05 Kid

"What the? Where did this butter knife come from?"

"Sorry, I think that's mine."

"This is yours?"

Tracing the source of the outcry, I found a kid at the end of my ambush, which was something I did not expect at all. The knife was lodged into the bark of a tree, narrowly missing the kid. It was almost an inch away from a head shot. I never miss, so he was really lucky.

Unless my hunger was starting to affect me that badly, causing me to unknowingly miss my aim. If so, the kid was indeed fortunate that I was very hungry.

I walked towards the tree, plucked out my knife, and wiped away the dirt with a leaf. Without hesitation, I dug into the jar of garlic spread and smeared it on my bread.

Munching into my second slice of breakfast, I looked down at the kid who was still on the ground. He didn't look familiar, but since he was here, he must have had permission to enter the compound. There were some loopholes in security, but the guards were decent enough to screen out the 'weeds,' which meant he could be a guest or something along those lines.

"So, who are you?" I asked between bites.

The kid looked at me in disbelief, as if he'd never seen a person eating bread before. If he was hungry, I wasn't going to share. After all, I was still on my second slice.

"I should be the one asking you that." The kid got up and brushed the dirt off his pants.

Now that he stood up, I realized this 'kid' was slightly taller than me. Since girls usually developed faster than boys, it could mean he was at least my age or a few years older.

"How old are you?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"I'm 19. Wait, why am I answering you? I should be asking you that question."

My guess was correct. Anyway, the so-called 'kid' wasn't that interesting, and I still had my breakfast to finish. I began to walk away when he grabbed my hand.

Bad move, 'kid.'

Lesson one: never come between me and my bread. Plus, I hate people touching me.

I whirled around, eyes narrowing as I pulled my hand free. "Do that again, and you'll regret it," I warned, my voice low and menacing.

He stepped back, his expression a mix of confusion and defiance. "I just want to know who you are. Why are you out here throwing knives around?"

I sighed, realizing he wasn't going to leave me alone. "I'm someone who values her peace and quiet. Now, unless you want to become very familiar with the business end of this knife, I suggest you leave me be."

He held up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. I get it. Just... be careful with those things."

Without another word, I turned back to my spot, determined to enjoy the rest of my breakfast in peace. But as I sat down, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about the unexpected encounter.

Maybe this 'kid' wasn't just a guest. And maybe, just maybe, there was more to him than met the eye. But for now, all I wanted was to finish my bread without further interruptions.