Chapter 77 Tomorrow Bonds


--- Fort Alnus, 75th Ranger Headquarter, Vanguard Program ---

September 1st, 2025

At Fort Alnus, it is early in the morning. Sharpe is at the Ranger Headquarters, doing some early morning work. He has been having some trouble sleeping since fighting Krysist.

On his computer, Sharpe is looking at ancient Earth generals, skimming through the list. Trying to find something that helps him make sense of things.

He has looked up Alexander the Great, King Leonidas, Hannibal Barca, Sun Tzu, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and many others. Glancing through all these names, looking for something that could stand out that might explain what happened at the Fortress.

He places his hand on his side, feeling a little pain from the wound.

"Still hurts?" First Lieutenant Sarah Rose asked as she walks in. "You are here early."

He looks up, surprised to see her. "I have had worse. It is not that painful but itchy. As long as I don't put pressure on it. Thank god for Kevlar. Here is a tip, never get shot."

She walks over and chuckles from that. "That is why I stay back here."

"Well, from the reports it seems the Alnus Military Police seems to run to some interesting people." He responds, leaning back in his chair.

He then looks up at her and sees this concerned look on her face. "What are you up to Lieutenant?"

"The fact that you are using my rank said it all." She said as she walks up and sits down in the chair in front of his desk. "You are not upset because you lost a fight is it?"

He places his hands to the back of his head thinking. "No…"

"Come on Sharpe. I saw the video. It is part of my job to review them for unit performance statistics. Look, it was one hell of a fight." She said in an impressed voice. "Everyone has been impressed by how well you fought. You two went at it, there is no shame in losing. You of all people should know that was a bad situation that was only getting worse."

As Saraj spoke, Sharpe watches her. He begins to wonder why she is actually here. He has noticed that she has been helping him out more. Taking care of his personal life and watching Selina. It has been a blessing, allowing him to focus on the war when on the battlefield.

Reflecting on that fight, the situation still baffles Sharpe. In modern warfare, it is not often a soldier have to use hand to hand combat. The US Military trains its Infantry in hand-to-hand combat, teaching Jiu-Jitsu and Taekwondo depending on what causes the trainee wants to take. Just in case if it is needed but few expect to use it.

First learning martial arts while in the Green Berets and then Delta Force, he mastered both whiles in training. Besides training, he has not handed a proper chance to use it under combat conditions.

The thing was, during the fight, he was never scared or nervous. He admits, he was played and played well. Whoever this Krysist is, he is not like the others he has fought in this world. It is also confusing why the Empire waited this long to employ a General like this. Maybe the raid on Sadera made them desperate.

He usually does not like to talk about what is going on in his head. He is just used to keeping things close. A lot of things he has done or seen are deeply classified. As his past mentor, Harper once said, 'If anyone knows what you are thinking, you are dead'. A fact Krysist understood well.

The problem he has been struggling with what he can and cannot say. Alicia has been right before; it is hard to follow a man if you know nothing about him. Normally soldiers do not go backward in the Army, coming from Delta and going to Rangers. There is a special balance to this day he is still trying to figure out.

"It is not that. Losing doesn't bother me, as I said I got shot before." He responds. "It is that he played me so well."

She crosses her legs and looks directly at him, not fully understanding what he means. "What do you mean? At the end of the day the team won. You saved the elves, no one died. You even got a new scare for the ladies." She finishes with a smirk and wink.

"Maybe… but I don't know if I can probably explain it." He said and the leans forward, trying to find the proper words to say what is on his mind.

"I know what you mean. He threatens to rape Rory and Lelei if he won the fight. I see how that would bother you." She said.

"That is the thing. It wasn't a threat. It was more like he was trying to make me fight harder. To just go all at it. He knew what nerve to pinch but we never meant." He responds. "During the fight, he knew what to say and how to say it. He got to me. In a fight like that you want the momentum, control the flow of the fight. Damn, he is good."

He looks at her and he can see she is trying to understand what he just said. You can read a fight on paper or watch it and get the basics. But you never understand until you been through it.

"I understand." She replied.

"But this is what's bothering me the most. When I looked into his eyes, I saw nothing but full commitment. No fear, no regrets, no distractions. Right then and there that fight was his entire world. Nothing mattered, nothing held him back. Nothing fazed would be able to faze him. I have never seen that before." He said, puzzled by this new opponent.

There is this short silence before Sarah responds. "I think you are overthinking it. At the end of the day, you won because you outsmarted his trap. Be happy about that." She said with a smile, trying to cheer him up.

He thinks about what he said, thinking that she might be right. He has learned that he has a habit of overthinking things. Still, those eyes are bothering him.

"So, why don't you answer my first question. What brings you here this early? It is almost six in the morning. You are usually working out." She said, clearly trying to change the topic.

"Yup, can't do my normal routine until my stitches heal. The doctor threatened to hot glue it shut if I tear them." He responds, chuckling at that.

Her eyes widen from that. "That is a bit extreme. I take it you tore them already?"

"Nope. She is just a smart doctor." He said. "And besides, I got kicked out of my place."

She seems puzzled by that part. "What, did the girls hijack your place? Is it related to your little movie thing today?"

He nods his head as he leans back and put his feet on the side of his desk, while still wearing his standard combat boots. He can see that she is a little annoyed that he is doing that, probably risking making a mess.

"Yup, I woke up and Selina pushed me right out. I assume the rest is there now doing whatever they do. They seem excited to see this film, like more than usual." He said and thinks, wondering if the building is on fire. Last time he left them alone they destroyed his bathroom.

"Of course, you have been bragging about it since we got here." She responds as she rolls her eyes with a smirk. "Is that elf women going to be there? I notice them all hanging out yesterday in the city."

"I guess I have been. Either way, I think the girls will relate more to Lord of the Rings then other films in my collection. It all will make more sense. And for Tuka, she did come back for me and she didn't have to. So, this is my way of saying thank you." He states.

"Well, that is nice. Are you sure you will be able to fit everyone in your quarters?" She asked.

He thinks about that and then shakes his head. "Yeah, I choose to ignore that fact. It is already getting cramp in there with having the brat living there." Ending in a sarcastic voice.

That is when he hears Sarah giggle from that.

"Aww, that is cute. Well, I am happy. Selina really needed someone in her life. So, where does she sleeps? In your bed? There is no way you are making her sleep on that ugly couch(1)." She asked.

Sharpe is hesitant to respond when he realized that it sounded weird. "Yeah… she still has a bed with Rory and Lelei and she still sleeps there with them. But I think when she gets scared and feels comfortable, I notice she comes over. We will see how long that lasts but right now she seems to like it. That only issue so far is that she doesn't like my snoring."

She laughs at then and leans back in her chair. "That is adorable sir. But you are going to need a new place soon. Oh, by the way, congratulations on adopting her."

"Thank you, still have to do the paperwork." He replied.

"Paperwork is overrated. Still, I understand why she prefers that right now, but she will need her own place. A girl her age needs her private space. And besides, I know the other girls will want to hang out more often. You won't be able to keep doing these movie times in that place." She said.

He thinks about what she said and sits up, removing his feet from his desk. "That did cross my mind. It seems like we will be staying here for the long haul. You are right, going to have to figure that out before we get back out there."

It has only been recently he thought about that, it was when seeing Tuka and Hodor reunited that help put some things into context. While he adopted Selina, he cares about Rory and Lelei and wants the best for all three.

"I want what is best for them. On top of that, I want them to see more of Earth. This war is going to end sooner or later. One day we will figure out how to allow everyday travel between our worlds and I like them to visit more of States." He said, speaking more freely on what is on his mind.

That is when he notices her giggling a little. "What are you marveling at?"

"Nothing. They did enjoy our trip to Earth." She said. "I just can't imagine you having this conversation a year ago."

Sharpe thinks about what she just said and reflects. A lot has changed since coming to this world. He takes a breath, holding his side for a moment.

"Anyway. I will look into that later. Alnus seems bigger than when I left." He said.

"Yup. They finally started building those. There will be housing units being built soon afterward to house the extra civilian staff. Maybe I can something available." She said in a cheerful voice, writing down a note for herself.

He then glances back at her and notices her smiling about something. He wonders what goes on in her head sometimes. She has always gone above the job to help him out and cannot see why. Then he sees these folders on her lap.

"So, did you come in just to shat or was there something you wanted to talk about?" He asked.

"Well, sir. There is something wanted to ask you." She said, now slightly nervous.

He noticed that and sat up in his chair and setting his arms on his desk. "What is on your mind Lieutenant?"

She adjusts herself a little before saying what is on her mind.

"Major, I am interested in taking a more active role in Alnus. I know the military and the State Department is busy fighting in Elies and aiding our Italica and Elbe allies, but we need to focus on Alnus to." She said.

As he listens, he cannot disagree with what she said, he just does not see where she is going with this. "Ok. So, what are you asking?"

She takes a nervous breath. "Well, you know about the kids picking on Selina. Every time you go down into Alnus, there are just kids running around. We had good intentions, but it seems we have forgotten to follow through on them. So, I like to start a school there."

"You want to start a school? Do you have any idea how much work that will take?" He asked her, surprised by her proposal.

"Well yes. I do paperwork all day and prepare reports for you. It is not like it will be a full-time thing. It is just to give the children in the town something to do because of getting in trouble." She said.

"Why do you want to do this?" He asked.

"As you said, it is clear we are going to be here for the long run. We can do things right now and set the standard or not. Someone must and I have grown to like Alnus. I feel responsible and I think I see a way I can help, and I want to help." She said, more passionate about what she said.

He looks right at her and sees what she wants to do this. "Here is the thing. You are an officer of the United State Rangers and those responsibilities are number one. Unless you are planning on resigning."

"Oh no. I have no intention of quitting. That is not what I meant." She quickly responds.

He holds up her hand to stop her. "Ok, ok. I just needed to be sure. You are going to need to find some help within the town. I don't want you to end up doing everything. You take on a lot of work already. If you promise to find some help, I got your back. I will eve bring it up to the Ambassador and see if there anything from that end can help."

He can see this big smile on her face. He is afraid that she is going to work herself to death. He respects her for wanting to go out of the way and help these people, most would only do their assign task and call it a day. She seems to always go out and beyond that, something he has grown to respect.

"Thank you major." She said.

"It is nothing, you have kept the unit together for longer than I have. Just keep me in the loop." He said.


--- Sharpe Quarters ---

September 1st, 2025

"I do not think we should be cooking like that in here," Lelei said.

"Knock it off Lelei. I know what I am… AHH!" Rory said before this small flame that came from this portable stovetop.

As Selina walks around Sharpe quarters, picking up her things to make more room for everyone. She looks over as she outs her bra into her bag. "Rory… you are just making French toast. Please don't blow up this place again."

Rory turns around and gives her the death stare. "Hey, she was the one who did that!" She points to Lelei.

"You were the one who overreacted first." Lelei sits back as she pushes Rory away and takes over.

She just giggles, watching those two fights. They are wearing pajamas today, just like her. Rory looks more like a child than an Apostle of Emroy in her black and red rob. She doses wonder if she is wearing anything else though. Lelei is in a white tank top with yellow shorts. Her hair still looks messy like she did not comb it before coming over.

She, on the other hand, is wearing a purple lolita nightgown with these tall blue wool socks.

"No, you go set the picture toys up. I want to do this." Rory demands and pushes Lelei out of the way.

"Ok fine," Lelei said frustrated and walks away.

She can help but giggle watching them. They always fight, both being opposite in personality. But she knows they love and respect each other deeply.

"Do I have to wear this?" Tuka said as she walks out of the bathroom.

"Yes…" She responds and looks over to Tuka. She is wearing a red sweater and shorts.

"How does someone live in such a small space?" Tuka asked as she looks around.

"He is a soldier. They like taking up as little space as they can." Rory responds as she starts a new batch of French Toast.

"Correct. They to be as efficient as they can with what little they have." Lelei adds.

"Are we almost ready?" She asked, wanting to hurry everyone up. "Can I text him now?"

"I think so, Selina. Get the pillows over there and let us get this going." Rory said.

"I hope this is as good as the hype. The story seems silly when he explains it." Lelei said.

After hearing that she jumps up excited. She grabs her cell phone and text Sharpe to come back.

--- Hours later ---

Sharpe is sitting down in the center of his little couch. They had a nice breakfast that they made just for him, which he found to be nice. As long as he ignores now that his desk has burn marks around it now.

On the screen is the second film The Two Towers. He is watching the Battle of Hornburg when the Uruk-hai attack Helm's Deep. They just started charging the fortress and climbing the letters to fight the elves.

To his left is Selina all snuggled up into his arm, eyes glued to the screen. Her arm is wrapped around his, clearly worried about the fate of the good guys. She has taken an interest in Sam of all else, the secret hero that helps the main hero through the journey.

Rory is to his right, hugging a pillow watching the battle intensely. Out of the four girls, she was the first to be hooked. Always the one who likes to talk, ask questions and so on, she has not said a word except to tell everyone shut up. At the end of the first film, she has taken an interest in Aragorn. Apparently, she has a type, always fallen for the hero.

Lelei has been on the corner of the couch with a notepad. She has been taken notes of the movies. During the break, she thought it was hysterical on how little magic the magic-user Gandalf uses. So far it seems that she loves the plot and loves how the story revolves around a ring. To his surprise, she cried when Boromir died. On top of that, she has been the one laughing the most between Legolas and Gimli and during Pippin scenes. He enjoys seeing her open like this and enjoying herself.

While Tuka is still known and he has not had a chance to get to know her, he has expressed that he likes how we Americans look highly of elves. Based on the films, elves are treated as a respectable race. It is clear that Legolas is her favorite, she finds it funny on how soulless the film makes them be but how great fighters they are.

He looks back to the screen, grabbing his beer bottle. The rest of the day is his day off and decided to just relax for once. He decided to let the girls have whatever they want, candy, snacks, whatever drinks they like. He fully expects them to sleep over after this. He somewhat regrets this as he had to stop Rory from having a third beer bottle, forgetting she loves to drink.

As a child, he always loved the Lord of the Rings. The heroes struggling but overcoming the enemy and saving the world. The quality of the three films still lives up to this day and that all three films feel so natural.

All of them laugh as Legolas brags about his body count and Gimli gets complains about not having arrows.

He is glad that they attached to this film. While they enjoyed his other stuff, it seemed they count fully relate to Earth media. Which only makes sense, they grew up in a pre-medieval world. He wanted to watch third with them sooner however when you watch this, it is a commitment.

When the wall blew up from the explosions, he heard Rory nearly freak out, knowing that the good guys are in big trouble. She grabs the pillow more, nearly ripping it in half.

"Rory, do you need a hand?" He asked quietly.

Rory unable to take her eyes off the screen, she just reaches over and grabs his arm, holding onto it really hard, quieting everyone.

He can also feel Selina getting nervous as Aragorn falls into the ground. He just pushes her close to make her more comfortable.

"That was epic!" Tuka said as she jumps from her seat, watching Legolas surf down the stone staircase killing many Uruk-hai.

"SHH!" Rory said.

As the battle goes on between the forces of good and bad, they all watch Gandalf and Eomer lead a massive cavalry charge down the hill into the massive horde of Uruk-hai.

Lelei leaned forward, shocked that the sun appeared right when it was needed to blind the enemy, allowing Rohan to crash through the enemy. "How did he summon flare like that?"

"Quiet Lelei!" Rory yells

As the film ends, he looks over to Rory and sees these big eyes.

"That was amazing! I cannot believe that!" Rory said, bursting in energy.

"I wonder if that was how elves lived before the fall?" Tuka said, referencing the days before the Empire. Rory explains a little bit about that when elves and dwarfs once rule the lands thousands of years ago.

"No, stop. How did Gandalf know how to do all that? What kind of magic was he using?" Lelei said, looking over to him, a full page of notes.

"I do not know Lelei, he is something special, isn't he? Are these wizards here?" He responds.

"There just called mages. I do not understand why you call mages wizards. But I need to read those books. You said this was based on a book, right?" Lelei asked.

He nods in to respond. "Yes. I bet it is at PX."

"Anyone wants more popcorn?" He then begins to get up but was stopped by Selina.

"No, I got it," Selina said as she stands up. She told him before that she did not want him doing much because he got 'hurt' and the doctor told him to take it easy. While an overreaction, he found it allows her to feel useful and helpful to do what she wants. She takes the bowl and then heads away.

Rory stands up and stretches. Her rob not being fully proper.

"Rory…" He said, glancing away, being respectful.

"I'm sorry." She said, slowly adjusts her rob and gives a flirtatious wink at him. "I just thought you like shows."

"When we're alone I will be happy to show you my favorite show." He said in a serious tone but then gives her a wink, knowing full well it will get under her skin.

"Grose…" Selina said, commenting on the conversation as she puts in the next film.

He has grown to love Rory humor. He knows it has been useful to help himself not to be so serious all the time. It reminds him of some of the fun times he once had with all his past teams and glade he has found a new one. Sometimes though he wonders if she takes it too far.

She looks at him, her face is all red. She then raises a figure, wanting to respond but gets cold feet. "I'm…. getting a beer." She then turns around and walks away.

"Mind getting me another one." He asked and then looks over to Lelei.

"Why do they do that? Are they lovers?" Tuka asked Lelei.

"No, we have found that Rory likes to flirt. However, we also learned that she likes to dish it, but she cannot take it. So, she gets herself into moments like that." Lelei said.

"I can hear you all…," Rory said in an annoyed tone.

After a chuckle, he looks over to his blue hair friend. "Lelei what have you learned so far? I noticed you been taken a lot of notes."

Lelei looks to him and smile. She then looks to her notes and studies them. "Well, I am impressing how well your people captured our world. You got many of the different races from our world in there. While not all of them, I am shocked at how close they represent the ones we have. Especially the Ent's."

That last part shocked him. "Wait, there is Ent's here?"

"Of course, silly," Tuka replied. "They stay to themselves mostly. Father has told me many stories about the Ents. But I do have to say, I am kind of jealous of how your people see elves. They do seem kind of… cool."

"Don't think too much into it Tuka. This is just one of many versions. Other movies and shows show elves differently." He replied.

Rory comes back and sits down. She takes one bottle and places her hand on top of it. With one twist, the cap comes right off, not needing a bottle opener.

"Impressive." He said as she hands him his beer.

"I have my moments. Now let's finish!" Rory said as she opens her bottle cap with her hand.

Once ready, Selina walks over with the large bowl of popcorn. "I still don't understand how you can take corn which is big and then make it this small and fluffy and crunchy."

"I find it tasty though," Rory responds and steals some.

Selina just chuckles and then sits down. She then snuggles right into his side, grabbing his arm. "I find Golem scary. Or is it the Smeagol now?"

Lelei grabs the remote and clicks play.

"You can call him either." He responds and sits back, watching as part three begin.

He knows they will love part three. All the characters have great moments.

He watches as the riders of Rohan gather on the hill and charge at the enemy of darkness. The speech, the rallying call by their king. They all cheer as they all ride and crush the orcs. They again cheer when Eowyn killed the enemy Witch Queen to save the man she loved.

But then they all cried when King Theoden died, representing that they all known someone who has died.

He leans back and lets them enjoy their time, taking a break from the war and the stress that brings. He reflects on what Sarah and he were talking about before. He would not mind having a place with them, doing something like this again. A proper place for them to act like family.



(1)Chapter 48
