Chapter 3 - Miss noble

After the tutorial is finished. Ando's soul is returned to his body.

Ando woke up and found himself at a small comfy room. Also, he was sleeping on the comfy single bed.

And when he was about to get up from the bed, someone is knocking on the door.


Ando wasn't sure who that was, and whose room this was. So, he remained silent and stared at the door waiting for the person to come in to the room.

"I'm in ...." Said the voice behind the door.

As Ando heard the voice, then he recognized whose voice that is. It is the little girl in the hood back then when they were back to the city, Nana.

The door is opened, and the girl with maid outfit stood there carrying a basket of red fruit with her face was surprised. That girl isn't Nana, it's a different girl with a short brown haired and azure eyes, she's looks cute, but also she's look like a careless person.

Well, Ando was also surprised by that girl appearance, because she's definetely Ando's type. A small girl with short-haired, and the face that looks cute and innocent, but the most important for Ando is, he prefer a flat chest girl. And that girl who stood there is likely have everything he likes.

Isn't that what people say love at first sight?

"Uh ... umm—" Ando tried to spoke a word but then the maid girl is screamed. "Gyahh—!!"

The maid girl ran with a basket of fruits she brought while shouting, "Mi-miss!! H-he is awake!! He-help me!!!"

"Wha-what the ...." Ando stared blankly at the door, it seems his heard had already broken.


"Hmm ... i'm level 14 now ...." says Ando when he checked his stats tab.

He closed the tab, and then lowering his head while thinking about when he's still in the tutorial.

'I think i already spent a month to finish the tutorial. But, its only a day in here. Maybe, the time in the tutorial world is faster than here, that's maybe a cause that i can think,' says Ando in the mind.


Ando realized that he doesn't wear the armour, so he searching for the armour in the room, but he can't find them.

"Ahh, where is my equipme— ah!" Ando seems like he realized something.

He opened his inventory tab and found the equipment that he wore before.

'As i though, the equipment disappeared because i didn't meet the requirement to use it. So, it is back to the inventory ...?' thinks Ando.

When he's still thinking, someone was entered the room without him knowing.

"Ah, so you're already awake?"

The soft and lovely voice coming from the girl dressed in a blue luxurious lolita dress, she's small that she looks like a kid, but her face is so pretty that anyone wouldn't care about her height.

'That girl is most likely have a same appearance like Nana had. But, her aura is different compared to Nana. She have a friendly and loving aura, such a girl like this, so it is exist'

"...." Ando stared at the girl.

When Ando was thinking about how the girl is so lovely and friendly that make him really comfortable. Then, the girl spoke, "Hmm? don't say you didn't recognize me, are you? I'm Nana!"

Ando was shocked with what that girl said.

"Wh-what?!" Ando screamed.

'T-to think ... this lovely and beautiful lady in front of me with a cold and seem-like-common girl is the same person ... That ... unbelieveable!'

Nana chuckled, then gave a warm smile to Ando.

'Hah ... that smile, its relaxing— but still! to think they are a same person is ....'

Nana sighed and then she walked towards Ando.

"Looks like you're confused. So, i'll make it clear ...." Nana stopped as her sentence stopped.

"Let me introduce myself again. I'm a daughter from Castello Family, Katarina Castello" She introduced herself as Katarina Castello so properly and in well mannered way of introducing even if it to a mere commoner and untitled person.

'That manner of introducing ... Her family must be a noble in society, a baron or a viscount perhaps?' thinks Ando.

"O-ohh ... Then, Nana is your disguised name as an adventurer i guess?" Ando tried to asked as polite as he can.

"That's right. Anyways, you don't need to be polite with me, you may though that i'm a noble that must be respected by a commoner. But, i'm not that kind of noble anymore ...." says Nana in low tone as she's sad.

"What do you mean? you're not that kind of noble anymore ...?" asks Ando confusedly.

"Yes ... It's because ....."

Nana tells Ando about anything had happened to her.

She's once a daughter of the Marquess Castello, and she's engaged with the third prince of Abil Kingdom. But, once day, when she's at the academy, the girl from another noble family is also taken a like to the third prince.

Well, at that time, Nana isn't bothering herself with it, until the time when that girl is framing her for bullying her. The third prince who has an attitude that upholds justice, especially for a woman. He don't like any bullying, or something like that.

Hearing of his fiancee is bullying another girl, the prince is protected the girl than his own fiancee and sentenced his fiancee. Her engagement was canceled, and her title as a nobleman's daughter was revoked. She was also expelled from the capital to the countryside.

And then, she decided to become an adventurer afterwards. Her father, Marquess Castello, heard that his daughter is becoming an adventurer, so that he help his daughter secretly. He ordered an adventurer to took care of his daughter as an adventurer, he also ask that adventurer to teach his daughter, and that adventurer is Lurk.

'.... A da-daughter of the Marquess ....???' says Ando in the mind trembly.

'If i'm not wrong ... The title of Marquess is lower than Duke and Prince, but its higher than others ....' he continues.

Ando then looked at Nana's face who has a tears out of her eyes, she's really sad about this.

'To think the prince will sentenced her fiancee because of a small matter ....' Ando sighed.

Ando let out a heavy breath, then he stand up.

He suddenly felt a bad thing will coming sooner or later, so he reaches his hand out to Nana.

"Umm ... If you're like this, we will be have bad situation—" as his words isn't finished yet, the door is opened so hard.

Then, Lurk is standing there with his big sword and tense face, at his behind is the maid with the shorthair, but her aura is so much different from before. She also holds a knife in her small hand.

"Nana! There's an urgent problem!!" shouts Lurk loudly.