Chapter 26 New Allegiance RM

--- Myuute's Journey ---

It has been eight days since arriving at Alnus Hill. This is the second time she has been to this hill. The first time was nearly four months ago, right before the summer season arrived. The original was that they were supposed to be the second wave that was attacking the world on the other side of the Gate.

At first it seemed like the invasion was going well, that was what I was told by her Troop leader. But then all communication from their forces from the other side was suddenly lost. The Empire sent in a small force to find out what happened to them and they never came back.

After no contact with their recon force, General Ulr Dan decided to form a defensive formation around the Gate until they found out what happened.

She was not stationed on the front defensive line by the Gate. She was farther back in the reserves, able to assist if needed with her magical abilities.

Being a Siren, a humanoid bird species, she has the magical ability to create and control wind. The Imperial Army uses her kind to create wind shields, to knock arrows and ballista off their course.

There was a massive, large force here from all corners of the Empire. The Empire is massive, covering most of Falmart. In addition, she never realized how many different types of races they had influence over.

While the hundred thousand strong force were mainly made up of Humans, there were Orcs, Goblins, all kinds of Hybrids, Trolls, some Elves, and other magic users. It has become rare to find people who are able to do or willing to do magic. The Legion was not this big in the beginning, more and more forces kept arriving after riders went around city to city calling on more forces.

Again, she was not stationed by the Gate but a soldier that was there brought one of these strange animals that came from the other side of the Gate and came to her camp. Its skin seemed to be metal like armor, like the ones on soldiers which is weird since she never seen an animal with metal skin before. It had no blood inside, just these small colorful ropes inside it. She tried eating it, but it was not tasty.

It has been a long time since they lost word from the advance force and by this point, they all assumed that they were all dead. Everyone that was sent through the Gate never came back, so the Generals decided to stop sending people through.

There were many different ideas on what happened to the men on the other side. Some thought they went to heaven or the underworld, others believe that they entered a land with naked beautiful women... 'Men'... While there have been other ideas, most believe that they are just dead.

She was told by one of the Volralden that a few more of these 'things' came through the Gate. They were easy to kill; they seem to have no natural reaction like an animal would. One of the soldier's opinions was that it might be some kind of demon.

Everyone though it was a stupid idea, including her. How could this weak turtle?... kill their people? It can barely move. That is when someone brought up a scary point. If these 'thing' did not kill the advance force on the other side of the Gate, who did?

A few more days passed, and everyone is bored. She joined a few soldiers to raid a nearby village, looking for food and entertainment. While they found food, the entertainment was not very entertaining for her. Just the usual raiding, nothing that changed the boredom.

When the Empire called for recruits for this grand adventure, riches, slaves, and glory was promised. For her, she was not interested in the riches, well she would not mind it.

Magic has been on the decline for generations because today warfare is much faster. Depending on the spell and level of the user, magic can take a long time to prepare to make it effective on the battlefield. It has been harder to find an effective role for magic in large battles. She wanted to prove that magic still has a place in their world. She wants to show that it matters, they matter, she matters.

The truth was that she wanted to prove that she had a place in this world. When this war was called, she was hoping to find something out there, something to make a name for myself. To be one of the greats, to have people say her name with high respect and fear. Just like Rory the Reaper.

She will never fully understand what happened that night, but she will never forget.

It was the middle of the night, the least likely time to be attacked by an enemy. The only creatures that would even dare attack at night would be beasts that can see at night.

She instantly awakened after hearing loud noises outside her tent. After getting her armor on as quickly as she could, she rushed outside to see what was happening. There would be yelling and screaming by the soldiers. Bright lights from explosions from within the camps. Not just at the camp she was at but happening everywhere.

That is when she heard a lot of strong sounds and bright lights, all coming from the Gate. Seeing these strange looking wagons or small armored elephants coming out of the Gate, making loud sounds. These strange looking soldiers would be pouring out of these wagons(1).

From where she was at, the battle looks intense. For a short period of time, she could not tell who was winning the battle. That was until she saw two hundred Legionnaires just fall dead. Their armor and shields being torn apart. All slaughtered within seconds.

That was when hundreds of cavalry units rode close to where she was. He was yelling, giving orders. Soldiers would be rushing to him, rally around. She does not remember everything he said but it was a short speech about how they were going to drive these barbarians back. She honestly had to say that for a short period of time she felt some hope and warmth. they were going to counterattack and drive the attackers away.

She got into position and began casting a spell, trying to create a wind shield to block their arrows. There had to be about five thousand of them ready to charge the hill. And They all charge, some trolls and large goblins including the hobs are taking the lead at charging the hill.

She remembers becoming very confused when she cast her spell, ready to blow any arrows away. She has done this spell a hundred times, but it had no effect on their weapons. She watched as the army fell apart, barley getting halfway up the hill.

An explosion would appear close to be, killing a large formation. She would get blown away from the blast. If it weren't for the fact, she is a Siren she would be dead.

A soldier would help her get back up from the ground. As she got up, she saw everything. Everyone on and around the hill is dead or dying. Nearly a hundred thousand just gone and the sun has yet to even break. More and more of these strange metal wagons that make these explosive sounds would keep pouring out of the Gate. Their strange looking soldiers pouring out of the back of these weapons, but not in armor nor carrying shields?

Since then, she ended up with a large group of bandits. Most of them were soldiers from the Battle of Alnus Hill. All of them were angry, frustrated, confused, feeling like they were robbed from what they were promised. Glory, riches, none of that happened. Death is a normal part in life, but this defeat just felt different.

She knew she should not have enlisted into the Imperial Legion, but she let her ego and pride get in the way. All her plans and goals and dreams are gone now. Just survival is left. She was nearly raped and taken by those men after they lost purpose. The only reason she was not enslaved and spared is because she was one of the last magic users. That just means she still had use.

It was decided that she would join a raid on some nearby villages. Many of the soldiers feel like they were robbed from their promises, glory, and riches. It was only a matter of time until they decided to attack Italica(2), the trade hub in the Empire. Many of the soldiers were once garrisoned in that city and knew how to easily take it. She provided a windshield, covering their troops as they claimed the city. It was simple enough.

Everything was going good until 'they' showed up. Again, the battle was over in minutes once these 'Americans' arrived in their flying metal horses(3). She froze during the battle, not knowing what to do. What spell do she use on these things? What spell are they even using? So much power, she did not even know what to do.

That is how she ended up here in Alnus, in an 'American' prison. She finds the cell similar however strange. While the basic design is normal, she does not know what the walls are made of. It does not seem to be a dungeon though. The jail bars seem to be normal though, which was her clue that this was a prison.

They took some of us, leaving the rest who survived the battle with the Empire. Most of them who were taken were the last few women who were fighting with the bandits. She thought her life was finally ending. Whoever these people are, she was now their slave and she could not do anything about it. She could only assume what they are going to do.

For the past few days one by one of them would be taken out of their cell. When one of them left the cell, they never came back. That was until it was only me and two others left in the cell. Her once fellow comrades barely talked to each other sense arriving; all too depressed about the current situation. their minds just were racing, trying to guess who would be their master or would she just be tossed in a whore house. Or maybe even worse, be crucified? She cannot think what is worse, being crucified or become a sex slave.

That is when one of those soldiers would walk up to the cell again. He is holding something, reading something on it. He must be especially important if he knows how to read. Maybe a noble.

"Hmm... Bird... lady. Please follow me," That man said, pointing to me.

She is tired of fighting, so she decided to get up and follow him. He would not be alone as there would be two other soldiers following behind me. They would look fully equipped in whatever they wear for war. But they do scare me.

She would be escorted into a room with a desk at the center. She watched him go inside and sit down on one of the chairs.

"Please have a seat mam." He said to her as he reads the documents that are in his hand.

His two escorts would take her hands and uncuff them. That is when they would walk away, leaving her free. Confused, she would just walk into the room and sit down.

"My name is Second Lieutenant Carlson," Carlson said in a cheerful tone. "I am with the Third Military Police unit here in Alnus. I am here to ask you some questions, please answer them as truthfully as you can."

His name and job meant nothing to her. She would just be confused on what is going on here. Is this their normal process in auctioning someone?

"Name?" Carlson asked.

"Ahh... Myuute Luna Sires," she said in a defeated calm voice.

He looks at her and then back at his paper. He must also be a scholar if they trust him to write.

"How do you spell that?" Carlson asked her.

She never had to tell someone how to spell her name before. He would ask some more questions, like what race is she, why was she with the bandits and attacking Italica. What were and what are her current goals in life. Who is she loyal to and other character type questions.

The questions would go on for what seems to be forever. Suddenly, she is becoming more nervous. The questions would finally stop, and the man would be reading what he wrote down.

She was sick of waiting, being in the dark. All she wants is to know her faith so she can embrace it like a proper slave. "So, what is happening!? Who is going to be my master? Are you lord Carlson?"

Carlson looks at her with the strangest expression. "Ahh..., what master? Lord? This is an interview; we are processing you out of here."

"Process? Interview? Why am I being interviewed? This isn't an auction?" She asked in a confused manner. None of this makes sense to her. Is he just toying with her?

That is when she hears a giggle as the door opens behind her. "Oh... Myuute. You are so silly."

That voice catches her off guard. "Rory...?" She turns around after hearing that voice and sees Rory Mercury, standing there in the room. "What is going on? This isn't a slave auction?"

Carlson speaks first as Rory giggles. "Ma'am, Myuute. Our country does not believe in slavery or the ownership of people. That is banned under the 13th amendment(3). People cannot be someone else property, we value gods' natural rights for all, guaranteeing freedom and liberty. Your friend found out we were holding you and she wanted to offer you a job. First we had to go through a process to see if we could allow that."

She looks back at the man and then back at Rory. "A job? But what happened to the others?"

Rory leans forward, directly at her. "They are taken care over." She winks at her. "The ones who qualified to stay here were released into the Alnus Community. The rest was freed. They just did not want to release a criminal into the community."

This world was just flipped upside down. Just seconds ago, she thought she was going to be enslaved. Now she is going to be free by the people she fought twice.

"What is this job?" she asked, still not believing the situation.

"The Military Police. In their world, the military does not patrol the streets. A civilian group enforces their laws and keeps the peace. While the MPs are part of the military here, they are meant to help keep law and order in Alnus," Rory explains to her.

That is when that man speaks up. "That is the basic idea, we can go into the details later. Rory put in a big word for you. She has earned our trust and respect so when she recommends something or someone, we listen. We are establishing an Alnus law enforcement so the people can police themselves. Rory here is one of the civilian leaders of the unit."

Rory smiles. "Yup, it seems fun. I feel responsible for these people here." She walks to the table and then stops, placing her hand on the table, looking at her. "So, want to join me? It will be like old times?" She said that and gave her a wink.

Rory then leans forward to speak in her ear. "There are also lots of cute and innocent boys here."

She sits there and thinks of the offer, her face blushes bright red thinking that Rory is implying. So much has changed and so fast.

"But I am their enemy. I fought against them at Italica. I fought them here. Why would they help me? Or trust me?" There is a lot of confusion in her voice. She did not want to ask the question, scared to ruin the opportunity but it just did not seem real.

The man was about to speak but Rory stopped him. "I have this. These people, 'Americans', make friends with their enemies all the time. That is how I understand it. Half of their allies they have today, they once fought a war with each other, but they are now friends. If you are no longer loyal to the Empire, you can stay here with me."

"That is mostly correct. Right now, the French are administering the Joint Alnus Community Military Police Program or JACMPP... or the AMP for short."

Rory rolled her eyes hearing that. "They are bad at names though. Just call it the Alnus Police."

The man clears his throat after hearing that. "Yeah well. Basically, your job is to maintain order within the law limits. All training will be provided. Rory, I think we are done here."

Carlson gets up and leaves after leaving a box of basic gear and identification bag for new recruits. Rory and she will leave the building.

At first, she freaks out a little, seeing all this unknown equipment driving around. Those flying horses flying around. Seeing all these soldiers that she recently was enemies walking around.

But what brought some warmth to her heart was seeing some children playing around nearby, seeing what she believes is the Alnus Community in the distance. Seeing traders and other civilians having friendly conversations with these soldiers. Everyone seems to be happy.

"Wow... and you live here with them?" she asked, still shocked by everything.

Rory nods her head to her question. "It has been an interesting experience. Good people, a little naive but good heart."

"How did you end up with them?" she asked as she looks around.

"That is a long, long story. By the way, that man who picked you back in Italica, he belongs to me so stay away!" Rory explains to her, laying down the law.

That confuses her as they start walking around. Rory starts to tell her the history of what happened and some basic information about the Americans and their allies.


--- Valtris ---

May 18th, 2025

Captain Albert Nelson is sitting by the AW159 Wildcat door. Around him is his fellow SAS(5) warriors of the British Army.

The helicopter shakes as they fly over the American and British ground forces below.

Eight days ago, his friend Major Sharpe secured safe passage through Italica. While the city is still an official Imperial city, they have become friendly to NATO forces.

Because Italica is no longer a threat, NATO did not need to attack the city and bypass them. The town of Alter surrendered without a fight after hearing the American victory at Italica against the bandit army.

The remaining Imperial forces have fallen back to the Troph Hills. The American 101st Division and French 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade are attacking the Troph Hills while the rest are making a last stand at the city of Valtris.

Unlike Alnus Hill and Naiktai, where the fighting ended within a day, The Troph Hills campaign has already lasted four days and is expected to last another week.

The Assault on Valtris has lasted for two days. Being a port city with a bridge connecting to the western regions the NATO brass has determined this city to be the most important city to conquer.

Not wanting it to drag out like the Troph Hills, American Lieutenant Charles Stanford and British Major General Mason Arthur agreed to send in the SAS to take out the leadership. They hope cutting the head of the snake will end the battle, saving the strategic port city.

"Captain," the pilot said. "ETA, three minutes."

He looks out the front windows and sees Valtris. Tall buildings with long harbor pier going into the river. The river is massive, being almost a kilometer long. The city reminds him of pictures of Venice Seeing all the water paths through the city, all the small bridges.

He can already see the strategic value of this city, taking it away from the Empire will be a crippling blow to their economy and logistics.

He looks back to his team. "Alright boys. 1st Cav and our 4th Infantry Brigade boys have been taking the city for two days. The Imperial Army is putting up a fight."

"As you all know, Command wants to take this city and use it as a staging ground," he continues. "Because they refuse to surrender our mission is to take out the leadership."

He looks back out the window as they pass the first city walls.

He sees smoke everywhere. He sees where once there were defense batteries of some kind all destroyed. He sees both US, British, and Dutch soldiers fighting in the streets as they engage the Imperial forces.

He sees an American and British Apaches flying around on Search and Destroy missions. Suddenly, he sees this water coming out one of the river paths and starts hovering next to this building roof. The water then forms into a spear-like object and then freezes into an ice spear. The spear fires towards a nearby American Apache.

To his disbelief the ice spear hovers in the air and then launches at the apache.

The Apache fires flares but they seem to do nothing. Two spears pass it but the third-one it is the back rotor. It spins out of control and lands into the river.

"Fuck," Corporal Julian Barrett.

"I see why the brass wants to end this battle now," he said.

"Magic man," Sergeant Connor Reid comments. "They can just create their own artillery out of thin air."

He then sees American artillery leveling that houses. Five rounds hit the building before it collapsed. It looks like everything was leveled, probably killing that mage.

So far in the war magic is a wildcard. The only thing they know about magic is what fantasy media back on Earth and their new mage ally Lelei La Lalena. She explained what magic one thing is, seeing, experiencing it and planning around it is another.

"Whoever did that is dead now," he said. "They might take one of us out, but we will take ten of theirs. Thank god they make themselves a target."

Normally when NATO forces attack a city or region, they make sure to bring as many assists as they can. They are trained to call in air support when needed however there are no air forces in the Special Region. He finds it strange that he is fighting without air support. This means soldiers have to be more careful. Helicopters are the only air support anyone can rely on until more military assistance can come through the Gate.

He sees the Wildcat escort Apache AH Mk 1 fire its 30mm chain-gun into the building, clearing the landing zone.

Once the landing zone is clear the Wildcat hovers by the balcony. He and his SAS team get out and secure the area.

He looks back and sees the Wildcat and Apache leave. He sees small thrown drones and helicopters flying around, providing any support they can. Selective artillery hitting buildings and streets.

"Alright, system check!" Connor orders.

He looks at his helmet and looks at his HUD(6). Just like the Americans the British Army has developed a dismounted situational awareness system called FIST(7).

Right now, the system is just an overweight paperweight because all the communication systems like satellites that are needed to make the system work properly are on Earth. The Alnus Airfield is under construction however it will take time to bring in the necessary equipment to build it. Then bring in all the aircraft that is needed for it. For now, the system is only good for him, able to see his SAS through their cameras.

He readies his C8SFW rifle and heads through the palace.

They all move through the hallway.

"Have you noticed these hallways are bigger?" Julian points out.

He glances around, noticing those two. "It is because these were not just built for Humans. They must design these buildings to allow their bigger creatures in."

"That means watch out for demi-humans," Connor said.

He has seen the images and videos from Philadelphia. Seeing Orcs, Trolls, Werewolves, Humans, Elves and more. As he moves through these hallways, he has no idea what he might face.

As they move, he sees his soldier Sergeant Filip Walsh who is on point through his HUD. He watches him go around the corner and see an Imperial soldier. The swordsmen grab his sword handle and Filip shoots him.

He then hears more weapons fire as his SAS soldiers engage the enemy.

He moves up to the front and sees Connor giving orders. He sees a plaza inside the place, and they are on the third story.

His SAS are lining up on the railing, firing at the large enemy force.

He looks to the left and sees this humanoid standing there. It is a neko in a maid outfit, standing there holding dishes. She looks terrified as she shakes.

"Run," he said. He then watches the neko rushes away screaming in fear.

He chuckles, finding that funny for some reason. He goes to the railing and looks around. He sees soldiers trying to fire arrows at them however his SAS has the better elevation. "We need to keep moving. Our mission is to find the leadership, force them to surrender or take them out."

He then heard a roar and saw this wolf-like beast identify as a Volralden jump from one side of the plaza to his side of the plaza. It grabs on the railing.

The Volralden lets out another roar and grabs one of his SAS soldiers. It takes him and tosses him off him out of the hallway.

The SAS soldier falls three stories down and hits the stone floor.

He and three others shoot their rifles at the Volralden. The bullets go through its armor easily and it falls backwards, going down three stories.

He then looks down. "Shit. Connor takes three and heads down there. The rest of us complete the mission."

They start to move out of the plaza and head down the hallway. He can see on his HUB Connor and his team repelling down to the plaza floor to check on his fallen soldier.

They head down a staircase and see dozens of people in a new hallway. Some of them Valtra Knights and Imperial soldiers and others are just maids, servants, politicians, and/or slaves.

The civilians see him and flee to the doors, trying to escape. The warriors pull out their swords and start charging.

He engages them, killing the first two. The rest of his team forms up and easily takes them all out. Swordsmen boxed into a tight hallway makes them an easy target.

"These are Valtras Knights," he said. "That means we should be close. Let's go."

He sees this fancy looking door at the end of the hallway. Right now he wishes he could uplink with a Reaper(8) or Thales(9) drone to see where the enemy location is at.

He signals his team to get ready to breach. He can hear two of his soldiers firing behind them, watching their six-o-cloak.

He sees his soldiers set up breach charges on the thick door.

Moments later the door explodes open, and his team moves in. He sees about a dozen enemy guards everywhere. Many of them are in fancy stylized armor. He wonders if this is a style of military ranks or a show of wealth or what Kingdom or Count, they belong to.

He then sees the Imperial General with the Count of this city standing there, surrounded by guards.

"Engage," he orders.

He takes his C8SFW and starts firing. The rest of his men open fire after forming a line, all six of them.

The swordsmen form a shield wall, protecting their general. The ones in fancy armor charge at them.

To their horror the one in golden armor dies quickly, showing that their armor is useless.

A green orc in dark armor charges at him, swinging his sword.

He aims and shoots him in the head before he gets close.

"All rogue targets are neutralized," Staff Sergeant Calvin Reid said over FIST. "Focus on the shield wall."

Then a Human man in a robe walks up while also holding a staff. Another individual, a High Elf walks up and holds out his hands.

He sees these four decorative pools in the corners of the chamber room. The water rises, brought controlled by the elf. The water quickly forms a wall between the Valtris Knights and Imperial soldiers.

The mage staff glows, and the water turns into ice. The entire water wall turns into a thick layer of ice.

For a moment he lowers his rifle as he gazes at the ice wall, unable to believe what he is looking at. Water being controlled and then being turned into ice.

"Holy shit," Julian said, unable to believe what he is seeing.

"Everyone engage!" he orders.

All six SAS fire their rifles at the shield but the ice shield deflects all their rounds. The bullets are chipping at the ice shield and can punch through if they have time to do it.

The mage then holds out his hand and ice projectiles from the ice wall.

About two dozen ice projectiles come out of the orb on the staff and head towards the SAS. They are coming like a shotgun, spraying everywhere.

"Take cover!" he orders.

He gets behind a pillar and sees his troops do the same. On his HUD he sees one of his soldiers get hit by an ice projectile. His bullet proof his Osprey Mk4 body armor stops one of the ice projectiles however his arm gets hit.

"Fuck!" Filip said as he places his hand on his arm. "That is so cold. Medic!"

He orders them all to stop and orders Julian to fire the UGL(10).

When Julian gets ready to fire at the mage, the mage fires an Ice Breeze spell first. His C8SFW rifle freezes up and the ice goes up to his arm. He drops his rifle and holds his arm. "I… I cannot move my arm."

He did not bring any heavy weaponry because this was supposed to be an indoor operation. He was not expecting a mage user. In the memo, Lelei explained that magic is different for each mage. It is because magic is based on the user's knowledge of the world and environment, natural laws.

Based on Lelei explanation he can assume this mage is a high level or experienced mage. He knows how to counter NATO infantry weapons. NATO has so little information on these abilities it is hard to plan around it.

He sees the balcony behind them and gets an idea.

"This is the Royals requesting emergency support," he said of FIST.

While FIST network is the UK program, it can connect to the American NW network as part of NATO integration programs. While independent they can talk to each other when needed and share information.

"This is Actual what do you need,"

"I need a rocket or a tank round on the palace balcony," he said. "Single round."

"Single round," Actual said. "Abrams tank firing."

Suddenly the balcony roof explodes shocking everyone but the mage. The mage remains focused on the SAS troops.

He wants to distract the mage or force him to deal with the explosions behind him. That will give his unit a chance to take him out without worrying about a counter.

"Fire again," he said.

This time two tanks around shoots at the palace, shaking the building.

The mage freaks out as he does not understand what is happening. He looks at some of the collapsing rubble and stops them from falling. The rubble glows blue and hovers in place.

He heard Lelei do this back at Alnus(11). This is Telekinesis, where a mage can use their mind to stop and control objects.

While he has no idea how it works and is amazed by the sight, he orders his troops to take the mage out.

His plan worked and now he needs to remove the ice wall. "Fire another grenade."

Calvin fires another grenade from the ULG. The 40mm grenade blows up the ice wall and kills the mage. The rubble falls onto the ground, shaking the room.

Seeing that the area is clear he investigates his HUB to check on Connor. He can see his troops have secured the fallen SAS. The four soldiers he sent to recover the body are ok and in a secure position, waiting for backup however the other is dead.

He sees that the room is clear and starts walking towards the leadership.

The Imperial General walks forward, not scared of their presence.

"Stay still or you get a bullet in your skull!" he orders.

The general stops. He is wearing the standard Imperial armor with many different designs over it. He has a red cap on him. He stands there with pure confidence.

"You Other Worlders dogs," the General said. "You think you have won? The Empire is enduring, forever. Every battle you win only bolden us. We never give up, we never surrender. We will fight until we are victorious or dead."

The general pulls out his sword. "For the Empire!"

He and one other soldier fires at the general, killing him.

He then aims his rifle at the Count.

The Count stands there in green robing. He looks terrified.

"For the record, the General does not speak for me," the counts say.

He then sees Knights walking up armed.

Before he shoots the Count holds out his hand, ordering them to stand down.

"I was told you spared Italica and Alter," the count said. "Is that true?"

"That is correct," he replied. "If you surrender the city now no harm will come to your people or you."

"What about my family?" the count asked.

"Surrender and nothing will happen to them," he said again, getting annoyed.

"Ok," the count said. He takes a deep breath. "My name is Count Gallus Dun Gerardus of the city of Valtris. I hereby surrender the city to you.



(1)Chapter 1

(2)Chapter 14

(3) 13th Amendment to US Constitution, outlawing slavery.

(4)Chapter 19

(5)SAS = Special Air Service

(6)HUD = Heads up display

(7)FIST = Future Integrated Soldier Technology

(8)General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper

(9)Thales Watchkeeper WK450

(10)British Army 40mm grenade launcher

(11)Chapter 9


