Chapter 2.1 - Do the basic tutorial

Ando suddenly teleported after that. He was in a dark place for a moment, then its turned out to be in the dungeon-like place.

「Welcome to the tutorial!」

「We found out that you didn't know anything about the basic, skill, items, level, and the world history」

「So, we decided to take your soul to the tutorial after you got a weapon in your hand」

"What the hell— What about my body then?!" Ando shouted.

「Don't worry, your body is just collapsed because don't have a soul. But, i think your friend will keep your body safe」

「So, let's get started. Oh, for your information. You can't back to your body, if you can't completed the tutorial—」

"Its just a tutorial, i'll absolutely completed it in a minutes then get back to my body!" Ando said angrily.

「... Well, then— 3, 2, 1, start!」

A pighead monster appears in front of him, but its stay still there. That monster is an orc, the creature have a piggy face with a fat body, the skin is also pink like a pig.

"Ew, that orc disgusts me. It's also smelly, what the frick! this game is so realistic!!" Ando said, covered his nose.

「Well, this isn't in a game you always played」

"What?! so, you mean i'm in another world?!" Ando was shocked.

「Yes, you are」

"THIS IS AMAZING!!!" He shouted happily.

「I don't understand why you're happy. But, whatever, i'll explain the basic」

「First, swing your sword about 10 times. Make the swing diagonally, horizontally, and vertically in a row」

Ando followed what the system ordered him to do. His first swing was a diagonal, then the second swing is horizontal, the third is vertical. He then repeat it about 3 times, and the tenth swing is a diagonal.

「Nice job! We'll move to the next step」

The orc was moving, it walked towards Ando.

"Da fak?! The orc is walking toward me, and why the hell i can't move my legs?!!" Ando panicked.

「Relax, it wouldn't attack you」

Ando tried to calm himself by took a deep breaths.

「Next is, every monsters have a core in their body. You can take the core out, only if the monsters are dead. The core can be used to upgrade your stats point, or you can sell it to the guild for some money」

"Uh huh" He nodded.

「Your job is to kill the orc and take the core in it body— Started from now」

After the system said the words. The orc suddenly got it own mind and began to attacking Ando.

The orc swung its club vertically from top to bottom. Ando dodged to the back, and he prepared to counter.

"Take this, you son of a pig!!" He slashed the orc from the bottom to top diagonally.

The orc growled. But, it stands still in its position. The orcs were only slightly scratched.

"Wow, you sure got a lot of defense, huh?—but, its not a problem for me!!"

Ando dodged the orc slow attack from left to the right. He dodged by rolling himself between the orc's feet, and he immediately stopped with his right foot in front to stance his balance.

"Too easy" Ando said.

He jumped from his position directing the attack to the orc's back neck. He stabbed his sword into the orc's neck until it penetrated the front of the neck, then pushes it down.

The orc's body is split into two, and there were a rhombus shaped crystal dropped.

Ando took the rhombus shaped crystal, which is a core of the monsters. It's crystal size is depends on how much strong and big the monsters is.

The orc's core size is about same as a smartphone size.

「That's the orc's core, well done!」

「The next step is to absorb the core's power. But, before doing that, you need to know how to use your mana」

"Oh, my mana? i though its only can be used to casts a skill or magic." He said.

「Yes, to absorb the core's power. You need to use an absorbtion skill. Every one core's power you absorb, you'll gain one point of stats randomly」

"Are other people can do this though?" He asked.

「Of course not, only player who can absorb the core's power」

"Hmm ...."

「So, let's do how to use your mana. Its easy, by relaxing your body, you can feel the mana flows in your body like a blood circulation. The Mana is like a protective outer layer of blood circulation」

「After you feel it, try to spread your mana in the air through your mouth or breath. Or you can just spread it directly from your body if your mana control gets better. And last, you need to shout out the name of the skill you want to use. For now, let's use "Absorb". You don't need to read the spell, you can just say the name of the skill and cast the skill directly」

" 『Absorb』 " He casted the skill.

And then the crystal glowed blue. The blue glows from the crystal was absorbed into Ando's hand.

"I didn't feel any changes in my body—"

『STR increased by 1』

The other voice of system was heard by Ando. That sound only tells him what changes have occurred to him.

「Your STR stats is increased. You can check your stats in the status tab. To open the status tab, you need to shout the words, or you can do it in your mind too, like "Command! Open status tab". To close, say "Command! Close". It same to open the inventory tab, and skill tab. So, let's try it, shall we?」

"Command! Open status tab" Ando tried to said it loud than to said it in his mind.

Then, the status tab screen appears out of nowhere in front of him.

Ando Job: None

Level 1 (Warrior) Title: The Fallen

MP : 800/800 DEF : 20

STR : 36 M. DEF : 11

INT : 13 LUCK : 8

AGI : 26

DEX : 21

SPD : 20

"This ... don't you think the stats are too high for level 1?"