Chapter 63 Hedgerow Hopping RM

"The 101st Airborne Division has launched a massive Air Assault operation. The 506th Infantry Regiment assaulted the Imperial rear supply line to the west of the Bissto Forest. They outflanked the enemy, cutting off their line of retreat.

Their mission is to prevent the Imperial Army from falling back to Namuliat or Kerush while the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division assault the forest from the east. This is considered a sweeping option.

The Empire has surprised NATO forces with the change of tactics. Up to now the Empire has fought in the traditional ancient style of warfare, fighting in large open fields in large formations. This tactic has allowed NATO forces to quickly dominated entire Legions in moments with overwhelming firepower as the enemy is perfectly visible.

With reports from the 1st Cavalry Division and 2nd Armored Division current assaults, stating the Empire has enacted trench warfare tactics. Besides engaging full Legions in the open, the Empire has been scattering it forces and digging in, turning the region into one massive battleground. It seems like the enemy has learned from their failures around Alnus and Valtris.

An additional but minor change in tactics is the Empire using forests as a shield from NATO armored and air power. This became an issue during the Troph Hills Campaign. Up to that point that campaign was the longest engagement and most bloody until Operation Roundball. The Empire is hoping to pull NATO forces into similar battles. Some believe these hiding enemy forces are hoping to be ignored so they can attack from the rear.

While the main NATO advance is bypassing these hostile forest, Lieutenant General Stanford has stated he does not want to leave these enemy troops behind the lines. The main force will continue to attack the major cities, detachment units will isolate these loose Legions.

The Air Forces has states they are IRS operations, or I-Spy as soldiers call it to the region to help spot the dug in enemy. This is part of the developing doctrine on how to counter the new enemy strategy. Armored forces will assault these trenches while forces flank from the sides by air or ground. They will then break the lines and break the enemy perimeter into multiple pieces to be dealt with." – Free Alnus News


--- The Greater Elies Region, Fort Legrath ---

August 15th, 2025

Frayen is currently at the fort dragon pin, where they kept their wyverns. There are about thirty of these wyverns being held. Normally they would be used against the enemies of the Empire. Throughout the centuries, air superiority has been a key advantage for the Imperial Army.

Many battles, rebellions, and wars have been won just because of these beasts. They have been key for scouting and communications. Harassing the enemy and bring terror. Against this new enemy from the other world, they have proven to be worthless.

These Other Worlders metal dragons have proven to be faster and stronger. Worse of all, they can kill the Wyverns Corps formations from such extreme range that our troops do not even see them.

He stands here, waiting for his master to arrive.

Because Italica has defected to the Americans, the Empire is forced to travel farther north to avoid being destroyed.

Because time is short, his master took a dragon from Sadera to fly here. Even going the long way around still only takes a better part of a week.

This purplish wyvern walks through the man-made cave entrance, as it heads to its pin.

The wyvern flaps its large wings to slow down. The wyvern slowly descends until it lands on the dirt floor. About a dozen men rush over to the dragon to tame it. This Draconian walk over and starts to talk to the wyvern.

After some time, he sees his master get off the back of the dragon.

Krysist walks up to him, taking off his protective helmet.

"Hello, my master. I hope your journey was uneventful," He asks.

Krysist looks to him and walks past. "I lost most of my escort. One if their flying machine took out three of my escorts. The only reason I am alive if because of their sacrifice."

"I am sorry master," he responds. He can tell on his master's face that he was not happy by what happened.

He sees his turn around and faces him.

"Frayen, I told you to stop calling me that. You are better than that," Krysist responds and then continues to walk down the hall.

He follows his master's down the hallway ago. Dozens of the touches are attached to the walls, providing the needed light.

Almost a decades ago, his master Krysist defeated him in battle. A feat no one has ever accomplished in his six hundred years on this world.

As a Dark Elf, it is part of his culture to allow ourselves to be enslaved by someone. Either being beaten in battle by someone you respect, or someone wonderfully helps you. Even though Krysist hates being called a master, he still calls him that, as part of my people tradition.

As they move through the halls of this mighty fortress, they see soldiers rushing back and forth. Everyone is getting ready for the battle to come. The halls are tight, barely allowing one person too pass through at a time. Everyone bumping into each other just to pass.

From what he understands, their fortress was once just an outpost. Over the centuries it was build and rebuild over and over during the dozens of was against the Swestual Kingdoms. This fort is the main reason why the Dark Races has not invaded the Elies and nearby regions for centuries.

He continued to follow my master into his war room. Once he walks in, he closes the door to give his master some silence. "You should rest master. You're no use to us half dead master."

Krysist starts taking off his dragon-riding clothing until he is in the nude. He then walks over to this bowl of water and begins washing himself off. "No time. The enemy is moving faster than I expected. I need to move fast for my plan to work."

He walks over to this large chest that is on the ground and begins taking off his master armor. He stays laying them on the bed for him. "You mean your opportunity to face Princess Pina mystery warrior."

After washing off the past week of dragon smell, Krysist walks over and begins putting on his uniform. "I must know who this man is. Why is the princess so fascinated by him and why does Rory follow him?"

"He is just a man," he responds. "I think you are placing too much energy into this. For your plan to work, you can't get distracted."

Freyan knows what is on his master's mind. Since being exiled to the north five years ago, Krysist has lost all challenges in his life. Coming from nothing and becoming a General of the Legion, very few men have accomplished that feat without already having some connections or nobility. Still, this is a dangerous game Krysist is playing.

Saying that seems to have angered my master.

Krysist looks over. "No, a man just goes by his day. This man won at Italica(1) and fought off a Flame Dragon(2). He whipped out one of my loyalist officers in the Elies Forest(3). He fought Taylin in hand-to-hand combat and survived(4). Convinced Rory Mercury, an Apostle who refuses to work with anyone to serve him. And my personal favorite, tossed away peace and defied the royal family(5). All to save this random slave girl. We're not dealing with a soldier but something else."

Watching as his master finishes putting on his uniform, he reflects on his words. Krysist sees this man as a challenge to be faced. The warrior codes compel Krysist to seek this man out.

"No, he's not just a man. There is more and I must defeat it," Krysist finishes.

He placed his hand on his chin, thinking. "And how does this help your plan with Prince Diabo?"

"Diabo is an intellectual idiot who cannot fix a problem without writing about it," Krysist states. "But right now, he is the only one who will be able to manage the Empire when peace is accomplished. Until then he is worthless to the plan."

Frayen nods his head in agreement. He already knows the plan. It is a crazy plan, facing the Americans in an open battle for the soul of the Empire. "As long as you remember the priorities, my lord. And besides, Rory Mercury was the one who had to save him from Taylin."

Krysist looks to him. "I was there, I saw the fight firsthand. He outsmarted that fool Taylin. He only lost two men against an apostle. You should know better. Winning a battle is more than just pure strength."

That is true, Frayen remembers when Krysist will fight against this man in battle. No one defeated Krysist in battle, so he continuously states. It was the fighting that made me lose, it was the fact that he outsmarted him.

"Stop degrading yourself Frayen," Krysist demands.

"I only have one question. How do you plan on encountering this man, Major Sharpe?" he asks.

So far everything is going to plan. The Legions are fighting the Americans and their allies in battle. Fighting in the trenches, forests, and cities. Fighting everywhere and every way they can. The best of the Empire is here, fighting for the future of the Empire.

"That, I am still working on. I need a way to lure him to me. Tell me what we already know Dark Elf." Krysist asks as he looks over the war table. There are flags all over the place, representing the waging battle throughout the region.

Frayen stands there and watch. He sees that his master is not happy, seeing that the Americans are moving faster. At this rate, they will begin to lay siege to the regional capital of Havcristenm in months. It would have been weeks it is was not for the new strategy Krysist ordered.

He stops and thinks for a moment. "This warrior. Respected by the people of Alnus and Italica. Feared by Prince Zorzal and his generals. Responsible for leading many of the Other Worlders offensive operations. However, he is not a General. He takes orders from others."

He notices that my master is holding up a finger.

"I don't care about his title. Men are not limited by titles," Krysist states and then thinks. "But why… because he chooses to help them when he didn't need to. I find that interesting."

"He keeps around a young magic-user. The reports from Princess Pina, it seems he relies on her for information. Sadly, we do not have much information about her. It seems that she is learning the enemy's abilities to enhance her own," He responds.

"An opportunity will present itself. But he is smart to use local knowledge to help," Krysist comments, now rubbing his chin. "Tell me about Rory Mercury?"

Out of all this, Frayen finds it interesting that an Apostle is working so closely with the Other Worlders. Especially Rory, who swore off helping a faction ever again. "Of course, she serves Emroy. From the troops, you have interviewed in Sadera and the Elies Forest fort, she seems to be very loyal to him. Both seem very loyal."

"Yes, yes, yes. Just tell me about the brat," Krysist demands, not like his time being wasted when working.

He begins to pace myself and think about the matter. He has never actually faced Rory before as she likes to travel around the world, staying away from nations. All he knows are the many rumors. Now that I think about it, I remember hearing a story of how the Goddess Hardy has been hunting her down to force her into marriage.

"Rory is afraid of going underground. She fears little but is terrified to begin underground," He adds to the list.

"Interesting," Krysist says, thinking about something.

He is trying to think what his master is thinking. He always has a plan, even if it does not seem like it. That is when he remembers about the elves that were captured recently. "I am sorry master, I nearly forgot. The legion captured a group of runaway elves. They came from the far west. Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk wanted to send them as labor however I believed you might find a better use for them."

He sees that news impressed his master. Turning around to face him. In his eyes, he can see that his master has developed a plan.

"I know what to do," Krysist says.


--- Path of Hadritus, near to the Town of Euscro ---

August 15th, 2025

As Sharpe rushes down the line, he sees his Rangers from both teams in a ditch. They are all lined up open firing at the Imperialist trench line.

He quickly moves past everyone, making sure everyone is doing what they need to do. He passes Private Second-Class Marvin Scott while he is on the ground firing his M240, suppressing firing the Imperialist archers at this wooden built bunker. He is with Frost and this other Canadian soldier helping provide suppressing fire.

"Alright Soldiers, keep the fire on them. Give them hell. Don't allow them to concentrate their arrows on us." He yells as he slowly passes them. He does not want the enemy archers to fire all their arrows at once, or to even aim. All anyone needs is one lucky shot for a bad day.

Sharpe am moving behind everyone, staying on the back of the ditch so he can have a better view of the enemy line. Behind him is a line of tall hedgerows that are making it complicated for using the Canadians LAV-25.

According to the recent I-Spy drones, they picked up Imperialist forces setting up an ambushed up ahead last night. His Blue Force Tracking display in his command JLTV showed a large enemy force on this roadway, set up to flank their convoy.

Sharpe decided to dismount father back and flank the Imperialists. Vanguard-5 takes a squad of Canadians infantry to the right while I take clear out the left with my team and a Canadian squad. Everyone else pushes up the center with the Canadian LAV-25s.

Sharpe see the archers in the trench and bunker network in front of him are pinned down.

"This is taking too long," He says to himself, feeling like they are getting bogged down. He then grabs his radio and accesses the US Army NETT Warrior or NW network.

NW is the U.S. Army situational awareness system for the infantry. It is for military commanders to see what his men or other platforms see. Allowing the man in command with real-time information. It has only been recently this system became functional in the Special Region because of the infrastructure that was needed to be set up.

"Sergeant Major, get a rocket and take out that that bunker," Sharpe looked to Randy and gives orders, pointing to the bunker.

"Roger that sir, Steele over here!" Randy speaks over the sound of yelling and gunfire.

As he was giving orders, he see Lelei and Rory in the ditch, waiting to be used. They are both wearing a combat helmet and Lelei wearing a body armor vest. It is a bit amusing since they are both a little too big for that gear.

"I want to get out there!" Rory says, in a mix of pleasure and stressful tone. She is sitting there, rubbing the inner part of her leg and her other hand is rubbing her arm as the nearby souls pour into her body, creating an intense orgasmic feeling within her. Her legs moving side to side as she tries to control herself.

"Just wait a bit longer, I will need you out there once we take out this bunker," Sharpe said, trying to reassure her so she follows his orders.

The only reason she is holding back right now and not slaughtering everyone is that she ordered her to wait. She does not want her in the firing line getting shot up, regardless that she can regenerate.

"Lelei, when I give the order you stay right behind me," Sharpe told her, making it clear that is not up for debate.

She looks at me and nods.

Looking back to the bunker, he sees this rocket from an AT4. The rocket hits the bunker, destroying it. A few body parts fly out and land in front of everyone. After firing he drops the AT4, being only a shot rocket launcher.

After the bunker blows up, being the only real obstacle stopping them. Over a dozen archers and swordsmen burst out of the remaining trenches, fleeing for their lives after watching that bunker gets destroyed so easily.

None of them make it far as they were all brought down from the Rangers and Canadians combine fire.

After a closer look, there still seems to be a fear left inside the trench.

"Dismount, take the TRENCH!" he orders with urgencies. Then he look at Rory. "Rory, go!"

Before he even finished my sentence, Rory burst from her position and is charging the trench.

He rushes forward as everyone gets out of their trench and charge forward. This large line of Rangers and Canadians rushing through the wet farm ground.

As usual, Rory is the first one to the trench and I can hear her sadistic laughing and she slashes this man head off. After that, she bursts to the right and slashes this other swordsman into three pieces.

When Sharpe got to the trench, he aims my rifle down into the trench and make sure everyone is dead. Seeing this one man who is wounded going for his sword, he shot him twice in the chest. Making sure he will not be an issue later.

After feeling comfortable that right now this spot is clear, he turns around to check on Lelei. To my surprise she was not there, she is still father behind.

When Lelei finally arrives, he looks at her. "I told you to stay right behind me!" He is annoyed that she did not stay in formation.

Lelei, panting after running so hard. She looks up. "I am sorry Major; I can't run as fast as you."

Hearing that, he had to remind myself that I have the most top of the line special forces training Earth has to offer. He cannot apply those standards to Lelei. "I am sorry Lelei, I didn't mean anything by that."

"It is ok, I understand you are just keeping an eye out on me," Lelei says, catching her breath. She gives him a big smile showing everything is well.

Then he turned around to his everyone as they arrive. "Alright, First Sergeant, take your squad and sweep to the left flank. We will meet two hedgerows down. Vanguard, down this way. Follow me!"

After he gave my orders, he see the Canadians soldiers moving down to clear the other hedgerows. His team follows behind him, rushing through the trenches. He then noticed there is this small gap between these two hedgerows.

As he moves through, there is this clearing. He sees this double trench line up front, shaped like a V with the point on the other side of this opening. Over a dozen Imperialist sees me and start getting out their bows to engage. People with swords, half of them start charging while the others rush down into the trench.

Seeing this, he turned around and points left. "Firing line right here, let's go!"

Everyone runs pass me but Alicia, she rushes to my right side and begins firing her rifle. Covering me from the archers.

Arrows start to fly towards the Rangers, landing all around.

Sharpe turn around after an arrow hits right next to my leg. "Lelei, you're up."

Lelei rushes to my side. Her eyes start to glow and then the point of her blue swirling orb on the tip of her staff begins to glow next.

Sharpe get on my knee and fire my rifle, picking off any archer who dares to poke his head out of the trench.

Lelei fires a smaller scale sound wave spell, destroying all the incoming arrows.

"Major, my team can take trench entrance and rush forward in cover. Can you cover?" Johnson asks over the radio.

He takes a quick look and like the idea. "Roger that, go get them, Lieutenant. Clear them out and we will meet you on the other side."

After agreeing to Lieutenant Johnson's request, he see him, Andrew and Scott rushing forward to the tip of the V-shaped trench. They kill a few swordsmen that were guarding the entrance and rush inside.

Sharpe turn around and start giving the order to cover Johnson team. That is when he feels a tap on my shoulder. I look and it is Lelei. "What is it?"

"Major, we have a problem," Lelei says as she thinks about what is happening.

He turns back around and sees what Lelei sees. In that open part of the V trench system, this building mound of grass and dirt builds up. It gets taller and taller until it is fifteen feet tall. Two massive arms and legs grow out. Last, this head appears. Once it is finally formed, this dirt monster makes this loud roaring sound.

"Well, this is not good," Sharpe say, amazed at what I just saw. He keeps finding all these new curveballs that he must adopt to, even thought be barely understands how it is happening. "Let it have it!"

All the Rangers by Sharpe side opened fire. The bullets seem to have no effect on the beast, they just absorbed into the dirt. The attack just angered the summoned dirt beast. It starts to slowly walks over to us.

The dirt monster start moving forward us. He switched to fully automatic and empty a magazine into it, and again nothing happens. However, it seems it got it to focus on Sharpe.

Lelei forms this explosive ball of energy and tosses it towards the dirt monster. It nearly dodges and the ball of enemy slams into its right arm, destroying it.

That is when I hear that famous giggle from Rory. She jumps off the top of the hedgerow to my left and flies, slashing half the dirt monster in half. Seeing the monster in half, everyone stops firing. They all cheer as the top of the dirt monster falls to the ground.

Sharpe look at them. "Hey, we're still in a fight here! Frost and Alicia, cover fire on that trench until Johnson team clears it…"

"Sir…" Alicia says in a worried confused voice.

Sharpe look at her and then look back at the dirt monster. It is growing back into its full size and starts walking over again.

This world loves to throw curveballs at us, those can be deadly distractions. He wants to make sure that everyone remains organized and focuses on what is happening.

"Oh… that's fun. Lelei, what the hell is this thing?" Sharpe ask her as I study the monster.

Lelei is puzzled herself. "I am not quite sure. I have never learned this kind of magic. From my books, it is called summoning. A major-user able to create a living beast out of nothing."

He looks to her, hearing the keyword he needed. "Magic-user, that means there is a magic-user nearby. That thing is not natural then."

Then Sharpe gets on his radio. "Rory, enemy magic-user nearby. Find and eliminate him ASAP."

When Vangaurd-7 left Alnus, Sharpe gave Rory, Lelei, and Delilah a radio set so they can communicate with the other Rangers. Since they are part of the team and it is important to communicate with them.

Then he turned around to face Private First-Class Alicia Moore, Sergeant Major Randy Dodson, Specialist Jerry William, and Private First-Class Harvey Frost.

"Frost, Jerry, flank down this hedgerow and engage. Alicia, Lelei and Randy, stay here but spread out. Need to surround this thing so it stays confused. It is strong but doesn't seem intelligent," Sharpe orders. Seeing that Randy is about to protest the order, I just wave it off and give the order.

After the order, Sharpe rush down the opening, being more visible. A few arrows pass by, but he ignores them as he fired his rifle into the summoned dirt beast. He sees the other Rangers doing the same, confusing it. Lelei energy blast flies through the fire, hitting it in the chest.

Any damage they seem to do, the monster regenerates. From what Sharpe can see, the dirt is flowing from below him. That is what the monster is doing, growing dirt from the ground to heal itself.

"Lelei, target the ground. Try disconnecting the beast from the ground," Sharpe yell at her, point it its feet.

Sharpe can see Lelei noticing what I am talking about cast a spell.

Around the dirt monster's feet, the ground begins to liquefy, turning into mud. That seems to have some effect on the monster, having a harder time moving around. The regeneration seems to slow down for some reason.

"Rory, what is taking so…," Sharpe asked before being interrupted by Randy over the radio.

"MAJOR, three o'clock!"

Sharpe naturally turn to my right and see this swordsman nearly swing his sword right at me. He blocked the sword with my rifle and then grab the soldier by the arm. Swing him around and into a headlock position, forcing him to face out. He then lowered himself and use his as an arrow shield as he chokes on his own blood.

As he holds him, two arrows lands in the man's chest.

Unable to use his M4A1, Sharpe pull out his Colt M1911 pistol and fire at the archer who was taking a shot at him. After firing three around, he then unloaded the rest of his magazine into the dirt monster.

"God damnit Rory… hurry up!" Sharpe yell over the radio.

"Hold on!" Rory says back to me.

Then he hears this scream over the radio as Rory kills someone.

That is when the dirt monster suddenly screams in pain. Slowly the dirt monster starts falling apart.

Lelei fires another explosive energy bolt at the beast, destroying it. Dirt and grass fly in all directions, making a massive mess.

Sharpe sign with relief. He then look around for my people, doing a headcount. Making sure everyone is safe. He sees Randy, Lelei rushing to me while Jerry and Alicia rush over to Johnson. It seems like while we were taking care of this monster, they finished clearing out the trench system.

He gets up and drop the body, the soldier being dead now.

"With all due respect sir, you can be so reckless with your life," Randy said, not thrilled that I rushed into the open.

Sharpe looks to him, knowing what he means. "I won't order someone else to do something if I am not willing to do myself, Sergeant Major." He understands his worry.

Sharpe is still getting used to working with a small team. During his old Delta team and even with the Ranger Vanguard program, teams are no larger than ten soldiers, unlike the traditional unit's structure. Everyone must pull their weight, regardless of rank. That is what he believed in at least. That philosophy served him well in my almost ten years in Delta. It was what Harper taught him, on the battlefield, the bars are only as good as the man wearing them. Always upfront, always leading by example.

"Alright everyone, reground on Johnson, we push on the final hedgerow," Sharpe yells and then start rushing to the rest of my men.

"Vanguard-5 Leader, this is Vanguard-7 Lead. We just cleared out hedgerow two and attacking the final one." Sharpe said over the radio.

"AH! We just finished clearing out number three Major. You are getting old. We are clearing out this bunker with this unknown ballista," Bailey says back.

"Roger that Captain," Sharpe say back, not caring about his joke.

Sharpe rush past his Rangers and take point. All move through the hedgerow's walls, trying to use as much cover as we can. Over to the left, he can hear the Canadians engaging in a firefight.

Above his head, he sees Rory running on top of the hedgerow, staying at my pace. She is humming this sound that she learned from our world, however he cannot tell which song it is.

"You took long enough. For a minute I thought you were scared," Sharpe said to her in a cheeky tone, intentionally trying to annoy her.

"Shut up, I knew you were fine," Rory says back to me. She looks down at me and gives me a blow kiss.

Sharpe just nod back and look forward, getting my head back in the game. He must remind myself that he cannot joke like this, one screw up and everyone dead again.

Over to his right, he can hear a loud explosive sound and other gunfire. Sounds like the Canadians LAVs are moving forward. Since most of the enemy has been killed and push back, it is safe for them to join in the fight. It sounds like they are pushing back the remaining Imperialists away.

"Lieutenant Anderson. Deploy the rest of your platoon and swarm forward. We have them on the run, and I don't want them to escape," He say to the Canadian commander.

"Roger that," Lieutenant Anderson replied.

In the background, the LAVs open firing, targeting something.

Sharpe get to the next open section. Infront of him he sees this heavily fortified bunker system. It looks like about fifty Imperialists are inside the twin bunkers, firing arrows at the Canadians LAV and infantry. It seems like that has not seen my team yet.

This ballista comes out of one of the bunkers and rams right into one of the LAVs, shattering the wooden spear. The LAV does not seem to be damaged and it just opens fire on the bunker. Out of nowhere this fireball flies above the bunker and barely misses the LAV, being blocked by this hedgerow.

The Canadians got out of the way just in time, no one seems to be hurt. Where the hell did that come from, he wonders.

Sharpe turn around to face my team. "Alright, let's take the bunker."

"Sir, there is an opening right here. We can fit through here and flank them," Johnson said, noticing a small opening.

Sharpe turn around and looking at the engagement between the Imperialists and the Canadians for a moment. Then he looked back at Johnson. "Agreed, we will flank them and take out the artillery. Johnson takes point."

One by one they all move through the opening. For once he was the last one through, it could not be helped since he ended up last in line.

Once Sharpe got through, he sees this open field with a hilly tree line in the distance. Between the Rangers and that tree line seems to be a battalion-size force, infantry, and cavalry. All changing at their location. It seems that they were hiding in the tree line, waiting to flank us.

Johnson, already seeing the threat moves most of the Rangers to form a firing line and begin firing at them. "Major, massive enemy force inbound. I don't think we will be able to pick them off in time."

"Roger that, I see them. Engage at will, us whatever you have. Lelei, you help Johnson," I say over the radio.

Then Sharpe looks right, he sees the backside of the enemy bunker complex. It is far more complex than I expected. I can see many of the Imperialist soldiers noticing us and getting ready to attack us.

Not too far behind this bunker, Sharpe see this manmade dirt mount. This fireball gets swung out of it. It cannot be the standard trebuchet since those are too big for that mount. It must be a catapult, a smaller artillery piece.

"Scott, Jerry, right side. Suppressing fire on that bunker. Rory, stay by my side," Sharpe order everyone.

Jerry, Scott, and Sharpe rush over to this small mount line and open fire. Seeing the number of enemy forces, we are dealing with, he turn around to face Alicia. "Alicia, over here!"

Sharpe sees her turn around, hearing her name. Alicia gets up from her position, she rushes over to me. A few arrows flying all around, landing between us all. At this point it seems like the archers are disorganized, just firing arrows without properly aiming. If they keep moving or suppress fire on them, we should be fine.

She gets to be quickly, groping at the mount cover by me. "Sir?"

Sharpe glance through the camera feed from Johnson's helmet, seeing what he is seeing. Then I look back at Alicia. "Contact Brigade and call-in artillery support against that enemy battalion."

Alicia nods and gets on her radio set. "This is Vanguard-7 Lead, requesting artillery support at…"

As she gives the coordinate to headquarters so they can rain down artillery fire on the incoming enemy. He looks back at the bunker and fire my weapon, helping suppress them down.

It seems like the enemy has learned their armor is worthless. Sharpe notice many of them do not have armor, but just in green, brown robs. It seems they finally understand how deadly our weapons are and trying to protect themselves, that is why the men at the bunker are not charging us.

As Sharpe fires my M4A1 at the bunker, he turns to Rory. She seems to be impatient again, wanting to jump at them. Her legs rubbing against each other. Her body moving back and forward as the tension builds up within her.

Sharpe watch for a moment and wonder how hard it must be. She has explained this many times now. If she restrains herself during a battle as the souls that pour though her, it creates the strongest orgasmic feeling a woman can have. And it can go on forever if she does not unleash herself in battle. A feeling no man can match, at least that is how she explains it.

He never could imagine or understand that. He gets tired after a few rounds of sex. No wonder Emory picked a woman.

"Rory, when I give the order, you take point as we clear the bunker," he tells her.

Rory looks at me with this intense pleasurable look. She then licks her lips, imaging the deaths that are about to come. "Just hurry, I can't hold back much longer."

Sharpe pat her on the shoulder, giving her a sign of support.

"Lieutenant Anderson, I need an LAV to my position now. Tell your boys to be careful, we are about to storm the rear section of the bunker complex," Sharpe say over the radio.

"Roger that Vanguard-7, switching to supporting fire," Lieutenant Anderson responds.

He heard some racket behind, so I turn around. I see that Canadian team I sent around. The rush out of the hedgerows.

Sharpe sits up and wave my arms, pointing them towards Johnson, since he needs the support more.

The Canadian squad rushes towards Johnson team and joins in the firefight.

"Sir! Artillery inbound," Alicia said. She then looks around. "DANGER CLOSE EVERYONE!"

Sharpe look to her and then back to Johnson's position. He can see this large cavalry wave coming, about five hundred of them.

Everyone hears the loud sounds zooming through the air. These artillery shells coming raining down and splash all around the incoming cavalry. Round after round after round comes railing down, killing everything around. The Imperialist forces that were trying to flank us, the artillery forced them to stop their advance. The ones who are not dead or dying flee back towards the tree line.

Sharpe get up and turn around as this LAV-25 comes bursting out between some hedgerows. Right behind it are ten Canadian infantrymen.

Sharpe start walking forwards them. "Hey! Form a line there, and there. Get the LAV to provide fire support on that Infantry unit down the valley!" He walks around, giving orders to everyone. Telling them where to go and where to direct their fire, so the troops do not overlap.

Once I am happy about the situation, I rush to Johnson's position.

Johnson looks to me. "Sir. it seems we got them on the robs sir."

"Roger that Lieutenant," Sharpe said, giving him a supportive pat on the shoulder. "Ok, see that mount right there. There is a catapult inside. Take everyone and clear it out. I'm taking the bunker."

"Sir!" Johnson says to him, acknowledging the order. He then looks to the other Rangers, getting them in order.

Share then look to Lelei. "Lelei, you are with me. Let's go." He gets up and start rushing back to the right flank. This time not running too fast ahead of Lelei, so she can keep up.

When he gets to the mount, he looks at everyone. "Alright, get the Bunker Rangers."

Right when he said that, Rory jumps ahead again. Rushing to the bunker entrance.

"Hey! Lets rock," Alicia yells as she gets up and chases after Rory.

Sharpe watch as Rory and Alicia rush forward. He gets up and chase after them. "The two always a tag team."

In front, Rory busts right through the main entrance, killing one of the swordsmen that appeared out of cover. Another man appears out behind Rory.

Seeing that, Rory turns around and blocks the sword. She stares right at him with this sadistic glare. Alicia charges right at that man and stabbing him with her knife, killing him.

Sharpe washes up and looks around. Then he looks at Rory. "You take point, Alicia, you cover Rory. Everyone else behind me, clear the bunker."

Everyone nods and everyone moves through the bunker complex.

Sharpe can see Rory is having too much run. Seeing some swordsmen with shields forming a wall, trying to prevent us from entering the last bunker. She jumps up and swings out of the trench system that connects the bunkers. She rolls on top of the manmade stick and animal hide covered ceiling and rushes over to the bunker roof.

Sharpe grab Alicia and pull her back, knowing she was about to charge forward. "Get down."

Then Sharpe turn around and point to Lelei. "Lelei, blow them away."

Lelei gets right behind me and aims her staff towards the Imperialist soldiers. She fires this blast wave, hitting the soldiers. They fly back.

Rory then bursts through the roof and lands in the center of the bunker. She swings her halberd and just begins hacking at everyone, cutting them all into pieces.

"Alright, let's go," Sharpe orders. He noticed this other trench system that leads away. He grabs the sidewall and roll out, standing back up and rushes over to that trench system. When he gets close, he sees three men standing there. Two Humans and cat-person. I aim and unload my magazine into the three.

Sharpe look behind and see my Rangers rush into the bunker with Rory. I wave to them. "This way, we got them on the run."

I look back and I then notice that this trench leads to that mount with the catapult. I jump into the trench and lead my men down it. Right before I get to this corner, this arrow just misses me, hitting the wall.

That made me slip onto the mud and slide a bit, going right into the trench wall. Another arrow comes right at me but is deflected by this deflection spell. I aim my rifle and shoot the archer in the head.

Jerry, the team medic rushes up and grabs me, helping me back up. "Are on you sir?"

"Better than ever Jerry," Sharpe say, feeling my noise, realizing I am ok.

After looking around at his team, Sharpe said, "Ok, we have them pinned. Clear them out. Let's go."

We all rush up and engage the remaining Imperialist in the bunker complex. This bunker looks like the command post, being far larger than the other bunkers.

Sharpe get down on one knee, sliding a little. I can tell Johnson's team on the other side, preventing them from retreating. After killing an Imperial soldier, he sees this man in full body armor, looking particularly important start charging at me with this fancy looking sword.

Rory jumps over me and flies right past this man, splitting him in half.

Sharpe get up and start clearing out the command bunker. He took the left while Alicia and Jerry took the right.

Suddenly, Sharpe sees this bear looking man pops out of a tent and tries to attack Alicia. What saved Alicia was this small table that flies right into this bear-man head, knocking him back a bit. Everyone there then and fill that bear man full of lead.

Seeing that bear man is dead, Sharpe takes a careful look around the area. He hears this noise in one of the rooms. I turn around and point to Lelei to watch my back.

Once happy with the situation, he then moves through this tent and into an underground room.

Sharpe hear this breaking sound, like from a pot or something. He aimed his rifle to the left and see two girls, naked. One Neko and the other a Human, bound to the bed. Both looked beaten, starved, and makes of a slave.

"Please… don't hurt me." One of the women begs. She begins to cry as she is confused on what is happening and is clearly scared.

Sharpe take a deep breath and lower my rifle. Lelei walks up behind me and looks at the two girls.

"I see. Everything will be ok. We are here to help you," Lelei says, but her tone does not help reissue them.

"She is right, everything will be ok. We're Americans, not the Empire," Sharpe said as he pulled out his knife. He walked over to them slowly and cut off the bonds.

After freeing them, both girls rush to the corner, not trusting him. He tried to reassure them but decide to leave them be. He turns around to face Lelei. "Let them be for now. A proper medical team should handle this."

"Are you sure Major?" Lelei looks at me.

Sharpe nods. "Yes. Alicia and Jerry can help until then. There might be Imperialists still out there. Let's go."

Sharpe then walk out of the room and Lelei right behind.

When Sharpe get out of the room, he told Jerry about the situation. Apparently, both he and Alicia found three more women of different ages and two men. All as sex slaves too and forced servants to. Most of them are bunnies or nekos, one elves and rest are human.

In war, it is important for the soldier to demonize the enemy. It makes it easier to kill another Human being. The thing is, in this world. These people make it so easy to do that. Falmart values are so different, at times they make North Korea look civilized, sometimes.

Sharpe see Johnson and the rest of my Rangers walk into the command post. "Alright, Jerry, do what you can for the hostages. Scott, Frost, and Johnson stay here and secure the area. See if you can find any good intel here. Everything else with me was going to finish securing this area. The Stryker Battalion should be coming through here within the hour."

Before Sharpe leave, he stops himself and look at them all. "By the way, good job."



(1)Chapter 14-20

(2)Chapter 6

(3)Chapter 34-35

(4)Chapter 45-46

(5)Chapter 41
