Chapter 1.2 - Duo Hunters

"Where is this place?" Ando asked them.

"So, you are lost? this is the Alp Forest, located east of the Abil Kingdom, the closest kingdom from here." The guy answered him.

"Oh. And who are you guys??" Ando asked again.

"We are an adventurer. My name is Lurk, a warrior. And this girl is my companion, she's Nana, the mage with fire element." He introduced himself and his friend.

Nana lowered her head when Lurk introduced her to Ando.

"How about you?" Lurk asked.

"Oh. My name is Ando, i'm an adventurer too, i think," he said.

"Do you have this card?" Lurk said, showing his ID card in his hand.

The guild card is simply like an ID card for the adventurer. This will make it easy to recognize the identity of the adventurer with the guild card or ID card.

The guild card is also implanted with tracking magic to help the guild find the location of the card owner. This will track the owner directly rather than the card, because the owner's blood merges with the tracking magic as a sign of the contract.

If the card is broken or the adventurer dies, the magic will automatically disappear and the adventurer can't be tracked.

"Uhh, i don't have that card." Ando said, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

"Did you broke it? If so, you can fix it at the guild." Lurk said.

"Umm, no. I mean, i really don't have the card at the first place. Because, in my country, we don't use it." He said.

"Which country is your homeland??" Lurk asked curiously.

"That's a very far country. You need at least 8 months or perharps a year to get there." Ando is sweating.

"Then, how can you get here?" Lurk is getting more curious.

"Stop it, Lurk. You just troubled him by asking him so many questions." Nana said, interrupted their chat.

"I don't know either. When i opened my eyes, i found myself in this place ... i think someone use teleport magic to me" Ando said.

Lurk sighed, then he stood scratching his head.

"Well, its an interesting story to hear. But, i guess we must back to the city first." Lurk said.

Lurk and Nana walked away. He looked at back, and called for Ando, "Hey bro, you don't want to come with us??"

"Ah—" Ando stood up, and chased after them, "Wait for me!" he shouted.

Ando can catch up to them. Lurk and Nana smiled at him.

"You sure an interesting person, Ando" Nana said.

"Huh? why is that?" Ando asked confusedly.

Rathen than answered the confused Ando's question, she smiled sweetly, which made Ando more confused.

Lurk, an adventurer that have a role as a dealer damage or also can be a tanker of team. His weapon is a broadsword.

He's a rank-C adventurer, he contributed a lot to the guild, for a rank-C, he's quite famous among the adventurers. He is an adventurer who is young but talented, around 23 years old. His hair is dark red, his eyes are black as in general. He is tall and also muscular, he has a very thin beard. Because of his shabby style of dress, he is often called a beggar.

Nana, a young fire magician girl. Wearing a red magic robe, and carrying a stick that helps her chant magic. She's around 19 years old, her face is pretty and have a long straight brown-hair, her eyes is so special, its have same color as a ruby. Her reputation is also good as her appearance.


They managed to get out of the forest, and were walking towards the city. The city wall can be seen from where they walk.

"Did you have a weapon?" Lurk asked to Ando.

Ando was thinking. He think about how he can check the inventory, his equipment is all stored in the inventory. But, even though he can open it, there are no guarantee if he can use the high-level required equipment.

"I have one, but, i can't use it right now because of my level" Ando said.

"Then, have this sword. Its can be used by any level more than level 1" Lurk handed the 1H type of short sword.

Ando took it. He pulled the sword out of its sheath, then he tried to swing the sword.

"It's light, it feels like I'm just swinging a stick." Ando murmured.

"He-hey, that's dangerous ...." Lurk said worriedly.

"So-sorry." Ando apologized.

Then, Ando suddenly heard a voice-like system in his head.

「System start up.

Checking player data— done」


A message screen appears in front of him.

「Tutorial will start soon. Get ready」
