Different smoke of flavors was filling the whole area of a not so crowded eatery. The place was neither that noisy nor too silent. But there was one person who was so disturbing to watch in there.
"Hey Angel, just take your time and swallow your food thoroughly. The foods will not run." Leslie's said with so much concern in her voice.
But Angel seemed like did not hear a thing. The foods were so enticing and filling her hunger and taste so well. She was starving herself for almost a day now. She only had water for breakfast and a soup for lunch since her money was not enough anymore. It was already two days that she was job hunting after the night she was out home.
Then, Leslie's eyes became wretched as she saw her friend's watery eyes with black bags under it made it more awful to look at.
Not long, Angel suddenly cried out loud like a baby, with foods on her mouth. Then, she was wiping her tears as she tried to put more stuffs on her mouth.
Leslie did not know what to do. She can't blame her from how she was acting now out from her situation. But Angel was also dragging her out into a scene that she shouldn't.
"Hey Angel, calm down. You are better than this!" Leslie desperately sighed.
"What? Are you ashamed to be with me now?" Angel yelled while some of the foods in her mouth were flying.
Leslie instantly shielded her face with her arms to avoid the food from coming into her completely.
"Of course no! Swallow your food down before you talk Angel please." With Leslie's long temper, she calmly wiped away some foods in her arms. This was the first time she saw Angel's class went off.
"You know we should not make a scene in here since your dad's spies might be around and I'll be dead if he'll find out I'm feeding you now." Her soft voice was a little disappointed and cautious. Then, she looked around from time to time as if someone was after to kill them. Leslie decided to treat Angel a dinner in a secluded food place, to check on her and they must be very careful.
"I'm sorry Leslie, I am just so frustrated! I just can't understand why I always get a rejection from the jobs I applied with! How dare them? I lined up patiently in thirst and hot yet they only give me rejections! I am more beautiful than those other lady's!" Angel finally blurted out with so much irritation.
She was frustrated not because she didn't have enough money to spend, enough food to eat and enough room to sleep but because she could not believe that she was rejected for the jobs she applied for!
Leslie also wondered why. "What jobs did you applied for?"
"At first since I have a business administration degree, I applied for a manager position, a supervisor and an executive one." Angel casually said with pride on her face.
"What? Are you crazy? No wonder you are not hired because you're not qualified Angel!" Leslie was trying to control her voice from shouting out on Angel's thoughtless action.
"I heard enough of those words yesterday so would you mind!" Angel's eyes were piercing with so much anger and annoyance with the words "you're not qualified" and now making her felt worse was it personally came from her friend.
"I mean you're not qualified yet!" Leslie emphasized the yet this time to make Angel calm which she slightly did. "You do know that those positions need a lot of experience and background right?"
"Is being a graduate from Harvard University not a big deal?" Angel had great amusement in her eyes as she saw Leslie shook her head for a no.
"It's not just what you can serve but also how you can serve it Angel! And experience speaks a lot for it. In your case, you don't have that how part yet. Why did you not apply for jobs that you are best at? Like modeling perhaps?"
"I did!" Angel exasperated.
"Well, what happened then?" Leslie had a lot of curiosity in her face.
"I am overqualified." Angel appeared to be confident in saying it but the trace of a little uneasiness was also present in her face.
"Is that really so?" Leslie was not convinced of her answer. The way Angel twitched her lips doubted Leslie that she was telling the truth. Angel always unmindfully do that whenever she's lying.
"Of course that's the truth. What else could it be?" Angel can't look at Leslie straight into her eyes.
"You know, you will not lose anything now Angel. It's okay to admit it. It will make you feel better and do better." Leslie calmly said, trying to assure Angel that she would not judge her.
Angel gave in a heavy sigh. "I am notably blacklisted at the modelling stuff." She said it with so much pain in her eyes.
"Why? Is it because of your dad? I don't.."
"No, father would not do that. I did it myself. Perks of being notably stubborn and picky model I guess." Angel let out a short laugh for getting the taste of her own medicine. " Perks of being famous with the ripped off scandal."
Angel is always picky in the things the she models with. She doesn't settle for anything less with. Either she should like it or she's gorgeous on it. Other than that, she'll definitely not doing it or even walk out when things are not in her control and not in how she wants it to be.
The ripped off scandal is one of the notable proofs of her modelling career.
She was offered to walk in one of the most prestigious fashion walk by a renowned fashion designer her father had to invest with. She would be wearing the highlight design but there was one problem, as she tried it she was not impressed. Instead, she was in love with a piece of design that was already worn by one of the models under the whole collection. She ordered the other model to take off what she was wearing and give it to her. But the other model was hard to deal with as well so Angel ripped hers, the highlight conventional designer's dress. Thinking that if she would ripped it, she'll wore what she loved instead.
"The ripped off scandal, the one which the designer sued you for not making it in the runway walk because his month-long created design was ripped by yours truly. That was really epic Angel!" Leslie sounded so amazed upon how she described Angel's scandal.
"It's been four months since that scandal. Why just can't they moved on from it? Because me, I already did." Angel begun to be annoyed again because she felt she must not be judge by it alone. "Now, I think that's enough experience for the "how" part of the job, right Leslie?"
"Yeah, enough experience for you to be blacklisted with the job itself, silly." Leslie tried to voice it out lightly.
Then, both of them laughed from it for a moment.
"By the way, Cassy and Harly would really want to be here but they know we have to keep this secret so they can't. We have also decided to give Romeo back to you when things will be okay with you and your dad. Besides, we can't help ourselves using it when it turn you out to be like this."
"Thanks for checking on me Leslie, tell it to them too. And thanks for the dinner! This was my decent meal after I was left out." Angel's face were full of sincerity and she finally gave a smile. Guess hunger was really the one making her frustrated perhaps.
"This is the only thing I can do to help you now so don't mention it." Leslie took out her wallet to pay for their bill when she was interrupted by a kid.
"Sister, someone paid me to give you this." The kid gave her a paper and rushed out from the place.
Leslie and Angel's faces were confused at all. Then, Leslie opened the folded paper. And she got alarmed as gave it to Angel.
"Oh my Angel! We are so busted!" Leslie finally blurted out while looking consciously around in and out of the place.
"What do we do know?" Angel was also stormed. If they Leslie was warned in paying her food, who will pay for it then? Or maybe the right question will be, how will she pay for it?
Adding up to their sudden commotion was the approaching waiter bringing the bill. The male waiter sweet smilingly handed it to Leslie.
Leslie tried her best to give a calm smile as she took the bill. And as she looked at it, she glanced meaningfully to Angel as if saying there was no way Angel could afford it.
Angel was forced to suggest something she never imagined she will in her entire life.
"Would you accept a dish washing service for payment?"
Leslie's eyes widened upon hearing Angel.
On the other hand, the waiter's face turned bitter as he walked away.
"Washing the dishes? Really Angel? Have you ever done that in your life?" The troubled Leslie controlled herself from shouting with Angel's hilarious idea.
"There's always first time for everything Leslie. Like you said, I have nothing to lose now. Besides, you'll going to help me with this, right?" Angel seemed to be excited about it like she knew it will be just an easy one and not that hard like finding a job.
Leslie gave a silent worried face for an answer for she was left with no choice.