all those people."

"I can't!" Peter gasped. "The Dark Lord… Sirius, you know what he's like! He'll torture me!"

"Big deal," Rose scoffed. "I've been tortured before. You'll live." She crouched down next to Peter. "Wanna know what I'll do to you if you don't confess?"

"Never mind what you'll do," Sirius snapped. "Wormtail should be worried about what I'll do to him."

Rose paid Sirius little mind, instead looking to Hermione.

"Brain, have I ever explained how my scrolls work before?"

Hermione wracked her brain for anything about Rose's scrolls, then came to the conclusion that Rose hadn't.

"Scrolls are brilliant in a pinch," Rose said, pulling a charm off her bracelet. "Single use, unfortunately, so I only ever worry about the high level spells that I can't replicate with Serendipity."

The charm she removed grew into a gold, cylindrical case. She took a hold of the handles and pulled it open. Inside was a pearly white scroll with gold runes that glistened in the fading sun.

"This one's called exalted fury," Rose explained. "Deals damage equal to my current health, plus fifty, to all evil creatures within 60 feet of me. I'm saving that one for the Dementors."

"What are you–" Sirius began.

"Let her talk," Ron snapped.

Rose rolled then unrolled the case, revealing another scroll.

"This one's called time stop. It's a lot of fun, especially if I need to set up something. I stop time for everyone except myself for a few rounds. But that's not why I know you're going to help me."

Hermione looked at Rose, then at Peter. Why would Peter help her? He'd been hiding for 12 years, and Hermione was sure he'd take the first chance he got to escape. What did Rose have in that scrollcase?

"See, Petey, here's the thing," Rose said. "The Dementors are here because of you. My friends have been having nightmares for months because of you. Brain and Cohort here have been fighting because Brain was so tired that she hallucinated. My little sister has been having nightmares so bad that she thrashes in her sleep. Princess won't go near those things anymore. She's terrified of them. All because of you."

Hermione and Ron both recognized the look in Rose's eye. Ron had been on the receiving end of it before, and ended up encased in amber. Rose was angry, but it was a focused angry. Hermione wasn't sure if it was worse than her random-act-of-madness angry.

"On top of all that, I've noticed that you've got a bad habit of spying on my friends while they're changing," Rose said. "You ever wonder why Crookshanks always attacked you when you tried that?"

"What?!" exclaimed Ron and Hermione.

Ron sprang to his feet, but Rose held up her hand to stop him.

"You'll have your chance, Cohort," Rose said. "Firecracker, Princess, Brain. The only reason you've still got all four limbs is because Little Moon isn't on that list. I really don't take kindly to people spying on my friends, Petey."

Hermione shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself. That wretched little weasel of a man had been watching her change?! She knew Rose wouldn't let him get away with it, but that didn't stop her from feeling repulsed.

Rose unfurled another scroll. This one was pitch black, with glowing, blood-red runes. The scroll itself emanated evil.

"This one's one of my favorites," Rose said, grinning maliciously. "This one's called mindrape. It's like the Imperius Curse, but it never ends."

Hermione had seen Rose lie before; the crimson-haired girl was a brilliant liar, so that's what this was. No way Rose carried a scroll like that around with her. It was just for show. Rose got angry sometimes, but she was never cruel. Looking at Rose now, Hermione got a bad feeling. Rose's voice was smooth and calm, and her smile was cold. She eyed Pettigrew as a predator would eye her prey.

"Once I cast this, I'll learn everything you know. Then your mind becomes clay in my hands. I can shape it however I want. I can take away memories, put new ones in, and completely change your personality. Maybe I'll make it so you can't lie; maybe I'll make it so you can't stop telling the truth. I could make your personal goal in life to seek out Voldemort and insult him to the best of your ability. And I can fill your head with plenty of curse words for the job."

Peter began to tremble.

"You're… You're lying!"

"I saw through your animagus, Petey. You think there's anything I can't do? I can remove every happy memory you've got and replace them with nothing but pain and anguish. All you'll know is that you've never had a good day in your life."

"Rose," Professor Lupin said, taking a few steps towards the girl.

Rose rolled up the scroll and revealed a new one. It looked similar to the previous one, but something about it seemed… worse. Hermione got a bad feeling just from looking at it. The scroll watched her with cold, unforgiving eyes that she couldn't see. It made her want to run and hide so it would never find her, and more importantly, never hurt her.

"But this. This is what's going to make us best friends. After I use this, you'll do anything I want. Because this is a scroll of eternity of torture. It makes you immortal, Peter; you won't age, you won't need sleep or food, or even to breathe. You'll live forever, but you spend your immortal life in unbearable, excruciating agony. It would be like driving hot nails into every inch of your body, while someone beats you over the head with the hammer. Like the Cruciatus Curse, but forever."

"Rose!" Hermione shouted.

"Can the Dark Lord do that?" Rose asked, apparently ignorant of everyone else. "No, the Cruciatus Curse has to stop eventually, hasn't it? He'll eventually get bored or tired, but I won't. You'll just be in unbearable pain forever. Completely at my mercy, because I'm the only one who can stop it. After everything you've done… After everything you've put my friends through… After hurting my little sister, the sweetest little girl I've ever met, why should I stop? Why should I show you mercy?"

"Your f-family," Peter whimpered. He curled up into a ball, shielding his face from Rose. "I've heard you talk about them. Your brother and sister. They wouldn't want you to harm me, would they?"

Rose smiled at him, then rolled up the scroll.

"That's true," Rose said. "They're too nice. Sk'lar would never forgive me, I'd never hear the end of it from Alice, and Shadow… I don't even know what Shadow would do. Even she doesn't like hurting people like that. They're good people, and they always know what's right."

"Yes!" Peter exclaimed, looking as if he were about to cry from joy. "Yes!"

"You know what the best part about them is?"

Peter shook his head.

"They're not here."

Peter's face went pale, and he started shaking in fear. His eyes grew wide and he tried to crawl away from Rose, but she planted her boot on him to hold him in place.

"Rose, don't you dare!" Hermione shouted.

Hermione ran over to Rose, hoping to stop the girl from committing an unspeakable act.

"It's alright, Brain," Rose said. "I'm going to fix it, just like I said I would."


Hermione recognized the voice in her head. It was the same voice that spoke to her when the boggart attacked Sally-Anne. So far as Hermione could tell, it was Reflectesalon. Rose mentioned that her item familiar maintained telepathic communication with her. Perhaps he was able to communicate through Rose as well.

In any case, if Reflectesalon wasn't worried, then Rose had everything under control. Hermione took a few steps back. Reflectesalon was under orders to stop Rose from doing any real damage, at least to the students. If the spells were really as bad as Rose made them out to be, then Reflectesalon would stop her from using them.

At least, Hermione hoped he would.

"Alright," Hermione said. "After all, he deserves it."

"Well, my conscience is clear," Rose said, unrolling one of the black scrolls. She began to read from the scroll in an unknown tongue.

"Alright!" Peter shouted. "I'll confess!" He turned to Sirius. "I'll tell them everything! I'll do anything you want, just keep her away from me!"

"See, Petey," Rose said, rolling up the scroll. "I told you we were gonna be friends." She turned to Professor Lupin. "Professor Lupin, you and Cohort carry this one. Padfoot, I'll need you in your dog form. Fewer people will recognize you like that. Brain, how's Dripty doing?"

Hermione turned back and saw that Dripty was vacantly watching everything that happened.

"He's not doing so well," Hermione replied.

"Not a problem," Rose said, removing her foot from Pettigrew after Ron took over. "Remember, Cohort, he's taken advantage of your family's kindness for 12 years while spying on your little sister, and he only needs to be able to talk."

Rose appeared next to Dripty, and waved Serendipity over the elf. A light identical to the one she used on Ron appeared around Dripty, and the house-elf stood up.

"Dripty is so sorry, Miss Rose," Dripty sobbed. "Dripty was trying–"

"Dripty, you did great," Rose said. "If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have known where Brain was. Thank you."

Dripty nodded as Professor Lupin went to help Ron secure Pettigrew and probably to stop the boy from injuring Pettigrew.

"Rose, were you really going to use that on him?" Hermione whispered.

"I wasn't reading the scroll," Rose replied just as quietly. "I was speaking a song your cousins taught me, just in Infernal."

"What song?"

"'Itsy Bitsy Spider'."

"You just bluffed him with 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'," Hermione said flatly.


"I'm not sure if that's amazing or mad, although, I'd say that about sums you up."

Hermione, Rose, and Dripty joined Professor Lupin, Ron, and Sirius.

"Erm… Mr. Black?" Ron asked.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," Sirius said. "I really was only after your rat."

"Me? Scared?" Ron scoffed. "No, I wanted to know how you got the password to Gryffindor Tower. That night when you were standing over me with a knife."

"My other accomplice," Sirius explained, nodding to Hermione. "Her cat."

"Crookshanks?" Hermione asked.

"I can communicate with him on some level. He may only be half-kneazle, but he's every bit as brilliant as a pureblood."

"Just like Hermione," Ron said, grinning.

"Oh good, you're learning," Hermione said, happy for the complement. She had to admit, Ron was nice when he wanted to be, and when he wasn't being an impulsive git.

"He overheard the password from some students that night, then came right to me," Sirius said.

"What's the plan?" Professor Lupin asked Rose.

"Why are you looking at me when the Think Tank is right here?" Rose asked, indicating Ron and Hermione.

"Because you figured out everything," Professor Lupin said. "You even… even…"

Hermione gasped as Professor Lupin's eyes turned yellow and his teeth began to grow. Clouds parted in the night sky to reveal the full moon. Its pearly white light shone down on them, triggering a transformation within the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor.

"Professor Lupin!" Hermione gasped.

"Remus, did you take your wolfsbane potion today?" Sirius asked, releasing Pettigrew to tend to his friend.

Professor Lupin clutched his head, shaking it violently.

"Run!" Professor Lupin shouted.

"As if I'm unprepared," Rose scoffed, aiming Serendipity at Professor Lupin. In a sing-song voice, she said, "Countermoon!"

As if someone pressed rewind, Professor Lupin began to revert to his human form. His teeth shrank, and the patches of gray fur that had started forming vanished.

Everyone stared at Rose.

"How does anything I do surprise anyone anymore?" Rose asked. "Second-level Druid spell that reverts a lycanthrope back to its original form for 12 hours." She grinned and sighed. "I wish Shadow could see me now. She's be so mildly impressed."

Professor Lupin stared up at the full moon in disbelief.

"That's… that's amazing! I haven't looked at the moon without fear since I was a little boy."

"When this is all over, I'll see about making that permanent," Rose said. "For now, I want to get this gau halak to Professor Dumbledore."

Rose waved her wand, and they appeared outside the gates of Hogwarts.

"Why not just bring us directly to Professor Dumbledore?" Ron asked.

"Triumphant entry," Rose replied. She kicked open the doors, revealing an empty entrance hall.

"That's disappointing," Rose replied. "I was hoping for an audience."

"It's almost curfew," Hermione pointed out.

"Oh well. Come on! It's only seven floors up!"


Not a second after they entered, the ground began to shake beneath them. It was small at first, but grew into a full scale tremor.

"Earthquake!" Hermione shouted.

"That's not possible!" Professor Lupin shouted. "Hogwarts can't be–"

They were all knocked off their feet by another tremor. Chunks of rock fell from the ceiling above them, and Hermione's vision began to go fuzzy.

The last thing Hermione saw before she blacked out was a rat scampering through a crack in the wall.