06 Guess

"Could you please let me go?"

"Nope. You just stay there until I finish eating."

"And when will that be?"


Following his failed retaliation, I tied the 'kid' with the garden hose which was conveniently lying around but even then he didn't acted his part as the victim. Instead of sitting quietly against the tree, he started babbling his mouth.

"Are you a thief?"

Somehow I could see this leading into a conversation. It's been a few days since I talked to someone so I guess I could entertain myself with some meaningless chatter.

"No. Do I look like one?"

"Then, you're a staff here? Or the daughter of one of the staff?"

"You could say that. You too?"

"My dad's the Head Gardener here."

"Oh, so you're Mr Garrison's son."

"I'm Felix. What about you?"

I was contemplating then. Should I tell him my real name, my fake name or my nickname.

After all, whatever name I choose would basically establish an affiliation or some sort. I wasn't going to develop any relationship here. It would easier that way when I finally leave this place.

No lingering attachments.

But then again, if I could break off the family ties, I could properly do so with a stranger so I gave him a choice.

"Which one do you want to know?"

"Which one? How many names do you have?"

"It depends on the situation."

"You mean this hostage situation?"

"This is a hostage situation?"

"What do you think? I'm tied up here."

"Ha! You're a hostage? If you were ever really my prisoner, I'll shut you up before you even get a chance to shout for help."

"So I'm not a hostage or a prisoner then?"

The 'kid' didn't get me. He seemed to be pretty fearless. If he was indeed Mr Garrison's son, I'm sure his father would have told him not to wander around the gardens. Even in broad daylight, there were still 'bugs' around.

"I told you to just stay still until I finish eating my breakfast."

"This is your breakfast? Just plain bread? Not even toasted?"

"You know for someone who think himself as a hostage, you sure talk alot."

"Ok, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Can you please let me go? I promise I won't grab your hand anymore."

So he was aware that I didn't like people touching me. Well, it's better than those who got punished and didn't learn anything.

"Fine. Stand up and face your back towards me."

The 'kid' got up and turned around, showing his hands at the rear.

Cleaning up the butter knife again, this time with another slice of bread, I kinda of forgot how many pieces I had already eaten by now, I slashed the garden hose, releasing him.

I leaped away at the same time the 'kid' turned around towards me.


"No problem."

Stuffing my mouth with the slice of bread I was holding, I was about to return to my 'house' made of tree shrubs when he called me again.

This time as I turned around to his voice, he was an inch away from my face. Pointing my butter knife towards his neck, I pushed him away from me. He held his hands up in the air to show he had no ill intention and back off.

"What do you want?"

"You haven't told me your name yet."

"Is it important?"

"Well, I did tell you mine."

"It's Kylin."

"So it's that your real name, fake name or nickname?"

"You guess?"😏