Chapter 2.2 - Tutorial completed

"Hah ... hah ... hah ...." Ando was breathing heavily.

"This tutorial makes me sick!" he said tiredly.

Ando's legs trembled, he was almost at his limit.

It's already a month passed since he's doing the tutorial. He can easily passed the basic tutorial, but he was stuck in advanced tutorial to kill the boss of the tutorial. The boss is a demon-kin monster, its large and tall. The appearance like a demon normally, dark red skin, a couple of demon wings, bird-like feet.

"This ... is my last chance!!" Ando shouted and jumped towards the boss, aiming for its head.

A month ago ....

"Isn't this are too high for level 1?" he said.

「Oh, do you want to reset it again then? I can make the stats balance, 15 of all for you」

The system, sounds like its upset.

"O-of course don't do it. I just ...." Ando panicked that the system voice tone changed.

「Then, let's go to next tutorial. Advanced tutorial」

Ando teleported to a broader and empty dungeon. There are only the torches on the wall and one exit cell gate, that was still locked. And also there was a large demon monster defending the gate.

Ando was surprised.

"Is that a demon?!" Ando said.

「Yes, but don't worry, i already set it up for you to kill the monster so easy」

"Ah, is that so ...?"

「Yes. Now, get ready!— start!」

After the moment the system began to start the tutorial. The pressure of the demon's aura, already make Ando lost his balance. He fell to the ground as his limb all trembling.

"W-what is this ... Pr-pressure?!!" Ando murmured, he tried to stand under the pressure of the demon's aura.

While he tried to stand up, the demon was already in front of him in a flash. The demon was about to attack Ando from top to bottom slash.


Then, the demon swing its sword that was at above them to bottom until it touch the ground and make a whole dungeon room shaking greatly.

And, The demon's vertical slash made Ando's body split in two and succeed to give Ando an experience of death for the first time.

"Huh?!!" Ando shocked as his eyes are shaking.

He observed the place and figured out that it's the same place as the dungeon where he fought with the demon.

"Huh?? Where's the demon??" Ando confused, also he relieved.

He fell his body to the ground to calm himself. He also thinking about what happened to him earlier. He conclude that before is just an illusion or his bad dream. But then, the system voice was heard and began to explain.

「So, your first attempt is a fail. But, don't worry. There's no limit of how much you want to challenge the boss, until you killed the boss. Do you want to continue?」

Ando grinned his teeths and answered the system so loudly, "Yes! Please, continue!!"

As he said that, its clearly that there is a fire in his eyes for a moment.

「Very well, — start!!」

The demon appeared in front of the gate, the only exit way to leave the tutorial. Its not like before, Ando without hesitation run to the demon and take the first move.

He stopped and taking a stance with his both hands in the air holding his weapon tightly.

"Massive Destruction!" He shouted as if he shout a name of skill.

With his hands and weapon in the air, he swing his sword until it touch the ground.

「 Skill are currently not available at your level! 」



The sword has touched the ground but nothing special happened after that. But, Ando who's expected he can use a high level destruction skill, is now its backfired to him.

The sword that touched the ground only made his hand shivering because hard impact between the hard as steel ground and the sword he holds.


And then, the demon beat him up for the second time.

"Well, that's unexpected ...."

「Second attempt is a fail. Continue?」

Ando continued to try to kill the tutorial boss.

As expected, he also lost at third attempt with getting his head separated from the body. Same goes with 4th and so on with a different way of meeting his death ....

And now he already at his 80th attempts, and still remain calm. I don't know why he can remain calm like that, its not like he when in the earth don't have a personality like this.

"Hah ... hah .... This monster is incredibly powerful, but i already know all of his attack pattern and the time when he switch modes from defense mode that make his body hard as steel but slow, to attack mode which make he's light and faster, but his body will be soft like a cotton" Ando said in his mind.

Ando took 3 steps forward. Holding the sword grip by both hands tightly.

"Come!" He shouted to the demon.

The demon growled. And, in a blink of eye the demon was already in front of Ando. But, now, Ando noticed the demon's movement and he can easily dodged it vertical slash.

"A blink then vertical slash, it's enough! Then next attack is ...." Ando prepared to jump.

"Horizontal slash." Ando jumped.

The demon swing it's blade horizontally. Ando managed to dodged it by jumped to the front and aimed to give the demon a few of slash in the body.

As fast as he can attack the demon's body in a short time, he got at least 7 slashes to the demon.

"And next, it will be a taunt" Ando said, jumped to the back afar from the demon then closed his ears.


The demon's use the roar taunt skill to make Ando weakened drastically, but Ando can prevent the taunt by covered his ears with a mana.

"HA! IT'S USELESS. YOU DAMN MONSTER!! NOW, JUST STAND STILL THERE AND LET ME CUT YOUR HEAD OFF!!" Ando shouted excitedly, his eyes filled with tears of happiness.

Ando jumped over the demon's head while doing an aerial slash that aimed on the head about three times.

He landed safely then strengthened his stance as he held his sword parallel to his ears.

He exhaled as he's focus to aim for one strike kill the demon.

"Line Drive—" He shouted when he's dashed towards the demon, but it seems like there's a problem.

While he's dashed, he suddenly remember something and had to stop forcefully in front of the devil.

'I forgot, i can't use a high level skill!' He said in his heart. 'Then ....' he continued.

He lifted his sword to the top of his head, then he attacked the demon's body while shouted, "Heavy Slash!"

He managed to slash the body of the demon, but it's doesn't change anything to the demon.

And again, the demon beat him up for the 80th times.

At 90th attempts, Ando got his body crushed and rip apart.

At 97th attempts, Ando loss because he's tripped and fell in to front of the demon.

At 117th attempts, Ando body was sliced into a pieces because of the whirlwind attack from the demon.

At 144th attempts, the damage that both of them received are same, but due to exhaustion Ando loss.

At 148th attempts, the demon lost it hands and Ando's personality change become a cold and heartless person, but he still loss because the poison.

At 149th attempts, just like the last attempt (148th), Ando managed to cut off the demon's right hand.

Also, after he cut the demon's hand, the demon going mad and throw him to the wall using it left hand.

Ando sat up quickly after he was thrown. Both hands that are covered by blood holding the sword grip so tightly.

The expressionless face, but with a sharp eyes that is fixed on to the large figure winged creature in front of him.


Without any words coming from him, he doesn't hesitate to attack the demon rapidly.

He launced an attack while jumping here and there so that the demon couldn't catch him.

Rapidly, merciless, and deadly attack is directed towards the devil.

And then, the devil get weak and more weak after time passes. It both hands has been cutted off, and both eyes has loss it function.

The devil can only lied on the ground waiting for his dead.

Then finally, Ando jumped on the demon's body and swing his sword to it head and shouted, "Ground Breaker!"

Ground Breaker is actually a skill for level 10 or higher, but the tutorial system granted the player so they can use the skill up to level 12.

The Ground Breaker, it will trigger after the sword or hammer is swung vertically at top to bottom until it touch the ground. Then, a ground will most likely to break like it has been hitted by something like meteor.

「Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial!」

「20M experience obtained from killing the tutorial boss」

「The experience will be reduced by time taken to complete the tutorial, and will be divided by how many attempt you need to complete the tutorial, then lastly it will be multiplied by how effective you are when completing tutorial. So, you are obtained 58.4k of experience. You are now level 14!」

The experience for killing the boss is 20M.

Time taken is a month or about 2,592,000 seconds. The attempts are 149 times, and the effectiveness is 0.5x. So, if you add up all of them, that will be approximately 58,416.

「Tutorial completed .... Now the process to returning to your body— completed!」