Chapter 62 Galuoa Storm and Roses Tale RM

"A recent poll from has shown that most Americans are still uncertain on how to think on the reality that fantasy races are real. Most still believe that they cannot be trusted however that number has been dropping since the SCNR documentary of town known as the Alnus Community at Fort Alnus. Some came because they had no opportunities within the Empire, others are looking for a fresh start, others who were Imperial soldiers but switch sides because they believed in the values of the US. However, most are liberated slaves who escaped or freed from raids.

A few of the people there explained their story. The original people who built the town were refugees from another town which was burnt own. The military allowed them to come to Fort Alnus until they figure out there, they want to go. It was later decided to allow the refugees to construct a village which turned into a fully functional town. This has allowed Alnus Command to make trade connections with the farming community in the surrounding areas, which is helping relieve the food logistical burden on the military buildup.

With this documentary, more people are starting to these Falmart natives as people then mythical beasts they once saw on television. When the war began, there was little difference in the polls relating to each race. After the documentary, a divide has widened between races. With the recent report from the US Senate the Alnus/Uros Committee detailing the differences between the races.

Races like Sirens, Bunnies, Nekos have gained in popularity while elves, orcs, goblins and trolls have continued to fall. The recent conflict against the Alguna has only made the demi-humans or Dark Races has only made the hatred against these races even more. The government new extermination policy on Dark Races like trolls and goblins has been very popular with the population, with the scares of watching woman and children being raped and eaten alive from the Invasion of Philadelphia." – SCNR


--- Alguna Kingdom, Galuoa, The inner gate ---

August 10th, 2025

"Deploy the Scorpio over there. They are coming so hurry!" The head gatekeeper yells to the soldiers. Everyone is rushing all around, trying to prepare for the upcoming attack.

The famous horde army, which allows the Alguna Kingdom to stay relevant and respected in the region was completely wiped out for a second time. Everyone that was on the wall saw the sounds and the flashes of the enemy weapons in the distance. All anyone could do was stand there on the city wall and watch the bloodbath.

Watching the Other Worlders heavy wagons appearing through the valley meant that a siege was coming.

Another soldier rushes on horseback, trying to get the remaining soldiers to be ready to repel the enemy.

A loud noise is heard by the defenders and they all look behind them. There was once a massive three-story building that was being used as a military checkpoint that is now destroyed. All from one of the enemy flying machines bombs. This is not the first time, a few hours before more of their flying machines had destroyed more of the city buildings. Destroying anything that seems to have a concentration of the army.

One of the archers that are on top of the wall, be looks down to the gatekeeper. "Here they come!"

The gatekeeper looks up, shocked that the enemy is already at the city gate. He looks back at the dozens of soldiers, some in armor others just in basic robing clothing. "Brace the gate!"

Right as he said that the gate suddenly blows into a thousand pieces. Everyone around the main gate is flowing back from the blast, many dying from wood shrapnel.


Once the city gate was destroyed by one of the US Marines columns of LAV-25, Marine Personnel Carrier (MPC) and British Warriors APC all begin moving towards the Gate.

"Alright boys, once we enter the city expect to be under fire. They might be using arrows, but they can still do damage. Stay close to the Elbe shields and pick them off," Lieutenant Colonel Ashley Banton says over the network.

Banton is in the back of one of the MPC that is up the front of the column. The plan is to have one of her companies act as the first wave and roll right through the city walls. They deploy and secure the area for the rest of her battalion to storm in.

Even though NATO forces have been smashing what remains of the Alguna army, the city still poses a huge risk. Just like in the War on Terror, a good enemy soldier taking cover in a build still pose a great threat. Regardless, if they are using an AK-47 or a bow.

To help this, Banton came up with a new tactic. Each APC and MPC has two to four Elbe Knights inside with the Marines. These Knights are the best trained and most professional King Duren has to offer. The idea is when the APC offload, the Elbe Knights step out first and use their shields to protect the other Marines and British soldiers rushing out.

Our forces will be able to pick off the archers and swordsmen while under the protection of the Elbe Knights shields. That is the theory and now it is time to test it.

Inside Banton MPC, everyone can hear arrows hit the outer hull. The arrows, a desperate attempt to stop their attack. The sounds of the .50 calibers machine guns on top of all the invading vehicles, firing back at the Alguna enemy.

The MPC bounces around from some rubble within the city. Smashing some makeshift barricades and whatever else is in the way. She sees one of the knights that are in her MPC. He looks to be only sixteen, short compare to the other male Marines in her MPC.

After another minute of traveling, the MPC stops. The driver yells that they have reached their destination. The back door opens so the Marines and Knights can exit.

Outside everyone sees the other vehicles behind their open firing in all directions. Arrows flying all around and Alguna swordsman and goblins charging from all sides.

On top of the MPC that is directly in front of them, Batons sees two goblins on it, trying to stab through the armor.

The first two out of the MPC are two Elbe Knights. They rush out and get out of the way, each stopping on both the left and right sides of the door. The one on the right blocks an arrow with his shield while the one on the left begins to fight a goblin in close combat.

Everyone in front of her is her Marines. They begin charging out of the back, getting into the fight. They are following the plan, using the two Knights as protective shields.

The two goblins on top of the other MPC sees them and jump down. Before they even hit the ground, both nearly get a dozen bullets in each one. They fall on the ground dead, bleeding out.

Lieutenant Colonel Banton finally gets out of her vehicle. Once out, she looks around to get a good idea of the situation. Her battalion is surrounded from all sides.

Enemy Human archers poking through building windows and firing their arrows. On the ground, both Human and goblin swordsmen rushing at them.

To her surprise, she watches these two goblins jump off the roof and travel an impressive distance. One of them gets shot while in the air from some Marine. The other lands somewhere else in the back of the column.

"Form a line, get out there. Right here Marines and Knights. Lets get some Marines." Banton yells as she travels through the line, getting everyone organized. Form what she can tell, the plan is working. Very few of the enemies are getting close thanks to the Marine's overwhelming firepower. The few that do the Knights easily pick them off.

All around her she sees Elbe Knights protecting the US Marines and British soldiers while we do the same. The Elbe Knights gather and form a line, placing their shields together to help block any Globin or Human swordsman from getting close to the NATO troops.

Banton rushes up to a dozen Marines and Knights as they unload from their MPCs. She points to them, ordering them to get into position. Just like before, six Knights form up and create a defensive line. The Marines and British soldiers rush up behind and open fire, killing the archers and swordsmen. Anyone the Marines miss, the Knights kill.

To their left, a large around of goblins pour out of the nearby building, like they were just waiting for us.

"Master Sergeant, from up left," Banton orders over her radio.

Those Marines form up and as the enemy goblins rush towards them. They open fire and just begin to slaughter them. The Goblins up front fall dead from the Marines bullets. The ones right behind them trip over their comrade dead bodies, making them easier targets. The few that get close get cut down by Elbe swords.

Over to the right, some archers are taking cover while on the roof. A missile rams right at the roof, collapsing half of the building.

Looking up, Banton sees this AH-1Z Viper, the Marine attack helicopter.

The helicopter hovers and starts laying down chain gunfire. Another Viper arrives and begins open firing on the left side, making sure that the Algnua defenders do not get close.

Banton stands up from cover and looks around. She sees that the enemy counterattack has failed and now are just being picked off.

Two arrows fly towards her but hit Elbe Knight shield. She reacts a bit, just noticing what just happen. She smiles noticing it is that same sixteen-year-old boy from before. "Good job son. Keep it up."

Banton kneels and then switches to her radio channel on NW.

"This is Lieutenant Colonel Ashley Banton of 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines. We have broken through the city gate and secured the area. Counterattack has been repulsed. Bring in the rest of the battalion and begin securing the area. Alpha Company secures the right flank and Bravo secures the left flank. Airborne assault is go," Banton orders the rest of her battalion.


King Duren looks down through the helicopter window. They call this flying wagon a UH-1Y Venom, able to fly troops pass enemy fortifications and flank from the rear. That is how they summed up this impressive machine of war.

Brigadier General Harvey Davies plans to quickly storm the city with their armored vehicles and deploy troops within the city. The NATO forces want to wrap this theater of war so they can focus on the main event, Elies.

Looking down from the Venom helicopter, he sees that the first wave of British Marines troops battling it out down there. While outnumbered, their firepower and training are superior then fighting the Algnua defenders.

Seeing his Knights down there helping the Other Worlder warriors. Seeing this, King Duran feels a bit of pride in seeing that. While our weapons and tactics are hopelessly inferior compare to the Other Worlders, still having a useful role with these people shows we can coexist.

He has not gotten the chance to get to know Batton but when they first meant, he did not put a lot of value in her opinions because she is a woman. He gave her respect because she is one of the Other World leaders, just women able to lead soldiers on the battlefield just does not seem right. He just did not want to anger his new allies' customs.

However, it was her idea for his Knights and her Marines to work together. Using each group's strengths to cover their weaknesses.

It was a very smart idea for a woman. It was so impressive Duran began to question some of his past beliefs about women and having them in leading roles. As he looks down, so far it looks like her tactics are working.

Duren suddenly feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and sees the Marine leader of this mission hold up one figure.

"One-minute King Duren," The Marine through his headset.

Duren nods his head, acknowledging what the Marine said. He looks back out and sees the other five UH-1Y Venom and two of what they call AH-1Z Viper helicopters, full of his Knights and Marines. The plan is to secure the palace and force a quick surrender.

All around the city he sees people fleeing away from the battle. All trying to escape with their lives, assuming these people who kill them on sight. He knows these Americans would not do that however they don't seem to understand that yet.

Watching the people flee makes him wonder why these people decided to become so aggressive against his kingdom? Yes, the Alguna people always been the black sheep of the region but still, they should have known this would have happened.

In addition to the fleeing people, smoke is coming from many of the buildings from their airstrikes. In the distance, he sees another bombing run from their airplanes. After learning that this country breeds goblins or ogres, Davies made it a priority to destroy all those breeding facilities. NATO wants to make a example this these facilities will not be acceptable.

Many of the smoking structures in the distance must be those breeding facilities. While he agrees with the destruction of those facilities, they are being barbaric even by this world's standards. Watching the smoke and the destruction of those facilities is a clear reminder of what can happen if his kingdom even seriously challenges the American will.

The Viper helicopters release their missiles, destroying the formations of infantry on the ground. With that strafing run, they clear out a small land zone for the Venoms.

Davies disagreed with Duran to allow him on the mission, but Duren assisted. Alguna attacked his people and he needs to be the one who faces them in the end. Regardless of the situation with his leg.

The helicopter he is in lands on the ground and everyone quickly exists out so the next one can land. He watches as the Marines open fire at the Alguna soldiers. As the Marine in front of him, killing these two palace guards in the distance. One of his Knights is right next to him, pulling out his sword from a Goblin head.

As more troops offload from the other helicopters, King Duran pulls out his sword from his good hand. He points it to the palace. "Warriors of Elbe, the Warriors from Earth. Take the palace!"


Princess Rigus Ha Claymen is sitting on her throne, watching the palace door. Only about a dozen of her royal guard is standing there, ready to protect her.

Truth is though, she is scared to death. These people have rollover her army a second time, and so easy to. It has been a pointless short war and now, she is going to be the last of her bloodline.

"Do not worry princess. I know things look grim however Alguna will prevail in the end," Duke Claymen said, her uncle.

Princess Claymen looks at him, confused about how he can be so calm. "How can you be so calm? We are all going to be dead. They are about to come through the door. This is all your fault! Just so you can take revenge for your brother."

Duke Claymen looks to her, standing there with pure confidence. "He was your King and your father. Show some respect princess. If we do not stand now, then we shall be slaves ourselves."

"I do not think our King would have approved any of this uncle," Princess Claymen says, frustrated with how her uncle is being so relaxed.

That is when everyone in the hall sees the main hall door explode open. Coming right though are the Other Worlder warriors and the Elbe Knights, led by King Duren himself.

Princess Claymen watches as these people walk inside the hall unopposed. Her remaining guards stand close but are scared to death. None of them seem to have the will to charge at them and she does not blame them.

She looks to her left. "Uncle…" She says scared, looking for any form of comfort. That is when she notices her uncle is nowhere to be seen. Her eyes open wide with the realization that he ran away. "Bastard!"

Princess Claymen looks back to the enemy group as they approach. The Other Worlders soldiers rush up and form a line, aiming their strange-looking bows at her guards.

That is when she hears King Duren walk up and speak. "It is nice to see you again Princess Claymen. Too bad it isn't under better circumstances."

Princess Claymen looks at him, unable to find the words to respond. Every part of her body is afraid. None of this was supposed to happen.

"I take your silence as a sign that you fully understand the gravity of the situation," Duran says, noticing how scared she is.

There is a moment of silence as both leaders look at each other.

Princess Claymen is the first to break the silence. "I am sorry, please just stop the killing." She stops for a moment as she tears up with the realization of what she is saying. "I surrender…"

Duren stands there, staying quiet. This short and pointless war is finally over. All the deaths and kidnappings should end now. However, none of this still makes no sense. All the Kingdoms in this region know of the NATO-Elbe alliance and it would be suicide to challenge that. It is not like the Empire can do anything to aide them.

Duren suddenly notices that while she is looking at him, her eyes are looking around. Like she is looking for someone. "Princess, where is your uncle? Duke Clayman."

Princess Claymen looks at him. She hesitates to respond but sees no choice but to answer. "I… I don't know."

"Hmm. I take it he pushed for the war?" Duren asks.

Princess Claymen nods her hear, unable to speak.

Duran thinks of that interesting fact. Her uncle might have died on the battlefield, but his gut says something else is afoot. However, this topic needs to be dealt with later.

"Princess, these are our terms." Duren begins saying, staring right at her. "As part of your surrender, you will end all hostile actions against my Kingdom and my allies. Second, all Goblins and Ogres will be expelled, and your breeding facilities will be banned and dismantled. You will end all ties with the Empire and accept occupation. And last, you will marry my son Iolk."

Princess Claymen sits there and looks at him, confused by the terms. She expected all that, but she expected more. "Is… is that all?"

Duren nods his head. "Accept that and we shall end this now. My son will help you rebuild your kingdom and bring stability. In the meantime, I will jointly rule until a son can be born."

Princess Claymen thinks on the terms and decides to accept. "King Duren, I accept your terms and surrender."

The guards in the room lower their shields and swords, realizing that the fighting is over. Same with the Other Worlders warrior and Elbe soldiers.

As everyone settles in the new pace, an arrow moves through the air. It will hit King Duren in the upper chest.


The Other Worlder soldiers and Elbe knights grab their weapons again, ready to attack.

Princess Claymen gets scared, trying to understand what just happen.

That is when one of her servant's points to the upper ceiling.

Princess Claymen notices that and looks up. She sees this man in a cloak up above. "What is going on?"

One of the Other Worlder soldiers notices the princess looking up at the ceiling. "Nine o'clock high. OPEN FIRE!"

Five of the Other Worlders soldiers open fire, letting out automatic fire from their rifles to where the arrow came from. The sound of gunfire echoes inside the halls, freaking all the guards out.

Once they empty there, they see this man in a cloak falls and lands on the floor.


King Duran is slowly helped up. One of his knights on his right and another one of the Marines on his left.

He hears one of the Marines calling for something called a 'Corpsmen'.

"I am ok. I have one of your bulletproof vests on. Your general assisted." Duren explains. Still, he seems to be hurt.

One of the Sergeant Marines walk up and then look to the Princess. "You tried to assassinate him?"

"No! I have no idea what is going on," Princess Claymen says in a desperate voice.

That is when some unknown person yells, saying that the assassin body is Duke Claymen.

"Get me over there," Duren demands. Both men help walk him over to the assassin's body.

Looking down at the body, Duren confirms that the body is Duke.

Princess Claymen walks over, also confirming the body. "Why would we do… what?"

In front of everyone's eyes, the body transforms into this male cat-like humanoid.

"What the hell did I just see? Fucking cats can transform now?" One of the Marines asks, in complete shock on what he just sees.

"No. This is a Dar. They are shapeshifters. They can transform into any humanoids and beasts. They are a force to be taken seriously." Duren explains.

He then looks over to the princess. She looks completely lost, shaking a bit.

"What happens to my uncle then?" Princess Claymen asks. Her tone explains that she already knows what just happen, just going through the emotions.

That is when he realizes all of this has been set up. "He is gone. Dars rarely keep the person there mincing alive. I am sorry Princess."


--- League Principality, Tuba Mountains ---

August 13th, 2025

Princess Pina is sitting by a campfire, enjoying the warmth. Fighting those strange cloaked fighters took all the energy out of her.

Panache Fure Kalgi walks over and sits down next to her. "Hello, Princess."

Pina looks over to her. "Hello, Panache. Thank you again for your help."

Panache smiles. "Anytime. It looked like you were in a game." She then looks over to the wagon with the American prisoners. "Hamilton told me everything, it sounds like you been through a lot."

Pina thinks of what Panache just said. "That's… an understatement."

Panache looks back to her princess. "Well, I am not going to question you're judgement since I haven't been through all of that. But do you think this will work?"

Pina hesitates to answer the question, showing that she isn't confident that her quest is going to work. "I have to do this."

Panache sees that and changes the subject. "Either way, we had our first battle and won. You have to be proud of that."

Pina looks to her friend and smiles. "Yeah, it wasn't at all what I expected."

"Still, you should give a speech. We have won our first battle, which should be celebrated. Based on what Hamilton told me, I think you all need to relax for a bit." Panache says to her.

Pina thinks about that and then stand up. "My fellow knights!"

All the Rose Knights, all huddled around other campfires. Everyone stops what they were doing and look to their leader.

Seeing that she got everyone's attention, she holds up a cup. "My fellow knights. It has been a tough road we have been traveling. Since leaving Sadera, we faced with many challenges. When the Rose-Order of Knights were formed all those years ago, we have been training, getting ready for a day like this. Waiting for a chance to prove ourselves. Earlier today we fought these strange opponents and defeated them in battle. That marked the first time that the Rose-Order of Knights fought as a team in an open battle. And with our first battle, we won! We have won glory to ourselves!"

Hearing that they won, everyone raises a cup or sword cheering.

As she said that, she remembers what Sharpe said.

"Seventy to ninety million people died. All that destruction and death because a few nations thought they had the right to conquer the world for themselves."

Pina waits for them to stop celebrating. "My fellow knights. While we won our first battle, it didn't come without cost. Knight Elbera, from the noble Elbera family(1), gave her life for that victory. Let us not forget her sacrifice."

Everyone raises her cups again, a short moment of silence.

Pina sits back down and thinks. She realizes how silly she was before.

Pina looks towards the wagon with the other Worlders prisoners. They are under guard, so they do not escape. While cruel, they need to make sure they are taken away or run away. Especially now that they learn they are not the only one searching for them.

As she watches the wagon, she sees Hamilton standing by it, handing the prisoners food, blankets and more. Pina smiles, seeing that her most loyal of friends has a kind heart.

"That was an ok speech, Princess," Jalin says as he approaches. He sits down and hands her a plate with some food on it.

She looks to the plate and takes it. "Thank you."

"No problem. I just wish I were there, the first time the Rose Knights got a chance to earn some glory and I missed it. Anyway, any idea who they were?" Jalin asks as he eats some meat.

Pina looks to him and smiles at him. Once he said the glory word she looks way and thinks. "Yes, glory, too bad Elbera will never get to experience it."

"Don't let it consume you, your highness," Grey says as he sits down. "In war there are casualties."

"Yes, Princess. You have been waiting a long time for this moment. Been through a lot. We finally have proven ourselves in battle. We are not just for show but warriors." Panache says.

"No, you're right. A lot of people have come and go, wanting to see combat under the Rose banner." Pina responds.

Grey grumbles a little. "Expect for Herm and Calasta if I may add."

Jalin looks to Grey. "Wait, you don't mean General Herm and General Calasta?"

"Yes…. Grey is talking about them." Pina responds, confirming what Grey just said.

Beefeater leans forward, having been busying talking with Bozes before. "I sometimes forget that you are still new to the Rose Knights."

Jalin looks to Beefeater. "I have been a member for two years."

"We all know. We know you been trying to fill in the shoes of Norma death. He was a pig who just wanted to get in our pants. But he was a skilled fighter and he never did want those two did. Stayed with us until the end. But yea, we all been part of it since the beginning." Beefeater responds.

Bozes looks to Beefeater. "That's what, ten, eleven years now?"

"Close," Grey responds and takes a bit form his meal.

Jalin is having a hard time seeing both Herm and Calasta as members of the Rose Order. "I don't see it. Those two idiots? Why did no one tell me that they were Rose Knights?"

"I recruited them, I thought they wanted to join for noble reasons. I thought they had noble intentions and serve the Empire. And what was sad is that they were good swordsmen. They had the skills and I thought that would help the Rose be taken more seriously." Pina says, interrupting them. "So much promise at first... I was to have to see their true intentions."

"You see, in the beginning, we were all still kids. It was more of a girl's club playing soldiers. At least that is what my father said once," Bozes says.

"Yeah… I heard those same criticisms before I joined. Only the girlish men join the Rose Order." Jalin responds. He remembers the humiliation he got from his family and friends when he joined them, even by the other soldiers. But he did not care about any of that.

"Yup. My father told me that the Rose Knights were only a decorative knighthood. To be displayed to the people escort the real men into battle," Pina adds and takes a drink.

"So why did you recruit them then? They are self-interest pricks… like your brother." Jalin asks, really confused by this news.

"That is what happened," Pina responds. "I was young, and they were young too. I thought their names could help make the Legion and my father take the Rose Knights more seriously. Any maybe sent into combat to serve the Empire."

Jalin thinks of what his princess said. "Were they like they are now?"

"Who like what now?" Hamilton asks as she walks up.

Everyone looks up and welcomes Hamilton back.

"Enjoy helping the slave's softy?" Panache says, jokily.

Then everyone looks to her.

"They're not slaves. They are prisoners of war. And under the Geneva convention, we have to feed and protect them until we send them home." Pina explains.

Panache looks to her princess confused. "I… ok your highness."

"What's the Geneva convention?" Beefeater asks.

"I forget you weren't there at the meeting. Can I explain Princess?" Hamilton asks. After getting approval she continues. "When we were negotiating with the first treaty at Italica. The Americans explained back on their world they are governed by something called the Geneva convention. An agreement between nations that protect the defeated army. You must feed them, cloth them and protect them. Like if they were one of ours. Also, you cannot enslave the enemy people. They were very picky on that one."

"Well… that is very. Different," Panache responds. She looks around and sees on everyone's face that this is old news.

"Yes. They are very different people," Grey adds.

"But we didn't sign this convention. So why are we following their laws?" Panache asks, trying to understand.

"Because it's the right thing to do Panache. They still have thousands of our people back on their world. While they have been treating our people like men. The people we took from their world, we treated them like wild dogs and did as we please with them. And we wonder why they are pissed." Pina says. Her tone is like she has put a lot of thought into what she said.

There is a short silence as everyone thinks about what their princess just said. It was a clear example of the situation. While not being said, the question appears in their heads. Who are the true barbarians?

"Well… so who were you all talking about?" Hamilton asks, breaking the silence.

"We were talking about General Herm and Calasta," Jalin responds.

Hamilton glances away. "Oh, those two. They were self-centered pricks. They are the blood of low-ranking nobles who took advantage of Pina's kindness to advance their station. Next time I see them I want to kick them in the balls."

"Both of them never understood the meaning of being Knights. Their shortsighted egos preventing them from growing. They are perfect examples of the problems of the Empire." Grey adds to the conversation.

"Yup. And when the time came, they throw Pina and all of us under the horse's legs." Beefeater says.

Pina leans forward, setting down her plat. "Many years ago, I had a chance to make our case to the Senate. A few senators came to us to see if we were interested in being diplomatic escorts. While that was not the frontline glory, I was looking for back then, it was better than nothing. However, both Herm and Calasta screwed me over."

"Yup. But during the hearing, they humiliated Princess Pina. Both Calasta and Herm told everything that we were just a little weak woman who we are pretending to be Knights. That we could never hope to compete against the men." Bozes says with some rage in her voice.

"Apparently, the act impressed my Brother Zorzal. He thought it was funny and pulled his influence to protect them. All three of them were working together to prevent my Knights from being taken seriously." Pina says. "When I recruited them, all they saw it to add to their station and claim the royal hierarchy. All this was to them was a way to build their social credit."

"But Grey here, he was the one that got them kicked out of the Knights," Beefeater says.

Jalin looks to him. "How did you do that? Prince Zorzal is a prick, but he has a lot of influence."

Grey takes a drink from his bog. "None of them are knights. All they cared about was building their social status. I just threaten to take that away."

"What does that mean?" Jalin asks, confused by that.

"We all decided it was best not to find that out. Either way, they left scared to death." Bozes says.

"Ahh… I think I understand." Jalin says, thinking on that.

"Yeah. After that, they left for Zorzal." Pina says. "Since then, we stayed away from them and we lost our chance to prove ourselves then."

Jalin sits there and thinks for a moment. "Well, I see why you been pushing so hard for wanting to prove yourself and the Rose Order. And I think everything is working out for our favor. Honor and glory aren't given easily, it is earned."

Pina looks to him and nods. "I agree. I hope all this just leads to something greater. I think that is why I screwed over Major Sharpe and his people. I wanted to try to outsmart them before they did that to me. Saw how that worked out."

Pina then looks around at everyone. "If anything, all of you have shown your colors. You are all here, after all these years. I know it has not been easy but more I think about it, I think it has made all of us stronger. We work well with each other because we know we have our back."

Jalin holds up his cup. "Hail to Princess Pana. We will follow you to the end. And your quest, we will help you complete it. Because we have each other backs."

Everyone else raises their mug. "Hail."

Everyone takes a drink, enjoying the time together.

Pina lowers her cup and looks to her team. They are all laughing and talking to each other now. While looking at them all, she remembers that last conversation with Sharpe. He said he is willing to trade a thousand of her people to save one of his. While watching them all, she realizes the meaning of what he said. He would protect his people at all costs.

Watching at them all, they all are her friends, their teammates, her Knights. She would go as far as she can to help and protect them. Their lives are not pones in a game but real people. If the need to fight arrives, it better be worth it. She just hopes the death of Knight Elbera was worth it, saving people who were unjustly stolen from their world.

Pina looks over to Hamilton. She is still sitting by her side.

"Hamilton," Pina says.

Hamilton looks to her and then smiles. "What can I do for you, Princess?"

Pina smiles. Hamilton is always so positive. "I just want to say I been impressed by you recently. You have definitely gotten stronger."

"Why thank you, Princess. I am always here to serve you." Hamilton responds all cheerful.

For some reason hearing her say 'serve' put a bad taste in her mouth. "Hey, can you stop…"

"Hey Hamilton, I have a question for you," Beefeater asks, looking directly at her with a cute but strange face. "I want to know, what we're doing over there with the prisoners?"

Hamilton looks at Beefeater confused. "What do you mean? I was just talking to them, helping them out. Bring food and stuff. I want to tell them they have nothing to hear and that they will be home soon."

"Yeah, well what were you talking about?" Beefeater responds.

Pina rolls her eyes, seeing what is happening. "She wanted to learn more about the Other Worlders culture. She has a crush on one of them."

Everyone stops their conversation and stares right at Hamilton.

Hamilton sits there, face all red. Her feelings are a mix of humiliation and embarrassment. "No, that is not true…," She then looks to Pina angry. "What are you talking about? Tell them that is not true!"

Pina smirks from her response. "Then explain why you were all snuggled up by that American soldier back in Italica that one night?"

Hamilton sits there, staring at Pina. She slowly moves her head to face everyone, trying to figure out how to respond. "I… well... ah…"

"By the gods! It is true!" Beefeater says, surprised by the news.

Right then Panache, Bozes, and Beefeater rush up to Hamilton and surround her. They all begin bombarding her with questions. Pina was forced to jump away as she was about to get stampede by the three.

"How old is he?" Beefeater asks.

"How strong is he? Does he have bulking muscles on his arms and other places?" Bozes askes as she teases her.

"What is his nobility? Is he wealthy and more important, how cute is he!?" Panache demands.

Pina walks away and then watches. Hamilton is panicking a little, trying to answer the boy questions.

Pina crosses her arms and chuckles, happy to see everyone else happy.



Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Chapter 60
