Fallen Angel

"Angel for the last time, are you sure you would not change your mind about Romeo anymore?"

Angel just gave Leslie a calm smile before looking at Cassy and Harly. "Before we part, can I have some hugs ladies?"

With lips turned up, they had an intimate group hug.

"Do you want me to drop you in your mansion?" Leslie offered to Angel.

"Really Leslie? You're kidding, right?" Angel responded with a sort of disbelief in her face then let out a short laugh. "Don't bother yourself, I have already called our driver. Now, you guys take care and see you on the next bet!" She was cheerful but there was also a bit of worrisome that can be traced on her face.

"You too! Thanks Angel! And don't worry about your dad, he loves you so much. I'm sure he can't resist the charm of her only daughter!" Harly lightly shouted while on the car. She wanted to lift her up.

With a face filled with joy, Angel gave them flying kisses as they left with their cars. Not long before her friends had gone, a black SUV arrived and a man came out running to open the back door.

Angel moved to get herself in the car but the doorway was blocked by the man's back.

"Excuse me? Are you knew? Are you not trained? And where's Mr. Rue?" Her voice was a bit in high pitch while her face was in great displeasure.

The man didn't mind answering her. He seemed busy getting something inside.

"Tss! Are you deaf? Okay, I'm going to personally call dad now to fire you!" She was fuming with anger.

But before she could dial her father's phone number, she was disturbed upon seeing the man with a huge luggage taken out from the car.

"Good evening Miss Lee." The man finally talked.

"What.." Angel wanted to asked about the luggage but her mouth remained open in the air as the man continued talking disregarding what she was about to say.

"Your father have ordered me to give you this luggage Miss Lee. And he also wanted you to have this." The man handed her over the luggage with a piece of envelop which Angel had accepted unmindfully. Then, the man left without a word anymore.

Angel was stupefied from what was happening. She was expecting her father to be angry but not like this and not this early. She was sure no one from her father's bodyguards was around a while ago. Her father had really his ways to check on her.

The touch of cold breeze in her soft skin got her spirit back to her body. She brushed her arms for warmth before she opened the envelop.



"No! This is just a joke! Daddy would not do this to me no matter what." She uttered with a crazy laugh of disbelief. She chuckled many times as tried to contact her father. But his phone number cannot be reached.

"This is not real Angel!" Then, she hardly slapped her face in desperation to wake up from the nightmare.

"Ouch! That hurts! Stupid! Why did I hit myself so hard? Oh God! This is so real! Tss! " She put her hands on her face and started squeezing it out of trouble.

"My.. My father is really sending me out!" She begun to cry like a baby. She remained like that for a moment until she heard her phone ringing. She looked at who was calling and it was Leslie.

"Leslie…" Her crying was evident in her voice and she was pitiful to hear.

"Are you okay Angel? Where are you now?" Leslie worriedly asked in low voice. She seemed afraid to be heard by others.

"I am still here from where you left me. My father sent me out from our house Leslie. Please help me. Please." She was already trembling.

"I.. I'm very sorry Angel but your father had already warned my parents not to help you, same with the parents of Cassy and Harley. I wanted to explain to your dad but my parents gave me a tough sermon." Leslie felt that she was talking alone because Angel was just completely quite.

"Hey, Angel? Are you still there?"

"Hmm." This was the only sound Angel could make after realizing how bad was her situation.

" I am sorry Angel. You know how powerful you're father is. Our parents businesses are just dusts on his hand. I just called to deeply apologize. Take .."

Before Leslie could finished her words, Angel ended the call. She wanted to say that she understands them and that it's okay but she can't say it directly so she just texted her friends instead. Then, she took a look at her father's letter again.

"I am accepting your challenge father! But first, I should find a hotel for tonight." She wiped her tears away and fixed her make up before calling a cab.

Angel went to the nearest exclusive hotel. She wore her eyeglasses before entering the hotel. Everyone looked at her with a lot of amusement in their eyes as they saw a peculiar glamorous lady confidently walking in the hotel wearing daylight glasses at a cold evening.

"Good evening Miss, how can.."

"I want the most expensive room for one day." Angel interrupted the receptionist as she took her glasses off and handed her VIP card.

The lady's face brightened and politely took the card to swipe it.

Angel saw the lady shook her head upon swiping the card many times. She was a little alarmed.

"I am sorry miss but do you have other working cards? This one doesn't work." The lady said with a feeling of awkwardness for her.

"Tss! Oh I'm sorry about that. Please try these cards." Angel did not show a little disgrace in herself because she still have five special cards.

Angel's heart became heavier and heavier as her cards were declined one by one. And her world shattered down upon seeing her last card being declined as well.

'Oh my Daddy, you are really testing me! You should pick yourself up Angel Lee!'

"I am so sorry miss but.."

"Tss! We'll, I don't think your hotel is exclusive enough to properly cater a well-off lady like me. Anyway, thank you!" She never showed even a little hint of shamefulness as she took her cards and put back the glasses in her eyes. Then, she walked out with such grace and aura in her every step.

When Angel was finally out from the building and felt that there were no eyes on her, she let out a deep breath. She could feel her knees shaking from an embarrassment she never imagined that would ever happened to her.

"What now Angel? Urgh! God I am an Angel! Why are you letting me fall when supposed to be I should fly with my wings up high! Tss!" She tried to look inside her purse to check her money. To her dismay, she only had few money enough for one kilometer ride of a cab.

Deep within, her tears were already flooding but that will make her weaker so she was hardly controlling herself to collapse and accept defeat without trying everything. She looked around to find the nearest pawnshop. Unusual to the regular open time, there was still an open one in the opposite side of the hotel.

"Excuse me, I need to pawn this." Angel directly expressed handing her purse over to an aged lady in big eyeglasses. The old lady was wearing sleeveless shirt that revealed the tattoos in her arms. 'Oh! Creepy!'

"That will be five hundred bucks." The old lady responded with a raspy voice.

"What?" Angel suddenly yelled out of disbelief. But she calmed herself as the old lady gave her a dead serious glare.

"I mean, what? The is a limited edition purse worth half a million. I think it deserve more value." Angel's voice was more gentle this time.

"One thousand bucks. Take it or leave it! Now, if you mind, I will be closing the shop." The old lady stood up.

"Okay , I'll take it but please keep this. I will be back to get it." The purse was really important to her. It was her favorite.

The old woman gave Angel a big smile without the teeth on her mouth. Then, she rashly took the purse and gave her the money.

Angel had goosebumps all over her body upon the old lady's creepy smile.

In a cold silent night, Angel was walking in the street to find a room for tonight, enough for her money to pay. And the money must be enough as well for her meals on the next day. Her feet was already numbing and her head was severely aching on how to survive with such money on her hand. In her usual life, it can't even afford a decent undies.

"Don't worry Angel! With your beauty, charm and professional modeling skills, jobs will come running just to be with you!" There was an overflowing confidence in her face.

That's what she thought!