Chapter 41 A Day in Sadera RM

"GOOD MORNING ALNUS HILL! We are finally on the airwaves. If this took another week, I would begin to believe that I worked for the government. I am here today with my assistant, a native Alnus herself." – Free Alnus Radio

--- Appia Highway, east of Braran ---

June 15th, 2025

It took two days for Vanguard-7 to each the outskirts of Sadera. It should have taken three days however he ordered the unit to drive through the night to make up lost time. However, this speed still impressed the Rose Knights, claiming it should have taken a minimum of six days between Sadera to Italica.

While on the trip, Sharpe make sure that his team record the surrounding areas as best they could and upload the data to the Blue Force Tracker(1) so the military knows where enemy units, towns and paths are located. Every detail matter until the Space Force can establish themselves and get satellites up and running. It was only two days ago that NATO learned the location of Sadera.

One thing he was ordered to find was the direct path to Sadera, so NATO could assault the city if needed. However, after passing through the Dumas Pass between Lorsiss and Votai was far narrower than he expected. His JLTVs barely got through meaning the military will not be able to launch an assault through the pass without massive tunneling operation.

"What was that?" Hamilton asked, startled by the radio that suddenly spoke.

"That is a radio station. It seems like our outpost in Italica got their tower up. We are able to listen to Alnus," Andrew answers Hamilton's question.

"Assuming we stay in range," Alicia points out after a long yawn. "The single is currently bouncing off a Global Hawk about forty clicks south from here."

"Ahh, all I have to do is talk through this thing and everyone can hear?" – Free Alnus Radio

"Yes, they can. We are in life. In today's news, our Diplomatic Outpost in Italica has finally been open. Word has it that our boys there had warming welcome." – Free Alnus Radio

After a short amount of time listens, both Hamilton and Pina realize what they are listening to is news. How impressive that is. One of the reasons why the Empire has been so successful is its post network. Either horseback or flying a Wyvern, new orders or information can quickly get to a place to place, allowing the Empire to react quickly.

However, even that still takes time. These people can magically just talk to someone like they are faced to face, even if the other person is far away. That changes the war of war and even managing the Empire dramatically.

"Yes, they did. Today I am here to talk about the current expansion projects that are needed for the Alnus Community. While trade between Italica and from the Elias region Valtris and Etlia have become productive. Lieutenant General Stanford was the troops to buy local food to help offset the logistical challenges from the Gate. Currently everything the military needs are being imported from Earth through the Gate." – Free Alnus Radio

Vanguard-7 finally is on their way to the capital city of Sadera. The rainstorm that hit the other day has passed and the team was able to leave Italica the next day. Leaving was rough as the roads were all muddy, forcing the convoy to move slowly. That only lasted about fifteen miles until they reached the dry road.

As planned, Rory, Lelei, and Selina are staying at the American Diplomatic Outpost in Italica. Because of a lack of interest on their part and other personal reasons some of them have, they wanted to stay behind. This is a diplomatic mission after all and not an armed assault.


Pina sits in the back of Sharpe's vehicle. She is not alone; her servant Hamilton be with her too. Both her trusted Lieutenants Bozes and Beefeater are in a different vehicle with the ambassador.

Sitting inside this vehicle seems very unnatural. Pina looks over to Hamilton. She sees the same uneasiness expression. How could something move without horses?

Pina looks forward and sees the three Americans upfront. The female soldier name Alicia be sitting behind the driver. All around her are all this strange equipment. She seen her talk through them before, like during the Siege of Italica(2). She was able to summon helicopters and wipe out the bandit army.

There is the driver of this horseless machine and their leader Sharpe by him. She cannot believe how different these people machines are.

Last night dinner was a major learning experience for Pina about who her enemy is. Her biggest mistake was assuming they were like her people. They seem so similar and yet so far apart. While at times the dinner was acquired and tense, to her surprise she enjoyed the conversation. Even if she doesn't agree with a lot of what they said, she enjoyed learning and seeing different points of view. Even making her question some traditions she considered normal.

The idea of liberty seems to dictate most of their decisions and how they see the world. It defies everything she has ever witnessed. It is an idea that sounds too good to be true. She wonders how they react to the goblin and demon races as they do not care about any form of decency.

No, the Empire must endure this crisis. For centuries it has been the Empire that has maintained the stability of this continent and stopped the endless hordes of the Goblins, Orcs, and the other Demi-Human race. And one day we will acquire this technology and reclaim our rightful place of Falmart hegemony.

Hamilton leans forward, "please correct me but on your world, there are no monsters?"

"That depends on what you mean by monsters., Alicia responded. With her hand she points to both Steele and Sharpe, implying that they are both monsters. "We do have little insects. Always creeping around."

"Hey!" Andrew warns.

"It's a joke you baby," Alicia chuckles and looks back at Hamilton. "To answer your question is no. There are no monsters."

"Wow," Beefeater said, having a hard time imaging a world without dragons, Orcs, Trolls and other creatures. "It must be very peaceful."

Pina has a hard time hearing the word peace for some reason. A small frustration emerges, a feeling that she has been suppressing since the Siege of Italica. This was supposed to be a chance for her Rose Order to gain glory(3). To finally show everyone that she is worthy to fight for the Empire, that they are not a joke.

"How can you achieve glory if there is peace? How can you prove yourself?" Pina asked, a little frustrated. Does she want peace with the Americans and their allies? A world without war, how can you achieve honor and greatness without war?

"Wow, back it up there-," Alicia said before being interrupted by Sharpe.

"There is no glory in war, yet from the blackness of its history, there emerge vivid colors of Human character and courage. Those who risk their lives to help their friends." Sharpe said with a tone of experience.

Sharpe then turns around a little bit, so he is facing the Rose Knights direction. "There is no glory in war, only duty. There has been enough blood stained on Earth for someone's ego and greed." He then looks to Pina. "As long as you chase glory you will never achieve it. If you do your duty you may one day be reward with it."

There is a short silence in the vehicle, but it is Andrew who speaks first.

"Who said that sir?" asked Andrew.

"Silvia Cartwright. One of my old teammates shows it to me a few years ago," Sharpe said.

"Who the hell is she sir?" Andrew asked him back.

"Some old New Zealand politician who never fought a battle in her life," Sharpe looks to him and then away. "I like the quote though."

What Sharpe said baffled her. She looks at her fellow Knights and see the same reaction from them. The realization that their warrior values are different shocks her. What wonders what the point of war without achieving personal glory and honor is. How could warriors such as Sharpe not want glory?

"That is a very interest point of view, but war is a necessary part of life. If you don't fight, then someone will come and take everything you have," she said, countering what Sharpe said.

"That is a whole another conversation. If someone is coming to harm you, you have no choice to fight back. You must rise above the threat," Sharpe replied.

Andrew interrupts. "Second Amendment baby."

"Hooah," Alicia expresses. "Anyway, while you two have your philosophy debate, I like to make a correction." She then looks to Hamilton. "We might not have your version of a monster, but Earth history is very bloody. It still took two world wars and a cold war to achieve the stabile peace we have today. We are people too; we just try to live our lives as freely as we can. Sometimes that means fighting the bad guys."

Pina likes what the American female said but something sounded off. It is not what she said but how she said it. The context of what she said is that they do not consider this a major war. World wars? What does that even mean? The continuation of this war could result in the fall of the Empire but to them, is this just some sideshow? Like the war against the Warrior Bunnies, the Northern Campaigns and Edras for the Empire?

Before Pina can asked more questions than she has, a voice would be heard from one of their other talking boxes. She hears one of the soldiers saying that they are approaching the city. That could not be true unless he means the small trading towns between Sadera and Italica. She highly doubts that these people could not tell the difference between a village and a capital.

That is when she hears Hamilton confirm they are approaching Sadera. She adjusts herself so she can see through the window.

"How can we be here already? It is at least a six-day ride at best speed," Hamilton asked.

"Impressive. How fast can these things go?" Pina asked, surprised but not that surprised. Every time she has run into these people it is always something new.

"According to my Blue Force Tracker, the distance between Italica and Sadera is about six hundred kilometers and we drove through the night," Sharpe leans back to face them. "We could have bene here sooner however the Dumas Pass was far narrower than I expected."

"Impressive. How long have you had all these machines?" Pina asked.

"About a hundred, hundred twenty years ago," Sharpe replied. "That's about when it became more mass-produced."

She picks up that term he said at the very end. "Mass-produced? You can make these in large numbers?"

"Yup," Sharpe said as he looks forward again. He and everyone else lower their windows.

As they approach the main wall, Pina notices the Americans looking at the wall and gate, impressed by the wall designs. That seems strange that they would be impressed by a wall.

"Damn, that is a tall wall," Steele said.

"It is like going back in time," Alice said, speaking out loud.

Hearing that made Pina wonder if they have walls around their cities. How could that be? Having defensive walls around important cities is standard. Wouldn't their cities be contently attacked by outlaws and bandits?

After some thought Pina remembers the helicopters. With their flying machines, they could bypass any defense line, making a wall pointless. What an amazing sight that might be, cities without defensive walls.


The vehicle stops when they approach the city gate. Sharpe get out of the vehicle and then lets Pina out so she can allow them through. It took a bit for the guards to open the city gate, having to use two Humanoid minotaur's to open it. Once open, the two go back to the vehicle and begin driving.

Sharpe reaches for the radio. "Alright, everyone, smile, and wave. No one gets out until of their vehicle until I order it. Randy, let my vehicle take point. Do not open the windows."

"Let's remember folks," Johnson adds. "They are Imperialists after all."

"You have nothing to fear," Pina said. "They are peasants. They won't attack unless commanded and I already commanded everyone go along their daily duties."

The convoy moves through the city. Sadera is massive city with thousands of people walking around in nicer robs then what they saw in the countryside. Buildings going about three stories are made from this clean white stone. Flowers and market shops are scattered everywhere, bring this living beauty to the city.

"How big is this place?" Andrew asked.

"I believe the city holds about three million people," Hamilton replied. "Most are Humans however we allow some more respectable races in who earn their place."

The Rangers be looking around, impressed by the city design. Most of the buildings have these detailed designs on them.

However, Sharpe sees slaves everywhere. He saw down an ally of a long time of people chained up. He sees slaves doing their masters bidding. Everything he originally saw in Italica but ten times worse(4).

The other thing he noticed is how these people act like there is no war going on. He can see the disconnect from these Elites to the people on the frontlines.

Pina leans forward. "Go that way. That road takes us straight to the Imperial Palace." As she gives the driver directions, she notices that Sharpe is focused, keeping a mental record over every he sees.

"Don't you like the city?" Pina asked, trying to read him.

He thinks very carefully about how he wants to answer her question. He wants to bring up the slaver and abuse he just saw however he knows he must be diplomatic. "It is impressive. New respect for architecture. When we have peace, I will be happy to look around."

Pina smiles from that, "I will be happy to personal show you around. I can show you the arena, our market has items from all corners of Falmart. And in the end, I can take you to the women's bathhouse. I know a lot of women would be an honor to mate with a great warrior like you."

Alicia and Steele laugh at that, which confuses Pina.

"What is so funny?" Pina asked.

He looks behind at Pina. "They're laughing at you trying to hook me up. I will pass, I am a shower person anyway."

Pina sits back down, happy that she got some positive response from him. Thinking back on the glory debate, maybe they are right about finding glory another way. Ending this war and maybe becoming allies. If she could achieve that, she has lasting glory for generations to come.

After going through the streets of Sadera, they finally get to the Imperial throne hall. The Rangers park their JLTV and get out.

There are Royal guards all dress fancier then the standard infantry they have been facing. They all are watching the Rangers but stay as they are.

After ordering everyone to dismount, Sharpe walks up to his men. Just like last night, he is in his military dress uniform for this diplomatic event. Sarah and Johnson are also in their dress uniforms.

"Ok, Johnson stays here and watch everyone. Frost, Moore with me and Sarah. Everyone else stays here," he orders to them as he puts on his Peaked Cap.

Sarah walks over and adjusts Sharpe's tie. "How do you still not know how to tie?"

He stands there frustrated a little, "I hate ties."

Once everyone understands what they are doing, Sharpe, Willington, and Pina meet. They all go inside the Imperial hall which leads to the Throne Room. The door is massive with all these details designs all over it. Probably a record of important events of the Empire.

Everyone who is going inside walks in. As they walk through the halls, there are massive detailed pillars. There are guards, senators, nobles and all these other people all around. There is probably about two hundred people in here for the peace process.

At the end of the hall is a throne. The throne is on top of this step platform, clearly towering everyone in the hall.

Willington moves up so he is in front of the Rangers, taking the lead. Sharpe is fine by that; he is the one in charge of this after all. The situation feels weird but uplifting. Last time he was part of a peace process, it was extremely bloody. Hopefully, this time it would be better.

"Why hello Emperor Molt Augustus. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Harland Willington, ambassador for our expedition force. It is a pleasure to meet you," Willington said.

Then everyone all around them would kneel to the Emperor. The only ones who are standing are the Americans.

The idea of kneeling, especially to a dictator does not sit comfortably to Sharpe. Americans never kneel so he orders everyone to stay standing. He wants to show the Imperials that they do not control the situation anymore.

Sharpe looks over to the Ambassador and notices him standing there. He expected Willington to order everyone to knee for diplomatic reasons. He respects the Ambassador more.

"This is Major Sharpe, and these are some of his soldiers. They helped your daughter during the Siege of Italica," Willington said.

A little tension arises as everyone noticed that they would not kneel in from of their Emperor. Before any major complaints, the Emperor waves them off. Everyone stands up after seeing that.

"So, you are the people who are occupying my territory? Based on my reports I was expecting you to be taller and bigger," Augustus said.

"In addition to that, did you hear that we also breathe fire and shot lightning out of our eyes?" Willington responds quickly.

There be a short pause after that. The silence ends with the emperor starts laughing, "A power enemy with a sense of humor. I do like that."

"Now you came for peace. I do have a question relating to that. Why are you interest in peace?" Augustus asked.

"My people are pioneers, explorers at heart. We push the boundaries for knowledge and truth. We are interested not in the territory but trade, goods, and understanding," Willington said.

Augustus thinks about that response. "Interesting, and yet for a peaceful people you have a powerful military."

Willington smirks understand where is going on, "we call that diplomacy with a big sick. Peace can only be achieved through a strong military."

Augustus smirks after hearing that. "You speak of peace but fully understand the means of war."

"You and I know that peace is the gap between wars. While we prefer good relations with nations, preparing for the next fight is always required," Willington said and gets more serious. "You don't become number one sitting on the sidelines."

"Agreed. We are two worlds, but we understand the deep truth of life," Augustus said, gaining some respect for the Ambassador.

As the two talks, a loud door opening sound echoes throughout the hall.

"My, my, are these the troublemakers? I do not see what the big deal has been," Zorzal said as he laughs. He walks up to the side of the Rangers.

He sees Pina face palm as Zorzal enter the meeting. He sees this as a bad sign. He looks over to him. Ever since he has is telling him that something is off with this man, red flags everywhere. He looks over to Pina and sees her embarrassed by his sight.

"This is my eldest son Zorzal Ei Caeser. The next Emperor when my time is done," Augustus said. "Son, say hello to the Americans."

He looks at them and sees Sarah and Alicia. He gives them a sexual glance, clearly objectifying them. "Oh well. I hope we get more of these exotic women in your treaty Pina. But I see nothing special about these Americans."

Seeing his advances on his female soldiers makes him defensive. Not believe they are female but because they are his soldiers. He steps between them and Zorzal. "Back away Prince…, wait." He then realizes how Zorzal spoke. His mentor Major Harper education him to listen to how people speak. That a person can figure out someone life story and how they think based on how they speak. That was advise that helped him on many missions. "What do you mean more?"

Willington caught that too. He realizes that the situation has just gotten worse and only deteriorating. "What is the meaning of this?" He said looking to the Emperor.

Right then they all hear this weak feminine voice coming from one of Zorzal personal guards.

"Merican... I an… am… American! Ple… please help me! Please…,"

Sharpe hears that and looks around. He sees this naked woman yells with all her might. She is kneeling on the floor by one of the guards with a chain around her neck. The guard with a chain in his hand kicks her to make her shut up.

Zorzal looks behind at her. "I told you to keep your mouth shut you-." The guard slaps the girl to silence her.

He and the rest of his Rangers saw this, all horrified. What he could not believe was how casual all this is. He cannot believe how much of a after thought it was to hit a teenage girl like that. He has seemed some nasty things in South-East Asia however that was normally individuals doing acts of evil. This is normal within the highest levels of the government. He realizes that there is no way to achieve real peace with a people like this.

Before Zorzal could finish what, he was saying, Sharpe punches him in the head, knocking him back.

Zorzal stands there in shock, unable to believe that someone assaulted him, "you…, you hit me!? You are going to pay for this!" Zorzal yells as he charges forward.

He sees Zorzal coming. His days in Delta Force has taught him how to handle situations like this. Zorzal is bigger and looks stronger than Sharpe, confident as well. However, he can tell he is sloppy with his stance and is more of a brute than a soldier.

He easily deflects Zorzal punch and then grabs it. He quickly moves his foot by Zorzals and flips him on the ground.

He can see some of Zorzal Royal Guards standing there shock how quickly their Prince fell. They probably never seen martial arts before. Everyone in the room is in shock on what is happening.

He looks over and sees Pina standing there with his confused and worried look.

Zorzal turns around, now holding the punch spot on his face. "You… you will be crucified for this?" He said in pure shock, having a hard time believing that someone hit the Prince of the Empire. "I want all of their heads now!"

Pina walks down a few steps as her body panics. "Wait…! Stop…! Calm down, everyone!"

"Princess, that is enough!" Willington said right at her in a demanding tone.

All the guards in the hall raises their weapons and begin moving towards the Rangers.

Alicia and Harvey raise their M4s while both Sharpe and Sarah raise their pistols. All aiming at the Imperial soldiers and Royal Guards.

As everyone begins charging them, Sharpe aims at them. "Fire!" He orders without hesitant.

All the Rangers inside the hall open fires at everyone that is charging at them. Royal Guards fall in large groups, barely getting close. Many would try using their shields as protection. The tactic is to advance slowly while behind cover. However, their shields prove to be worthless as their bullets tear right through it, killing them all.

In less than a minute, nearly fifty guards are laying on the ground dead or bleeding out. Everyone else is hiding behind pillars or crowing against the walls.

"Hold fire!" Sharpe orders.

His Rangers cease-fire but hold in formation.

He looks around and see that the enemy is stunned. He assumes the throne room never has seen battle before, so they are either shocked by the bold engagement or shock by how many of their comrades have died in such a short period of time.

He looks to the guards who are protecting the Japanese American. He raises his Colt M1911 and aims it directly at the two guards. He gives them a glare that said he will give them no mercy.

He notices the two guards getting the message and let go of the girl and back away, "Lieutenant."

"Roger," Sarah said and walks over to the girl. She kneels and holds out her hand. "Hey, you are safe now. Come with us."

Seeing that she is free from the guard, she gets up and pushes her exhausted body towards Sarah, grabbing onto her.

Both start to walk back to the other Rangers, Zorzal gets up quickly and get between them.

Zorzal grabs the chain that is on the floor, that is connecting to the Japanese American collar. This is preventing the girl from getting any closer. "No! This whore belongs to me."

"Let go of her you bastard!" Sarah said as she grabs the chain.

Zorzal places his hand on his handle to pull out his sword.

"Alicia," Sharpe orders. He fires his pistol at one of the guards who was coming to attack Sarah from behind. He is intentionally going for kill shots.

Alicia charges forward, "Lets get some!"

He knew he could not personally involve being the highest military rank in the room. Also, he does not want any of the guards in the room to attack Sarah or Alicia flank. And for the sake of diplomacy, he chooses not to shot Zorzal right there, even though he wants to.

He knows he can trust Alicia to get the job done, after seeing her fight and train with Rory.

The next thing Zorzal notices is this woman half his size rams him in the back. When he falls again on the floor, he looks up and sees this fist slams into his face again. Fist after fist would ram into his head, over and over. His nose breaks instantly break. Some teeth pop out of his mouth and his face turns black, red, and blue, all bruised. Blood pours out from his nose, mouth, and cuts from her cheeks.

Everyone watches as Alicia beats the crap out of the Crown Prince. He ends up letting go of the girl chain.

Sarah quickly grabs the slave girl and bring her back to the Rangers position. The girls grabbing her as tightly as she can.

"You son of a bitch! I kicked guys like you assess back in high school!" Alicia said, getting to into the moment, letting everything she has into his face.

Once Sarah brings the girl back to the Rangers perimeter, she looks at the girl and smiles. "You are safe now. Were U.S. Rangers. It is over now," she said in a motherly tone.

Sarah then feels a tap on her shoulder and sees Willington handing her his jacket. She nods and takes it, wrapping the jacket around the girl, "thank you."

A few guards try to run to Zorzal guards; however, he shoots them in the head, killing them, "no one moves!"

He looks around to get a sense of the situation, "anyone move I promise you I will gun you down like dogs. Including you two," he said, and he looks over to Pina and Molt.

Pina falls on her rear as she watches the events unfold. There is so much blood in the room, so much death. She is struggling to understand what is happening. They were so close to achieving peace and in a matter of seconds, the peace treaty is gone. She can only help but watch as her older brother gets beaten.

Sarah then walks over to Sharpe as he watches Alicia continue her brutal beating. "Sir, isn't that enough?"

He heard her question but ignores her. He keeps watching as Alicia beats him.

He then sees Sarah about to order Alicia to stand down, so he speaks first. "Moore, Stand down! Rangers, guarantee the girl safety, all means necessary."

Alicia stops punching Zorzal. Noticing blood on her fists, she uses his cloths to wipe them off and then stands up afterward. "You are lucky he made me stop." She begins walking away but then stops and looks back at him. "I don't think you need these anymore." And then she kicks him in the balls and the walks back to her people.

Zorzal face is all bruised and bloody. After getting kicked in the balls, he folds into the fetal position in massive pain.

Pina's whole body is shaking, not understanding what just happen. This Great Hall has never been this disgraced before but now, she does not know what to think.

Once Willington believes the fighting is over, he looks to the Emperor. "What is the meaning of this Princess? You have our people as a prisoner, and this is the situation you have them in! This is completely unacceptable! When were you planning on telling us?!"

"There… there not prisoners. They are slaves," Pina said, trying to justify everything. "Our previous treaty stated(5)…-"

"Don't bullshit with me, Princess. You know exactly what we mean," Willington said back to her in a clam but an authoritarian voice. "Speaking of our previous agreement, a set of standards was agreed to with prisoners of war."

Pina sits there knowing this is only getting worse. Her heart feels like it has just disappeared. Desperate to justify her actions and keep the peace process going. "That did not include your people-."

"You dare say that!" Sharpe yells as he looks directly at her. "I believe you and I had an understanding. You knew your people had ours and you did not say anything. You saw that we treated your prisoners with dignity and respect but you!" He said only getting angrier. "You and I shook hands(6)."

"I am holding you personally responsible for all of this. There will be no peace as long as you have one of our people, regardless of nationality," Willington continues, wanting to take control of the situation and prevent another firefight.

Pina can see in their eyes that all trust and bonding they had means nothing. That they are more enemies now than before they meant. All the conversations they had since Italica, the dinner, on the ride here, all meaningless now. She is speechless on what to say. She doesn't understand how these people are so upset over a slave? She wonders if she is a daughter of a noble but remembers they do not have nobles.

"Major," Willington said. "I think we are done here. Take your people outside."

"Ranger…," he is interrupted by the Emperor himself.

Augustus stands up from his throne, unfazed by what he has seen, "I see your true weakness. Your willingness to throw everything aside for a single slave. This will be the downfall of your people. Remember that as you go back to your hill."

Sharpe has the urge to speak but holds his tong. He is forcing himself not to engage anymore, knowing every muscle in his body wants to kill all of them.

"You are completely wrong Emperor. It is the sworn duty of the state to protect its people. It is a core value of ours. We in the West do not accept this kind of treatment of anyone. On Earth or here." Willington said.

Willington can see Augustus about to speak but this time he stops him. The time for diplomatic manners is over. "We have faced and crushed far greater Empires than yours. I have seen your world and some of the evils we defeated do not even compare to you. Our people are not trophies for your amusement."

"Now remember this," Willington states, making sure everyone catches what he is going to say. "Think very wisely on your next move. If anything happens to our people, we know where you live."

Then he turns around and begins walking out of the hall.

The Rangers would follow him, making sure no one tries to stop them or take the girl back.

Sharpe follows behind, making sure no one is left behind. He has always followed the officer philosophy that the officer is the first in and last out. As everyone walks out, he stops and turns around, taking one last glance at Pina. He is extremely pissed, all that talk about mutual respect and all just to be used as a tool.

Then he looks to Zorzal.

Zorzal is laying there as two guards help him up. He sees Sharpe looking at him and feels this deep chill going down his spine. Without needed to say a word, he faces said that he is watching the Prince. He can feel his handshake, his breathing gets heavier. He has seen people like him before and wish he could pure them out of existence.

Sharpe decides to raise his sidearm and put a bullet in Zorzal head. Before he does, he hears Sarah footsteps.

Sarah walks back in the hall after noticing that Sharpe was not with them. "Major, we need to…" As she looks at him, she sees this cold blood killer look in his eyes. A look she has never seen from him before, or anyone else before. "Sir?"

Sharpe looks at her and then nods. "Roger."

Both walk out of the hall.

As the Rangers walk outside, they see dead bodies all around. The two Rose Order ladies, Bozes and Beefeater are over in the corner in pure shock of what just happen. Probably their first time seeing the American weapons in acting.

The outside team looks like they had to fight off the guards who were trying to get inside. Two of his men are on the .50 calibers and everyone else armed to the teeth.

Johnson walks up to them when they arrive at the vehicles. "Sir, we heard gunfire and then everything went to hell out here." He then sees the girl. "Who is she?"

"A liberated prisoner," Sarah said.

"Jerry, get over here! You're riding with me." Sharpe said and then looks to Sarah. "Can you take her to me…"

"I got it, sir," Sarah said, already taking care of the situation.

"Wait, you can just leave after this!" Pina said as she runs out of the hall. "Wait, we can still work this out!"

He sees Pina and then looks to Willington and Johnson. "Ambassador, in the vehicle. This is a military matter now. Lieutenant, load everyone up. I want air support just in case." He then looks to Alicia. "Alicia, update Command."

"I will help her," Willington said, knowing that his mission is over.

After giving his orders, Sharpe walks back up to where Pina at.

"You…, you request my presence because you said we had a mutual understanding. Do you still believe that now?" he holds out his pistol, making sure she understands the gravity of the situation. "If any of you follow us or stop us. I will be burning the city down." He said right at her and the heads to his vehicle.

He gets in and then the Vanguard convoy drives off.



(1)Blue Force Tracker is a American Military GPS map. It shows the layout of surrounding battlefield, units, locations, villages. A real time digital map

(2)Chapters 14-20

(3)Chapter 2

(4)Chapter 15

(5)Chapter 20

(6)Chapter 24


"GOOD MORNING ALNUS HILL! We are finally on the airwaves. If this took another week, I would begin to believe that I worked for the government. I am here today with my assistant, a native Alnus herself." – Free Alnus Radio

--- Appia Highway, east of Braran ---

June 15th, 2025

It took two days for Vanguard-7 to each the outskirts of Sadera. It should have taken three days however he ordered the unit to drive through the night to make up lost time. However, this speed still impressed the Rose Knights, claiming it should have taken a minimum of six days between Sadera to Italica.

While on the trip, Sharpe make sure that his team record the surrounding areas as best they could and upload the data to the Blue Force Tracker(1) so the military knows where enemy units, towns and paths are located. Every detail matter until the Space Force can establish themselves and get satellites up and running. It was only two days ago that NATO learned the location of Sadera.

One thing he was ordered to find was the direct path to Sadera, so NATO could assault the city if needed. However, after passing through the Dumas Pass between Lorsiss and Votai was far narrower than he expected. His JLTVs barely got through meaning the military will not be able to launch an assault through the pass without massive tunneling operation.

"What was that?" Hamilton asked, startled by the radio that suddenly spoke.

"That is a radio station. It seems like our outpost in Italica got their tower up. We are able to listen to Alnus," Andrew answers Hamilton's question.

"Assuming we stay in range," Alicia points out after a long yawn. "The single is currently bouncing off a Global Hawk about forty clicks south from here."

"Ahh, all I have to do is talk through this thing and everyone can hear?" – Free Alnus Radio

"Yes, they can. We are in life. In today's news, our Diplomatic Outpost in Italica has finally been open. Word has it that our boys there had warming welcome." – Free Alnus Radio

After a short amount of time listens, both Hamilton and Pina realize what they are listening to is news. How impressive that is. One of the reasons why the Empire has been so successful is its post network. Either horseback or flying a Wyvern, new orders or information can quickly get to a place to place, allowing the Empire to react quickly.

However, even that still takes time. These people can magically just talk to someone like they are faced to face, even if the other person is far away. That changes the war of war and even managing the Empire dramatically.

"Yes, they did. Today I am here to talk about the current expansion projects that are needed for the Alnus Community. While trade between Italica and from the Elias region Valtris and Etlia have become productive. Lieutenant General Stanford was the troops to buy local food to help offset the logistical challenges from the Gate. Currently everything the military needs are being imported from Earth through the Gate." – Free Alnus Radio

Vanguard-7 finally is on their way to the capital city of Sadera. The rainstorm that hit the other day has passed and the team was able to leave Italica the next day. Leaving was rough as the roads were all muddy, forcing the convoy to move slowly. That only lasted about fifteen miles until they reached the dry road.

As planned, Rory, Lelei, and Selina are staying at the American Diplomatic Outpost in Italica. Because of a lack of interest on their part and other personal reasons some of them have, they wanted to stay behind. This is a diplomatic mission after all and not an armed assault.


Pina sits in the back of Sharpe's vehicle. She is not alone; her servant Hamilton be with her too. Both her trusted Lieutenants Bozes and Beefeater are in a different vehicle with the ambassador.

Sitting inside this vehicle seems very unnatural. Pina looks over to Hamilton. She sees the same uneasiness expression. How could something move without horses?

Pina looks forward and sees the three Americans upfront. The female soldier name Alicia be sitting behind the driver. All around her are all this strange equipment. She seen her talk through them before, like during the Siege of Italica(2). She was able to summon helicopters and wipe out the bandit army.

There is the driver of this horseless machine and their leader Sharpe by him. She cannot believe how different these people machines are.

Last night dinner was a major learning experience for Pina about who her enemy is. Her biggest mistake was assuming they were like her people. They seem so similar and yet so far apart. While at times the dinner was acquired and tense, to her surprise she enjoyed the conversation. Even if she doesn't agree with a lot of what they said, she enjoyed learning and seeing different points of view. Even making her question some traditions she considered normal.

The idea of liberty seems to dictate most of their decisions and how they see the world. It defies everything she has ever witnessed. It is an idea that sounds too good to be true. She wonders how they react to the goblin and demon races as they do not care about any form of decency.

No, the Empire must endure this crisis. For centuries it has been the Empire that has maintained the stability of this continent and stopped the endless hordes of the Goblins, Orcs, and the other Demi-Human race. And one day we will acquire this technology and reclaim our rightful place of Falmart hegemony.

Hamilton leans forward, "please correct me but on your world, there are no monsters?"

"That depends on what you mean by monsters., Alicia responded. With her hand she points to both Steele and Sharpe, implying that they are both monsters. "We do have little insects. Always creeping around."

"Hey!" Andrew warns.

"It's a joke you baby," Alicia chuckles and looks back at Hamilton. "To answer your question is no. There are no monsters."

"Wow," Beefeater said, having a hard time imaging a world without dragons, Orcs, Trolls and other creatures. "It must be very peaceful."

Pina has a hard time hearing the word peace for some reason. A small frustration emerges, a feeling that she has been suppressing since the Siege of Italica. This was supposed to be a chance for her Rose Order to gain glory(3). To finally show everyone that she is worthy to fight for the Empire, that they are not a joke.

"How can you achieve glory if there is peace? How can you prove yourself?" Pina asked, a little frustrated. Does she want peace with the Americans and their allies? A world without war, how can you achieve honor and greatness without war?

"Wow, back it up there-," Alicia said before being interrupted by Sharpe.

"There is no glory in war, yet from the blackness of its history, there emerge vivid colors of Human character and courage. Those who risk their lives to help their friends." Sharpe said with a tone of experience.

Sharpe then turns around a little bit, so he is facing the Rose Knights direction. "There is no glory in war, only duty. There has been enough blood stained on Earth for someone's ego and greed." He then looks to Pina. "As long as you chase glory you will never achieve it. If you do your duty you may one day be reward with it."

There is a short silence in the vehicle, but it is Andrew who speaks first.

"Who said that sir?" asked Andrew.

"Silvia Cartwright. One of my old teammates shows it to me a few years ago," Sharpe said.

"Who the hell is she sir?" Andrew asked him back.

"Some old New Zealand politician who never fought a battle in her life," Sharpe looks to him and then away. "I like the quote though."

What Sharpe said baffled her. She looks at her fellow Knights and see the same reaction from them. The realization that their warrior values are different shocks her. What wonders what the point of war without achieving personal glory and honor is. How could warriors such as Sharpe not want glory?

"That is a very interest point of view, but war is a necessary part of life. If you don't fight, then someone will come and take everything you have," she said, countering what Sharpe said.

"That is a whole another conversation. If someone is coming to harm you, you have no choice to fight back. You must rise above the threat," Sharpe replied.

Andrew interrupts. "Second Amendment baby."

"Hooah," Alicia expresses. "Anyway, while you two have your philosophy debate, I like to make a correction." She then looks to Hamilton. "We might not have your version of a monster, but Earth history is very bloody. It still took two world wars and a cold war to achieve the stabile peace we have today. We are people too; we just try to live our lives as freely as we can. Sometimes that means fighting the bad guys."

Pina likes what the American female said but something sounded off. It is not what she said but how she said it. The context of what she said is that they do not consider this a major war. World wars? What does that even mean? The continuation of this war could result in the fall of the Empire but to them, is this just some sideshow? Like the war against the Warrior Bunnies, the Northern Campaigns and Edras for the Empire?

Before Pina can asked more questions than she has, a voice would be heard from one of their other talking boxes. She hears one of the soldiers saying that they are approaching the city. That could not be true unless he means the small trading towns between Sadera and Italica. She highly doubts that these people could not tell the difference between a village and a capital.

That is when she hears Hamilton confirm they are approaching Sadera. She adjusts herself so she can see through the window.

"How can we be here already? It is at least a six-day ride at best speed," Hamilton asked.

"Impressive. How fast can these things go?" Pina asked, surprised but not that surprised. Every time she has run into these people it is always something new.

"According to my Blue Force Tracker, the distance between Italica and Sadera is about six hundred kilometers and we drove through the night," Sharpe leans back to face them. "We could have bene here sooner however the Dumas Pass was far narrower than I expected."

"Impressive. How long have you had all these machines?" Pina asked.

"About a hundred, hundred twenty years ago," Sharpe replied. "That's about when it became more mass-produced."

She picks up that term he said at the very end. "Mass-produced? You can make these in large numbers?"

"Yup," Sharpe said as he looks forward again. He and everyone else lower their windows.

As they approach the main wall, Pina notices the Americans looking at the wall and gate, impressed by the wall designs. That seems strange that they would be impressed by a wall.

"Damn, that is a tall wall," Steele said.

"It is like going back in time," Alice said, speaking out loud.

Hearing that made Pina wonder if they have walls around their cities. How could that be? Having defensive walls around important cities is standard. Wouldn't their cities be contently attacked by outlaws and bandits?

After some thought Pina remembers the helicopters. With their flying machines, they could bypass any defense line, making a wall pointless. What an amazing sight that might be, cities without defensive walls.


The vehicle stops when they approach the city gate. Sharpe get out of the vehicle and then lets Pina out so she can allow them through. It took a bit for the guards to open the city gate, having to use two Humanoid minotaur's to open it. Once open, the two go back to the vehicle and begin driving.

Sharpe reaches for the radio. "Alright, everyone, smile, and wave. No one gets out until of their vehicle until I order it. Randy, let my vehicle take point. Do not open the windows."

"Let's remember folks," Johnson adds. "They are Imperialists after all."

"You have nothing to fear," Pina said. "They are peasants. They won't attack unless commanded and I already commanded everyone go along their daily duties."

The convoy moves through the city. Sadera is massive city with thousands of people walking around in nicer robs then what they saw in the countryside. Buildings going about three stories are made from this clean white stone. Flowers and market shops are scattered everywhere, bring this living beauty to the city.

"How big is this place?" Andrew asked.

"I believe the city holds about three million people," Hamilton replied. "Most are Humans however we allow some more respectable races in who earn their place."

The Rangers be looking around, impressed by the city design. Most of the buildings have these detailed designs on them.

However, Sharpe sees slaves everywhere. He saw down an ally of a long time of people chained up. He sees slaves doing their masters bidding. Everything he originally saw in Italica but ten times worse(4).

The other thing he noticed is how these people act like there is no war going on. He can see the disconnect from these Elites to the people on the frontlines.

Pina leans forward. "Go that way. That road takes us straight to the Imperial Palace." As she gives the driver directions, she notices that Sharpe is focused, keeping a mental record over every he sees.

"Don't you like the city?" Pina asked, trying to read him.

He thinks very carefully about how he wants to answer her question. He wants to bring up the slaver and abuse he just saw however he knows he must be diplomatic. "It is impressive. New respect for architecture. When we have peace, I will be happy to look around."

Pina smiles from that, "I will be happy to personal show you around. I can show you the arena, our market has items from all corners of Falmart. And in the end, I can take you to the women's bathhouse. I know a lot of women would be an honor to mate with a great warrior like you."

Alicia and Steele laugh at that, which confuses Pina.

"What is so funny?" Pina asked.

He looks behind at Pina. "They're laughing at you trying to hook me up. I will pass, I am a shower person anyway."

Pina sits back down, happy that she got some positive response from him. Thinking back on the glory debate, maybe they are right about finding glory another way. Ending this war and maybe becoming allies. If she could achieve that, she has lasting glory for generations to come.

After going through the streets of Sadera, they finally get to the Imperial throne hall. The Rangers park their JLTV and get out.

There are Royal guards all dress fancier then the standard infantry they have been facing. They all are watching the Rangers but stay as they are.

After ordering everyone to dismount, Sharpe walks up to his men. Just like last night, he is in his military dress uniform for this diplomatic event. Sarah and Johnson are also in their dress uniforms.

"Ok, Johnson stays here and watch everyone. Frost, Moore with me and Sarah. Everyone else stays here," he orders to them as he puts on his Peaked Cap.

Sarah walks over and adjusts Sharpe's tie. "How do you still not know how to tie?"

He stands there frustrated a little, "I hate ties."

Once everyone understands what they are doing, Sharpe, Willington, and Pina meet. They all go inside the Imperial hall which leads to the Throne Room. The door is massive with all these details designs all over it. Probably a record of important events of the Empire.

Everyone who is going inside walks in. As they walk through the halls, there are massive detailed pillars. There are guards, senators, nobles and all these other people all around. There is probably about two hundred people in here for the peace process.

At the end of the hall is a throne. The throne is on top of this step platform, clearly towering everyone in the hall.

Willington moves up so he is in front of the Rangers, taking the lead. Sharpe is fine by that; he is the one in charge of this after all. The situation feels weird but uplifting. Last time he was part of a peace process, it was extremely bloody. Hopefully, this time it would be better.

"Why hello Emperor Molt Augustus. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Harland Willington, ambassador for our expedition force. It is a pleasure to meet you," Willington said.

Then everyone all around them would kneel to the Emperor. The only ones who are standing are the Americans.

The idea of kneeling, especially to a dictator does not sit comfortably to Sharpe. Americans never kneel so he orders everyone to stay standing. He wants to show the Imperials that they do not control the situation anymore.

Sharpe looks over to the Ambassador and notices him standing there. He expected Willington to order everyone to knee for diplomatic reasons. He respects the Ambassador more.

"This is Major Sharpe, and these are some of his soldiers. They helped your daughter during the Siege of Italica," Willington said.

A little tension arises as everyone noticed that they would not kneel in from of their Emperor. Before any major complaints, the Emperor waves them off. Everyone stands up after seeing that.

"So, you are the people who are occupying my territory? Based on my reports I was expecting you to be taller and bigger," Augustus said.

"In addition to that, did you hear that we also breathe fire and shot lightning out of our eyes?" Willington responds quickly.

There be a short pause after that. The silence ends with the emperor starts laughing, "A power enemy with a sense of humor. I do like that."

"Now you came for peace. I do have a question relating to that. Why are you interest in peace?" Augustus asked.

"My people are pioneers, explorers at heart. We push the boundaries for knowledge and truth. We are interested not in the territory but trade, goods, and understanding," Willington said.

Augustus thinks about that response. "Interesting, and yet for a peaceful people you have a powerful military."

Willington smirks understand where is going on, "we call that diplomacy with a big sick. Peace can only be achieved through a strong military."

Augustus smirks after hearing that. "You speak of peace but fully understand the means of war."

"You and I know that peace is the gap between wars. While we prefer good relations with nations, preparing for the next fight is always required," Willington said and gets more serious. "You don't become number one sitting on the sidelines."

"Agreed. We are two worlds, but we understand the deep truth of life," Augustus said, gaining some respect for the Ambassador.

As the two talks, a loud door opening sound echoes throughout the hall.

"My, my, are these the troublemakers? I do not see what the big deal has been," Zorzal said as he laughs. He walks up to the side of the Rangers.

He sees Pina face palm as Zorzal enter the meeting. He sees this as a bad sign. He looks over to him. Ever since he has is telling him that something is off with this man, red flags everywhere. He looks over to Pina and sees her embarrassed by his sight.

"This is my eldest son Zorzal Ei Caeser. The next Emperor when my time is done," Augustus said. "Son, say hello to the Americans."

He looks at them and sees Sarah and Alicia. He gives them a sexual glance, clearly objectifying them. "Oh well. I hope we get more of these exotic women in your treaty Pina. But I see nothing special about these Americans."

Seeing his advances on his female soldiers makes him defensive. Not believe they are female but because they are his soldiers. He steps between them and Zorzal. "Back away Prince…, wait." He then realizes how Zorzal spoke. His mentor Major Harper education him to listen to how people speak. That a person can figure out someone life story and how they think based on how they speak. That was advise that helped him on many missions. "What do you mean more?"

Willington caught that too. He realizes that the situation has just gotten worse and only deteriorating. "What is the meaning of this?" He said looking to the Emperor.

Right then they all hear this weak feminine voice coming from one of Zorzal personal guards.

"Merican... I an… am… American! Ple… please help me! Please…,"

Sharpe hears that and looks around. He sees this naked woman yells with all her might. She is kneeling on the floor by one of the guards with a chain around her neck. The guard with a chain in his hand kicks her to make her shut up.

Zorzal looks behind at her. "I told you to keep your mouth shut you-." The guard slaps the girl to silence her.

He and the rest of his Rangers saw this, all horrified. What he could not believe was how casual all this is. He cannot believe how much of a after thought it was to hit a teenage girl like that. He has seemed some nasty things in South-East Asia however that was normally individuals doing acts of evil. This is normal within the highest levels of the government. He realizes that there is no way to achieve real peace with a people like this.

Before Zorzal could finish what, he was saying, Sharpe punches him in the head, knocking him back.

Zorzal stands there in shock, unable to believe that someone assaulted him, "you…, you hit me!? You are going to pay for this!" Zorzal yells as he charges forward.

He sees Zorzal coming. His days in Delta Force has taught him how to handle situations like this. Zorzal is bigger and looks stronger than Sharpe, confident as well. However, he can tell he is sloppy with his stance and is more of a brute than a soldier.

He easily deflects Zorzal punch and then grabs it. He quickly moves his foot by Zorzals and flips him on the ground.

He can see some of Zorzal Royal Guards standing there shock how quickly their Prince fell. They probably never seen martial arts before. Everyone in the room is in shock on what is happening.

He looks over and sees Pina standing there with his confused and worried look.

Zorzal turns around, now holding the punch spot on his face. "You… you will be crucified for this?" He said in pure shock, having a hard time believing that someone hit the Prince of the Empire. "I want all of their heads now!"

Pina walks down a few steps as her body panics. "Wait…! Stop…! Calm down, everyone!"

"Princess, that is enough!" Willington said right at her in a demanding tone.

All the guards in the hall raises their weapons and begin moving towards the Rangers.

Alicia and Harvey raise their M4s while both Sharpe and Sarah raise their pistols. All aiming at the Imperial soldiers and Royal Guards.

As everyone begins charging them, Sharpe aims at them. "Fire!" He orders without hesitant.

All the Rangers inside the hall open fires at everyone that is charging at them. Royal Guards fall in large groups, barely getting close. Many would try using their shields as protection. The tactic is to advance slowly while behind cover. However, their shields prove to be worthless as their bullets tear right through it, killing them all.

In less than a minute, nearly fifty guards are laying on the ground dead or bleeding out. Everyone else is hiding behind pillars or crowing against the walls.

"Hold fire!" Sharpe orders.

His Rangers cease-fire but hold in formation.

He looks around and see that the enemy is stunned. He assumes the throne room never has seen battle before, so they are either shocked by the bold engagement or shock by how many of their comrades have died in such a short period of time.

He looks to the guards who are protecting the Japanese American. He raises his Colt M1911 and aims it directly at the two guards. He gives them a glare that said he will give them no mercy.

He notices the two guards getting the message and let go of the girl and back away, "Lieutenant."

"Roger," Sarah said and walks over to the girl. She kneels and holds out her hand. "Hey, you are safe now. Come with us."

Seeing that she is free from the guard, she gets up and pushes her exhausted body towards Sarah, grabbing onto her.

Both start to walk back to the other Rangers, Zorzal gets up quickly and get between them.

Zorzal grabs the chain that is on the floor, that is connecting to the Japanese American collar. This is preventing the girl from getting any closer. "No! This whore belongs to me."

"Let go of her you bastard!" Sarah said as she grabs the chain.

Zorzal places his hand on his handle to pull out his sword.

"Alicia," Sharpe orders. He fires his pistol at one of the guards who was coming to attack Sarah from behind. He is intentionally going for kill shots.

Alicia charges forward, "Lets get some!"

He knew he could not personally involve being the highest military rank in the room. Also, he does not want any of the guards in the room to attack Sarah or Alicia flank. And for the sake of diplomacy, he chooses not to shot Zorzal right there, even though he wants to.

He knows he can trust Alicia to get the job done, after seeing her fight and train with Rory.

The next thing Zorzal notices is this woman half his size rams him in the back. When he falls again on the floor, he looks up and sees this fist slams into his face again. Fist after fist would ram into his head, over and over. His nose breaks instantly break. Some teeth pop out of his mouth and his face turns black, red, and blue, all bruised. Blood pours out from his nose, mouth, and cuts from her cheeks.

Everyone watches as Alicia beats the crap out of the Crown Prince. He ends up letting go of the girl chain.

Sarah quickly grabs the slave girl and bring her back to the Rangers position. The girls grabbing her as tightly as she can.

"You son of a bitch! I kicked guys like you assess back in high school!" Alicia said, getting to into the moment, letting everything she has into his face.

Once Sarah brings the girl back to the Rangers perimeter, she looks at the girl and smiles. "You are safe now. Were U.S. Rangers. It is over now," she said in a motherly tone.

Sarah then feels a tap on her shoulder and sees Willington handing her his jacket. She nods and takes it, wrapping the jacket around the girl, "thank you."

A few guards try to run to Zorzal guards; however, he shoots them in the head, killing them, "no one moves!"

He looks around to get a sense of the situation, "anyone move I promise you I will gun you down like dogs. Including you two," he said, and he looks over to Pina and Molt.

Pina falls on her rear as she watches the events unfold. There is so much blood in the room, so much death. She is struggling to understand what is happening. They were so close to achieving peace and in a matter of seconds, the peace treaty is gone. She can only help but watch as her older brother gets beaten.

Sarah then walks over to Sharpe as he watches Alicia continue her brutal beating. "Sir, isn't that enough?"

He heard her question but ignores her. He keeps watching as Alicia beats him.

He then sees Sarah about to order Alicia to stand down, so he speaks first. "Moore, Stand down! Rangers, guarantee the girl safety, all means necessary."

Alicia stops punching Zorzal. Noticing blood on her fists, she uses his cloths to wipe them off and then stands up afterward. "You are lucky he made me stop." She begins walking away but then stops and looks back at him. "I don't think you need these anymore." And then she kicks him in the balls and the walks back to her people.

Zorzal face is all bruised and bloody. After getting kicked in the balls, he folds into the fetal position in massive pain.

Pina's whole body is shaking, not understanding what just happen. This Great Hall has never been this disgraced before but now, she does not know what to think.

Once Willington believes the fighting is over, he looks to the Emperor. "What is the meaning of this Princess? You have our people as a prisoner, and this is the situation you have them in! This is completely unacceptable! When were you planning on telling us?!"

"There… there not prisoners. They are slaves," Pina said, trying to justify everything. "Our previous treaty stated(5)…-"

"Don't bullshit with me, Princess. You know exactly what we mean," Willington said back to her in a clam but an authoritarian voice. "Speaking of our previous agreement, a set of standards was agreed to with prisoners of war."

Pina sits there knowing this is only getting worse. Her heart feels like it has just disappeared. Desperate to justify her actions and keep the peace process going. "That did not include your people-."

"You dare say that!" Sharpe yells as he looks directly at her. "I believe you and I had an understanding. You knew your people had ours and you did not say anything. You saw that we treated your prisoners with dignity and respect but you!" He said only getting angrier. "You and I shook hands(6)."

"I am holding you personally responsible for all of this. There will be no peace as long as you have one of our people, regardless of nationality," Willington continues, wanting to take control of the situation and prevent another firefight.

Pina can see in their eyes that all trust and bonding they had means nothing. That they are more enemies now than before they meant. All the conversations they had since Italica, the dinner, on the ride here, all meaningless now. She is speechless on what to say. She doesn't understand how these people are so upset over a slave? She wonders if she is a daughter of a noble but remembers they do not have nobles.

"Major," Willington said. "I think we are done here. Take your people outside."

"Ranger…," he is interrupted by the Emperor himself.

Augustus stands up from his throne, unfazed by what he has seen, "I see your true weakness. Your willingness to throw everything aside for a single slave. This will be the downfall of your people. Remember that as you go back to your hill."

Sharpe has the urge to speak but holds his tong. He is forcing himself not to engage anymore, knowing every muscle in his body wants to kill all of them.

"You are completely wrong Emperor. It is the sworn duty of the state to protect its people. It is a core value of ours. We in the West do not accept this kind of treatment of anyone. On Earth or here." Willington said.

Willington can see Augustus about to speak but this time he stops him. The time for diplomatic manners is over. "We have faced and crushed far greater Empires than yours. I have seen your world and some of the evils we defeated do not even compare to you. Our people are not trophies for your amusement."

"Now remember this," Willington states, making sure everyone catches what he is going to say. "Think very wisely on your next move. If anything happens to our people, we know where you live."

Then he turns around and begins walking out of the hall.

The Rangers would follow him, making sure no one tries to stop them or take the girl back.

Sharpe follows behind, making sure no one is left behind. He has always followed the officer philosophy that the officer is the first in and last out. As everyone walks out, he stops and turns around, taking one last glance at Pina. He is extremely pissed, all that talk about mutual respect and all just to be used as a tool.

Then he looks to Zorzal.

Zorzal is laying there as two guards help him up. He sees Sharpe looking at him and feels this deep chill going down his spine. Without needed to say a word, he faces said that he is watching the Prince. He can feel his handshake, his breathing gets heavier. He has seen people like him before and wish he could pure them out of existence.

Sharpe decides to raise his sidearm and put a bullet in Zorzal head. Before he does, he hears Sarah footsteps.

Sarah walks back in the hall after noticing that Sharpe was not with them. "Major, we need to…" As she looks at him, she sees this cold blood killer look in his eyes. A look she has never seen from him before, or anyone else before. "Sir?"

Sharpe looks at her and then nods. "Roger."

Both walk out of the hall.

As the Rangers walk outside, they see dead bodies all around. The two Rose Order ladies, Bozes and Beefeater are over in the corner in pure shock of what just happen. Probably their first time seeing the American weapons in acting.

The outside team looks like they had to fight off the guards who were trying to get inside. Two of his men are on the .50 calibers and everyone else armed to the teeth.

Johnson walks up to them when they arrive at the vehicles. "Sir, we heard gunfire and then everything went to hell out here." He then sees the girl. "Who is she?"

"A liberated prisoner," Sarah said.

"Jerry, get over here! You're riding with me." Sharpe said and then looks to Sarah. "Can you take her to me…"

"I got it, sir," Sarah said, already taking care of the situation.

"Wait, you can just leave after this!" Pina said as she runs out of the hall. "Wait, we can still work this out!"

He sees Pina and then looks to Willington and Johnson. "Ambassador, in the vehicle. This is a military matter now. Lieutenant, load everyone up. I want air support just in case." He then looks to Alicia. "Alicia, update Command."

"I will help her," Willington said, knowing that his mission is over.

After giving his orders, Sharpe walks back up to where Pina at.

"You…, you request my presence because you said we had a mutual understanding. Do you still believe that now?" he holds out his pistol, making sure she understands the gravity of the situation. "If any of you follow us or stop us. I will be burning the city down." He said right at her and the heads to his vehicle.

He gets in and then the Vanguard convoy drives off.



(1)Blue Force Tracker is a American Military GPS map. It shows the layout of surrounding battlefield, units, locations, villages. A real time digital map

(2)Chapters 14-20

(3)Chapter 2

(4)Chapter 15

(5)Chapter 20

(6)Chapter 24
