Chapter 64 A Day with Selina RM

--- Alnus Community, Liberty Apex Bar ---

August 15th, 2025

Today in the Alnus Community, it is currently morning. The sun called Flare has just broken over the Tuba Mountains towards the south. The sun mist that is outside.

Selina is currently at a table at Liberty Apex. She is sitting in a wooden chair, she just being tall enough to for the table. To her right is a plat with some food. Two green eggs and green ham with some bread.

In front of her is a tablet set up on this stand. She is reading a book from an approved list that is on Sharpe tablet.

There is a large list in that book app. Selina was very surprised to see so many books. Reading materials in this world, all 'books' are custom written by hand. People called scribes handwriting materials and most of the time they are just documenting things.

That is what Lelei told, she is having an older sister who does scribe work for a living. Having handwritten stories is extremely rare, being saved for only the super-elite.

Back in her country, most women were not allowed to learn how to read. It all depends on what Cult you were part of. The Kingdom of Edras heavily worshiping Miritta so we could replace our troops as fast as we could. Miratta, the Goddess of Birth, Fertility, Virtue, and more.

Her father King Jelaus did not teach her how to read. He told her many times when she came to age, she was to be married to this Cult that didn't allow it. Her Edran father told her many times that her place was to bear and nurture the next generation of royalty and leaders.

When she told Sharpe about that, she remembers he was not happy. While he didn't explode on her, he just keeps calling her people sexist, degrading jackasses. She has noticed those thoughts have been building up for a while.

After that conversation, he told her that she's going to learn how to read English. No debate. He says that if Miritta truly loves her then there is nothing wrong to be an educated mother when she gets older.

At first, I didn't fully approve, for religious reasons. She didn't want to anger her Goddess Miritta. The only reason why she did was that deep down inside she wants Sharpe love and approval.

For those books, Sharpe gave her a list of self-help reading books to help her get better at English.

Starting to learn how to read has been hard. Of course, she understands how to read some words, some basic words like water and food. But the bigger words are proven to be hard. He says this current book should help her learn these words.

She has only started doing this not that long ago. So far it has been hard for her to match the English spelling to the sounds they are supposed to make.

"Pucfic… Hmmm." She tries to say, struggling with a word in this spelling book. She tries again to say this word. "puacific…." After trying to say the word a second time, she gets frustrated by her failure.

"What is wrong honey?" Sarah asks her, noticing that she is struggling with a word.

Sarah is sitting across the table, working on her big military laptop. It is massive compared to the tablet she is using.

So far this morning Sarah looked to be very busy. But she said before that she wanted to take Selina out for breakfast, not wanting her to feel alone.

Looking up at Sarah, she grumbles a little. Not enjoying how hard learning to read can be. "I am struggling with this word Sarah…"

She turns her tablet around to face Sarah.

Watching Sarah lean forward, she just smiles. "I see. It is pronounced specific."

She thinks about that word and how it is properly pronounced. "Paaccifffic. Pacciffic... Pacific. Did I get it right?"

She sees Sarah smile at her.

"Close, that word can be a hard word to pronounce. Let's try it again." Sarah says and she moves her laptop to the side. "Specific. Sppecciffic." Sarah continues to say, trying to say the word slowly, hoping for Selina to catch it.

She just sits there, getting frustrated by all this. "Why do you have words that don't match the sounds. Some words sound the same but spelled differently while other words don't match the sound at all."

Taking a deep breath, she begins to try saying the word again. "Pacciffic…"

Realizing that she said it wrong again, she glances up at Sarah. As she looks at Sarah, she can tell that Sarah doesn't know what to do next. This has been hard, learning an alien language. But why can Lelei learn all of this so fast?

She leans back, frustrated by all this. "I am done."

"Selina, you can just-," Sarah says before being interrupted.

"No, I am done. I see why Edran women don't learn to properly read," She says, thinking what her Edran father told her.

"Selina!" Sarah says. "That is not true, what your father said is a lie. You can do this; I know it is hard, but it is important. You just need to believe in yourself."

Sarah sits back in her chair, lost on what to do next. She is wondering about how Sharpe been able to make people do what he wants without questions. More she thinks about it, the more she realizes he would just give that Rory death glare. Both of them are too similar.

As Sarah thinks of what to do next, Selina sits in her chair, looking at the tablet. "How does Lelei do it so well?"

Sarah looks to her. "Oh… I see. Don't compare yourself to her. She is…"

That is when she sees Sarah act funny. Watching her lean forward, getting closer to her. "Yes…?"

"Don't tell anyone this but Lelei is kind of a freak. In a good way!" Sarah says quietly. "Like, I mean, she is crazy smart. I think she smarter than most PHDs from my world. Don't compare yourself to her ok. That is not fair to yourself."

She sits there and listens to Sarah. For someone who talks a lot, she doesn't do a good job of expressing your thoughts. But she can tell Sarah is trying.

"Lelei worships Ra, or was its La. I get that confused sometimes but she is the twin gods with Elange. Lelei says La is the goddess of learning. They grant some of their chosen worshipers the ability to learn faster and retain information better. He is the god of knowledge." She responds, remembering when Lelei explains her beliefs to her.

She sees Sarah think about that for a bit.

"I recall reading that. But that just proves my point, Selina." Sarah says and then thinks. "Also, stop saying the reason why you are struggling is that your women. That has nothing to do with it. Besides, we're actually smarter than men." After saying that, Sarah gives Selina a cute wink.

She thinks on that for a minute, Sarah, Sharpe and everyone else on Vanguard-7 has said the same thing before. That is so different than what she been told growing up. "But..."

"No buts," Sarah says, holding up a finger. "Sharpe would say the same thing. The only reason why you were told that is because some men are just misogynistic. Don't think you are less because you're a girl ok. Neither sex is better than the other. We are strong in our way Selina and be proud of it."

Selina is having a hard time to understand Sarah. She gets the idea behind it but for some reason, she is afraid of disgrace her dead father and upset her god. "Sharpe isn't that tough? Same with Randy and Andrew and..."

Sarah then leans forward and grabs her hand. "Because they are men, the best of examples. Always remember that when your dating. I don't want you to date someone who thinks your less. I know this is hard, but I know you can do it, everyone on the team knows you can. And he knows too."

"Also, remember this. It takes a great woman to make a great man. And don't you think Sharpe and the rest of the team want you to be a great woman?" Sarah finishes and gives her a wink.

She knows Sarah is trying hard to make her feel better. Trying to be understanding but help her find her confidence.

"…ok…" She says as she thinks.

"Hmm… ok. Let us stop for a bit. I have a question for you." Sarah says as she moves everything out of the way.

She looks up at Sarah, wondering what she is planning now. Even though Sarah is right here, it just isn't the same. Feeling alone and lost. What if those elves find her here? Deep down inside, she misses the feeling of Sharpe right next to her, always feeling safe.

"OK. Selina. I was wondering. What do you want with Jackson?" Sarah asks her in a positive tone, intentionally bring up his first name.

Hearing Sharpe's name, she looks up confused. "I thought we are not allowed to say that?"

She sees Sarah give her a big smile. "It is ok. It will be our little secret. Besides, I don't think that will be an issue for long."

Thinking about that, she smiles too. "Ok, what is your question?"

To her surprise, Sarah responds quickly. Like she was prepared.

"What do you want from him?" Sarah asks.

From the question, she tilted her head confused. What does that question even mean?

Hearing that question, she begins to think. When she saved from those slave traders, a big part of her wanted to go home. Since then the meaning of home has been changing. No one forms her country came looking for her. And honestly, she thinks about how she never felt more home than here in Alnus.

She enjoys the chats they have had at the shooting range. Talking about life and watching those strange theater shows that Alicia calls cartoons. She even enjoys those stories Sharpe tells that turn out to be lies. All just to put a smile on her face.

Now that she thinks about it more, she enjoys the look in his eye over the past few months. A big difference she started to notice between her Edrean father and Sharpe is that Sharpe seems to care more about her well begin. Not as something to use to help his own prestige.

After some thought, she looks up at Sarah. Her hands will be fiddling with each other as she gets nervous. "I… I don't know. I just… don't want to go anywhere."

She sees Sarah smile, probably thinking what she just said was cute.

"I understand. None of us want you to leave." Sarah stops and looks directly at Selina. "You want to know something. Jackson doesn't want you to go anywhere too."

She knows that the last part is true, but a part of her doesn't fully believe it too. "Really? How do you know? Wouldn't he just leave one day? When I get older?" She finishes, speaking softly and in an unconfinable tone.

"That is a very beautiful neckless you know. Do you know what it means?" Sarah asks her.

She tilts her head again, confused by the change of stop. Her right hand naturally goes to her neck and grab the neckless.

"Sharpe…" She says but then notices a reaction from Sarah.

"I mean Jackson. He said it is a star that points north. It helps people when they are lost while at sea or lost on land. It helps souls that are lost who are looking for the path home. Just like Rory!" She says, getting excited about saying Rory's name.

Sarah giggles a little. "Yes, just like Rory."

She nods her head and thinks. "Well, you can look up and always find your way home."

She sees Sarah nods to what she said. It looks like she might even tear up a little. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you didn't. Just adorable." Sarah says and sits up straight. "Now, where is home?"

Now that question just confused her. She glances down to her fingers, which are locked together. Taking a deep breath, she looks back up to Sarah. "Here." Saying that was really hard to say, having to choose to be Edran or American.

After saying that, she sees Sarah lean forward. Her phone goes off, but she silences it.

"Ok, Selina. What if I told you that Jackson wants to adopt you?" Sarah says in a cute voice.

Hearing the word 'adopt' shocks her. That is a word she never would expect from these people. She can feel a wave of emotions that she never experiences before. From joy to confusion, to sadness to hope. Every emotion she knows about seems to all come hitting at once but struggling to process it. Almost like she has been waiting to hear those words all her life.

"So… would that mean he would be my father? Why does… well…" She asks slowly, trying to stop herself from crying. After all this time with Vanguard-7, it is still hard to believe this might happen. She wants to try not because she feels sad but because she feels happy by that thought. "Wait… does he really? Why doesn't he say anything?"

She sees Sarah smile at her reaction. Again, she ignores her phone as it rings.

"You know him. Once he gets in his head, it is hard for him to get out of it without a smack on the head. And he just doesn't want to push pressure on you. But he has been thinking about it for a very long time now. Just trust me." Sarah explains to her.

She sits there trying to process what Sarah told her. Looking back up, she tries to ask another question, still not believing what is happening. "But…"

Again, Sarah's phone rings. This time she takes it and looks.

"I am sorry Selina. I have to go." Sarah says as she gets out of the chair. She packs everything up. "Just, keep practicing and go out and have fun. I know you feel alone, trust me I know the feeling. Just remember that we all love you. He loves you."

Saying that Sarah walks out of the bar.

She just watches, realizing that she is alone now. She looks around, only seeing a few people inside. It is still early in the day. She sees this man, a brownish bunny, an Elf, and a few other people around.

She decides to pack up her things and head back to Sharpe quarters. Putting her tablet in a backpack and putting on this military jacket that's closer to her size.

As she walks, she stays close to the build walls. The mist seems to mostly burn off from the rising sun. Looking up and around, she doesn't see that many people. Alnus is usually buzzing with life. Since most of the Other Worlders Army has left for war. It shows how quiet this place can be.

While people are walking all around, at work or shopping at the market, it sounds like the only sound of life is the military aircraft leaving the airbase. Aircraft coming in and out from Elise none stop.

As she walks down the street, walking on the wooden sidewalk. She reflects on what Sarah said.

If what Sarah said is true, then adoption would mean everything would be permanent. She even begins to think about how life might be like having a father again. Not living like she is just tagging along but being a part of something.

Sarah is right, she has notice sometimes Jackson struggles to say what is on his heart. Rory always points that out during our evening girl's pillow talk. Rory loves to describe Sharpe as 'big heart, thick head'.

But how would this work? It seems that he doesn't like many parts of her beliefs. When talking about the gods back on Earth, the topic of her god Miritta seemed to confuse and anger him. Her faith and worship were the only things keeping her sane while the Cult nobles sold her off into slavery.

The more she thinks about it, the harder it is for her to find a compromise between them both. But she doesn't want to give up either one of them. So much has changed so fast and still changing.

As she walks and thinking about what's going on, she hears this siren sound coming from behind. Turning around she sees this jeep rushing right past her.

When the jeep passed her, it spread a little mud and water at her, getting her jacket and legs dirty.

"Damn… now I have to clean up again… wait." She says and she looks back up, wondering what is going on.

After some thought, she decides to rush after the jeep, wanting to see what is going on.

Going down one street and then taking another turn, she finds that jeep. It looks like some of the Alnus Military Police stop this wagon.

Wanting to take a look, she rushes up by some bystanders. That is when she sees Rory's friend Myuute in her police uniform walking to this man.

"How did you all come in here so heavily armed?" Myuute asks the man.

"I have sensitive cargo. I need the extra protection from thieves." That man responds, clearly the one in charge.

As they walk, she can see about five other men, mostly Humans. They are very closely guarding the wagon for some reason.

"Selling? What are you selling? This is Alnus, the safest place in Falmart," Myuute asks again, getting annoyed.

One of the other Alnus Military Police walks up to her side, this man is one of the Other Worlders. From the flag on his arm, maybe Czech?

"Ma'am, I am pretty sure they smuggled them in.," The soldier says.

"Figures. They probably thought they could sneak in because the Army is gone. Thanks, Miloslav Suchánek." Myuute says back. Turning around to the other police. "Uncover the wagon!"

That is when she sees one of the guards pull out this dagger as the Alnus Police talk to each other and the man in charge of the wagon. He does it stealthily and then moves to Myuute.

"Myuute!" She yells, seeing that man.

Myuute turns around, surprised to see her standing there. Instantly figure out what is happening, she looks to that guard. The siren women dodge the dagger. She then blasts the man into the wagon with a wind spell.

The other three Alnus police raise their weapons at them.

Selina looks up at the wagon and notices that the tarp is now gone, blown away from Myuute wind magic.

What everyone sees are give people chained up and gaged.

"What is the meaning of this?" Myuute demands, angry at she is looking at.

"As I said, I came here to trade," That wagon leader responds.

"We do not trade people here," Miloslav Suchánek responds.

"By the gods, so those rumors are true. You people are insane." That man comments annoyed by this.

Myuute turns around and points to her two other men. "Release them."

"You can't, they are my property. They are for a brothel, they are expensive. You can just do this." That man says, angry by what he just heard.

The other four guards pull out their swords, going to protect the wagon.

"These people cost me a small fortune. Freeing them means I lose my home." The man says.

"I don't care. In Alnus, no one can own a person. They all go free," Myuute responds. "And by the way, you all are under arrest. I want to know about this underground brothel."

That man takes a step back towards his guards. He was about to give an order but then everyone hears this loud voice.

"I would do what the Siren says. Otherwise, you will have to fight me."

Selina looks over and sees this tall Volraden.

This Volraden walks forward, pushing through the crowd. "So, do you?"

The four guards suddenly lose the will to fight, looking up at this tall Volraden. After looking at each other, they drop their swords and surrender.

"Smart. Take them all away," Myuute says. Seeing her people start to arrest them.

Watching all this, she cannot help but look at the slaves in the wagon. It just reminds her of when she was a slave. She starts to imagine what life would have been if Sharpe didn't intervene when he did. Chained up naked, at the whims of a master every desire.

That is when she feels a hand on her shoulder. Jumping a little, she notices it was Myuute.

"I am sorry to startle you. Thank you for calling my name," Myuute says, smiling.

She looks at her and smiles back. "It is ok. I didn't want Rory's friend to get hurt."

Myuute giggles hearing that. "Wait, I thought we are friends?"

Hearing that, she thinks for a bit. "I'm sorry, yes we are. I didn't mean anything by it."

"I know," Myuute responds and then thinks.

"Has this happen here before?" She asks as she looks back to the wagon.

Myuute turns her head to the wagon and then back to Selina. "Not often but sometimes yes. Since slavery is so common in our world, many don't take the news seriously that we abolished it. All they see is wealth opportunities. So, they just bring what they have for trade, to set up brothels or gods else what."

"But you stopped them," She asks her.

"Yup. I try. I was given a second chance and I am going to use it," Myuute responds.

She looks back at her, confused by that. "What do you mean a second chance?"

She can see the Siren face, looking confused. Like she didn't know how to answer the question.

"Well… I should have been enslaved after Italica. I did some bad things. But I was freed, thanks to my leader Rory and your other friend Major Sharpe. I plan on making sure what happened never happens again. One small step at a time."

"Corporal Myuute, we need you," Miloslav Suchánek says, calling for her to come back.

Myuute turns around and nods. She then looks back at Selina. "I am sorry, I have to go. Next time when you see us going somewhere. Don't follow."

Selina stands there and nods her head. She watches as Myuute stands back up and leaves.

"A second chance…?" She asks herself. Decided to head home, she turns around and leaves.

That was something she didn't consider before. Having a second chance at life, a free life. For some reason, what Myuute made a lot of sense for her. Helped to put some thoughts and emotions into place.

"Maybe that is what Sharpe… Jackson meant." She thinks to herself. When he left, he asked her to make some friends and start doing some homework. Maybe this is what a second chance is, starting a new life.

As she walks on the wooden sidewalk, thinking in the morning. She hears some noises coming up ahead. Looking up, she sees some kids, two human boys, a siren girl, a cat person boy and this girl with wings on her back. All looking to be about her age range.

She hears them laughing and giggling, probably from some joke. Over the past few weeks, she has seen many children like her all around Alnus. Never once she wanted to talk to them, just afraid for some reason. Maybe afraid that they won't like her because she's Edren or that they might just betray her like so many others have.

She sees them walking away, heading down this alleyway. As they go out of view, she takes a deep breath and rushes towards them, trying to catch up. When she gets to the alleyway, she stops at the entrance.

Holding up her hand to say something, to get their attention. She suddenly freezes.

The kids walk away, turning around this other corner.

All she can do is stand there. She glances up and around here. In her head, all she can think about is when she was tricked and then jumped by those Wood Elves in Italica. Going down this alley, this time there is no Sharpe or Grey to save her if someone attacks.

She lets out a defeated breath and starts walking away, wishing she were with Rory and Lelei right now.

She will walk for a while, heading to Sharpe quarters again. As she passes, she notices this girl sitting on a bench. It sounds like she is crying as she holds on her knees.

She decides to just keep walking, not wanting to bother her.

After taking a few steps past this girl, she stops.

She starts to think about what Sharpe said about making friends and what Myuute said about second chances. "I need to say hi." She mumbles to herself.

Taking a long deep breath, she turns back around and walks back to the girl.

Once she arrives, she looks at her. She is in this bluish jacket with yellow stripes all over it. She has this black bob-shirt haircut. A pack on her right cheek.

"Hello there." She says in a soft voice.

The girl looks up and at her. "I'm... sorry?"

She takes a deep breath and holds out her hand. "Hello there, I am Selina."

As she holds out her hand, she gets a closer look at this girl's face. Her eyes this amber color. Now that she thinks about it, she has met this girl before.

"Wait… We meant before." She says bluntly.

The girl tilts her head, very confused. "We did? I am sorry but I don't remember you."

She lowers her hand, noticing that the girl didn't take it. "I am sorry. In Italica. When my…" She stops for a second, trying to decide what to call Sharpe. "Well, the Rangers of Vanguard-7. Sharpe helped you in Sedera."

She can see this fear in the girl's eye as she thinks about the memory.

"Wait… I remember them. I just… I am sorry. I just don't remember you." The girl says back to Selina. "But, I guess thank you for helping me?"

She takes a deep breath, trying to figure out what to do now. "Well, I didn't do much. They did all the work. I am glad you are ok… I didn't mean to bother you. It just looked like… you needed a friend."

After forcing that out, she turns around and starts walking away.

As she starts walking away, all she can do is put herself down. "Stupid I am so stupid…"

"Wait… my name is Noriko Mochizuki." Noriko says.

Hearing that, she turns around and slowly puts a smile on her face. "It is nice to meet you again Noriko. Can I sit down?"

She sees Noriko nod her head yes. She then walks over and sets her backpack down on the bench and then sits down next to her.

Between the two, there is this long silence as both of them struggle to find something to say.

That is when Noriko looks over to the nervous girl. "I take it you are not from Earth? You don't look like from there? Are your parents here?"

Hearing the word parents hurt a bit, just bring back memories of her dead mother and father. She forces a smile and looks at Noriko. "My parents are dead."

Noriko raises her eyes. "I am sorry. I didn't mean anything by that. I'm so…"

She realizes that she was to blunt in her response. "It is… ok. I am here now. The man that saved you took me in."

That answer seems to surprise Noriko. "Really?"

She looks at Noriko. "He likes to help. He took me in."

Right then, all these memories and emotions come out, unable to suppress them. "When my mother and father were murdered. Many of the Cult nobles from my country sold me off to the Empire. I was supposed to be a sex slave for Prince Zorzal."

As she speaks, she notices that Noriko began to take great interest after hearing Zorzal name.

"During all those months traveling here, the guards knew I was not ready to bear children so there was no risk. I was raped many times by those men, they thought it was funny. Spoiling Prince Zorzal prize, thinking he never would know." She says, unable to stop herself from speaking now.

"I thought I had nothing left. I even began to think my god Miritta abandoned me." She continues.

Noriko listens to her, surprised how close her stories are to hers. She wants to move her hand to show support for Selina.

"But then, that man that helped you in Sedera. He helped me. When I first saw him, he looks very scary. Him killing those three guards, very brutally." She pauses, collecting her thoughts. The more she thinks about her memories, she notices that she isn't that afraid of them now that she thinks about it.

"I was so scared, blood over his clothes. He took me, I sadly thought the worse. But then…" She then looks to Noriko; her eyes start to cry with them though. "He took me in and treated me like his own daughter. He helped me, gave me a home and protect."

She looks away again, thinking. "And tries to help me. He can be a little cold at times, but I know he loves me. He promised to find a new home for me long ago, but I knew he was lying. And I am glad he was."

"I am happy for you Selina. I am glad you have someone to protect you." Noriko responds, trying to find the words to say.

She looks to Noriko and wipes the tears out of her eyes. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to talk about me. I just, I understand how you feel."

Noriko stops and thinks. She takes a deep breath, for the first time in a year, feeling inspired to speak. "I know. My parents were murdered by the Empire and I was taken. Zorzal took me and raped me many times, thinking I was cute… and now I am carrying his child…"

She back at Noriko, shocked by that news. She takes a deep breath and grabs her arm softly, trying to show support.

"I am glad that you have someone who's watching over you," Noriko says, happy for her but upset with the realization that she is truly alone.

After hearing that, she shakes her head no in disagreement. "You are wrong."

That is when she reached into her jacket. She keeps that Glock 43 pistol that Sharpe gave her.

She notices the gun scares Noriko a little bit, confused why she has it.

"… My new father gave this to me. It is about responsibility. I can only use it to protect my friends and love ones." That is when she looks back to Noriko and gives her a big happy smile. "Sharpe saved and is protecting me but I want to protect my friends too. If you evert feel like you are alone or scared, I can be your friend and protect you. No one will ever hurt you Noriko."

Noriko sits there, not knowing what to say. When though this kid is younger than her, she feels a little bit happy again. She doesn't fully understand why she thought. Maybe just because she meant someone she can relate to.

"Selina… thank you. We can be friends." Noriko says softly, cracking a smile.

She sees Noriko smile and smiles back. That is when she gets an idea and then puts away the pistol back on her belt. She then reaches into her backpack.

"What are you doing?" Noriko asks, confused about what's happening.

"Hold on!... there it is!" She says.

She pulls out a pack of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. She opens it up and hands one to Noriko.

Noriko takes the offering and opens it. "I haven't had these in a long time. They are my favorite."

She takes a bit out of one and then looks to Noriko. "I like them too, but I like Double Ms more. Oh… since you like them so much. Do you know how they are made?"

She can see Noriko's confused expression on her face.

"Ahh… no, I don't." Noriko asks, confused why this is relevant.

Selina just giggles as she takes another bit. "Well, this is what Sharpe told me." She then takes two Peanut Butter Cups and uses them to visually describe her story. "Two guys were driving these cars. One was eating chocolate and the other was eating peanut butter. Their cars crashed into each other. Then this policeman like the Alnus ones showed up. His name was Reese's."

Thinking more about this story, she gets more excited. "See, both the chocolate and the peanut butter merged into each other. That is when the policeman tasted it and came up with this." She then shows the whole Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

She then takes a big bite out of it and looks at Noriko. She sees Noriko having this confused laughing expression.

"I think your dad just lied to you. There is no way he is telling you the truth." Noriko says, knowing there is no way that story can be true.

"I know. It is from one of his shows. It is still fun though. He likes to lie to make people laugh." She says, clearly picking up some fun but bad traits.

There is this delay reaction form Noriko, as she processes what Selina just said. Then she bursts out laughing. It felt good for her to laugh again, even if it was from something stupid like that. "You are strange Selina…"

She smiles as she watches Noriko laugh. Then she gets up and grabs her backpack. "I am alone right now. Sharpe is away fighting the Empire, he is going to stop them for us. Do you want to come back with me and do stuff?"

Noriko thinks on that offer and then decides to follow her. Better then beginning alone all day. Just wanting some Human contact that understands her.

Happy that her new friend wants to come home with her, she grabs her hand and takes her to Sharpe quarters.



Alnus Map:

Elies Map:
