17 Blood

Mr Garrison was the Head Gardener for the family, having work here for god's knows how long. Apparently he's been here way before I was even born so it was safe to say that the family trusted him with his job.

Even I had to agree with their choice since Mr Garrison did an excellent job in maintaining and improving the gardens.

He was one of the few that I stumbled early on when I was out exploring the gardens and since he was the guardian of the all things green, I made it a point to befriend him.

He taught me a lot of things, like the different types of tree, the flowers they had here, the fruits in the orchard and even their uses in our daily life.

I didn't know if he was aware about me but since he never asked, I assumed he knew and kept quiet about it.

I liked that in a person.

My business is my business and what's yours is yours.

In a world where everything is interconnected, the fine line of privacy is nowhere to be seen.

So imagine my surprise to know that Mr Garrison has a son like this 'kid'. While his father was a private person, his son was the complete opposite.

I wondered if something went wrong somewhere in his upbringing, not that I'm going to ask.

If I'm going to intrude into someone else personal's life, I will need to be ready if someone else did it to me.

Which is never going to happen so I kept my curiosity to myself.

"Dad! I'm here and I brought company."

"Felix! Great, you're here. Just in time."

Ah, so his name is Felix. I kinda forget his name along the way.

"Hi, Mr Garrison."

"Oh, Kylin. You're here as well. How come?"

"Dad, you know Kylin?"

I shot him a sharp look. Luckily, he got my message.

"Um, her father and I are close associates. I got to know of Kylin through him."

Well, that was technically true.

"I see. So you don't mind Kylin helping out?"

"Helping out?"

Mr Garrison stared at me again. He should stop with the worried look. With him clearly not being able to lie so openly, a trait of his I discovered during my daily interactions with him, Felix would definitely find out something was wrong.

If a stranger can spot the difference, you don't think his own son won't be able to?

There was a reason why I didn't openly reveal myself.

That was because I hated being associated with the family.

Even though I'm temporarily staying here, it doesn't mean that I was going to be like them. Just because I shared the same blood doesn't mean anything to me.

Blood was blood. Everyone had blood.

With my own hand full of it, do you think the matter of blood relations would make me lose sleep over it?