Chapter 27 RM


--- Fort Alnus ---

May 21st, 2025

Sharpe is currently at his desk, catching up on some office work. None of the wounds he had received during his time as a prisoner were serious, most of them were just superficial wounds. During his time as a Special Forces Operator, they were trained to have high endurance, being able to push on even if they were in bone-breaking pain. Still, it is not fun to allow yourself to get your ass kicked.

Thankfully, most of his work was already done, thanks to his team's Logistical Officer First Lieutenant Sarah Rose. Since becoming an officer in 2016, one of the most infuriating parts of his job is the bureaucratic side of the job. He usually pushes the work off for as long as he can or dumps it on Sarah. He feels bad doing that, but he cannot stand the work.

Since being assigned to the Ranger unit Vanguard-7, she has been a massive help in that department. Transferring to the Rangers was not an easy adjustment for him, but for some reason she went out of her way to assist him and take on that extra burden for him. He doesn't understand why but he has enjoyed that.

That is when he is drawn out of his thoughts by a pair of footsteps coming into his office, it is First Lieutenant Sarah Rose. "Hello First Lieutenant, enjoying the morning?"

"Hello Sir. I am having a good morning, thank you. I do wish that I had that second cup of coffee." Sarah said with her usual smile. "I have these report requests for you, and please call me Sarah or Rose when we're not formal."

He takes a breath and thinks on that. He knows that he usually mentions someone by their rank.

"More?" He said after hearing that, getting a little annoyed on how many reports the brass has been wanting. It does make sense for most of these requests though, since most of them are related to the Siege of Italica(1) and Battle of Valtris, the only other major engagement since we invaded.

Truth is, the Pentagon has no idea who the enemy is and how they fight. There was not a class at West Point teaching how to fight dragons, elves, defend against magic and slay Roman soldiers. Truth is, there is no play book for this kind of war, everyone is just making it up as they go.

The United States spends about eight hundred billion dollars a year in defense. That includes training soldiers, learning, adapting to what our enemies are doing and research and development. We built super complex systems to prepare for the next war but right now the military's best sources are fantasy books, films, and other shows. Most of the US's satellite guided weapons are nearly worthless in this world, at least until the US Space Force can build the infrastructure for that. NATO has found some workarounds like using drones for localized guidance or painting a target with a laser. But both are only so effective.

"Yeah. They want all the information possible," Sarah answered his question. "If you don't like it, you could have just let the city fall." Based on the short time she has gotten to know him; she knows he never would do that. She just does not understand why he is willing to take that risk.

"And let ten thousand be raped and murdered?" He replied in a distant tone as he thinks back on the battle.

He takes the paperwork from her and then begins to review them. "What is this?"

Sarah leans over, seeing what he is looking at. "That is a memo for tomorrow's training."

He skims the memo, looking for the important parts. The subject is about ancient Earth warfare. A few experts from America and Europe will be coming here to help train our officers on how they fought back in the day. It looks like it will be a two-day event. The training is a great idea, but this is going to push the other work back, more personal work.

"Hmm... Sarah, mind doing me a favor?" He said as he puts down the paperwork. That is when he sees her smile and she roll her eyes.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask," Sarah said, rolling her eyes with a smirk.

Hearing that confuses him. "I take it, I ask for a lot of favors from you?"

Sarah nods her head. She does not seem angry by his consent favors. "I have a jar of favors in my quarters." She sits down on the spare chair. "I'm joking by the way. What's the favor?"

He did not know that he had been dumping personal work on one of his officers. "Never mind."

"Oh no, I got it, it isn't a burden sir. That is my job." Sarah said with a smile.

He nods and pulls out a notepad. "There are some items I need to order from Earth." After saying that he thinks about it for a moment. "It is still weird saying that."

"Yeah, astronauts spend hundreds of thousands of dollars getting an education and spend years training, just hoping to get that small chance to go into space, and here we are." He said chuckling at that weird fact.

Sarah takes the notepad after he hands it to her. Looking over it, she notices most of the items on the list are for Vanguard-7 three new members, Rory, Lelei and Selina, mostly for Lelei and Selina.

After reading the list, she glances back at him. "This list is bad."

"Why is that?" he asked, confused.

"Question, why do you want these?" Sarah asked him in a curious tone. She knows why he wants the items on his list, but she wants him to say it. She wants him to start talking about his feelings more, to loosen him up more.

He leans back into his chair. "It is far easier to say what's on my mind while on the field, Rory and Lelei have been a great help. They don't have to be here or help my team."

Sarah slightly nods her head, understanding where he is coming from. She has wondered why his record is heavily classified for some reason, there seem to be a lot of rumors about his record, soldiers like to talk.

To everyone's surprise he has already shown to have a lot of combat experience, one of the few within the 75th Rangers. He never went to Ranger school, which is baffling to everyone. But from the opening invasion to how he handled the Flame Dragon(2), refugees, and the Siege of Italica she has heard that the troops have started to warm up to him and are impressed by his leadership.

When he first arrived and took command of Vanguard-7 he seemed like one of those positional leaders. He was always angry, never wanting to be around the unit, it was almost like he saw everyone as below him. The events at Italica broke that image as everyone started to see a new side of their leader.

She just wonders what happened to him and why he acted the way he did early on. She does find it adorable to see him open his heart, she wonders why most of the time he barricades it deep inside him. The more he opens the better of a leader he seems to be.

"I get it. It's just that your list sucks."

"Why does it suck?" He asked, confused. He created that list of items he wanted to get the Girls, that being Rory, Lelei and Selina.

"To start with the fashion choices, just no." Sarah smiles at him after saying that. "Don't worry, I will fix everything. And these books? I know you like history and science, but don't you think this is a little bit much for Lelei?"

He groans a little. He put a lot of effort into picking those dresses and he thought he did a good job; it shows how he has no idea what fashion is. "I don't, she is very smart. In the past few weeks, she has shown a good grasp of how our technology and society works."

So far Sarah has only been able to spend a little time with Lelei, but in that time she has been impressed by Lelei intelligence. "You are right sir; give it enough time and she will be the smartest person on this planet. I am surprised you did not put an astronomy book on this list. I know you love space; I can see you two talking about that for hours."

After hearing her say that last part about space, he shakes his head. "Negative. It was decided by the State Department not to share major life altering technology and ideas."

"So... Star Trek rules?" Sarah asked, already knowing what he is thinking. "Also, negative?"

Sarah is referring to the popular show Star Trek, a science fiction that takes place in space in the future. In that show, the Federation is banned from sharing technology to less advanced species. The theory is that less advanced species do not have the proper knowledge, experience, and mindset to use advanced technology responsibility. They believe the cultures will fall apart if they advance too quickly. It is like giving a nuke to a three-year-old on a cultural level.

'Yes, Star Trek rules," he said, agreeing with the example. "But the Orville is another great example."

"God, I love that show. Seven seasons and still going strong. Anyway, I always thought that was a stupid rule but... its dose makes more sense now." Sarah said, thinking deeply on the subject. Rules like that might have prevented a lot of bloodshed in our planet history. Hindsight is a bitch.

"Yes," He said. "It is not that I don't trust Lelei but it is that I don't want to overload her and the others. If you have a worldview that has been around for thousands of years and you suddenly tell them everything, they ever knew is wrong, that usually does not end well. Besides, I do not want to just tell them everything. Sometimes it is better to learn something on your own, earning the knowledge."

"You put a lot of thought into it," Sarah replied. "I am impressed. Alright. Besides, because of the Gate we recently learned a lot of assumptions about the universe turned out to be wrong. Can't teach what we don't know."

It sounds so innocent to share our understanding of the universe, even the right moral thing to do but it could highly damage the culture of this world. For most of Human history, we thought the Earth was flat. Even though the world only accepted the idea the Earth is round only about five hundred years ago. We do not want to radically change everything they know too quickly.

It is just like the "teaching a man how to fish" example. There is value in learning knowledge and ideas on your own. You value it, you take ownership of it. The big question here is when so you help and when do we step aside.

Truth be told, everything about the Gate has radically changed our own science and place in the universe. While it is unlikely, this point probably will surprise us if the sun revolves around their planet.

"I take it, that is why you ask me to get the residents' forms?" Sarah asked him.

He nods. "Yeah. I want to see if I can get them under some kind of legal status under our government. Make this a bit more official. Make sure we honor our arrangements."

"So, what about Selina?" Sarah asked. When asking that question, Sarah would have this big grin on her face, clearly enjoying some thought.

"What about her?" he asked, showing how he can be thick headed.

"I understand Rory and Lelei but she is just a kid." Sarah points out, trying to let him figure out her question.

"I know. Why are you asking?" He asked. "She still needs some protections until something better comes along."

Sarah crosses her legs, getting more comfortable in the chair. "Then why not you just leave her here at the Alnus Community?"

After hearing that, he becomes a little discomfortable. For some reason he did not like that idea. He has gotten used to having Selina around. However, he knows she needs something more stable in her life.

Sarah notices that, seeing he gets nervous on the domestic parts of life. It would be the responsible thing to do but it is clear a part of him does not want to do that for some reason.

"I have been considering that," he said, not in a confident tone. "I just haven't gotten around to looking for a family who will take her in."

Sarah interjects after he said that. "It probably will be best. Find someone to watch over her, be there every day. But I don't think she will like it."

He looks at Sarah confused. He is trying to figure out why she would say that last part. While she agreed with him, her tone implied that she didn't agree."

It would be better for Selina to have a guardian who can be there and provide for her. Someone from this world who understands the daily struggles. Not a soldier from another planet whose only skill set is taking other people's life.

"Why do you say that? She deserves a good life, to be free to live her life. Grow up safe," he replied, trying to figure out what she is trying to say.

He can see Sarah smirking, like she has something on her mind that she is not telling him.

"She adores you sir," Sarah said bluntly. She lets that statement sink in a little before continuing. "I know you try to keep a distance from her, but she does sir. And I am not the only one who thinks that. She wants to be around you and I can see that you want to too. Never underestimate the knight in shiny armor fantasy in a girl." She finishes with a big smile.


Sarah spans her fingers when he said but. Up until now she has been nice, loving and positive but her attitude suddenly got serious. "Sir, with all due respect but just accept it. I know you want to. I know you have not talked to god in a while, it is not my place to know why but let it go. You knew what you were doing the day you saved her and the responsibilities that came with it."

She did not want to push anymore, seeing that she made him see her point and she did not want to cross any red lines. When he first came to this unit, he almost never smiled. It seemed like he just went through a bad divorce or something dramatic intense, but he just was distant. Since Selina came into all our lives, he seems happier.

To his surprise, he is not used to seeing her with a backbone. He would respect that about her and even liked it. She must have seen his christen necklace in her draw before or something like that. He nods, in agreement.

He then leans forward, picking up that wooden figure that is on his desk. "Selina got me this back in Italica. I think his name is Kaeso Sura(3)."

Sarah grabs it to analyze it closer. Her expression shows how impressive the quality it is. "Who is he?"

"I think he is a general from a thousand years ago or something. Apparently, he saved this land from demons or some army of monsters. She was inspired by my Prime toy on my dashboard." he said, remembering the memory.

"See Major. That is how she sees you. I know how girls think. Trust me, last time I checked I am still one." When she is done with the figure, she will put it back on his desk. "You didn't have to save her, but you did. She knows that. Every girl wants a father figure who is a hero, to model after, to be there and protect them. A man around them so they feel safe. To know when the world is collapsing around her there is that one man that can stop it."

He leans back in his chair and thinks on what Sarah said. He never fully considered the idea and had no idea that is how Selina thought of him. He finds it strange and confusing that she sees him in that manner, but the truth is that he likes it.

He knows if he is going to keep the three around, he is going to start training them how to use our equipment and our ways. As he thinks about that, he hears Sarah mumbling about the list that he gave her. Clearly, she does not like his ideas of gifts, probably a good idea. He never was good at getting people gifts.

Before Sarah speaks, he would stop her. "Don't need to hear it, do what you think is best. But for Lelei, I am adding a driving permit. She seems old enough and it will be good for her to learn. I think she will like it."

After writing that addon down, Sarah stands up. "Will do, don't worry sir, I got this. It is all on your credit card anyway, so all is good." Once she stood up, he stood in attention and saluted. Once acknowledged, she then begins to leave.

He nods after what she said and then realizes what she just said. "Wait what!?" By the time he realizes, she would already walk out the door. "God dammit. That explains a lot."

He considers that a nice break but time to get back to work. It looks like more exploration missions would be happening.


With the ongoing building of the airfield at Alnus Hill, both Selina and Lelei are sitting on a patch of grass by a fence. Watching the recently arrived 'aeroplanes' be set up. There are all different kinds of them.

She sits there looking out, amazed by all the different parts and designs of the Other Worlders flying machines. She thought she had seen complex machines in Rondel before however this blew them out. She wonders how the Other Worlders are able to invent such beasts.

"What do you think that one is?" Selina asked, pointing to a large one that is being built.

She was able to acquire a few small guidebooks with some information on NATO equipment. She flips through the pages of the airplane book, looking for a picture that looks like that object. After finding it, she looks back up verifying that they are the same. "A cargo plane, C-130 I believe. It is like a flying wagon. It is just missing its wings right now."

"Oh," Selina asked. "What do you think that small thing is?"

"I think that's what makes the 'aeroplane' fly," she responds as she reads the book. She is happy most of the pages have pictures on them so she can match what she sees with the book. "It is called an engine."

"Wow... do you think we would ever invent things like that?" Selina asked, impressed by the flying machines.

"If the Americans never arrived, I don't think so," she answers in her usual academic tone.

Being surprised by that answer, Selina looks at her. "Why do you think that? They surely did."

She closes the book and thinks of her reply. "From what I understand, they don't have flying beasts in their world. There were no flying animals big enough to domesticate, so they had to invent one. We have that option already so we probably would have limited our imagination. Technology is only invented if we need it."

After saying that, she thinks about how to follow up her points. "But now we can see different ideas there are and maybe someday we could. It won't be in our lifetime though."

Selina is quiet after that, thinking about what she said. "ahh..."

They watch as they see the soldiers load their flying machines off trucks and put them in their new homes called hangers.

"What is your favorite one so far?" Selina bluntly asked, getting bored of the recent quietness.

She looks up from her book and analyzes the many different aircraft. Most of them are American, she can tell by the simplest on each plane. The next largest force would be from Japan with one or two from other nations. After a few minutes, she points to one. "I think I heard one of them call that an Eagle. F-15X-Eagle. It looks like it means business, whatever its dose. I do wonder what the X means."

Selina nods her head in agreement. "I like that one over there. It looks very scary. The teeth painted on the front of its noise and that really big gun under that."

She quickly looks through her book until she found that Selina was pointing at. "They call it a A-10 Thunderbolt. It flies close to the ground and destroys enemy armor."

"Cool," Selina said after eating some Earth Candy.

After a while, Lelei looks over to Selina and asked her a question. "I don't believe I know where you were bored."

The question would sound a bit forced but Selina was fine by it. She grew to like Lelei, being someone, she could walk up to and ask questions on what is happening. "I was born in Edras." She said in an uncomfortable tone.

The Edras Kingdom lies far in the west. For centuries, the Empire has been trying to conquer that land and failed multiple times. That was until recently when the Empire Legions massacred the main Edras Army after their King was murdered.

Rumor has it that many of the nobles were bribed to switch their allegiance to the Empire. They sold out the royal family and the location of their army. It is believed all the royal family were killed after the battle.

"I am sorry," she said to her. Their lands were devastated after the massacre. Today that Kingdom is just a vassal of its former glory.

This is a normal story. Edras is only the latest kingdom to fall to the Empire. At least until now.

The conversation is interpreted by a pair of planes about to take off. They look at them and see two of these Eagles taking off. A loud crackling sound followed the two planes as they went into the air. The planes' takeoff impressed them, finding it fascinating on how they fly.

That is when they see Rory and someone else walk up with her.

"Hi Rory! Who is your friend?" Selina asked after waving her hand at them.

Rory walks up, waving back at her little friend. "She is one of my underlings, how did they say it... 'back in the day?'." They all chuckle at the strange sayings they have back on Earth.

"You can call me Myuute," After introducing herself, she extends her hand for a handshake.

Both Selina and she accept her handshake.

She notices the military police bag around her arm. "I see they let you become a Police Officer."

Before Myuute could respond, Rory jumped in. "Just recently. No one is going to ruin this town under our watch!"

"Yup, I'm going to do my part. I think I could put my magic and abilities to good use here." Myuute added to what Rory said.

"Yeah, when I am out with Sharpe's team, she is going to represent me here. Someone I can trust." Said Rory, showing her confidence in her siren friend.

That is when a helicopter flies over them, heading to the airfield to land.

The three notices Myuute a little nervous after seeing that. Rory assures her, letting her know she does not have to fear them anymore.

"I cannot believe they have such strong flying beasts," Said Myuute. Unlike the other three girls, she is still not used to them. She has been on the receiving end of their war machines a couple of times now.

She stands up from the ground and brushes her robe off. "Those flying beasts are called 'helocopter'. They are not their strongest flying machine. Those are, the 'aeroplanes'."

That is when Selina holds out a small bag of candy. "Would you like some Double M's? They are very tasty."

"Selina, they are called M and Ms," she corrects her.

"But there are two M's on the bag and that just sounds boring." Selina said, determined to stick with her new name. "Double M's just sounds better."

After Myuute takes some M&Ms, she notices that Selina and she don't have MP bages. "Wait, if your Rory friends, why don't you have MP badges? Didn't they offer them to you?" That would just confuse her since she was the enemy not too long ago and they gave me one. Why not their friends?

"They say I am not old enough," Selina replied bluntly.

"They said the same to me. They have age restriction laws and we are technically too young. They don't consider it ethical to allow children into the military," she explains.

That confuses Myuute. She has been working, studying, adventuring since a young age. Probably the same with these three girls too. "But I thought they were about freedom? That doesn't make sense."

"That's what I said but they are set in their ways," Said Rory, freely expressing her opinion.

"Actually, they don't consider someone as an adult until the age of eighteen. Until that age, you have restrictions on what you can do from their parents. They see children as someone who needs to be protected, raised and educated while being protected from the brutality of life." she said in response to Myuute's question.

Selina giggles after eating more M&Ms. "Yeah, you can't get married before that age, can't get employment and can't fight. They are silly."

"Why do they do that?" Myuute asked, wanting to understand their strange culture.

Both her and Selina both look at each other and shrug their shoulders, not knowing how to answer that question.

Seeing how they could not figure it out, Rory places her hand on her hide and rolls her eyes. "Guys, it actually has since. There is value in protecting children. Trust me, I have constantly learned many things over the centuries. Lelei, imagine if you could spend twenty years just studying magic without worrying about anything else?"

She looks at Rory and thinks about that question. "Hmm... that would be amazing. I would be able to learn and accomplish so much."

The other magic user, Myuute would commit to what she just said. "Yeah, my abilities probably would be twice as good. Maybe they do know what they are doing."

"That is how they were able to create these amazing tools like those flying machines."

"Maybe we would create such customs when we become that powerful," Selina adds.

"Maybe." Myuute said back to Selina. "Anyway, Rory we should get going. I really wanted to see those flags raised."

"Flag raising?" Selina asked, interested in that subject.

"Yeah, apparently a few more countries arrived yesterday. It is their custom for each nation to host their flags side by side. It sounds very interesting, and she wanted to see it." Rory said to Selina.

Rory continues that thought. "I think there are ten countries, maybe more," She said, thinking of the number.

"Wow, that is a lot. We better hurry, I want to see them." Before leaving, Myuute looked at the two girls. "You two want to come with us?"

"Sure, I want to see their flags. It sounds like each flag has a story behind it. I think that's pretty neat," Said Selina.

They all head out, heading towards the Gate to witness the new flag raising.



(1)Chapter 14-20

(2)Chapter 6

(3)Chapter 24



Argentinian Bunker

