03 Scapegoat

Hope was the second emotion I felt in the morning. I came to the breakfast hall, preparing myself for the worst but it turned out better than I expected.

The long table was empty with no one around, dissipating my butterflies but at the same time, reminded me of my present dilemma.

I was still hungry.

With no one around, I bravely stride my way into the kitchen, sniffing around for any leftovers. True enough, there was always something on the kitchen aisle.

I didn't care what food they had unlike the youngest brother who was a picky eater. A difference I took pride in when I overheard him throwing a fit because he found green peas on his plate.

"Revolting." He said.

As if green peas was the poison of the earth. 🙄

Growing up, I didn't had the pleasure of nurturing a palate. I simply ate whatever was available. Be it spoiled or wasted food, as long as I felt full. Thanks to that, I developed a strong stomach and an acute digestive system, making me immune to most diseases.

I grabbed the loaf of bread and the garlic spread at the side and went off to the garden to eat. I didn't want to make a mess in the kitchen.

I learned after getting caught so many times, that no matter how much I clean up after myself, there was always some dirt I 'supposedly' left behind which exposed my act.

In other words, they would always try to find fault in everything I do. Even when I did nothing, I was accused wrongly so why would I even bother with anything, let alone defend myself when I was at the losing end.

I was put here in this house as the scapegoat for all the bad things. The evil stepsister in the story. Cinderella was mostly the good one in everyone's eyes so I certainly wasn't her. In fact, I wouldn't even want to be her.

Heck, I wasn't going to wait for someone to save me. No way.

I was going to save myself from this shit hole no matter what it takes.