Chapter 76 Four Sisters

"Gooood Morning Alnus. Today is another Special Sunny day. Enjoy it while it lasts because weather reports show it will be a rain storm all day tomorrow. Get whatever you are doing done before hand because the AMP will be declaring a warning. Contact the emergency line or fire a flare if you need emergency assistance.

Word from the Elies Theater, our boys are pushing forward. In the meantime, US Rangers rescued elves prisoners from the Empire. Alnus please give them a warm welcome." – Alnus Liberty News


--- Alnus Community, Bath House ---

August 31st, 2025

As Tuka walks down the street, she would not be alone. To her right is the blue hair girl mage Lelei La Lalen in this blue rob dress with this lime green lines around it. The other girl to her left is the apostle of Emroy Rory Mercury, in this black and red skirt dress. Right in front of her is that short Edraen girl Selina Sharpe, wearing this skirt with a brown sweater.

All three of them decided to take her out and around Alnus while everyone else is busy doing their military duties. She has seen none-elf towns before, they never feel natural like elf towns. She does find this place nice with a homey feeling in the town.

Most of the buildings are about three to four stories tall. There are these merchants stands all over the place, selling all these different goods. On top of what looks like this small six-story tower, she sees these two signs with numbers on them.

"What is that up there on the tower?" She asked.

Lelei looks up and sees what she is talking about. "That is what they call a digital clock. What its dose tells you the time of day. From daytime to nighttime. The Other Worlders like to keep things on a schedule and keep things organized. The numbers on top are the time for this world while the numbers on the bottom are the time on their world."

Tuka looks back up the clock at amazement. The clock reminds her of a story her father told her about Humans and other Humanoids. Because they live such short lives, they need to be more efficient with the amount of time they have. Elves can take hundreds of years to do something if they wish, that's because there is no urgency. Humans cannot wait like that and that is why he believes why Humans can develop such complex societies. For good or bad.

As they continue to walk, the first thing she has noticed is how diverse the town is. All these different types of races all around, all seem to be happy. That might be because she sees these three soldiers standing there heavily armed. They seem to be friendly as they talk with these few females.

"So, they have soldiers walking around here?" She asked.

"Yes and no," Lelei responds and then sees what Tuka is referencing too. "Those ones there are the French and Italian Military Police, part of the Alnus Military Police program. They are not actual soldiers but a police officer. They keep the ones who enforce laws and soldiers separate."

"Interesting. That seems like a waste of resources." She responds.

"Yeah well… you will learn that these people like it complicated. But they have their reasons. It is best to play by most of their rules." Rory comments.

She looks to Rory after hearing that. "Most?"

Rory looks over to her and gives her a wink. "Yup."

"Hey, Tuka!" Selina said as she turns around to face her.

She looks down and sees this big smile on the Edraen girl's face as she points to this building. She feels a little frustrated having to talk to her but suppress her feelings. "What is it?"

"See, this building is called a Cultural Center. There are over a hundred countries from Earth in there. You will love Earth! Tall shinny buildings and loud noises!" Selina said.

She looks over to her left and sees this sign that said, 'UN Cultural Center'. "That is interesting I guess."

"Yeah, they have some cool things in there. Now over there is the food market. There is food from Italica and Elbe. There even some food from Earth but that's more rare." Selina continues.

"Why is that?" She asked and then looks over to Lelei, discovering that she has a good understanding of these Other Worlders

"That is because they are afraid of diseases passing through the Gate, with from our world or there's. They want to make sure that the foodstuff is compatible with each other worlds. That is what I have been told." Lelei explains.

"Yeah but, that doesn't stop other stuff from coming in here." Selina comments and then points to this store down the street. "They opened this other store where we can get stuff from their world. They call it the PX Hill."

"What kind of goods do they have there?" Tuka asked.

"Cloths, candy, shoes, some of their electronic devises and tools," Lelei adds.

"Yeah, but they never have anything in my style," Rory adds.

"Rory, can we go, please? Tuka needs to get some western clothes to. Please?" Selina asked with a big smile.

She looks over to Rory and sees her have this big grim. "I see why not? We don't really have nothing to do today."

"Yeah! They might have new stuff. Tuka, you are going to love it. They have so many things for girls. Lots of their clothes are cute. Come on!"

She looks back at the Edraen girl confused about why she is taking so much interest in her. She wonders if the girl knows that our people are enemies. She is only putting up with her because her father requested that she could and not to make a scene with the people who saved her people.

She looks to Rory and then Lelei, seeing no way out of it she nods her head in agreement. "Ok, let's go."

"Yeah!" Selina said and turned around, leading them to the store.

As they walk, she looks around the town. Unlike last night there are many people out and about now. She sees this large fountain in the center of the town and around it are more trade booths. All these different kinds of cafes and trader posts.

Over to her right, she can see what looks like all these different types of workplaces. Making metal works to wagons to cloth and other things.

"You said Alnus is new right?" She asked.

"Correct. Alnus is a recent town in Falmart." Lelei responds.

"Then how is it developing so fast? I have seen towns that been around longer but are far smaller. Maybe I just don't understand humanoids." She said, referencing that most Humanoids have much shorter lifespans than the average elf.

"That is because of the Other Worlders of course," Lelei said.

"But… the original refugees really put in the work to build this place. They were committed to making a new life." Rory adds, with much pride in her voice.

"Ok, so what is going on over there?" She asked then.

"What do you mean?" Rory asked her.

She points down this street towards this construction zone. There what seems to be three large buildings being built.

She sees Rory and Lelei look to the direction she is pointing.

"Hmm… that is new. Lelei, what does your super brain say?" Rory asked.

"No idea Rory. That wasn't there when we left. But that does explain all those loud noises driving by this morning." Lelei responds.

"Figures… Selina! What's happening here?" Rory asked.

Selina walks up to them and sees what they are looking at. "I don't fully know myself, but the military is building what they call corporate buildings. They are going to be big. Sarah said it will be for research and trade."

"Interesting. I think I will break into it when they are finished." Rory said in a sadistic tone.

"I do not think they will like that," Lelei responds.

"I am just joking… for now. Alright, let's go." Rory said.

As they leave to head to the store, she keeps looking at the building that is being built. She begins to wonder if this will be the future of Falmart, these people coming here and making a home here. She then heads off and follows the other girls.

When they reach the PX Hill store, they can see some wagons to the side of the building. Unlike most of the buildings, where they are all close to each other. PX Hill has a large garage space for wagons with goods to trade to Earth.

They all can see trade wagons from Italica and Elbe, here to trade or sell goods to Earth. In exchange, Earth trade goods head to those two places.

As they enter the building. To her surprise, there is an impressive lot of items within the store.

"Wow…," She said, amazed by everything.

"Yup. These are tools, toys, something called groceries and other things. Cloths are upstairs." Selina said.

"Yup but they have better stuff on Earth. Maybe you can go to Earth next time." Lelei said.

"You all been to Earth?" This Neko asked as she approaches. "Oh, it is you three. Hi Rory, Lelei, and Selina. Nice to see you all again. I thought you were off at war?"

"Hi, Meia. We came back the other day. How is a business?" Rory asked.

She stands there and watches both the pinkish hair Neko talk to Rory. She is impressed by how friendly everyone in Alnus is. In the past eight years, she has been in many towns and villages. All of them have been suspicious or kicked her people out, all for many different reasons. Here, it just seems different.

"Who is your elf friend?" Meia asked with a great smile.

"I am sorry, my name is Tuka Luna Marceau. I and my people have only recently arrived in Alnus. They are showing me around." She spoke.

"It is nice to meet you Tuka," Meia said and sticks her hand. "I hope you enjoy your time in Alnus."

She looks down at her hand, confused about what she is doing. She has seemed some people do it earlier but doesn't understand why. "What... what are you doing?"

"It is a handshake Tuka," Selina said.

"Yes. On Earth, it is their gesture for a friendly greeting. It is a sign of trust." Lelei explains to her.

She looks at Meia's hand and slowly takes it. The Neko shakes her hand in a nonaggressive manner.

"Welcome. If you have any questions, please ask me." Meia said before letting go.

"Thank you." She replied with a smile.

"You are welcome," Meia said and then looks to Lelei. "I have the order that you requested."

"Let me guess, more books. What is it this time? History, math?" Rory assumes with a grin.

"Yes and no. Harry Potter. I am almost finished with the first book and I like it. I want to read the others." Lelei responds.

"Books…." Selina mumbles and then grabs Tuka's dress. "Hey, let's go."

She feels Selina pulling on her green dress and starts following her upstairs. She finds it strange that this girl is acting so friendly to her. Besides, she wonders why this girl is pushing for her to see these western clothes.

In general, Elves are not very material focus, preferring living a freer will life and only have what they need. But when she gets upstairs, she couldn't believe how neat and different kinds of clothes there are. All these different types and designs.

"Wow… this isn't what I expected." She spoke.

"I know. Come on if you are going to live here let me show you what you need." Selina said expected and pulls her again.

As she follows, she looks around. She is confused by all the different pieces of cloths there are. None of them are the usual types of cloths she sees other Humanoids wear. Not even the high class robs she has seen before.

As she looks around, she looks back to the Edraen girl as she goes through what she calls underwear.

"We need to start here. I know it is different, but it is important." Selina said, clearly trying to be helpful.

None of that made sense to her. "Why? It just seems like extra clothing."

Selina looks at her and thinks about her answer. "Well… ah. They said it was because it keeps you healthy and it is comfortable and ahh… and because it is what you are supposed to do. Rory does not like to wear any thought; said she does not like it. Something about being nine hundred years and not wanting to start now. But Lelei and I do and we both like them. Also, we like to wear dresses, it helps us stay comfortable, safe and cute."

"These are strange people." She comments but then looks at what the Edraen girl looking at. "These do look nice."

As she begins going through the cloths, she looks back at the girl. "Hey, why are you being nice to me? You do know I am a High Elf, right?"

Selina looks at her confused. "Yeah… why is that important though?"

She struggled to have an answer that question. Its dose seems that this Edraen doesn't know what happened. She wonders if that should matter. "Never mind. What do you like to wear?"

Selina then smiles and looks around. "Well, I like to wear these skirts and dresses. I love sundresses but it is getting too cold. I feel like I am pretty, and my new father said he likes it. So, I feel safe and welcome, like I am making something proud and happy and Rory wears something like that too and she is super powerful, and I want to be respected like her. That includes Lelei, super smart and everything likes and sees her. I want the same thing, so I figure if I dress like them then maybe…"

"Wow… slow down. I see you like them." She asked, somewhat shocked at how much she rambled.

"Oh, I am sorry. For some reason, I do that when I get nervous." Selina responds.

She stands fully up, realizing that she was the cause of that. She begins to look around at the other options. While the Edrean girl seems to have a style, she doesn't find that style interesting. If she wants to wear a dress, she can wear her green clothing.

After a while of looking around, she finds this brown sweater and these black sweatpants. "These look strange but feel comfy and warm."

"Ok, you should try them on first. When I first got clothes here, I got clothes too big for me because I didn't try first." Selina responds.

"That makes sense. Hold on." She responds as she sets down the cloths she picked. Once she did that, she takes off her dress, standing there naked.

"What are you doing?" Selina yells, saying in a shocked voice.

She looks at her confused. "You just said to try them on first. That is what I am doing."

"But you can't walk around naked like that. This is a public place. It is not proper. There is a changing room over there…," Selina said as she points to the changing rooms.

Tuka looks over there, not caring she is in a public place. "Oh yeah. Humans are scared of their bodies." She said giggling at the fact. "This isn't really a big deal where I am from."

Selina rush over as she panics. "I promised him to help you out in Alnus today! If someone sees you like this, you will get in trouble. Go in the fitting room please!"

She is surprised to see her this nervous on something so natural. She will never understand why none elves are so sensitive about their bodies. Not wanting to cause a scene, she agrees to take the clothes to what she called a fitting room to try them on.


Lelei hears Rory's comment about the sudden screaming from Selina.

"Damn that girl can yell," Rory said.

"Yes, it seems like they are having fun. Maybe I was wrong about Tuka not liking her." She responds.

"Everyone needs to adjust on their own time." Rory comments.

"Your group is always strange. Now that will be one hundred and fifty coins or eight dollars." Meia said as he checks out Lelei.

"Wow, that is a lot." Rory comments.

"Yes, but it was a special order. Special orders are not part of the approved list, so they cost more." Meia responded.

While this purchase was expensive because of the amount of stuff she ordered from Earth, prices here in Alnus have gotten cheaper overall. An exchange program was established to help regulate both world's currency. This has allowed people from this world to buy items from Earth far easier. Even then, most items are still considered luxury items for most of Alnus citizens.

"Hey Meia, do you know what they are building over there? I thought the Americans prefer to build within their own bases." She asked.

"That is bothering me too. What is going on?" Rory adds.

"Ah yes, you two were gone when they started. One building is for something called DARPA. It is their military research program. I do not know the details, but I think they want to study magic since they cannot do it in their world. That is what one of the construction workers said." Meia explains.

"Interesting." She responds, thinking on the manner. That reminds her of the city of Rondel.

Rondel is a major city that doves in research and discovery. Both gods Elange and Ral have a strong presence there. Many schools and academies are there looking into the magical, spiritual and this world. That is where she started her education into magic and become a worshiper of Elange.

She does not miss that place, not because she didn't like the city. The city is beautiful with mostly well-mannered people. Unlike most cities, NATO would consider Rondel as the most civil city by their standards. She is just a nomad and is just used to traveling and living off the lands. The only thing she really misses is her sister Arpeggio.

About this DARPA facility that is being built; she would love to visit it. They probably will have some of their smartest people there and if what Meia said is true, she will enjoy helping these people how to use magic. She still finds it funny that these people are so powerful and yet they don't understand the basics of magic.

"That should be interesting. I do wonder what else these people have to offer. They can talk without being close by, sometimes it feels overwhelming and travel long distances in such a short period of time." Rory said off-hand.

"That is true. We haven't seen anything, yet I believe. But what are the other buildings?" She asked.

"Well, the other one they just call it a corporate campus," Meia responds and then thinks. "I think it is for bigger companies like PX to come and establish a presence here. I think it is for them to help establish trade."

"The other buildings are what they call the World Health Organization," Meia said.

"I read about them. A worldwide group that helps find cures. I read it while we were on Earth. I bet they are coming here to find cures." She spoke.

The more she thinks about it the more that makes sense. To the Humans on Earth, this is news to them and want to understand how this world works. It makes sense that they want to see if there is anything here that can benefit their world.

"Well, if you are looking for stuff. One of their female soldiers came in with this special request. Apparently, these Other Worlders have very dirty minds if you know what I mean by that." Meia said chuckling.

Tuka can hear Rory giggling at what the Neko said. She looks at them, not understand the joke. "I am confused."

That is when Rory wraps her arm around her. "Don't worry. I will explain it to you, but you definitely need to loosen up sometimes Lelei."

"Maybe… but Meia. Are you confessing to running a black-market scheme? That is highly illegal you know."

Meia jumps back and begins shaking her hands. "No! I am not. I didn't mean to make it sound like that. Everything here is legal. Just some people have special requests that they don't want public. I just put in a request as I did with you."

"Ok... I was just…" She begins to say before being interrupted by Selina.

"Hi everyone. Tuka finally found something she liked." Selina said with excitement.

She looks to the staircase and sees Tuka stand there. She is wearing this white t-shirt and blue jeans pants.

"Looks nice Tuka," Rory said.

"What made you pick that?" She asked.

"Because it feels nice. And it seems like I will be able to move around with ease and use my bow without my clothes getting in the way." Tuka answers.

"Well, it looks good. Anything else otherwise we should head back." Rory said.

She looks at Rory. She has found that she has taken charge of their little girl gang when Sharpe isn't around. Not that it is a problem, she just finds it interesting that she accepts the role without issue. After being more of a loner apostle for so long, she believes that Rory is trying to make up lost time now.

As everyone pays and gets ready to go, Meia stops them all.

"Hey, one more thing. They build this bathhouse up the street. I have yet to try it out. They are still doing some final touches but the word on the street is that the water is like a spring. We have our own spring bathhouse. Isn't that pretty cool." Meia informs them.

"Springhouse? Ok, we are going to check that out after that mission." Rory said.

She remembers that Sharpe called the hot tube back on Earth. It was very relaxing and wished she would have lived in it forever.


When the girls got over to the bathhouse, they were able to convince the Alnus Military Police to allow them to use it.

As they undressed and the four of them get inside, Tuka sits down slowly in the bath. "Wow… in the one hundred and twenty-five years she has been alive she has never felt this great before."

"Yeah… this is very relaxing." Rory comments as she leans back, enjoying the warmth of the water.

"You are a hundred and twenty-five years old? Wow." Selina comments, shocked by her age.

"Well yes, little one. Elves can live a very long time." She responds, smirking a little.

She looks over to Lelei and sees her all relaxed too. She assumes both Rory and Lelei are thinking the same thing, catching a true break after their time at the fortress.

There is this silence at first as the four girls adjust themselves and enjoy the moment. But she has had some questions she has been wanting to ask since coming with them.

"Can I ask you some questions?" She asked, hesitant.

She sees Lelei look at her. "Is everything ok? You are free to ask whatever questions you have."

"Yeah Tuka, don't be shy," Rory adds as she moves her arms around her head.

She nods but hesitant to ask her question, not wanting to sound mean. "Is he always like this?"

"Do you mean Jackson?" Rory asked, slightly confused about the context of the question.

"You are referencing what happens in the tunnel right?" Lelei answers, understanding the question.

"Yes. I just want to understand who he is. All three of you clearly like and respect him. Willing to put yourself in danger for him. I saw how you two surrounded him in the back of their metal moving vehicle." She said, getting her question off her chest.

"Well, just call them vehicles." Rory corrects her.

"Yes, but to answer your question is that he earned it. You need to understand what is going on in his head." Lelei said.

"Don't forget the heart," Selina adds to what Lelei said

Lelei looks to Selina and smiles. "Yes, that too."

"I haven't said this yet but let me explain something to you Tuka. The day I decided he was worthy to follow was in Italica. While he helped us with the Flame Dragon and earned that respect then. He decided to help the people of Italica, even though they were the enemy. It was his speech that truly shows who he really was and how different he was." Rory explains, thinking back on the memory.

"Yes. I felt the same thing than to. There is not a word to describe the feeling, but it was a sight. Before the moment while he was somewhat funny at times, he always felt distant and somewhat cold. We later found out why and that doesn't matter." Lelei adds.

"I don't get it. What is bothering me is that he was willing to walk into a trap back at the fortress. For people he didn't know and when he knew it was a trap. He tricked all of us and set the other group with my father to find my people." She asked, just not fully understanding the motive.

"I understand. I thought the same thing when I first witnessed him save this little brat over here." Rory said and then gets splashed by Selina.

"But…" She tries to say before being interrupted.

"Look, there is one thing you need to know. Everything you see him do, the good and the bad. It is all motivated by love. He has a big heart, but he just doesn't like to show it. Saving Italica and saving your people. Deep down inside he cares and that honestly is all the motivation he needs." Rory said.

"She is right. You should see us when we have fun together. On Earth, he was a big softy." Selina said, remember the happy fun moments. "He saved me from slavers and the first thing he did was sit down next to me and showed me his picture shows. I had no idea what was happening but looking back, I am very happy."

"Tuka. You just need some time to get to know these people. You will grow to like them. They are honorable people, just trying to do what is right." Lelei explains.

She leans back in the bath and thinks. While she doesn't fully understand the context of their stories, but what she witnessed said a lot. "But why does he act the way he acts."

She can see Rory struggling to find a way to answer but Lelei answers first.

"Because he is broken. As we said he is motivated by love. That is why we like to follow him. That's why we love him, all in our own way. But love comes with a price. He is the representative of Apollo, one of the gods of their world. He is a protector and that means he had to fight and suffer for others." Lelei explains as she holds up her hands, using her magic to form a mini whirlpool.

"Yup. And this doesn't leave this room ok." Rory said as she glances over to Selina, making sure she understands too.

Selina nods her head and holds out her pinky, which Rory giggles and accepts, doing a pinky handshake.

"As I said, this doesn't leave this room. We are helping him recover from his sickness so he can be the man we should be." Rory said.

She sits there and takes it all in. It is hard for her to take all that in. Her experience in the last eight years tells her not to trust him or these people but her heart said to. Even her father said to which shocked her.

"Tuka, let me ask you a question. Why did you go back?" Lelei asked.

She looks back up to Lelei, noticing that she is looking directly in the eyes. "Well, when I noticed he wasn't behind me I couldn't just leave him behind. He… went above and beyond to save my people. Helped my father and helped me and… him against that Troll."

She begins to think more deeply about recent events and thinks she understands now. "I get it. It wasn't the words but the meaning coming out of him."

She looks up to Rory with a more serious look on her face. "I want to join you, people. I want to go around and help."

When she said that, it took them off guard.

"Why?" Lelei asked.

"Because if what you said is true and I know it is. I want to pay back. I want to protect my people, and this is the best way. I want to do this. And I know I can help; I won't be a drag on you guys. Krysist wanted him and nearly took him from you three. I want to help protect him too." She spoke.

"Well spoke Tuka. I don't see why not but that isn't up to us. That is up to your man." Rory said.

"Which means he will say yes. As Selina said, he is a softy." Lelei said.

"Tuka! You should come with us tomorrow to his place. We are finally watching Lord of the Rings. It will be great!" Selina said.

"Could I? Don't you think I will be interrupting? And what is Lord of the Rings." She asked, confused about what she is talking about.

"It is this film of moving pictures. They all have been talking about it since we first meant them. Comparing our world with these stories." Rory comments.

"You see, their world is very different. They do not have monsters or other races. Just Humans. They thought all of this was just some fantasy story they made up. So, they have all these different stories about our world. Based on my research, they were very close to matching their stories with our world. It makes me wonder if there is a connection in our past." Lelei said.

"And besides, it is his thing and we just enjoy spending time with him. This is when he is his nicest." Rory said and then smirks to Selina. "Also, we are celebrating something special. He finally took you in little one."

"Thank you, Rory," Selina said, now holding her knees.

She looks to the Edraen girl and sees this deep happiness in her. It looks like the feeling she had when she first saw her father again. "What is the celebration?"

"Sharpe wait… I mean Jackson finally asked me to be his daughter. So, he is my new father." Selina said.

"What happen to your parents?" She asked, confused.

She sees Selina hesitant to answer. "My people murdered them and sold me. That's until…"

That is when she sees this water ball slowly floating over the water and then bursts over Selina.

"I am sorry," Lelei said in a cheeky voice.

Then Selina responds with a splash back at her, laughing.

Right then she realizes something. She feels a little ashamed for not seeing it before. As she watches the three laugh and slashes each other, they are all acting like sisters. All watching out for each other. While the Edrean one name Selina might have been officially been adopted she now sees they are all family.

Everything that has been said so far makes complete sense now. For so long she grew used to not trusting others but now she remembers what it was like back home. Feeling all the love, happiness and joy, they have it and that is what she wants.

She decides to move her hands above the bathwater. An elf can naturally use spirit magic, which allows them to use elements like water, fire, and wind. She beings moving the water to have it spin around in a circle.

This got their attention and made them all laugh, enjoying a sudden ride.


