Chapter 4.1 - Bandits attacked

"There's an urgent problem!!"

Lurk surprised when he looked that Nana is crying.

"What happened?" Lurk stated to Ando out of suspicious.

"She's like this after she told me—" says Ando worriedly, but Nana stopped her by grabbed his hand.

Nana stood up and wiped her tears out, then her face become serious.

"There's nothing, i just felt nostalgic. So, what happened?" Nana asked.

"A bunch of bandits is attacking people in the village and rob them. They also kidnapped the woman and children. Seems like, they will be here soon, we must get rid of them!" says Lurk clenching his hand.

"I understand, Lurk, you go first with Aries to help the villager. I'll prepare my things ...." says Nana.

"Okay! Then— Let's go, Aries!"

Lurk and the maid called as Aries is went to help the village from the bandits attack. As for Ando and Nana, they still in the mansion.

"I'll be prepared ...." says Nana, walks out of the room.

"Wait!" Ando shouted.

Nana who would leave the room was stopped.

She turns back to look at Ando, and asked, "What is it?"

"I can help you to get rid of the bandits" says Ando with serious face.

Nana had a surprised look on her face, but then she smiled.

"Sure, you can help me" says Nana as she chuckles.

'Why do i feel like ... she responded my word as it is a joke?'

Nana leave the room and walked down to the first floor then enter the storeroom. As for Ando, he's waiting at front of the mansion as Nana told him.

'I only have a level 1 sword on my hand ....' says Ando while examined his sword.

'My other equipments is also disappeared because of my low level' Ando sighed.

Afar to the front from where the mansion are, there's a green forest with a lot of trees.

On the trees, there's a bandit whose spying the mansion.

"Hmm ... that boy is only a level 10 warrior, i can take him down in one shot with my arrow" says the bandit, he took out his bow from the back then he took an arrow.

The bandit is aiming his arrow for Ando's head. He pulled the bowstring until its paralles with his eyes.

"Good bye, kid ...." The bandit said it when he close his eyes.

The bandit opened his eyes again, and found a sword is flying towards him.


The sword is stabbed on the bandit forehead. The bandit fell from above the trees to the ground, his blood came out from his wound so much that it is attract the monster in the forest.


Nana already prepared her things, she comes out from the mansion and found Ando standing in front of the gate unarmed.

"Ando? where's your sword?" asks Nana approaching him.

"Emm, eh? i accidentally threw it when i was about to practice swinging, hehe .... " Says Ando, scratching his cheek.

Well, it's true that it is just an accident. He was about to practice swinging his sword but his hands were slippery which made his sword loose and thrown to the bandit direction and accidentally kill him ....

'I think, i heard a sound of someone and something fell after i accidentally threw my sword into the forest direction ....' Thought him.

"Hah ... here, take it" Nana gave him another 1H sword.

"Oh? Thanks" Ando took the sword.

"Your welcome ... Now, let's go help Lurk and Aries" Nana said while running.

Ando following after her. He looked to the skill tab when he's running.

"Umm ... I have 5 warrior skill now, it's enough i think" Ando murmured when he's ran.

Meanwhile at the village ....

Lurk and Aries are protecting the village from the bandits. Lurk is fighting againts the bandits, while Aries helped the villager to evacuate.

The bandits are surrounding Lurk, one againts many. Lurk is indeed strong, but if he face with many enemy at once, there's no guarantee he can win. And now too, Lurk was exhausted after fighting with the bandits, his mana almost depleted.

'Damn it! I can't fighting anymore, my mana almost depleted' Says Lurk in the mind while being surrounded by bandits.

'Is Aries done already with the evacution?' Lurk tried to took a glare to behind, but then one of the bandit charged towards him.

"Hey! Where are you looking at?!!" The bandit shouted, he's aiming his blade to Lurk.

Lurk was able to avoid the attack, and then he counter the bandit that attacked him. The bandit is dead in one slice. And the another bandits are prepared to attack Lurk together after they have a chance.

Lurk let out a heavy breath, he inhaled then exhaled again and again because of exhaustion. Then, few second after that, his defense stance collapsed and he fell to the ground kneeling.

Seeing an oppurtunity, the bandits that surrounded him is began to attack.

'Hah ... So, it's really the end, huh?" Lurk closed his eyes as he was accepted his death.

Lurk saw a memory about his life before his death coming, then when he saw a memory of him with Nana adventuring together, he said in his deep heart, 'Sorry, Nana. I can't keep my promise to you ....'

He closed his eyes, waiting for his death. But, there's nothing happened, curious about what happened, he then opened his eyes.

"Huh? You—" Lurk surprised.

Ando is standing there in front of him, blocking all the bandits attack at once.

"Sorry, we're late!" Says Ando, then he push his sword.

"You two, get out of there!" Nana shouted from afar as she's chanted her fire magic.

Two magic circles appeared. One is under her feet, and another one is on her rod. The carving from the magic circle on her rod is more complicated than one under her feet.

"Fire Wave!"

Nana then swung her rod horizontally to shoot an fire wave. The fire wave is rushed towards the bandits. Ando jumped away from there with Lurk.

"A pyromancer?!" Says the bandits.

The fire wave successfully hit the bandits, some are burned to death, and others managed to escape.

"What a troublesome magician ...." The bandits muttered.

Nana rushed to Ando and Lurk position, they're reunited to fight back the bandits. The bandits also reunited after Nana's attack separated them.

The atmosphere was very tense, none of them dared to make a move. Until finally, a sound of clap was heard.


"Nice, nice, nice ...." Says that voice.

"That fire wave earlier ... is a level 30 skill of a fire magician, and there's one person around here who have that. If it is not a little noble, Katarina Castello?" The man dressed in black like ninja and wears a mask appeares among of the bandits.

Lurk and Nana were shocked when they saw that man dressed in black.

"You are ...." Says Nana.

The man pull out his mask. Behind the mask, is a young cool boy face, with a green-like-grass eyes color, his hair color is red blood.

The man grinds his teeth, then he said, "Long time no see, yeah?"

Nana can't control her emotion anymore, her emotion is mixed between she happy and afraid.
