16 Innocent

The answer to my previous question would be a yes.

If I knew I would be in this problematic situation, I would have never volunteer to help out, even to get desserts.

Maybe I cursed myself by asking such question. A jinx definitely.

But in my case, it came in the form of a person. A person I didn't want to see at all.

Standing at five feet three inches, with long, wavy strawberry blonde hair and greyish silver eyes, the youngest daughter of my arch enemy stood at least a few metres away from me.

Although it was still a far distance away, I could see her surrounded with people as always, probably busy attending to the last minute changes for the tea party tomorrow.

"That's odd."

The 'kid' stopped as well, noticing her.

"I thought Lady Vivienne was supposed to be at school today."

That's what I thought too until I remembered that although her school was miles away from the main residence, she could simply hop onto the family helicopter and return home quickly.

Plus today was friday so I'm guessing she had special permission to finish school early.

The perks of the family. 🤷🏻‍♀️

"Can't we not go there?" I pulled the 'kid' to the side.

"Why not? Don't you want to introduce yourself to Lady Vivienne?"

"I prefer not to mingle with the family."

"Oh? Why's that?"

This 'kid' keeps asking me too many questions, especially those I didn't like to comment on.

Sometimes I wish he take a hint.

There were times when his words hit the mark and there were times when he misspoke. I didn't know if it was deliberate or purely coincidence on his part.

But hey, I'm a firm believer of the innocent until proven guilty so I shrug it off.

"I thought we're here to help, not to socialise around."

"True. Okay then, come on. Let's see if my dad has anything for us to do."