Chapter 1.1 - First encounter with the ogre

"The heck is this place?"

He woke up by the river.

And the first thing he saw is a bunch of trees surround him. And to his left, was a river that flowed northward. It seems like there is a waterfall at the end of this river that flows north.

He then looked at the river and see the reflection of someone there. A white-haired boy with yellow eyes, there's a small diagonal line scar under his left eye.

"Who is that— wait a minute ... Isn't that is my avatar?!" he was surprised, even almost fell to the ground.

Luckily, he regains his balance before he really fell. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Just what is going on ... why is my avatar there?" he asked to himself.

He looked at the river again. A reflection of his avatar, which became his form now. Appears from reflection of river water.

"This is ...." He rubbed his cheek and slapped himself. Then the reflection in the river also did the same thing as he did.

"Is this me?" he now realized that the reflection in the river is himself which is in the form of his avatar.

He turned and walked back and forth. He still could not believe what was happening. But then he stopped and shouted loudly.

"THIS IS AMAZING!!!!" His voice echoed in the empty air.

That was the wrong choice for shouting loudly.

After he shouted, the birds fly away from the forest. And the trees in the forest seemed to move like something big was coming.

"What is that sound??" Ando heard the sound of large footsteps from the forest.

Then something large weird creature coming out from the forest and appears in front of him.

The creature is twice the size of an adult, its body is all green, yellow eyeballs and sharp fangs that reach up to its nose. The creature also held a weapon that looks like a large sword that was broken and rusty. That name of the creature is ogre, or we can just said its a large goblin.

"Woooo— what the frick is that green things?!!!" Ando screamed hysterically.

The ogre noticed Ando, then growled at him.

"Hiii—?!!" Ando escaped, but the ogre was still chasing him.

He escaped to the forest. But, unfortunately, he fell because he tripped on a tree root. And the ogre that was chasing him was right behind him as if it preparing to attack him with his broadsword.

"Graaa!!!" The ogre growled.

The ogre swung his broadsword diagonally.


The sound of two clashing swords was heard by Ando. He opened his eyes and found someone in front of him who was resisting the ogre's attack.

"Are you okay, bro?" said the person who protected Ando.

"I'm okay. Thank you, sir" Ando thanked to that person.

"Heheh ... No problem, bro!" he responded.

He pushed his sword and made the ogre's defense open wide. He slashed the ogre diagonally twice, then stepped back and carrying Ando with him.

"Nana, now!" he shouted to his friend.

From afar behind them, a girl in a magic cloak was casting a spell.

"Fire, answer the call from the mana's owner ... Fireball!" she said.

When she was casts a spell, a magic circle appeared from her wand. Then, from the magic circle, a fireball was shooted.

The fireball hit the ogre and burned him to death.

Ando was very amazed to see that. He asked the man who helped him, "Woah, what is that? A magic? is that real??"

The girl approached them from behind.

"What's the matter?" she asked the situation to the man.

"Hmm, its just that. Looks like this boy is lost here. But, i doubt that he's just a villager since he wore a good set of armor." he said when looked to Ando.

Ando who heard that, he then spoke, "Hey, mind if i ask? but, where is this?"