Chapter 42 RM

"This is Alnus News, two weeks from now Secretary of State Bob Nelson will be meeting the other NATO nations. Very little has been said however it is widely believed in setting up a new organization for the Special Region or otherwise known as Uros by the State Department. The goal is to provide medical attention to the people in Alnus and to conduct research to find cures from our world." - Free Alnus Radio


--- Fort Alnus ---

June 16th, 2025

It has been a long day for Vanguard-7. It was only that morning when everyone thought there was going to be peace. All the stress and horrors they have been through and witness was supposed to be resolved with that treaty. At least that is what the unspoken hope was. Apparently, it was a false hope.

With the realization that peace is no longer an option, the war is going to escalate, and everyone knew it. Now that it is known that the Empire has taken people from Earth as slaves, the question is what are we going to do about it?

This operation has been a massive disappointment for Sharpe.

"Roger that Command, thanks for the escort. We will get you more information," he said over the radio to Alnus Command.

Then Sharpe grabs his vehicle radio so he can talk to his team. "Everyone be advised, we have a A-10 inbound for escort. Until we get to Italica keep eyes out." So far it seems that Sharpe's threat that if anyone stopped them from leaving has succeeded.

He can hear both First Lieutenant Sarah Rose and Specialist Jerry William talking to the girl. Jerry has been trying to give her giving her medical attention. She has many cuts and bruises. Once they got out of Sadera, they are giving her some food and water.

When they first enter the city, it looked unbelievably beautiful and civilized, ignoring the slavery part. On the way out of the city, it just looks like a house of horrors that would see from an HBO or Stars show.

The only good thing that has come out of this ordeal is the fact they saved one of their own. That alone was worth coming all this way. Everyone in the convoy is trying to comprehend how something like this could happen but for him, he has seen similar things during his tours in South-east Asia.

As the convoy heads to Italica, Sarah pops her head between both front seats.

"Hey, Major. What's the game plan?" Sarah asked.

"We go back there and kick their ass," Andrew commits, in an angry tone. He is usually one of the more cheerful Rangers on the team.

"Quiet Corporal. Just drive," he orders in his commanding tone, trying to control his anger. He then looks to Sarah. "I just got off the horn with Lieutenant General Stanford. He wants info now."

That surprised Sarah. It does make sense though, with the current situation. "What kind of information? Can't it wait? I rather let her rest. It looks like they beaten and raped her often." She said softly, trying to keep the conversation as private as possible. Which would be hard in a small vehicle.

Sharpe thinks about what he wants to say and then speaks softly. "He wouldn't tell me yet. He's talking to the President now." He pauses to think. "Were defiantly going back in but, we need to know where to strike."

"I understand but can it wait until we get back to base?" Sarah asked again.

"Negative," Sharpe said. "Since they know we value prisoners, command believes they might try moving or do something far worse to any more of our people, and I agree. Time is not on our side."

Sarah takes a deep breath, knowing the task she must do, "Ok, I can do this."

He looks at her, "I know you can do this."

She smiles and nods. Before heading to the back of the JLTV, she looks back at him. "Was it like this when you ran into Selina?"

Sharpe would not commit but his lack of words said enough.

"Sir, Command back on the NW(1). It is Colonel John Yang." Alicia said. Colonel John Yang is the leader of the Ranger Vanguard teams in the Special Region.

Sarah nods and heads back into the back of the JLTV.


The girl is drinking down some water, she is cuddling to herself as she sits down in one of the back seats. She was given a thicker military jacket and any spare clothes for her. It would not be much since they were not prepared for a situation like this. The blanket is probably the warmest softest thing she has felt in nearly a year and she is holding it close.

Sarah is still struggling look at the Japanese American girl in her state. He cannot understand how a man could do such a horrible thing to a woman. She tried to clean her up as best as she can, cleaning off any stains and put bandages on her wounds.

"Excuse me, mind if we talk for a minute?" she asked the girl.

The girl would not answer, just looking down.

Sarah can clearly see some bruise marks on her cheeks. Her hands seem cut and an imprint around her wrists and neck, probably from the chains.

This reminds her of a time in high school with an abusive boyfriend. He always wanted to be in control of the relationship and was not afraid to fight for it. That did not mean she did not fight him back before dumping him but sometimes some people like their victim to fight back. Looking at the girl though, nothing her experienced seems to come cloth to what this poor teenager.

The girl has black hair with what looks like a bob cut. She has the most beautiful light amber eyes.

Sarah sits down next to her after being ignored, "My name is First Lieutenant Sarah Rose. We are here to help."

After a short delay, the girls glance over to Sarah, "it is too late."

"Late?" she is a little confused by that but then thinks about the context. What a long time to be someone personal sex slave.

"Do you mind telling me your name?" she asked.

Sarah can see the girl think, deciding to say something or not. Or is it that she is trying to remember her name? A slave probably does not get to use their name often.

"My... is... Noriko. Noriko Mochizuki," she said in a soft tired voice.

Sarah smiles after hearing her name. Her English is good meaning she is probably a Japanese American. "Noriko. That is a lovely name." She then thinks, trying to be incredibly careful about what she said and how she said it.

She sees Jerry grabbing some bandages, to put on her cheeks, "Noriko, can our medic put some bandages on your face? He is not going to hurt you."

Noriko does not respond, just looking forward.

Seeing Noriko lack of response, she holds out her hand to Jerry, wanting to bandage for herself. Once he gives them to her, she looks back at the girl, "Is it ok if I do it? We don't want you to get an infection."

Noriko stays where she is, trying to decide if she wants her to touch her. After thinking about it for a moment, she allowed Sarah to apply some bandages to her face.

As Sarah applies the two bandages on her face, she begins asking some questions again. "So, Noriko. Are your parents back in the city?"

Noriko looks down into her blanket, beginning to cry softly. "No..., they are dead. My mom, dad, my elder sister. All dead." She then looks to Sarah. "Everyone I love is dead. We were on a family trip and then...," she said and begins to cry now thinking about what happened.

Sarah stops and looks at her. She then wraps her arms around her and holds her close, trying to comfort her. "I am sorry. I am so sorry." She pauses for a minute, letting her have a moment.

"We pushed them back. Philadelphia was retaken but I am sorry we could not do it faster. We have a large base here, on this world. We are heading to it now," she points out, trying to show that the world is not ending.

Inside the vehicle, everyone would get quiet. Normally during a drive everyone playing some guessing game or just bull shitting with each other, killing time. Right now, no one is in the mood.

"Dammit, we should go back there and kick some-," Alicia said, getting angry. She is interrupted by Sharpe. She looks over to him and sees this shut up look on his face.

Seeing that Alicia calmed back down, Sarah again places all her attention on Noriko. Alicia is great in a fight but sometimes she gets way too over-energetic. Right now, is not the time for something like that.

"I am sorry, but I do need to ask this. It is important, and it can't wait. Is there anyone else that was with you? I know you do not want to think about that place, but we need to know. To help any others who were left behind." Sarah asked in a motherly tone.

Noriko thinks about the question. Indeed, she does not want to think about the nightmare. Truth is that the Crown Prince had many sex slaves during her time there. Most of them he got bored of them quickly and tossed them aside like used paper towels, except for her and this other bunny looking, woman.

"Well... yes. There were many but none from our world," Noriko said. "We were split up after the processing center."

Sarah smiles seeing that she is getting somewhere. "OK, who were they?"

"Are... are you really here?" Noriko asked, looking up at Jerry and then looking to Sarah.

"We are here kid. We are not going anywhere," Jerry said to her question, going through the first aid kit.

"Yup. We are here. The United States military is here. And we are not going anywhere until we get everyone back. No matter what," she said to her smiling. "We just need any information you can give us."

Feeling the reality that Noriko was saved from the Empire, from her master Zorzal; she takes a light breath. "Well, most of us got split up early on. Most of the men were taken away for the games, to the mines or something else related to the army. I think most of them are dead by now."

Then Noriko looks back down into her blanket. "The group I was with was mostly women. We got split up, given to people. Most were given as gifts to royal family members and nobles across the Empire. All I remember is Amira Harab and this other man." She sobs a little bit, trying to remember. "I can't remember his name."

Sarah lightly pats her on the back. "It is ok. You are doing great. Can you tell me what you do remember about him?"

"He..., he wasn't American. I could not really understand him. I think he was from Brazil... I mean is from Brazil." Noriko said, trying to recall any memory she has. Sarah tries to speak but she stops her. "I think he was an exchange student at a college."

Sarah looks to Alicia and points and then symbols to write everything down.

Alicia catching that begins keeping a record of everything that is said.

"Ok. That works, thank you. Anyone else? Just try your best," she said again.

"There was another, but she is dead. She tried to escape but was...," Noriko struggles to finish that sentence, the memory of the girl being used as an example if anyone ran away is too extreme to think about.

"It is ok. You were great and brave. You helped us out a lot of Noriko. When we get back to base you can rest if you want. We will get them back."


--- Italica ---

June 18th, 2025

As Vanguard-7 left to the capital city of Sadera, the girls decided to enjoy the city of Italica. They are escorted by one of the Countess maid Aurea, a Medusa. Unlike most other Medusa, she has the body of a human girl, but her hair is red living snakes. She is being a tour guide to the city and to make sure no one messes with them or get separated.

"Do you think they are fine?" Lelei asked as she walks along the street.

Rory yawns, stretching her arms, "They are fine. It is only boring politics. How can they screw that up?"

"It is the Empire though. Have they ever been honest?" Selina said, thinking on the topic.

Rory intentionally ignores the question, glancing away as she wraps her arms behind her back.

Deep down inside she does not want peace with the Empire, she would prefer for NATO to crush the Empire into dust. But that is a fool's dream.

"Is anyone Selina?" Lelei responds to her. "People have stolen, lied and murdered throughout time. Them being Human, Elves, Dwarfs or Goblins."

"Yeah. If you want to be honest, everyone regardless of race can be brutal." Rory adds to the conversation. "But prefer their way."

All three of them suddenly stop and look to their right. They see a stand with three women and two men. Some are elves, humans, Command, and Beast creatures. All naked and chained up, one of Italica slave auctions.

All three would feel this sickening feeling in their gut. This urge of wanting to do something but also knowing they cannot do anything about what they see.

"Rory, may I ask you something?" Lelei asked.

"Hmm... yes?" Rory said.

"You have lived for a long time. Before meeting these Other Worlders, did you ever feel this disguise feeling when you witness this before?" Lelei asked as she.

"We should go," Aurea said and begins walking off, wanting to keep the three moving and away from the topic.

Rory begins following them, thinking on Lelei's question. In over nine hundred years she has rarely thought about the topic of slavery or even other topics like that. She never sold anyone or own someone before. Just always been natural to the topic. The institution has been part of life, like breathing. Well, not until that day in the village.

"Well, honestly, not really. I probably walked past booths like that a thousand times. Probably more." Rory said, thinking more deeply on her answer now. "It never once crossed my mind until recently."

"Until after the Gate?" Lelei said.

"Yup," Rory said thinking.

Lelei thinks on the topic too. She had a feeling that is what Rory was going to say. The topic also never crossed her mind. "I was lucky to grow up in the Magic Academy for a good portion of my life."

"What, all five years of it?" Rory said joking. She knows Lelei is much older than that however compare to Rory's true age, she still a baby.

"I am not joking Rory," Lelei said in a strong serious tone.

"You rarely do Lelei," Rory said chuckling. "But I get it what you are saying. I have been there. One of the few places where slavery isn't that common. No real need, right?"

The city of Rondel is the home of many academies and places for worship. While the institution is there, there is not much of a need for one for research and magic training.

Lelei nods, agreeing with her. "Well, my point I am making is that until they arrived, I never would have thought anything about it."

"Yeah, I know. I felt the same way just then too. I really wanted to do something but then what?" Rory said, speaking more from the heart now.

"Your group is strange," Aurea said, looking behind her now. "Is that what you worry about?"

"What else would we worry about?" Lelei ask.

"Look around. Since the battle, we do not have any men left to protect the city. Crime has interested a lot since then." Aurea points out. "But thanks for the help last night Rory. I think Emroy will be happy."

Lelei looks over to Rory. "Is that what you were doing yesterday?"

Rory looks away, unashamed. "Well, what was I supposed to do? I am Emroy Apostle after all. Besides, they had it coming. They were trafficking children out of the city."

Lelei will think about that. Italica was once considered one of the safest cities in the region. Because of how well defended it was at the time and being relatively close to the Empire capital. They have entered hard times. "Selina, stay close."

Not hearing an answer, Lelei turns around and notice Selina is no longer with then. "Rory, do you know where she went?"

"Hmm? Isn't babysitting your job? I'm busy enough trying to keep the other Americans on the team alive." Rory said jokily. Right then she realizes the gravity of what Lelei just said. "Wait what?"


As Lelei and Rory were talking about slavery, the topic would make Selina sick. It was not too long ago when she was one. She tries to keep a good public face for everyone, being strong and everything. But some of the things she witnessed and put through during the event and was put through still hurts. Hearing about the topic and how casual they were speaking about it; she just could not take it. There are nights she must cry herself to sleep from the memory of being a slave.

When the Medusa maid Aurea told them to leave the slave booth, she was the first to go. Wanting to get away as soon as possible.

As she walks behind them, ignoring Rory and Lelei's conversation. This boy would walk past her, bumping her on her left shoulder.

"Hey, watch it." She turns to address him.

Right when she is distracted, she feels her purse that Sarah got her to be taken away. Realizing that someone is robbing her, she looks to her right and tries to grab it back, just missing it. "Hey! Give that back!"

Seeing the boy run down a thin ally way, she sees where Rory and Lelei are at. "Rory!" Noticing that they are too far to help she decides to run after the boy. "I got this."

She is going around a few corners, she begins to think she lost him. That is when he sees something that belongs to her in the mud. He is am going through her stuff. She follows the trail, the boy only being around the next ally.

He stops by this wooden staircase looking through her purse.

"What is this junk? Hmm, what are these cotton tubes?" The boy said analyzing a tampon and then tosses it onto the mud. He then pulls her M&M or as she calls them 'Double Ms'.

Before the boy notices Selina has been followed him, she runs right up to him and tackles him into the mud.

"You prick!" she yells as she tries punching him. "That belongs to me! It means a lot to me!" She then tries grabbing her purse.

The boy would push her off after taking a few punches. He was not expecting to get into a fight. "Hey, they said I could have your bag."

She falls into the mud and slowly gets back up. "Give it all back you... wait what?"

That is when she realized what the boy just said. That he is not alone.

"I knew it was you," An elvish voice comes from behind her.

Selina starts to get scared as she turns around. She sees two brown looking Elves standing there in dark cloaks. She begins getting up so she can run away.

Her people call them the Northern Wood Elves or otherwise known as Nadris. They are an extremely aggressive people, skilled in archery and speed warfare. We have been fighting each other for generations with nothing but hatred between the two sides. Question is why are they even here?

As she gets up and begins running, one of them grabs her arm.

"I can't believe it. Princess Selina of the Edras Kingdom. I thought you where you sold as a pet to Zorzal?" The other Wood Elf said. "What are you doing here in this low life place?"

Then the Wood Elf looks to his friend. "I guess he didn't get his new pet. Should we-." He stops his sentence from a sudden sharp pain on his hand. He lets go of her realizing that she just bit him.

When he lets go, she tries to recover and then run. However, she would not be able to get far. The mud is thick from the heavy rain and since they are in an ally the sun has not been able to dry it properly. Besides, the boy would try tackling her as she passes. He misses her but able to grab her foot, tripping her.

The Elf that was bitten then looks at her, incredibly angry, "you little barbarian! You are going to pay for that."

The other Elf begins walking to her, not struggling as much in the mud as she did. "What should we do? Sell her to the Crown Prince or bring her back to the clan leader? He has been wanting revenge for decades now."

The wounded Elf shakes his hand, rubbing off the pain. "Selling her to the Empire could mean a massive reward. But bring her to Lord Lashin, he will be pleased with this gift."

"Then Lord Lashin it is. I cannot believe we just notice you here yesterday. Given it two days we would not be here. The gods have blessed us. Your friends are not here to help, you can't escape." The other Elf said.

Fear would rain down Selina's body. Growing up she heard the stories about them, how they massacred whole villages. How we lost thousands of soldiers in the war against them. Always hidden, waiting to strike when you least expect them. And what they do to their prisoners, executing them or selling them off to other tribes for money and weapons.

That is when she remembers her Glock 43 pistol(2). Sharpe said she can only use it when her life is in danger, this must meet his original intention.

As they approach, she quickly reaches out and pulls her pistol out from its holster and aims. Both freezes, confused about what it is but recognize it must be something important if she pulled it out.

She aims and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens.

"What!?" Selina said out loud, not understanding why nothing happened. Her eyes open wide wondering as she panics, trying to figure out why nothing happened. It worked in the shooting range and every time she uses it before during practice.

She pulls again and then again and still nothing.

The two snickers as one of them look to the boy, "Take your gift and go."

The boy nods his head and runs off with Selina's purse.

She watches him leave and then looks up as they approach. She turns around and tries crawling away.

That is when someone steps in front of her, coming around the corner. She looks up and sees this man in what looks like Imperial knight armor. Seeing that, she backs away a little and then looks at the elves, seeing that she is surrounded.

"Leave now or be slain," The strange man said as he pulls out a dagger.

At first, she thought he was talking to her but then she sees that he is talking to the two elves. She looks over to them and notices they are not pleased that he is here.

"Leave an old man. This is none of your business," The wounded Elf said.

"We are not shy in spilling your blood. Now go Human," The other Elf said in a threatening tone.

As the two Elf's pull out their daggers, the Imperialist soldier charges at them, grabbing on and tossing him into the wall. He stabs the Elf in the chest with his dagger.

The other Elf grabs the Human shoulder tries to stab him in the weak point of his armor. The man already planned on that and would block the Elf attack. He pulls his dagger out of the other Elf and punches the Elf in the face, knocking him against the other building wall.

The other one tries to attack from behind, but the man grabs him and tosses him into the mud.

He takes a step back, making sure he is between the girl and the two Elves.

Slowly they get up and begin to realize they are not effective in this environment. Wood Elves specialize in openness to strike. Using the openness of the world to attack from range or to sneak close to their enemy and slaughter them. This alleyway is to combat for them to move and get around his armor.

Not wanting to give up their prize though, they get ready to charge the man. That is when they hear a voice above them.

"I think that is enough," Mamina said, looking down at the two elves from the edge of the roof. "I thought I heard something iffy going on." The Warrior Bunny looks directly at the two Elves and gives them a threatening look. "Ready to die?"

Realizing that they are no match and now outflanked, they both run off, trying to escape.

"Get back here! I didn't say you could run!" Mamina yells at them as they runoff. She then looks to the man. "You have this Sir Grey? I want to make sure they leave."

Grey nods at her.

The Warrior Bunny smirks and then hops from rooftop to rooftop, following them.

Selina sits there, confused about what just happen. She looks up at the old Imperialist man name Grey. He does seem familiar but unable to put her figure on it. Then she sees Rose Order symbol on his armor. Knowing that Sharpe and their leader are on decent terms, maybe he is friendly?

"Mm... Thank you?" she said softly, still very scared of the situation. "You're not going to hurt me or sell me, right?"

He turns around, cleaning off his dagger before he puts it away.

"I would do neither Princess Selina. It is never wise to harm a friend of Rory Mercury. Or your other friends with all their strength." Grey said as he walks up to her and holds out his hand.

Selina hesitates, trying to decide if she can trust him. She then takes it but then squeals a little as he fully picks her up into his arms, carrying her.

"You need to be far more careful Princess," Grey said as he begins to walk out of the alleyway. "I see you have one of their weapons. How come you didn't use it?"

"You know who I am?" she asked, still rattled.

"Yes," Grey said.

She looks at her Glock and then realizes that the safety is still on. Embarrassed by that realization, she puts it away. "I... I left the safety on; I was panicking and wasn't thinking."

"You should never panic in a situation like that. Or ever. Mistakes like that happen when you panic." Grey said not fully understanding what she meant by a safety on. He just assumed it made sense to her and that all that mattered. Once on the street, he heads into a nearby tavern.

"We will stay here until your friends arrive," Grey said.

Selina stays quiet, not knowing how to read the situation. For all, she knows his friends are coming to take her.

Once inside, Grey lets her down and both take a seat.

After taking a seat, she looks at him. "Why, did you help me? Aren't you loyal to the Empire?"

"You are with the ones who saved this city, which includes my leader, Princess Pina," Grey said, taking a sip from his cup of water that was brought to them after sitting down. "In return, I am honor-bound to repay the debt."

"The debt?" Selina asked.

"Never mind. All you need to know is that I mean you no harm. As long as you are in my sight, I will protect you." Grey said.

"But we are enemies?" she asked, confused. She is not used to people from the Empire helping her. More she thinks about it, it is rare for them helping anyone if it is not their own.

"Enemies... What does that even mean now," Grey looks right at her. "I fought against your father twice in the past forty years. It was before your time. He was a wise man but ruthless to anyone who challenged his rule. However, everything he did he do for his people. I can imagine you are upset on the manner on how he died however I do not hold any sympathy to him."

Selina sits there, feeling the gravity and serious in what he is saying. The words she wants to say is not coming to form.

"What happened to your mother and brother though, even you are not forgivable. I have fought many wars and I have come to believe that the child should not be held responsible for their father's crimes. Being sold off to slavery, especially to Zorzal," Grey said, showing he has no love for the Crown Prince or her father.

He then looks out the window. "I have seen many things in my days, but this is the first time I felt like the winds are charging. All the crusades, wars, thrones and titles, even the oaths I have sworn all seem meaningless now." He then looks back at her. "Anyway, do not be fooled or let the sins of your family name define you. Change is coming Selina."

He then stands up and sets his cup down. He then tosses a few coins, paying for the drinks. "What is the name your people call us?"

Selina thinks about his questions. "Well, we call you the Empire just like-" She then gets interrupted by him.

"No, not them. Your people." Grey asked again, making a point.

Selina thinks and looks at him, realizing what he means, "Imperialists."

"Well, all you need to know is this. This Imperialist is one you do not have to fear." Gray said and then walks out of the tavern.

A few minutes pass until she sees the Medusa maid Aurea outside. She is pointing to the tavern saying she found her.

That is when Rory bursts through the door, scaring everyone in the building to near death. "Selina! Are you ok!"

Rory said as she dashes to her.

Scared of her, she nods her head. "Yes, I am fine."

Rory gives her a big hug, thanking Emroy. But then she begins strangling her to death for leaving the group.

"Rory... stop!" Selina said.

"No!" Rory said and then hugs her, happy everything is fine.

Lelei walks in and smiles. "I am glad you are safe. What happen?"

Right then the radio Lelei has on her waist begins talking.

"All teams inside Italica, report back to the Outpost ASAP. Repeat. All teams report back to the Outpost, we are currently locking down. Repeat, we are locking down the facility."


--- Earth, United States, Philadelphia ---

January 27th, 2025

A large formation of Imperial Cavalry is riding in the streets of Philadelphia. In front of them are people running for this life. It would not take long until the horsemen ride right through the fleeing people, being chopped down.

"Release the horde!" General Marquis Calasta calls out. Troops begin blowing into these horns, singling for the Empire Expeditionary force to advance.

Hearing the call, Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, and many others begin charge into the city streets and allies, slaughtering anyone in their war.

Nearly a hundred thousand soldiers from across the Empire were assembled for this invasion. It took six months to assemble this grand force, one of the largest in the Empire history.

One of the generals rides up to the Head General of the campaign.

"My lord, we have easily crushed any resistance. As we assumed, they are weak," General Herm Fule Maio

"Good. Continue the advancement of all legions. I want the city by nightfall." The Head General said.

"Yes, Sir," Herm said and then rides off.

As he rides, he passes thousands and thousands of his soldiers. Dead bodies of this world are littered everywhere. Catching his eye, anyone who has survived is taken to the Gate. Screams can he heard from the background of people being slaughtered or taken as a prize.

Above are the mighty dragon riders. Skilled warriors that can ride dragons. They are flying around, destroying anything they see.

After a short ride, Herm reaches one of his fellow nobles, Sir Mudra.

"Hi, their Mudra. How is the assault going?" Herm asked while on his horse.

Mudra turns around and smiles. He is cleaning his sword. "General, the battle is glories. They have only seen a few of their warriors and we have been able to sweep them aside."

Herm Fule Maio smiles, happy about the invasion is going better than planned. "We should look for my new throne. This world will need a new governor." He then begins to laugh.

"Agreed. But I do wonder what all these things are." Mudra looks around, point out the tall buildings and the strange-looking metal wagons. "This world is very strange."

"Do not think about such things brother. We have everything we need at home. Besides, if anything of value we will force them to make it for us." Herm commits.

Then both hear someone crying. They look to what looks like a plaza. The crying sounds like children.

"Men, over here," Mudra said, rallying his troops.

They all would march through the plaza and then see a few dead bodies. A man and woman are laying there dead. However, they see two kids, a brother, and a sister. They both look up at them, scared to death. The brother grabs and hugs his sister tight.

Mudra chuckles at the sight, seeing them tremble in fear. The sight that reinforces his superiority beliefs of the natural law. "General, mind if I have the girl? She will be a great gift for my son. He is about to become a man so I think this would be a nice gift for his first."

"I am fine with that. The boy can become a handler." Herm said and then points to his soldiers to capture them. "Soon they and everyone will understand that the strong always rule the weak. GLORY TO THE EMPIRE!"

A short cheer as some of the soldiers goes to the kids.

Right then one of them gets shot and the left armor plat on Herm's shoulder be shot off, forcing him to fall on the ground. Loud sounds can be heard as five of these soldiers in these blue and black looking clothes come out of a building, firing their arrows at them.

"Go, go! Get them." One of the blue warriors said.

"Cover fire!" Another one of them said.

"Shields!" A legionnaire yells. Everyone forms into a line but a few of them still die, as the bullets tear through their shields.

"Who the hell are they?" Herm Fule Maio asked, checking if he is ok.

Mudra looks. "More soldiers. The symbols on their armor spell POLICE or SWAT. I don't know what they mean."

"I don't care, just kill them!" Herm said in frustration.

Three of these blue warriors be taking cover by a car and another cover in the plaza as two others rush up. Any of the Empire soldiers try to get in their way would be shot by the ones covering them

"They are going after the children. Archers, fire!" Mudra orders.

One of the soldiers in blue grabs both kids and begins running for his life as the other covers him. Five arrows would hit him in all different places, killing him.

That is when they all hear this troll roar. They all see one of their metal wagons fly in the air and lands onto two of the blue warriors. The last two run back into a building, taking the children with them.

The warriors cheer seeing the troll killing the enemy, seeing them run for their lives.

"Go after them," Mudra orders. A few dozen soldiers grab their shields and then charging in that direction.

"We are still clearing out the areas. Some pockets of resistance still around," Mudra said, helping Herm up.

"I notice. It should be long through. If that is the best, the battle is won," Herm said.

In the middle of the plaza is a flagpole. On it is this flag with thirteen stripes red and white strips. A box with these stars on it. It must be these people flag.

Herm pulls aims his sword to the flagpole, "Tear it down!"

The Troll walks over and grabs the pole. It took no effort for it to pull the flag out of the ground. Then the beast drops it in front of its General.

Herm Fule Maio looks down on it and lifts the flag.

"For the Glory of the Empire. Let all of our enemies fall to our grand might!" Herm said as he holds up the flag, lightening it on fire.

Thousands of soldiers and beasts are cheering at the sight of their coming victory.

--- Four Hours Later ---

General Herm Fule Maio is rushing for cover as one of the dragons fall from the sky, landing close to him. He hops over a railing to where both Mudra and Calasta are at.

"What was that?" Herm asked, looking up. He sees these fast, strange-looking dragons flying over, killing all their dragon warriors.

"I have no idea," General Marquis Calasta said. In the background, they hear these loud explosion sounds and more of their arrow fire. "I only just got word from a rider; we lost the right Legions."

"Impossible. Our men just need to fight harder." Herm yells.

Mudra looks above the railing; he hears all these cracking sounds. With every sound, a soldier seems to die. "Our formations are useless. Shields to. I witness a full formation be wiped out."

"What are you all doing! Your men need you!" That be Colt Formal, the leader of Italica riding up to them. "Get out of cover and lead your people."'

"We lead, weren't you the one supposes to ride forward and prevent the enemy from getting this close!?" Herm said.

Colt gets off his horse and walks over to Herm. He then punches him in the face, forcing him on his ass. "You call yourself a general. You are a coward. I lost half of my men before retreating."

"We are the cowards? You retreated from the frontlines! That is the sight of a coward. You will be banished for this." Mudra points out. There has been a tradition since the Arctic Wars, no Imperial Army has ever retreated from battle. The idea that everyone is committed to the cause no matter what.

Colt has this 'I don't care look' on his face. "I witness a thousand strong cavalry charge into their lines. Into their armored wagons and infantry. They all were slaughtered before they even got close. The outline forces are all dead. This battle is over. We have to get what's left of the army through the Gate before we lose it."

The outlined line, that is about forty thousand soldiers. All dead in the manner of hours. The idea that basic infantry and wagons are capable of stopping cavalry, let alone killing thousands in that short period of time. "I don't believe you," Calasta said, not wanting to accept how easily they are being rolled back.

"HA! Lose the Gate. You have gone insane. There is no way we will lose this fight." Herm said to his face, getting up from the ground.

That is when they hear these loud tracking sounds. They look down the street.

"FORM A LINE!" Colt orders. Thousands of Imperial soldiers, orcs, and elves form up, ready for what is coming for them.

That is when they all see these different kinds of armored wagons coming around the streets. What looks like infantry all around them? These armor wagons look like beats, able to easily crawl over all these other smaller wagons littered everywhere.

Hundreds of Empire soldiers be running away from them as the enemy approaches. They must be what remains of the outer perimeter. All trying to get to the safety to their lines.

"Archers! Fire when in range." Calasta orders. "Fire!"

Hundreds of arrows are released into the air. Most missed their target. But the ones would just bounce off the armor wagons.

That is when a loud sound comes from one of the armored wagons and a massive explosion appears on our lines. Just like that dozens would be dead. Cracking sounds begins happening and more soldiers just begin to fall.

"Fall back to the Gate," Colt orders the line.

"No, everyone. Charge! Charge for the Empire!" Herm orders.

The entire front line begins charging towards the enemy force. The ground rumbles on the number of soldiers charging.

"What are you doing you fool!?" Colt asked out load and then turns around to confront them. He sees Herm, Mudra, and Calasta getting on their horses and rushing back to the Gate. He then looks back to the Army and sees them being slaughtered on the street. They never even made it halfway to their lines. Every time one of those armored wagons makes a loud sound, a massive explosion hits, killing dozens at a time.

Seeing more explosion all around him, he gets on his horse and beings heading to the Gate, rallying anyone he could.

As Colt rides, he sees all around him soldiers from his world being killed. Over to the left a troll, a massive strong beast tackles one of those armored wagons, trying to lift it. It fails to lift it and then gets its head blow off from the blast.

In the air, all you can hear are these zooming sounds and their flying dragons and flying wagons. Cracking sounds of their weapons. Formations after formations being slaughtered without a chance to defend themselves.

Some of those flying wagons are landing in open areas. Soldiers rush out of them, flanking out formations. This is not a war; this is not even a battle. This, everything about this is just pure madness.

Colt Formal finally get to the Army headquarters. Once there he gets off his horse and walks right in.

"HERM! YOU BASTARD! Where is the Head General?" Colt demands.

"He is dead." Someone said.

Herm walks over. "Good your alive, we need to."

"You ordered our soldiers to their deaths! And Ran like a coward. When we get back to the Empire, the Senator will hear of your cowardness. All of you. Good men are dying out there," Colt said angrily. He is highly frustrated with what they just did not.

Colt then walks out of the tent to address the remaining army. The Gate is only down the street, being guarded by what remaining of the expedition army. From the sounds of the enemy, they are getting awfully close. In only a few hours all the territory, we gained his morning was now lost. What enemy is this? What beats did we challenge?

"The Soldiers of the Empire! Head to the-" Then Colt feels this sharp blade go through his chest. He looks down and sees this sword, inside him.

"Tra..." Colt tries to say before falling dead.

Herm pulls the sword out of Colt Formal body and then addresses the troops.

"Soldiers of the Empire, Colt Formal has betrayed us. He sacrificed thousands of you to save himself. To try to escape through the Gate. He abandoned his men to be slaughtered. We need to stand now, stand STRONG! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!" Herm Fule Maio said in a speech.

After a short cheer by what remains of the army, he turns around and looks at Calasta and Mudra. "Gather all the treasure we can. We leave for the gate now. The Army should be a good distraction."

"Good speech. We need to get back now." Calasta said as he gathers all the collected treasure.

As the three finish and heads out of the tent, they see five of these armored wagons come down through the street, blocking them from the Gate.

"It's over. We lost." Calasta said, panicking of the situation. They had a chance to escape but their greed and glory prevented it.

From all sides, their warriors begin surrendering as the enemy gets closer. Seeing no hope in continuing the fight.


--- Senate Chambers, Sadera ---

June 16th, 2025

After the events that happen in the Imperial Throne Room, the propaganda machine of the Empire said it was a failed assassination attack against the throne. That the American peace offer was a lie and that they were driven out of the city.

An emergency meeting is assembled in the Imperial Senate building to talk about what is happening next.

Tyuule be there helping patch her master Zorzal Caesar face up. His face had taken a massive beating during whatever happens in the throne room. The story he told her was that he fought the Americans off and got wounded in the process, however she did not believe that one bit.

Most of the Empire Senators and remaining Generals are currently in the room. Even some of the ones that were captured by the enemy. They are debating on the next phase of the war.

For three years she has been a sex slave for this man. For three years she had to endure his identical blabbering. Every night wondering when this nightmare end.

She was once the Queen of a small but mighty Kingdom of Warrior Bunnies. The war was short but brutal. At first, it seems like we could outlast the Empire. We slaughtered wave after wave after wave. I just did not fully understand how massive the Empire is. With every Legion, we slaughter, another one took its place.

As the war continued and my Warrior Bunnies were slowly pushed back. During this time is when I learned that Zorzal was planning to bring in the Goblin Legions.

Warrior Bunnies can multiply very quickly if needed however one of the few races that can outbreed us are Goblins. Warrior Bunnies being a mainly female race, being taken and enslaved by Goblins is the ultimate nightmare.

Unlike most other monster and demon races, Goblins have no females. Which means they need other races to breed with.

Fearing losing a war against a combined force and become a vassal state to the Goblins, I decided to surrender my people to the Humans. I mistook Zorzal as a general who would keep his word. A secret agreement was made that I would become his slave and in return, he leaves my people be.

Before I realize what happened, he ambushed my people and slaughtered or enslaved them. The darkest day for my people and I signed it away with a false promise.

"Stop moving or the sticks will come out," Tyuule said as she tries to clean out his cheap cut.

Zorzal would slap her on the side, angry at her, "Don't speak to me like that." His pride is badly hurt.

In the Senate Chambers, there is a massive argument going on. Everyone is wondering what to do with the war against these Other Worlders.

None of this would matter to her. In the three years, she has been forced to please Zorzal, she has heard and seen many direr times for the Empire. Either in war, economics, or some blood rivalry. In its six-hundred-year rule, the Empire has come close to the breaking point many times and bounced back, bring much vengeance against those who dare resist.

One of the senators is calling for an invasion of Elies, to retake it back from the enemy.

"My fellow Senators, we cannot afford to allow the enemy control one of our major trade routes. We need that food stuff unless Sadera could starve by winter." A Senator said.

"They just take the food from other corners of the Empire," A General name Woody said.

"Until they find out. They will rebel against us," Some Senator said, protesting what Woody said.

"Do not worry about our vassals. Most of their armies were already destroyed," Cicero La Moltose points out. Cicero, a long-time career politician within the senate.

A large clap in the room until one of the Senators speak up. It is Casel El Tiberius, a career politician. "If we try to retake Elies, with what army? We lost so many already."

A cheer of boos would rain down on him.

"My fellow Senator, do you believe we should just bow to this threat?" Said Cicero La Moltose. "The Empire has had many defeats however we rarely lost. Even during our darkest hour in the Arctic Wars, we won. Let us not forget the thirty-year war against the Orcs and Goblins and now, they are our vassals."

"What about the two hundred thousand soldiers that have died at Alnus Hill? What about our Expedition Force that we sent through the Gate?" Casel El Tiberius asked the other Senator.

Normally Tyuule has no interest in the Empire politics but the high number of casualties shocked even her. She stopped applying for some medicine on Zorzal face and paid more attention to the conversation.

"Let us not forget what happened just yesterday in the Throne room. What was it, sixty-one guards? Royal Guard died without even getting close to one of their soldiers," Casel El Tiberius said out loud, trying to make a point. He looks around. "And guess how many they had. Dozens, ten. Seven. They had only five in the room. After slaughtering our best soldiers, look at what they have done to the Crown Prince and they took his slave."

The room will go quiet after hearing that.

Tyuule just believed the earlier propaganda. She then looks to her master. Everything is true, the current crisis is worse than they been admitting. And the slave, he cannot mean that another girl from the Gate. That is when she realizes that she is free. Why would anyone free a slave, that makes not since? She was just this weak girl that was a pause in my daily nightmare. What worth could she have, over a Queen?

Zorzal looks down ashamed. "It was a mistake. I was tricking them. I allowed them to defeat me so we could find out the truth. They have no honor." He finishes trying to justify getting his ass kicked.

Over the years she has heard him make stupid excuses before, to justify his ego and low intelligence. This time though, it felt different. She looks into his eyes and this time she genially sees fear in his eyes.

That is when she feels him grab her tight and push her down. "Why did you stop treating me. Finish up or else." And he pushes her back, trying not to remind her of her place.

Cicero La Moltose then walks to the center of the camber. "No one is denying these are tough times. But we have never surrendered or retreated before. I call upon one of the prisoners that we recently rescued from the enemy."

General Herm Fule Maio then stands up and walks to the center of the camber.

Pina stands up ferrous. "What do you mean rescue? I arranged for him and all the other releases! Do you have any idea how much effort that took! What are you people thinking, they are too powerful!" She then walks to the center of the chambers to meet them.

Tyuule sees the Princess. She always thought she is overrated. Always talking a big game like her brother. Pouncing around with her other princess in that flower knights' group. Always talking big, wanting to prove to everyone that she is one of the greats, wanting to prove her name matters. She thinks she different that her brother however they are the same, thick-headed.

"And I thank you, Princess, for your aid. However, it took me and the others to guarantee our way back to our world." Herm Fule Maio states. "The fighting was hard and brutal, but we proved-." Pina stops him from speaking.

"You are crazy. I was in Italica. I saw firsthand the power they control. They can have one person on both ends of the Empire and talk to each other like they are face to face." Pina said, trying to convince everyone.

"You sound like Colt Formal. He was in the battle and become a coward from their spells. He betrayed the Empire." Herm Fule Maio said, implying that the Princess is also a traitor. Trying to make her shut up.

Some Senator brings up that she has a good point.

"Wait! Colt is an honorable man. He never would have abandoned his men," A Senator said. "When the Emperor declared a crusade through the gate, he was one of the first to volunteer his people. How dare you speak so low about him."

"Was an Honorable man." Herm Fule Maio said, correcting him. "Please. I fought on their lands. They are weak. We slaughter thousands of them with easy." He is calming everyone down with his hands. "They are a tough enemy however they can be beaten."

"Then how did they come to our side of the gate? Why haven't you return until they allowed it?" Asked Casel El Tiberius.

"We were cut off. General Deras did not send in the rest of the Legions as planned. I request his aid, but he never arrived. Also, as I just said, Colt betrayed us on the other side of the Gate. We were not able to probably form lines because of him. We had to hold up fighting for our lives." Herm Fule Maio responds.

"But they took Alnus Hill with easy. They took the Elias Forest Region without a-." Pina said before being interrupted by Cicero La Moltose.

"Everyone, please. We need to understand these rumors. Are we going to believe what the enemy claims? Come on, they say they killed a hundred thousand of our men in a night. Does that even sound real?"

Tyuule goes back to treating Zorzal. Right about now he normally be walking around talking how great and grand he is and give his opinion on how to beat the enemy. That he alone could defeat any enemy and then talk about what he would do with their women.

This time he just sits there like a child who was just bullied. Trying not to be noticed by anyone.

She then looks to the Emperor.

He is sitting on his throne at the end of the Senate Chamber. To her surprise, he has been quiet during all of this. He is a man the only cares about one thing, his country. If that means sacrificing a million of his people, he will not lose any sleep. In other words, his country is the throne and the power behind it.

The situation is far more serious than she originally thought. This is not a foreign threat; this is truly a crisis. A crisis that even the royal family fears.

If any of this is halfway true, this could be an opportunity to avenge her people. To bring pain and death to the Empire.



(1)Nett Warrior Network = NW

(2)Chapter 38
