Chapter 5.2 - An invitation sent from the capital

After Ando collapsed from the last battle againts Arthel and the bandits. Lurk said that he was already in unsconscious state for around a week.

In the mean time, there's no sign of bandits around the village anymore. Also, someone from the capital, we can just said a messenger from the capital come here, to Nana's mansion.

Nana got an invitation from the capital, more precisely from the royal family. It's an invitation for the Princess Clarissa's birthday party, she and Princess Clarissa was a best friend, but then the princess got a news that Nana has been exiled from the kingdom.

The princess can't do anything about it, but she secretly sent some of her guard to look for Nana and got news that Nana became an adventurer. Her name growing up once again, as an adventurer.

Using this situation, so the princess can invite her personally to her birthday's party as a respect for her being an adventurer.

So, Lurk also told Ando, that Nana will bring them with her to the capital together. But, seems like she can't bring them to the party without them have an invitation.

But, Lurk has said he's got no problem for can't go to the party, as long as he can go the capital. But, Nana still waiting for Ando's answer.

Lurk asked Ando if he want to come with them together to the capital, well it's obvious that Ando will come with them, why not?

Letting go an opportunity to going to the capital with free, but he actually had a plan when he's in the capital. He said he will stayed at the capital, and will not back with them to the mansion.

So, Lurk told Nana about Ando's word and Nana seems didn't bother with it. So, they are prepared to going to the capital.

Lurk and Ando didn't have much things to be prepared, because they only going to the capital as a normal adventurers. But for Nana, she have so many things to prepared for the princess birthday's party.

Like a dress party, make-up, and something girl must do if they want to attend in the formal party, like royal family birthday's party.

Well yeah, because of that, while Nana prepared things in the mansion with her maid, Aries. She told Lurk and Ando to go to the city near to her mansion, and look for the merchant guild master to gave a paper list of Nana's needs.

Lurk and Ando arrived at the merchant guild in the Locre City, they need a hour of travel with the carriage to get there.

When they are just entered the guild, someone standing in front behind a semicircular table greeting them.

"Welcome to the merchant guild, what can i do for you, our dear customers?"

The receptionist girl welcomed them kindly.

Lurk and Ando walked to the receptionist and gave her a paper of list. The receptionist took the paper and look at it.

"This is alot of items to be purchased. It will take a time to complete your order"

Said the receptionist, still reading the list on the paper.

"Umm, how long does it take to complete the order?"

Lurk said, he looks a bit worried.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow you can pick up all your order"

Ando and Lurk looking at each other, then nodded.

"Okay, so tomorrow, right?"


The receptionist nodded.

"While waiting until tomorrow, we suggest our customers to take a part for the tournament which is organized by the head of the city?"

The receptionist suggested them after she recognized them as adventurer from their belongings.

"You both looks like an adventurer, so isn't it a best things to do?"

Asked the receptionist about their opinions.

"Un. Yeah, so, where can we register for the tournament?"

So, Lurk asked.

"It was held at the town hall. You only need to walk straight left after exiting the guild building, then you will arrive at the town hall."

"Thank you!"

Lurk and Ando sent their thanks to the receptionist for the guide.

The receptionist smiled warmly when their leaving the guild door.

But, hell, she's so beautiful when she's smiled ...!, thought Lurk and Ando before they left the guild while they head imagining the receptionist smiled face.

So, Lurk and Ando walked straight to the left after exiting the guild building and found a crowd there.

"There's really an event here?"

Ando said, he tried to checked what is going on at the middle of the crowds.

"Ugh, i can't see anything if there's so many and tall people here. But, i guess they're also an adventurers?"

Ando stopped from jumping, and asked Lurk while his hand on his chin made a check sign.

"Umm, i think they're mercenary not an adventurer"

Lurk answered while looking to one of the peoples that brought a broadsword of his back, also he's only use plate armors on some of his part body like chest, belly, shoulder, and other vital parts without using any clothes under the armor.

So, some of his scars from the battle can be seen in his back part of the body. Which made him had a veteran aura because of the scars.

Also, mercenary doesn't work for any kingdom without being paid or hired.

"The difference between adventurer and mercenary is they're more free than us, they have no rule. The kingdom also can hired them for a war or a backup soldiers or for military purpose as long as they're paid. If we, adventurer, no kingdom can hired us for a military purpose, we also have rule that not to help any kingdom even if their king begged to us or their princesses offer us her body, no matter what, we adventurer must not side with one side, we're an absolute neutral forces!—"

—In short, adventurer and mercenary is white side (neutral). While kingdoms forces is blue or red or green, and lastly a demon forces is black.

Feeling the gaze on his back, the tall and scarred man turned around then looked at Ando and Lurk. His face also full of scars, he is a real veteran from the battlefield.

The man walked towards them with a serious expression.

"You two ... Looking from your equipment and appearance, i can tell that you are an adventurer!"

The man full of scar looking to Lurk when he talked.

"Mmm, i'm indeed an adventurer"

Lurk after noticed that the man was talking to him, then he nodded.

"Hahahaha!! I knew it! So, what are you doing here adventurer? Are you perhaps want to signed for the tournament— *cough* I mean ...."

The man coughed then he looked around, after that, he brought his mouth close to Lurk's ear as he was whispered something.

"I mean— you came here to raid a lizard king dungeon?"

The man hand was above his cheek when he whispered something to Lurk.

'Lizard King?!', said Lurk in his heart.

Then, the man back to the crowds after whispered to Lurk.

Looking to Lurk's face, Ando noticed there's something that bothered Lurk.

"What happened?"

Lurk turns to look Ando with an anxious expression on his face. Lurk scratched his temples before he began to speak.

"I need to do something. Can i trouble you to take care for Nana?"

"Why? what you gonna do though?"

"I can't tell ...."

Silence and awkwardness arose between them.