Chapter 5.1 - A past dream of the little girl

A little girl with a long straight blonde hair is standing in front of the tree. She's staring to the top of tree, there's a squirrel looking back at her with a nut in his hands.

The little girl smiled so happily that will make everyone who looked at it surely will feel the heaven.

But, the squirrel then ran away and make the little girl sad. The little girl looked to where the squirrel ran away with a sad look on her face.

Then, someone dressed like a butler approached her.

That butler is already an old man, his hair was already turned white because of his age. But, he look healthly and energic as a young man.

The butler called out to her, "Milady ...."

The little girl who is acknownledged as his master turned back and looked at him with tears out from her eyes.

"Albert ... The squirrel is avoiding me, i wonder why?"

She said with a sobbing voice while her tears keeps coming out from her eyes.

The butler known as Albert then smiled in reply to his lady's question.

"Why you smiled Albert? I'm asking you, hiks"

The little girl wiped out her tears off with her hands.

Albert reached his hand to pat his lady's head, while patting her, he then opened his mouth.

"Milady, do you want to hear a story of the hero fighting againts the Great Obsidian Dragon?"

"Gasp— I-i want! I want! Please tell me, Albert!"

The little girl's mood changed quickly.

Albert walked and sat down in the bench under the tree. He patting an empty seat beside him as he was inviting his little lady to sit beside him to hear his story.

The little girl know what she must do then she sit beside Albert.

"Then, i'll tell you a story about the great hero who save our kingdom"

He said while looked to the sky, then looked to his lady.

"A long time ago, live a great dragon near the mountain to the north of Abil Kingdom. The dragon was once a good and protected our kingdom, but then, a bunch of people is intruding the territory of the great dragon. They hunted the animals live near the mountain and cutted almost half of the trees in the forest. Not only that, they also did a sins in the great dragon forest territory .... "

Albert stopped for a while and looked at his lady, her face was so serious that she's willingly to listen to the story. And then, Albert continued his story.

"The great dragon was fed up with the deeds done by humans. After that time, the great dragon raged and devastated all areas of humans village there. Not only that, the great dragon also flew to the kingdom and attacked the kingdom, destroying all the kingdom's territories and then disappeared for several years. Several years later, the great dragon was found living in the death valley, the kingdom gathered all adventurers, mercenaries, and also a hero and his group to hunt down the great dragon. The hero is very powerful, and he have a handsome face even have a cross wound on his face. His weapon is a legendary big sword, Asmaterius. He—"

"Ah, isn't that hero similar to Albert? Albert also has a cross wound on your face, right?"

Albert smiled to his lady's words, then he reached his finger to his mouth like he signaled his lady's to quiet.

Even though he is old, but his good looks are still felt in every style and move.

"It's a secret. Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

Albert winked with a thin smile on his face.

While the little girl shut her mouth with her hands then nodded.

"Well~ shall we continue the story?"

Still shutted her mouth with her hands, she nodded constantly with a big eyes full of enthusiastic.

But, someone's voice called the little girl from afar interrupted them.

"Big sister ...!"

From afar, a little boy with blonde hair and blue sky eyes ran towards them while waving his hand.

He is a bit shorter than the little girl, but their age are around the same age or maybe one year gap of the age.

Albert stood up from the bench then he bowed to his lady.

"Milady, sorry but ... I must go to my work again"

Then Albert left his lady to back to his work.

The little girl looked at Albert and waves to him.

The little boy stopped near the little girl, and he is whispered something to her. After that, they left the place.

The next day, the little girl come back to that place where he talked with Albert to see him and to hear the next part of the story, but he didn't come. She waited until the sun set, and still didn't see Albert, then she decided to return.

The day after tomorrow, she come back to that place again and waited for Albert, but he didn't come.

Everyday she always come to that place and waited for Albert, but he never come.

Even after a few years, she still doing that but the result is still the same. Albert, he never coming back.

'After a many years, you never came back. Why you leave me? Are you still in this world? i'll keep waiting for you to came back. But, i'm already tired of waiting, now it's time for me to search for you, even if you're not in this world anymore, i'll search for your corpse. Just wait for me, Albert.' Said internally the blonde long haired beautiful girl in a white fancy dress in front of the door.

The door opened, and she stepped throught the door to the large hallway. A group of neatly dressed and elegant people stand downstairs after the stairs.

Once the girl stepped to the large fancy hallway, the crowd of peoples attention are to her. Together with three handsome and charismatic men who dresses like a princes, they stood elegantly upstairs.

The three men have a same hair color as the girl.

"Happy Birthday, Princess Clarissa!"

The blonde haired girl dressed in a fancy white dress is a princess of the Abil Kingdom, Clarissa Asthezil de Abil. And the other three men are the princes of the Abil Kingdom.

From the left to right standing behind her are the second prince, Arbendon Asthezil de Abil. The crown prince, Claude Asthezil de Abil. And the third prince, Cid Asthezil de Abil.

The princess, Clarissa Asthezil de Abil, smiled and greeted all the attendant of her birthday's party.