Chapter 78 Girls Morning

Today we got word that the Senate passed the official peace treaty with the Kingdom of Alguna. Alguna agrees to end all breeding programs with Orcs and agrees to accept temporally rule by the Elbe Fiefdom.

Brigadier General Harvey Davies at Fort Talas has said that they will continue to occupy the Kingdom however security will be transferred to Elbe.

Many in Congress believes this will prevent further attacks by the other Kingdoms in the region while. The 2nd Armored Division was reactivated during the President public address after the Sadera Raid. Reports say the 2nd Armor will be taking over the occupation of Alguna. – SCNR News


--- Fort Alnus, Communication Center ---

September 2nd, 2025

After an intense mission at the fortress, Sergeant Major Randy Dodson has finally got the time he been waiting for. It took a few days to get everything properly arrange however he is overly excited.

He walks into the Communication Center that is on the military base. The computers here are uplinked back to Earth. The military built a connection line through the Gate to allow two-way communication besides radio.

Because of how complicated and logistics that was needed, only senior staff from both NATO and State Department can use the direct uplink. Now though, enough bandwidth has been created to allow soldiers to call home and say hi to their families in limited capacity.

He walks into the building and sees this red hair siren lady. He has seen other native Alnus people taken desk and clerk jobs. The public statement said to help the Alnus economy and to free up military personal.

"Hello, mam. How is your day today?" He asked her.

"Thank you, I am doing fine. Was late today for work but it has been a slow day since you fine-looking men are off to war." The siren women say.

He can see the clerk women eyeing him up. Her eyes show that she is impress his physical fitness and features.

"For a man your age, I am impressed. Nice muscles Sergeant Major." She said to him. "It is Sergeant Major correct? I said it right?"

He will suddenly feel uncomfortable by that, not use to being hit on by the locals. "Ahh, thanks. And yes, it is."

"No problem big guy. I still can't believe you people can talk and see each other but not be next to each other." She said.

"Don't worry, most people don't. They just want it to work. What station?" He responds, wants to just do what he came here to do.

"You are in station thirty-five. Here is your card for it." She responds.

"Thank you." He said and then heads inside.

Randy walked inside, he sees some other soldiers and Marines at some tables, talking into a webcam. The siren woman was right, this place does not seem to be busy right now. Most of them are off fighting in the Elies theater or occupying Alguna.

After a short walk, he sees station thirty-five. He walks up to it and sits down. He puts on the card and the computer screen turns on.

He logs in on Skype, the service the military uses so military personal can contact their families.

After about a five-minute wait, the screen turns on and he sees his beautiful blond wife Mercia. "Hey baby, how are you doing."

"Hi Randy. Finally, we can do this, I missed you so much, honey. Kids, come here." Mercia said.

There are a little lag and static through the connection.

"I missed you too sweetheart." He said, speaking to his wife.

He then sees his two kids rush to the screen. The sixteen-year-old son name Tim and his ten-year-old daughter name Sally walk over. Seeing all three of them again, he feels great joy.

"There is the man of the house. I hope you are taking care of my girls." He said.

"I am dad," Tim said. He is trying to act like he is to cool to miss his father, but it is easy to tell that he does.

"He has been a big help dear. He has become our man of the house." his wife Mercia said with a big smile, rubbing Tim's shoulder.

"That's my man. Keep up with your schoolwork and the lawn." He said. As he looks at his son, he cannot believe how much he has grown. "I have to say it, you are much taller than I remember."

"Everything is being taken care of dad. You have nothing to worry about." Tim responds.

That is when he sees his wife move into the camera more. "Yes, he is taller than me now. Maybe even you now. But he has a girlfriend now."

"Really. What is her name?" He responds quickly, seeing that his son is now embarrassed."

"Mom…" Tim said embarrassed.

That is when Sally pops in, wanting to talk. "Hi daddy! I miss you…" She said, leaning into the camera.

"Hi princess! I miss you too. Are you being a good girl?" He asked, leaning into the camera. He cannot believe how much she has grown up too.

"Are you sure you are my daughter. You are too big for my Sally." He said, chuckling.

Sally giggles hear that. "No, I am Sally daddy"!

Randy cannot help himself from chuckling.

"Are you fighting the monsters?" Sally asked.

"Yes, I am baby dear. Fighting the monsters. You don't have to worry about them coming back." He replied.

He leans back, thrilled seeing his family again.

"Are they scary monsters?" Sally asked, a little scared of her own question.

"Scary, very scary." He answers in a spooky voice. "I had to fight his one big and massive troll."

"What happen!?" Sally asked, holding her arm close.

"I will tell you what happened. I was eaten alive." He said with a big smirk. He rubs his hands together and leans forward. "But... I lived."

He sees both of his kids chuckling at his little story. His son rolls his eyes and his daughter giggling, seeing that he is being silly.

"OK, let me tell you this...


--- Apex Liberty ---

September 2nd, 2025

Noriko Mochizuki walks around her small apartment at the Alnus military base. The military was kind enough to make arrangements inside the town for her to stay. The military has allowed her to use the Army Hospital for checkups from her abasement from Zorzal. Military councilors have been helping her talk through her experience of being a slave, being raped almost daily however, she has found her new friendship with Selina has bene more helpful.

"Damnit… I just got this bra," she mumbles, complaining about that her breasts that are outgrowing her clothes because of how far she is in her pregnancy. It is not just that, but she is now unable to wear most of her clothes, now resorting to wearing sweaters, sweatpants, or larger dresses. While the military is helping, plus individual soldiers like from Vanguard-7, only so much anyone can do as civilian clothes are not vital for the war effort.

After taking a frustrated breath, she sits down and looks around her place.

Besides the small bed she is sitting on, there is only one window, a small TV some of the soldiers donated to her. Her own personal bathroom, which has been great because that means she does not have to leave her room. Some checker colors curtains that someone gave her, to help spice this place up. A dress that is filled with clothes, most are military cloths.

Even though this is not ideal compare to where she lived back on Earth. But she is happy to be away from Prince Zorzal.

Remembering her experience, Noriko places her right hand on her belly and looks down. The military doctor said she is about eight months pregnant.

Being pregnant has not been easy for her, having little family support. It is not that people have not been trying to help, most of the soldiers are off at war and deep down inside she fears the Alnus native people.

She knows they are not bad people or the ones who murdered her family and raped her for months. She just struggles to find the will to spend time with them. Normally back home her family would help if this happened but there dead.

That is when she hears a knock on the door.

"Hold on, give me a minute please." She yells in response to the door knock, bursting off the bed to go grab this olive-green sweater. On the left side of the sweater, it said US Army on it.

She then walks over to her door, still trying to learn how to balance the extra baby weight. Once there she opens the door to find little Selina standing there.

"Hi, Selina, what brings you here?" She asked her, surprised to see her there.

"Hi Noriko, do you want to come and eat breakfast with us?" Selina said in her usual smile.

"You could have just texted…. Wait, us?" She said with a confused voice.

"Yes. Lelei and Rory are back. You meant them before, like me." Selina said all cheerful. "Also, there is this elf now. She seems like fun. Her name is Tuka."

She has found it strange that she has befriended an alien girl that's twelve or thirteen years old. Back on Earth she never would give Selina the time of day, just because of her age. Now, she is her solo friend, her best friend.

She believes that is because they both have a mutual understanding of each other. Both have been kidnapped, enslaved, raped and parents murdered. Unlike the others in Alnus, where they all still feel very alien to her, Selina does not at all.

She would love to go out with Selina if it were just them however with others? "I don't know Selina; I think I am ok for now."

"No, come on." Selina grabs her arm and pulls. "You will love them. They are very fun to be around."

She feels herself getting pulled by her little friend. They only know each for a short awhile however she has learned that when she decides on a mission, she does not let it go.

"Ok, Selina. Let me grab my purse." She said.

She goes and grabs her purse and then follow her little friend. It takes some time to walk off the base. She looks around and sees all the military tanks and other hardware. There are always troops and supplies coming through the Gate. While she lives in a small studio apartment, she has a decent view of the Gate. Able to see all the different kinds of equipment that comes and goes from it.

While heading to Apex Liberty, she can feel her arm being tugged. "Yes?"

"Did I tell you I was adopted? That I have a new father now?" Selina said all excited.

She cannot help but smile. "Yes, you did. Many times."

"Oh, I'm sorry… I did?" Selina asked, somewhat shocked by that.

"Yes. I can show you the twenty texts you sent me this week." She responds.

"You don't have to. Sorry." Selina said, a little uncomfortable now. "Sorry to keep bothering you."

Noriko could not help but giggle. When they first really meant, back on that bench. She has learned that this girl likes to ramble when nervous, but she talked about how was wanted to help and protect her from the evil of this world. It did not matter if Selina is young and smaller, it felt good hearing that. That someone cared.

She reaches out and then places her hand on Selina's head. She then messes up her hair a bit. "You're so adorable."

"Stop it!" Selina said annoyed, trying to grab her arm.

After a short walk, they both get to the bar.

As the two walks inside, she sees a few girls waving over and calling out Selina's name. She looks over and sees that elf she was talking about. The other two girls, a blue hair one in this lovely rob and this other girl that's Selina size, wearing these strange skimpy red and black gothic clothes. To her surprise, the elf is the one who are wearing the most normal clothes.

They walk up to the table and then she stands there. Apart from her is nervous as she stands there looking down at them. She has heard a lot about Rory and Lelei. While she has meant them, besides that time after she was saved but she barely remembers that.

"Hi everyone, this is Noriko Moc……" Selina said, struggling with her last name. She then looks to her embarrassed that she cannot pronounce her last name.

She looks to Selina and smiles. She has helped her a couple of times now learning how to read. She has found that she struggles with pronouncing words. "It is ok, I know you are trying. My name is Noriko Mochizuki."

"Sorry but anyway. This is Rory, that's Lelei and this is our new friend Tuka. She is a High Elf." Selina said.

Rory stands up and turns around. She then hugs her but being careful not to hit her belly.

"Hi, I am so happy to meet you again. Please sit down." Rory said as she gives up her seat for her and helps her to the chair.

As she gets a guide, she sees that she has no choice as she is guided to the chair. "Thank you, but you don't have to give up your seat."

"No, no. Everything is ok sweetie." Rory said in her cheerful voice. "You are the pregnant one here."

"Yes, a girl in your condition shouldn't be standing for long" Lelei said, sitting right next to her.

She looks over as she settles into the chair. It is not as comfortable as she would like however it is good enough. While she cannot disagree with Lelei, she notices her looking at her belly. Her eyes are like trying to solve a problem with her pregnancy.

"Us everything ok?" She asked her.

"Oh, I am sorry to stare," Lelei said, turning a little red. "I was just thinking that your child is the first from both worlds. Half from Earth and the other half from here. He or she will be special."

While this is the first time, she heard that out loud, she has thought about it. That is one of the reasons she decided to stay here. She is scared that back on Earth people will want to see her and do tests on her baby. Maybe people will want her to do a public show or something with the first known Earth baby. All she wants to do is live a private life with her baby.

"Yeah, I don't like to think about it". She responds.

"Why are you upset about that? Babies are great." Selina asked, now sitting down across of her.

"It is not that. I just don't want the attention that having Zorzal baby. I don't want him or her to be royalty but just have a normal life." She said, placing a hand on her belly.

"Wait, why are you scared of that? Doesn't your world like babies?" Tuka asked, confused by the context.

After she said that, Rory slaps the table, making it shake a bit. "Hold on. First I need to clear something up." She said in a commanding tone. It seems that Sharpe's tone has rubbed off on her. She then points to her. "Noriko, first of all, that the baby is yours, not that bastard Zorzal. He is just the bastard who pregnant you. He is not even a man, hell he is not even a boy. Your child is yours."

Lelei nods her head. "Correct. As Sharpe said, the child isn't guilty of their father's sins. He constantly likes to set the standard of what a man is and Zorzal doesn't meet it. So, don't even think about that prince." She explains.

That is when everyone hears a little cheeky sound coming from Rory. "Are you sure that he said all that or is that you just like." She leans forward, intently trying to embarrass Lelei. She finishes by giving her a teasing wink.

Lelei looks to Rory and then glances away, face blushing lightly. "What I said still is true."

"Yup," Rory said with much pride and then looks back to her. "Back to what I was saying, he is your baby and you can raise him or her to be a great man or woman. And we are all here to help you. No one will come and take your child."

She cannot help herself from crying, hearing all that. She cannot tell that if it is from the hormones of being pregnant making her cry or that she feels like she is at home. Maybe it is a combination of both but all she knows is that she believes them. "I am so sorry; I cannot control myself. It is the hormones going out of control."

"It is ok Noriko. We all love you." Selina said as she gets up and walks over, hugging her friend.

She enjoys the hug from her alien friend. She is enjoying the amount of love she is getting right now. She has been struggling to give out how to be a teenage single mother. Deep down inside she knew some people would help her but now she feels like she is not alone.

There is a shortstop in the conversation to allow Noriko to stop crying.

"I will go place our order," Selina said.

"What are you ordering?" Lelei asked Selina.

"Eggs and potato browns," Selina said.

She looks at her confused. "Potato browns? Do you mean hash browns?"

"Yes… but they are not hash though. It makes no sense that they call them that. Mine better." Selina said.

She has learned that she likes to rename things that make more sense to her. Like M&M to Double Ms.

"Selina..." Rory said, glaring at her. "Keep it on the side ok."

"…fine," Selina said and then walks away.

"Keep what on the side?" Tuka asked.

"Selina likes what the Other Worlders call mayo on her hash browns." Lelei answers.

She looks at Lelei and then Rory. She understands that these people are aliens and have different taste bugs because they have different food, but still. "Mayo on hash browns, that is disgusting."

"I know…" Rory answers. She sits up and takes a deep breath. "Adorable, however, you have to keep an eye on her. And I am sorry Tuka for interrupting you."

"It is ok. I… I like how you view things." Tuka said, leaning back in her chair.

She looks over to the elf women. She looks young but from what she understands from Earth's tales of Elves, they can live for a long time.

"Tuka, to answer your question is that on their world, people react to everything," Lelei said.

"That doesn't make sense. How can someone react to everything?" Tuka asked.

"Rory," Lelei said.

"I got it. Here." Rory pulls out her cell phone. "Let me show you a popular video on their Internet."

She sits there and watches, wondering what Lelei and Rory are talking about. When she hears this video begins to play, it is just some cute cat video. She begins to laugh as she sees Tuka's confused reaction to the video. "I see you see the best of my people."

"Oh yes. I cannot believe how many stupid videos you people have." Rory said towards her, rolling her eyes. "But the kitty ones are so cute."

She just could not stop laughing. Rory summed up her people's culture so well with just that one video. People put up any random thing on the Internet and it becomes popular.

"And Humans think this is funny?" Tuka asked, confused.

"Yes," Rory responds.

"And is this why you don't want to go back to Earth with your baby?" Tuka asked.

Selina rushes back and sits down in her chair. "OK, three plates are coming soon."

She stops and thinks about Tuka question. The State Department had it arrange for her to go back to America and she wants to. Her father was once a Marine and meant her mother back in Japan. They got married after he finished his six years and started a family here in the States. Any family she might have might be in Japan, a place she has not had a chance to go to.

She had to ask the State Department if she could stay until she figures things out. When they found out that she was pregnant, they were more willing to agree with her staying behind. She believes it was to prevent a public relations firestorm back in the States, she does not care why they agreed as long as she didn't have to go back.

"I have nowhere else to go. The Empire killed my parents and brother. Even if I want to go back, I have nowhere to go. I cannot go back to school like this and I do not want to go to the orphanage. I have more of a life here right now than anywhere back home." She explains.

Then this Neko walks over and sets down some plates of fried eggs and hash browns on the table. "Here you ladies go. I hope you enjoy."

Then everyone starts to take some food and begin to eat, enjoying the meal.

"So, the Empire killed your family?" Tuka asked.

"Yes. They killed many people when they attacked." She responds. It is a little hard for her to talk about that. "But after being a sex slave, I think I am thankful that they died rather than end up like me. For now, I am going to stay here and see what happens. Maybe raising a baby in a low-tech place like this might be better than the big city. I lived in the city and it was cramped and expensive. Dad always wanted to move to the countryside and have a traditional family life."

She thinks on that, remember what mom and dad wanted to move out into some small to medium-size city and live on the outskirts. Living in a nice house with lots of land. There it would be cheap so mom could stay home and spend time with us kids while dad wanted to start some yard business.

"Yeah… the Empire paid off my people and got my family murdered. Then they sold me off to the Empire…" Selina said, adding to what she is saying.

"It is clear that the Empire has hurt a lot of people in their quest for power and control," Lelei said.

Hearing that makes her think back to the throne room. Naked and forced to serve those monsters. While not all her fellow teachers and students, many of her progressive teachers and fellow students did not like the country. If it were not for her mom and dad, she would think like them. But in that throne room, looking up and seeing her country flag on the Ranger's arms, it was like a sign from god. That everything her father told her about the country gave her the strength to call out.

Noriko looks at her best friend Selina and knows her adopted father is the same man who saved her. All these girls are on the same team that saved her too. After all this time she has not had a chance to say thank you to the people who saved her.

She looks at Rory, noticing that she is the one in charge of this little gang. "Rory… is there a way I can meet those Rangers again?"

Rory looks over to her, confused. "Rangers? Why?"

She feels nervous again. "I like to say thank you. That is all. I realize I haven't said anything."

She sees Rory look at her and then look away smiling.

"Sorry, but I can't help you there. They have all these rules that get in the way all the time." Rory said with a big smirk like she is having an interesting though. "However, she could help you."

She turns around and sees this woman. She is standing by this pinboard, putting up some flyers. She is in the casual military uniform she sees the soldiers all the time.

"Who is… wait. I remember her now. She was the one who was talking to me while we left Sadera." She said, remembering how that woman was taking care of her and asking questions to help save the other American slaves. "Her name is Lieutenant Sarah Rose."

"Yes, she is a nice lady." Selina then stands up, about to wave to Sarah until Rory sat her back down.

Rory looks over to Lelei. "Lelei, use your telekinesis to drag her over here."

"You can't use magic like that. Magic must be used responsibly. Besides, she is right there." Lelei said, shooting down Rory's request.

"…fine…. Selina…," Rory said, bummed out.

Selina jumps up and waves her hand. "Sarah! Come here!"

She looks to Selina and then turns around. The woman seems shocked that they are all here. She walks over and then stands up at the edge of the table.

"Hi girls, how are you doing… Selina… what is that?" Sarah said, now looking down at her plate.

"She likes mayo on her hash browns" Lelei responds.

"Interesting…," Sarah comments, baffled by the combination. "Anyway, what is up?" She said and then sees her. "Hi Noriko, it has been a long time. I hope you are healthy. Congratulations on the baby."

She looks and sees Rory pointing at her direction. She looks up at the military woman and sees her looking directing at her. "Ahh… thank you. I am going to raise the baby right, boy or girl."

"You don't know the baby gender yet?" Sarah asked, confused.

"I didn't want to know. My mom waited until after birth, so I want to too." She responds.

"OK, that makes sense. So, what is it, honey?" Sarah asked.

"Wait... why did you ask that Sarah?" Lelei asked, picking up on Sarah's strange question.

"What que... ahh, I see. We have the ability to see inside the body and see the baby. Before the child is born, we can see if it is a boy or girl. Sometimes the parents want to wait and see what sex the baby will be after a live birth. Others want to know right away."

"Yes. I want to wait and see. I want it to be a surprise." She adds to what Sarah said. She looks around the table and sees everyone in shock. They are impressed that the Americans can know the sex of a baby before birth.

"Well… I was wondering if I could meet the Rangers. If that is ok with them. I do not want to bother them, but I wanted to properly say thank you. But only if I am not in the way." She said, feeling that she has overstepped.

Sarah smiles and places her hand on her hip. "I do not see why not. More that I think about it, I think the team would love to see you again. Once I am done, I will be happy to make the arrangements."

Hearing that makes her smile. It is not much however she would love to see those Rangers again. "Thank you."

"Anytime," Sarah said and then looks to Lelei. "And besides, Lelei. Are you late? You know he doesn't like it when people are late."

Lelei looks at Sarah confused, trying to figure it out. Her eyes then grown massive and she shoots up. "Shoot! I had a meeting with Sharpe today. He wanted to ask me questions about Magic and the races of this world. Bye, all!" Then she grabs her staff and runs away in a panic.

They all watch Lelei rushes out of the bar, they all then laugh. Lelei is usually the one on top of things so it is quite sightseeing her forget something.

"Sarah… what are you doing here?" Selina then asked.

"I am looking for help. I am going to be setting up a school here in Alnus." Sarah said.

She looks over to the military woman, shocked by what she heard. She then looks around the table and sees that everyone else has the same reaction.

"You? Starting a school? I do not believe it. Dose the Major know of this?" Rory asked slowly.

"…thanks for the emotional support Rory. And why did you say that? I can do what I want. I am a free woman." Sarah said with some pride.

"So, he's letting you do this?" Rory asked again.

"I don't need his permission to do the things I want," Sarah said crossing her arms, clearly annoyed by Rory. "Besides… he thinks it is a good idea."

She looks over and sees Rory give a big grin. Now she sees that she was just trying to get under the military woman's skin.

"Well, I think that is a great idea." She said with a smile. Hearing this idea makes her realize that she might have help raising her baby. Getting somewhat of an education.

"Sarah, why do you want to teach? Don't you want to help me anymore?" Selina asked, sitting there now nervous.

She looks to her friend Selina and reads her reaction. It seems she does not like the idea of a school. She understands that schoolwork like reading has not been easy for her and that she has not been popular with the other children in the town. That just proves no matter where you are in the galaxy that everyone can be a prick.

"I do Selina, but the other kids need help too. You and I can still have our time together if you like. But Alnus desperately needs a school and I want to help. Besides, you can fix a problem by waiting for someone else to do it." Sarah said as she crosses her arms.

"I always knew Humans were strange however you people are unbelievable. It is fun." Tuka said.

"Maybe so but now that I think about it. Selina, I wanted to show you this new booth that appeared. It is a sweet shop with lots of candy and muffins and biscuits. The fox lady who owns the place wants to meet you." Sarah said.

She looks and then turns to Rory as she slowly moves towards Sarah with big eyes.

"You said, sweets…" Rory said in a cute quiet voice.

She looks back up to Sarah and sees her staring right at Rory. Sarah just smiles and looks at her. She finds it interesting that these people pick on each a lot.

"Noriko, you are welcome to come to. The fox lady is very sweet. I think she would like to see you too. And Tuka, your welcome. I think it will be a good cultural exchange for you." Sarah said.

"Thank you, but I am good for now. I have plans with my people. We need to figure out what we are going to do, and I would like to spend time with my father." Tuka said and looks at them all. "Thank you very much for your kindness. I enjoyed last night and morning feasting."

"That is ok Tuka. Enjoy." Sarah said.

"Bye Tuka," Selina said and raises her hand.

She looks and sees this hesitation look on the Elf face. But she ends up giving Selina goodbye high five. She wonders what is going on in the Elf head but decided it is not her business.

"But… but… sweets. Please…." Rory mumbles, realizing that she was excluded.

"Rory, you need to ask Selina," Sarah said, knowing that she is in control now. "So, Noriko, Interested?"

She is somewhat tired, wanting to go back to her apartment and rest for the baby. But when Sarah brought up sweets, all of a sudden, she got these cravings. She has gotten a lot of these cravings before; the military cooks have been nice to give her extra food because she is pregnant. However, actual sweets have been hard to come by and that sounds great.

"I... I am interested but I don't think I can pay." She said softly.

"I will help you Noriko," Selina said.

"It is ok Selina. Noriko, this is my gift. Let us just have some fun." Sarah said, giving her a big smile.

She nods her head in agreement, accepting Sarah offered.


The remaining girls left Apex and head to this place Sarah was talking about. When they arrive, they all see this beautiful golden hair humanoid fox woman. She is at this booth stand, with all these different kinds of sweets and candies on display.

Selina stands there looking at all the options, impressed by the amount. "Wow…" She then hears her friend comment.

"This is a lot more then I was expecting. How did you make all this?" Noriko asked as she has one hand on her belly and the other holding the booth.

"You like I see?" The Fox woman said.

"Yes. I want to eat all of them." Noriko said.

She looks over to her friend and smiles. She then looks up at the fox.

"Hello there," Sarah said.

"It is nice to see you again Lieutenant." The fox woman said.

"Likewise. This is Selina, who I was talking about. This one with the bundle of joy is Noriko. And this strange dress one is…" Sarah said before being interrupted.

"Hello, Karlin Daolo," Rory said.

"Nice to see you again Rory Mercury," Karlin said with a warming smile.

Seeing that they all know each other, she looks to Rory. "Rory, you two know each other?"

"Yes Selina, it has been a long time. She is a find woman. Should have known when Sarah said fox." Rory said, smiling.

"I am definitely a fox little one," Karlin said as she puffs up her long ear.

"Wow, I didn't know Rory had friends besides us," Sarah said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rory yells in frustration.

"It is ok Rory. I talk to Sarah not too long ago. I heard that you were living here so I decided to come and visit. To see if all the rumors are true." Karlin said.

"What rumors?" Noriko asked, confused.

"First… can we please have some…" She asked, really wanting one of the sweets.

"Hey guys, I need to get on duty. As one of the leaders of the AMP, I need to make a presence once and awhile." Rory said, placing her hands on her hips.

"Rory… but why?" She asked, not understanding why she suddenly is leaving.

"It is ok little one," Rory said to her and then looks back up to Karlin. "It is nice seeing you again, later I would like to catch up if you wish."

"I would like that. I bet you have amazing adventures to tell. I see why you have chosen these people." Karlin said. She then turns over to her stand and grabs these two dark color chocolate sweet puffs. She then hands them to her and Noriko.

"Thank you, Miss Karlin. So, you know Rory?" She asked as she eats her treat.

"Why yes. It has been a long time though. She is a lovely woman and still is I find it impressive that she stays in one place now. I am glad she has found a home." Karlin said and then looks down at her.

She looks directly at Karlin her, she feels an of familiar and uncomfortably. It seems like the fox woman is looking through her and reading her. "Sarah…" She mumbles.

"It is ok sweetie. I like your bow that is on your arm, it is purple I see. I take it you are a worshiper of Miritta?" Karlin asked in a sweet voice.

Hearing her god name made her feel better for some reason. She thinks just meeting someone who might have the same faith or at least an understanding is good.

She looks at her bow that is on her arm. The priestess back in Edras said that these bows represent different stages of a women's life. Since she is a woman now, she wears purple to show she is ready to accept Miritta into her life.

She looks back at the fox woman. "Yes, I am. I am from the far west, Edras. You see, purple means I am now a woman now and able to have children, as Miritta will. You see, Miritta takes death away from life when giving a child. She blesses a woman with her touch and provides her strength for life. But you must give up your purity to be blessed by her strength. Then and only then you are with Miritta." She finishes with much passion and conviction in her voice.

"Wow… I can see you are a devout worshipper." Karlin said, impressed. She can tell through Selina's eyes.

She hears that and nods. "It was the only thing keeping me going when I was taken."

"From Edras. I am sorry you were taken. It seems like you have found a lovely home now. Now maintain your beliefs young one." Karlin said.

She nods her head. That is when she thinks about Sharpe, her new father. So far, he has not approved of her goddess. He sees it her and other women selling themselves and that she is too young. Those two things seem to be the biggest issues he has had about Miritta.

She understands why he thinks she is too young, that he wants her to wait for someone she loves. Both him and Sarah have said that many times. Ever Lelei and Rory have been agreeing with them but being far more understanding of the topic. And after being raped by those slavers, she likes the idea of waiting for someone she loves when she is older. The Priestess never talked about waiting for someone you love, just as a woman's duty to have children for the Kingdom. So, the Kingdom can fight off the Empire and the other enemies.

However, she is worried that if she listens to Sharpe's will, then she will never feel the touch and strength of Miritta. The Priestess was very clear that she has to prostitute herself once to gain that blessing. Miritta guarantees the health and life of the mother during the childbirth process. It is well knowing that many mothers die when trying to give birth, for all different kinds of reasons.

"I will try…" She responds.

"Try?" Karlin asked, confused by her sudden attitude shift.

"Well… my new father doesn't like that I would have to pros… prosss… titute. Me…" She said, struggling in saying the work properly.

"She means prostitute. In our world, we don't like it when women or men sell their bodies for money and goods. And that we consider underage." Sarah said, trying to be careful not to offend her.

"I see. That is normal for a parent. That just means your father loves you and wants best for you little one." Karlin said to her in a motherly tone.

"My name is Selina, not little one…" She said in an annoyed voice. "And I know he loves me. He gave me a home, a bed. He has taken me out and talk to me about stuff. He calls me and asked about me… I love him too, more than anyone. But I… never mind." She said in a soft voice.

Karlin leans back, seeing this energy coming from Selina. She then looks over to Noriko and sees her holding her big belly. "Noriko correct? I see you are coming due soon."

"Yes, I have about a month to go until the baby arrives. That is what the doctor said." Noriko responds.

"That is lovely. If you wish I would be happy to do the birthing ritual." Karlin asked.

She looks to the fox women hearing that. "Birthing ritual?"

"Yes, little… Selina. From where I am from, we also worship Miritta. We do a ritual when the mother is about to give birth. It is our way to bless the upcoming child and the union of child and mother." Karlin said in a cheerful tone.

Hearing that confuses her. Her people are some of the most loyal worshipers of Miritta. The Priestess never mention this before. "No… that isn't correct."

She then feels a hand on her shoulder. She looks up and sees Sarah.

"Selina be nice. Remember we value religious tolerance." Sarah said, her voice making it clear not to push it.

She nods in agreement and looks to her friend Noriko.

"Who is the father of the child?" Karlin asked, placing her hand on Noriko's belly.

Hearing Karlin's question and knowing that will make Noriko uncomfortable to answer. She understands that Karlin does not know who the father is, but she doesn't want Noriko to be hurt.

She steps between them and holds into Noriko's arms. "The baby is hers. He or she will be a great baby and we all will help her out."

"Ahh, I see. I understand. You have a big heart, Selina. Do not lose it." Karlin states.

Hearing that she smiles. She looks to Noriko and sees her smiling her.

"Thank you, Miss Karlin, however, I would prefer giving birth at the hospital with doctors. I do not want to risk the baby heath." Noriko said. She then takes a tired breath. "I think I should go home. I am very tired."

"Ok, let me call in a HUMVEE. Selina, do you mind helping her home? I have to finish my school fliers." Sarah said.

"So, you are doing the school?" Karlin said with some excitement. "If you ever need help, please ask. I will be happy to bake anything you need."

"Yes, I got approval. I just hope I am up for the task." Sarah replied, nervously.

"You will do fine. Anyway, let me give you some more sweets. An old tale is that when you give a new mother sweet, it makes their child very sweet and happy." Karlin said as she gathers some sweets and candy in a bag.

"Is that true?" Noriko asked, taking interest what the fox just said.

Karlin pauses for a moment and smiles. "I never have seen it come true in all the births I have helped. Actually… it seems like the opposite happens now that I think about it. Either way, it is a good excuse to have something tasty."

"Thank you, Karlin, for the conversation. I am sorry for taking so much of your time."

"No, it was great to see her," Karlin responds.

As she watches the fox hand Noriko the bag of sweets, looks up at Sarah confused. "Were you talking about me?"

"Yes, she was. Last time she was here she couldn't stop talking about you, Selina." Karlin said.

She would not know how to respond to that news. It never crossed her mind that Sarah or the others would talk about her when she was not around. She begins to wonder why but she then sees the American HUMVEE drive up.

"Time to go girls. Say thank you." Sarah said.

She turns around and waves goodbye to Karlin. She then grabs Noriko's hand and heads to the vehicle.


