Chapter 75 Fatherly Bonds

"The US Military has reported record recruitments numbers for the fourth month in a row. With the reactivation elements of the 2nd Armored, 5th Infantry Divisions, 5th Marines, and the expansion of the Air Force by five squadrons, and one new Space Force Wing, the military needs an additional one hundred and twenty thousand soldiers, marines, airmen, and guardians.

When the war began many on Capital Hill were concerned of a man shortage to fill these new units with urgent speed. After the successful Raid on Sadera, a massive wave of young men and woman to the recruitment centers nationwide. A large hashtag began saying #quietcollege&enlist! And #Citizenshipthroughservice, a reference to the Starship Troopers novel.

College starts in the next two to three weeks. Many schools have reported that mass dropouts from freshmen to senior students. Some students dropping out with only months left until they got their degree.

Many see enlisting for the war effort as a better path than going to college, college in recent decades have come into question as putting the last generation into a debt trap. The current generation sees this as an alternative. A chance for adventurer, to gain experience, and more importantly revenge for the attack on Philadelphia and the recent news on captured American and other nationalities.

With recruitment goals already expected to reach and surpass the one hundred and twenty thousand mark. There is currently a debate in Congress about reactivating the 8th Infantry Division, 4th Armored Division and the 9th Infantry Division to help fill other critical gaps within the US Amy structure." – National Interest


--- Sharpe Quarters ---

August 30th, 2025

After being checked out of the Army hospital, Sharpe is walking down the pavement sidewalk in the barrack section of the base. To his side is Selina, walking by his side. Walking by in that cute red dress that she wore back on Earth. The one with the black bottoms and bows. It is sleeveless, a fashion that he has noticed that she likes. He also sees that bow she always wears on her right arm, a symbol of her religion.

Sarah brought her down to the hospital before leaving to work on some after mission reports. It was nice of her, knowing Selina would want to come by and see him.

The army doctor stitched up the sword wound and patched up the chest area from the magic blast. The doctor said there is nothing too serious. He has had far worse wounds on past missions, both physically and mentally.

When Selina arrived, she gave him a mighty tackle back at the hospital. He has found that she is a sensitive one, but he also has learned that he enjoys that someone cares that much.

Since leaving the hospital, Sharpe has noticed that Selina has not said a word. Normally she is always trying to impress him about something or telling some story about something else but not this time.

"Is everything on Selina? You seem to be quiet." He asked her, concerned. She could just be tired though.

"I am ok sir." She said, clearly holding back some emotions.

Sharpe was not convinced by her answer. She has not talked about it, but he understands she was badly hurt when she was enslaved. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what the lowest standard of man would do to someone so young and weak. He has been impressed by how strong she has been so far about everything.

And that is probably why she is so upset. Just like coming back from Sadera and thinking he was dead, this time he came back wounded. While somewhat normal for someone like him, for her it probably scared her to death.

He gets it, there is not really anyone else in her life right now. This is something he is probably going to have to talk to Randy and how he handles this.

However, there seems to be something more that is bugging her, something she is scared to tell him. He knows she has a few secrets and that she has been careful to avoid certain topics, like her past. He decided long ago to give her space until she is ready to talk. But he thought she would have said something by now.

"You know, you do look pretty in that dress. Those bows really work. But you didn't have to dress up for me." He said, glancing down at her and then giving her a smirk.

She looks up at him and smiles, happy that he noticed. "I felt like it." She said as she shows up the dress a little. "You bought it, remember?"

"Oh yes, I do. I still remember the bill, three hundred later." He replied, thinking back on that shopping day and how interesting it was.

"Is that a lot of money?" She asked him, confused.

"Yes… well no. Don't worry about it. You look great and that's all that matters." He responds and then looks a little closer. He sees the North Star neckless that he got her back on Earth.

"I see you still wear that? You do know you don't have to; it is not required." He responds, not wanting her to feel obligated to wear it.

She places her hand around the neckless and lightly holds it. "I know, I love it."

Hearing that makes him smile, making him feel good by that. He finds it hysterical that he feels more relax and confident when bullets are flying past his head. Even in that sword fight against Krysist, he felt normal. Looking for a neckless for his new daughter, he found it very nerving and uncomfortable. All worried that she was not going to like it, was it too masculine or not enough feminine. Would she understand the context behind the star or was he overthinking it? He is glad that she liked it so much.

As they walk, they get to his apartment building. When he walks up to the door but notice she is no longer by his side. He turns around and sees her standing there like she is ready to leave.

"Well, by…" Selina said in a none-convincing tone.

"Hold on, you don't want to come upstairs?" Sharpe asked, shocked that she does not want to. She knows Rory and Lelei are not at their place so she would be alone, and he knows how much she hates to be alone.

He notices that she begins to tear up, her head tilts back and forth a little. Like she is having a conversation with herself, trying to decide what to say.

That is when he thinks that his place is a mess. He did tell her over the phone not to make a mess of his place, something he did not expect her to follow through.

"Selina?" He asked as he looks to her.

Selina begins to cry a bit. "I'm sorry, I messed up. I broke your trust and did not do what you asked. I tried but I did not know you were coming back and when I heard you got hurt, I got scared and forgot. And I have been lying about reading. I keep getting picked on by the other kids in Alnus because I am trying to be different. Because I am different because I am Edren and I wear nice clothes and I am alone." She said that as she rambles.

He stands there wondering what on earth happened since he has been gone. While it has been a few weeks, it has only been a few weeks. He can figure out how all of this could have happened to distress her. On top of that, why didn't Sarah tell him this on comms? That will have to be a separate conversation with her, which is unprofessional so he cannot be made at her. Selina is not Sarah's responsibility.

"And… I broke your picture screen device. I was practicing at the bar place where the kids came in. And I tried very hard to fix it, but I couldn't figure it out. I tried to fix it because I know you will be mad and if your mad then I can hang around anymore and if I can't hang around anymore then I need a new place to live and there is nothing left anymore and all I want is to be next to you and love, but you can love something like me because…" She just rambles as she cries, not able to control herself anymore.

He stands there for a moment, watching her as she rambles. He does not understand half the things she is saying but understands the point. Her people tossed her away like she was nothing, probably people she once loved. She is probably afraid of that happening again. What Sarah said before in Italica is correct, that she adores him.

Sharpe walks over and kneels right in front of her. He can feel the stitches stretch a bit on his side. He places his hand on her shoulder, getting her full attention. He can see that she was terribly upset, simply scared that he would be upset.

He was thinking about saying something to calm her down but side against it. He just pulls her close and hugs her, allowing her to calm down.

She sniffs and calms down from the hug. She just stays within his arms as she takes control of herself. Once he believes that she is better, he then holds her out and faces her directly. "Selina, I am sorry you were scared but you don't have to worry about me. You do not have to worry about he is getting angry at you and tossing you away like that. I would never do that to you ok."

He takes a breath as he organizes his thoughts. He realizes he struggles saying what he wants to say, realizing that he cannot remember opening to someone like this before. "I love you, Selina. I have for a long time now. I consider you as my daughter, my own flesh and blood. I am very proud of you."

She rubs her eyes, cleaning them form her tears. She then gives a big smile, like she has been waiting to hear those words for a long time.

Before he would say anything else, she could give him a light hug and then a kiss on the cheek. "I love you to father." She said in a soft, slightly sobbing voice.

That is a world that he is going to have to get used to hearing. He finds nothing wrong with that but if it helps her heal, that is enough.

He stands back up and then thinks. "Let's go upstairs, I will get change and cleaned up. Everyone is at Apex and partying. Let's go hang out with them, you like that? I will let you drink a little."

She smiles but then tiles her head in confusion. "But I am not allowed to drink I thought?"

He expected that question, we all have been telling her to wait until she is older. "Just a little bit is ok." He then points to her. "Don't tell Sarah, deal?"

He watches her just nod her head. He smiles and then heads inside to his quarters.


When they both enter his quarters, he doses see it slightly as a mess. Not the doomsday as he expected but still. He sees clothes everywhere and some food bags on his desk. Blankets either on the floor or couch. She did say she has not been outside of this room; he can tell by the sight.

As he walks in, he sees this light blue top of hers on his couch. He picks it up, shocked how messy a teenager can be. "You have been westernized... First Lelei, then you…" He tosses her top to his bed and suddenly wipes his eyes. "Oh god… Rory next… please god, not Rory."

Right then he sees the tablet that she was talking about. He walks over to it and notices it is broken.

What he sees through shocks him. The screen has cracks all over the place. However, there is glue, scotch tape and even some grey duct tape all over the screen. It looks like she tried to fix the screen with what she knew. He picks up and shows it to her.

Selina gets nervous as she looks at the tablet. "You said that duck tape fixes everything. It didn't…"

He can help himself but chuckle. He notices that she called the tape wrong but decided that it is no big deal right now. She did not say over the phone she has been struggling with some words. "I did say that."

He sets down the tablet, going to deal with it later.

"Alright Selina, I am going to wash up. Pick up your clothes and just set them up in the corner. I will deal with everything else later."

"Ok," Selina said.


--- Alnus Community ---

August 30th, 2025

It has been a few days since Hodor people arrived at Alnus. They were brought here by the Other Worlders of their flying machines that they call helicopters. He was impressed by how fast they got to Alnus Hill.

Back at the fortress, he was ferocious about what was happening. That Human name Sharpe was doing questionable things and got aggressive when he protested about being separated from his daughter. He even noticed this the other Humans did not know what was going on. The plan seems destined to fail and his people were going to pay the price.

When Tuka and the others went into the tunnel system, the Human apostle Rory walked up to the other leader called Captain Bailey and handed him a letter.

That captain read the letter to everyone and it gave them new orders. Sharpe originally told everyone that they would wait outside. The letter though explained to swing around and find a different entrance and then rescue the elves. While that new order on the letter did not make sense, it became clear that more was going on than we all knew.

He later found out the truth, that Hardus was this Imperial general who set a trap. His people were baited to lure these people into a well-crafted trap. That is when everything made sense. Sharpe lies, aggression, secret orders, all of it.

Now, all he cares about what remains of his people, totaling less than one hundred are safe. However, he is not convinced that Alnus is the future of his people.

To his side is his daughter Tuka Luna Marceau. Watching her as she walks, humming. It has been many years since he last heard her hum, he hopes that is a sign of better times to come. Her in her long green dress with white linings, she minds him of her mother.

Tuka looks over to him, noticing that he is staring. "Hi father, what is wrong?"

He just smiles at her, simply happy that they are back together. "Nothing Tuka, I am just proud of you. You just remind me of your mother, that is all."

Tuka tears up but maintains her smile. She then stops and hugs him. "I miss her so much. I wish she were still alive. I miss our talks, always fishing and bathing together."

He wraps a hand around her and gives her a big comforting hug. "It will be ok; she is looking down at you from beyond."

After a moment, he leans back a little to directly look at his daughter. "I was thinking, let us try what these people call a bar? Since I first arrived here, it has been the most referenced place. I know you been wanting to see this place?"

"Yeah, I heard them talking about on the way back here. They were talking about it on their strange talking boxes." Tuka said and then scratches her head. "They are strange people. They kept asking strange questions and making insults at each other. Those boxes are mean."

He stands there, knowing what she is talking about. He saw them during his limited time in one of their vehicles. "It must be something normal for them. I would not worry too much. Let us go."

The two of them walk down the streets of Alnus. It is evening and it seems most of the residents are at home since the streets are mostly empty.

When they walk to Apex Liberty, they both walk inside. They see a half-full building, a mix of soldiers and townsfolk.

To his surprise, the place is diverse. While mostly Human, he sees Cat People, other Elves, that Bunny women name Delilah behind the counter.

"Hello there! Come in!" Delilah yells in a welcoming tone. "No slapping on the fanny tonight though."

Hearing that, he just smirks. "No promises on that sunshine. I wouldn't mind hopping around with you." He finishes with a wink.

Tuka turns her head and directly looks at her father. "Father! Be nice. They are not elves. And I think she is taken anyway."

He looks at his daughter and smile. "That doesn't mean I have look around and mix the pot a bit."

She just rolls her eyes and smile, glad that her father is still his normal self.

"Hey look, there are those Rangers that helped us," Tuka said as she points to the other side of the bar.

He looks over to his left and sees Vanguard-7. They all look different then they do on the field. All wearing what seems more like casual uniforms than their combat ones. All drinking, laughing and what seems like telling stories about each other.

This is a quite different sight then he saw before. He is happy to see these people are not completely serious, that they have some personality in their lives.

"Let's go join them," He said, feeling relaxed.

"Ahh, should we? They are having…" Tuka said before being interrupted.

"Hey, you Vulcans. Over here and sit down!" Alicia yells as she waves his hand.

That is when he sees those soldiers who helped him and Tuka before.

"They are not Vulcans, you dimwit. They are elves." Andrew said.

"Yeah, they might take offense to that." Marvin Scott adds.

"Well fine, you all ask them to come over," Steele responds as he rubs his head.

"Hi, Tuka! Do you want to come over? Your father is welcome." Lelei said as she turns around to wave at them.

He sees their warm welcome. He also sees their leader sitting at the end of the table, leaning back. He also gives a welcome wave. "Tuka lets go hang with your new friends."

They walk up to the Rangers that freed their people. Well, some of them. They end up by the team leader, Major Sharpe.

Before he can say anything, he hears a noise coming from behind.

"Excuse me please!"

They get out of the way of this short Human girl in a red sleeveless dress. She is carrying this tray with some drinks on it.

"Thank you." The girl said as she walks over to the table. She then starts to hand them out.

To his surprise, she seems to be well welcomed by them all. Like they are all close to the girl. But that is not what is bothering him.

Tuka leans close to him so she can speak quietly. "She is Edren. She is one of them who killed mother and pushed us out of our lands."

He can hear the frustration and anger in her voice. He looks over to the Edren girl and notices how everyone likes her. That is when he realizes he must make a choice. "Tuka, forget about it."

Tuka looks up at him, her eyes get bigger. She seems to be surprised by his reaction. "But…"

"Tuka. These people just gave us a new chance." He said and wrapped his arm around her and turns around for a more private conversation. "Look, I am not going to throw this away for an Edren child. I know you miss your mother, but she wouldn't want us to just hate for the sake of hate. She isn't old enough to be responsible and if either of us makes an issue of this, I guarantee he will kick us out. I am asking you; can you be their friends?"

He can see how hard for her to accept that. It has been a hard journey to get to this point. Eight long years and it all started from the Edras betrayal. He just hopes that she can deal with this one so they can finally live-in peace.

Tuka takes a deep breath and kisses her father on the cheek. "Yes, I can. They are good people. I will do it for our people."

He smiles at her and pats her on the back.

"Hello, do you want a drink?"

He turns around and sees that same Edren girl behind him. She has this big happy smile on her face, nothing threatening about her.

She hands him a mug, full of beer.

"Why thank you. What is your name?" He asked.

"Her name is Selina. She is my daughter." Sharpe replied, walking up behind her.

He did not expect him to say that. Looking down, he can see these big happy glowing eyes from the girl. "That is interesting."

"Wait, I thought your kind only recently arrived at Falmart? How do you have an Edren daughter?" Tuka asked.

He then can see her happy reaction go away when Tuka said her people name.

"Adopted, kind of recently. Long story. Come on, we are apparently celebrating." Sharpe comments and then takes a drink from his mug.

Tuka stands there and thinks. She then smiles and nods. She then walks over to the table and joins the others.

"Selina, go play with them," Sharpe said in a commanding voice.

Selina looks up and nods. She then walks over to the other Rangers.

"That is nice of you. If you don't mind me asking, how did this happen?" He asked, very curious about the backstory.

Sharpe looks over to him. "Well, long story. I found her with some slave traders. Freed her and it's kind of just happened. Taken from her home after that kingdom fell. Don't know the details but it doesn't matter right."

Hodor leans against the bar booth. He looks a close eye on Sharpe, trying to size him up. He notices how he talked to the girl, not a very fatherly way. "I take it you are not a family man?"

Sharpe looks to him confused. "I do not understand."

He looks away to the table and sees his daughter interact with the other Human soldiers. He sees the other two girls from this world, Rory and Lelei. They seem nice and very loyal to this man. However, from what he saw in the vehicle back in Elies, it seemed that he struggled to have a proper response to their loyalty and kindness.

He understands why but treating then like his little soldiers will not help strengthen their bond in the long run. He can see that Sharpe is making all the basic mistakes in managing a proper harem and see that he probably could use some help.

"No nothing." He said and then looks back to Sharpe. "Try speaking like this. Not in a command like a voice like you would do in battle but like when you are talking to a pet. While they might look happy, deep down inside she will feel scared."

Sharpe looks at him. "You're talking about how I just spoke to Selina?" He asked, confused. Not fully understanding the context.

"I am sorry. Just something I noticed." He responds.

"Hey Sharpe!" Rory begins to yell. "Come over here. We are about to watch you get your ass kicked!" She said in a very giggly cheerful voice.

Sharpe looks over to Rory, baffled. "One, how the hell did you get my helmet recording?"

He looks over to the table and sees Rory point to the blue hair girl Lelei. She then points the female Human Alicia. She points to the man named Andrew and then he points the soldier's name, Harvey. He points to the more muscular man called Scott.

"What the fuck? You people are crazy." Scott said. Then everyone else laughs.

"Come on!" Rory yells again.

Sharpe holds out his hand. "Two, I didn't get my ass kicked and three I was there. Enjoy yourself."

"They are something, aren't they?" He asked Sharpe.

"Yes, they are," Sharpe responds.

He waits and watches everyone at the table watching something. He can see his daughter enjoying the event, fitting in surprisingly well.

"Was it as bad as it sounded?" He asked her, referencing Sharpe's fight with Krysist.

Sharpe takes a drink from his mug. "I wouldn't say bad but different. It complicates things. Do you know anything about him?"

"I am sorry, but I do not. We are not from these lands." He responds.

"So, tell me about your journey?" Sharpe suddenly asked of him.

He stands there and thinks. There is a lot to tell and trying to pick which stories to tell. "Let me begin here…"