07 Bread

"I'm guessing it's your nickname."

"Oh, what made you think so?"

"Cos it's obviously a short form for Kathelyn, right? Is that your real name?"

I stopped and looked at the 'kid'. I didn't quite understand him. He should have ran away by now. Why was he still beside me, bantering away as if I give a damn about what's he talking about? Now that I think about it, what's the point of this conversation again?

I forget, I was bored.

It was a relief to open my mouth for something other than eating and brushing my teeth. I wanted to talk to someone for quite some time now but then I remembered as well that talking was two way thing.

My words would usually be hitting flat notes and in this case, my opposing side was this 'kid' beside me, who was hitting all the high pitches.

Having gone for so long without practice, the constant chatting was getting to me. I also remembered why I didn't talk.

I hated talking.

Hmm....I wanted to talk but I hated talking.

Just like I was so depressed in the morning but my stomach told me I was actually starving.

Being a human was so complicated.

"Why? What's wrong?"

I looked up and realised that the 'kid' had all along started a one sided conversation on his own while I was contemplating with my thoughts. I was deeply immersed in it that I didn't realised I sighed out loud.

"I just realised I got no more bread." 🥺

I wasn't about to disclose my thoughts to a random stranger and it was true, I had no more bread.

The 'kid' laughed at me. Truth to be told, that was first time I heard laughter after being locked up in this place for so many months. It felt rather refreshing to my ears. A pleasant sound almost as calming as mother nature and quite frankly better than their voices stuck in my head.

"You don't need to look so that dejected. I know where to get more bread."