Chapter 84


--- Fort Alnus ---

October 2nd, 2025

Early in the Sharpe is doing his morning run. Each morning when he is back on base, he has his morning workout routine. He enjoys working out in the morning, before the base comes alive and before the girls wake up.

It is a time he can think about recent events and plan for the future.

After doing a two-mile run around this American football field, she stops by the HUMVEE that he checked out for base use. Looking inside the passenger side, he sees Selina sitting there all button up in winter clothes, fast asleep.

When she started coming over to his place, she started to join him in his morning workouts. He understands that she just wants to share in his activities, the small amount of bonding time this war allows.

He opens the door and sees her wake up slightly.

"Hey kid, mind handing me my water?" He said, catching his breath.

Selina runs her eyes and yawns. After a short stretch, she looks at him. "Hmm? Oh ok." She said and the reaches over to grab his water bottle. Once she does that, she hands it to him.

He takes it and runs his hand over her light blue mitten beanie. She giggles and pushes his hand away. "Stop…"

He chuckles and then takes a drink. When he is done, he hands it back to her. "Alright, let me do another round and then breakfast breakfast."

"Yeah!" Selina said in a soft sleepy voice. "Can… can I invite Noriko? She has been wanting to say hi before you leave for Elies."

He thinks about it and nods his head. "Alright, I don't see why not. Text her if she is interested. I shall be back."

As he begins to run again, doing a final go, he thinks about Noriko and how they met. He considers what happened to Noriko as a personal failure on his part. Not stopping her from being taken, not being there to stop that. He is upset that he did not foresee that the Empire stole his people. That is his job to predict these things, that is what he trained for.

In hindsight, it was obvious that the Empire kidnap their people during their attack on Philadelphia. He saw an opportunity for peace back in Italica and tried to take it. But deep down inside, he thinks he knew what happen but just did not want to accept it. Seeing her in the Throne room, leased like someone pet put what this world represents into context.

He feels bad that she is pregnant. Being only sixteen, it is far too early to be a mother, especially a single mother. The worst part is that the child is the son or daughter of Prince Zorzal. He wonders how Princess Pina will handle that. He believes it will be best that she and her Rose Knights never find out. The child is an American child, not one of the Empire(1).

Out of all that, he is happy that Selina and Noriko have bonded together. It is unsettling they were able to bind because of a similar experience. He struggles to even imagine what if Selina was impregnated by these slaver rapists.

Still, he is happy they are friends. Their friendship has helped Selina break out of that shocked. While the healing process for her will take a long time, she truly has come to her own. He sees great things from her.

--- Apex Liberty ---

After he finished his morning workout, Sharpe, Selina, and Noriko went to Apex Liberty for their breakfast hour.

Sharpe sits there and watches Selina spread mayo on her hash browns. "Selina… I love and all, but I cannot approve what you are doing."

"I can do as I please! I think what you do is wrong," Selina said in a defiant tone.

Noriko giggles at him and her, as they argue about the merits of food. "You two are funny together."

"Well, someone has to. He is boring so I have to cheer things up." Selina said

He sits there baffled by what she said. "I am the boring one? Who was the one who interduce the great shows Man is ever invented?"

"You mean those eighty and nighties shows of yours? You sound old when you say that Mister Sharpe." Noriko said that with a giggle. She then places her hand on her belly, feeling a kick.

He points directly at her. "Well, for one thing. The kid seems to be on my side. And two… you're paying now." After saying that he gives her a quick wink, showing that he is joking.

"That is fine. Selina showed me your credit card. I will just use that." Noriko said.

He puts down his fork and looks at them as they giggle. "Well… I guess you have me. Well played."

After hearing that, he begins to wonder if there is some joking god in this world, who likes to torment people. He knows they are just playing, being teenage girls.

All three of them smirk a bit and continue to eat.

He looks at Noriko, curious about what her plans are. From what Selina told him, she has no family back on Earth. That is why she decided to stay here in this world. If he were in her position, he probably would do anything to get away from this world but then again, where do you go?

"So, Noriko, you do not have to answer if you don't want to but what are your plans? I am glad you befriended my daughter here but… well, I hope I am not being to forward." He asked.

"You are not Major Sharpe," Noriko responds, thinking on the question.

"Please, just Sharpe. I am not that formal." He corrects.

Noriko nods and collects her thoughts. "Well, I honestly don't know what I am going to do. As long as the Army going to let me stay here, I think I will. I know I will not have to pay when I give birth if I remain here. I am kind of waiting until then to figure out what to do but I think I will just stay here until then. I am kind of afraid to go back to the States. I know that is rude after what you and your friends did for me but…"

He had to think about what she said for a moment but then it made sense to him. He said before every day we are here; we are writing the book. Everything that happens, every battle, every territory, every treaty, and every relationship and child from this world is first for Mankind.

The first interstellar baby between two worlds, that would draw a massive amount of attention back on Earth. She is smart to avoid that. If she stays here, the State Department can control that information.

"Don't worry kid, I fully understand not wanting that attention. No one going to be offended by your choice. This is probably the safest place in both worlds." He responds, understanding her.

"And besides, anyone wants to mess with you or take your child. I get to shot them." Selina adds all pridefully.


"What? I am being responsible," Selina responds.

"Don't worry Sir, I mean Sharpe. She has been good." Noriko said siding with Selina.

He is shocked by how fast they teamed up against him, finding it humorous.

Watching the two giggles at each other, he begins to think more about his question.

That is when he remembers Sarah's project in Alnus. For some reason, she wants to start this school in Alnus. While he is not fully on board with that, thinking it will distract her from her duties, she did seem convinced to try it. Besides, regardless of how he felt, she has earned that support from him.

"Hey Noriko, I have an idea. There are no obligations to do this, I am just throwing it out there. Selina has been telling me you been helping her learn how to read. Thank you by the way. Sarah is looking to start a small school in Alnus. She will need some helping hands." He proposes.

That is when he gets an evil idea. "I can put in a word for you, but it will come with a price."

"No…," Noriko said bluntly, roll her eyes.

"What? I didn't tell you my…" He continues before Noriko cuts him off.

"I am not naming my baby after one of your shows. Not Optimus, not Leonardo, not space Danny, or Ruby, or Alita, or Samurai Jack or Stand and Francine Smith or Peter Griffin!(2)" Noriko responds as she puts this green looking egg in her mouth.

She then feels her tummy. "The baby kicking."

"But the kid seems to like my ideas," He said with a smirk. "But… fine."

"Alright, I will be right back, need to go to the office." He said.

"You are leaving already? I thought we still had some time." Selina said, a little upset.

Noriko just giggles. "He means he is going to the toilet Selina. It is something dads say."

"Oh… well, why doesn't he just say that." Selina asked.

"It is called a dad joke dork," Noriko responds.

He smiles and then leaves.


Pina walks into the bar known as Apex Liberty.

Since being let into Alnus, she has been trying to get an audience with Major Sharpe.

She thought she had a chance during the party however that was not to be. Grey told her to be patient, the moment will arrive.

Being patient has never been her strong suit. Since being a child, she wanted to go, go, go. She was told she was too young to be a soldier, so she started her own Rose Order Knights. Never been too good at waiting.

She found out that he has an extremely strict morning routine. Working out and then taking his kid and the other girls out for breakfast. From what she understands, this is one of the few places that is open in the morning.

She walks in and look around. She sees these two elven travelers. Three of these Other Worlder soldiers talking and a mix of races. However, the place does not look to be full, not like the last time she was here.

Over to her left, in one of the booths she sees these two girls. She recognizes the small one. And the other small looking girl name Selina. From what she understands, wherever she is, Sharpe is nearby.

The other girl though, for some reason she looks familiar but cannot put her figure on it.

Either way, her gut tells her not to talk to that ex-princess since there is much bad blood. The last thing she needs is to make even more enemies here. Still, she came all this way and she desperately wants to talk to Sharpe.

She takes a deep regretful breath and walks over to that table.

When she arrives, it looked like the two girls were having a fun time talking about whatever they were talking about.

"He…" She stops herself and straightens herself up, reminding herself that she is the leader of the Rose Order and Princess of the Empire. "Hello there."

The two girls look at her, their eyes look with annoyance and hatred. That is when she notices the other girl has a big belly, most likely with child.

"What is it?" Selina asked, not enjoying her presence.

"I am here to see…" She begins to say but now getting a full look at the other women's faces.

She has seen her before back in Sadera. The more she gets a better look the more she remembers. This girl is her brother slave, one of his favorites. She saw him raping her a few times, a sight she never really enjoyed seeing but that was the law.

Also, she was the one who was in the throne room. She wonders why her stupid brother Zorzal had to bring her there which imploded the peace treaty.

"You don't even remember me, don't you?" The girl with child said in a hateful voice.

"Yes, I do." She responds. "We met at the capital."

"Well... I remember you clearly. Standing there ignoring me. You stood there and allowed your brother raped me and you did not care. I am pregnant because of your brother." The girl said, getting a nervous voice.

Hearing her say that finally made her connect the dots. This girl is carrying her brother's child. The girl is carrying her niece or nephew.

"You… you are carrying my niece or nephew. You're carrying my brother's child." She said softly, coming to that realization.

"No." Selina intervenes. "She is not carrying his child. The baby belongs to us, not the Empire."

As she stands there, all she can do is think about is new reality she is in. It is not just her two brothers and her now. At first, she feels this great joy, a new member of the family. That is until she remembers who the father is.

Even though Crown Prince Zorzal is the next in line to become Emperor, she has always known that he is not fit to lead. It is not her place as a woman to speak against her father will, he always had his reasons.

While her other brother Diabo has expressed interest in taking the throne, this only strength Zorzal claim.

As she thinks about this matter, a new realizing appeared. Her brother Zorzal has raped dozens of slave women before. She has always brushed it off because that always has been the norm of this world and what was she supposed to do. She and Zorzal are not on good terms as it is. However, there is no way this is the first time he had seeded a woman with a child.

She takes another breath, now trying to clear her thoughts and not fill them up with nonsense. She must try hard to remember the girl's name, but she remembers walking into her brother's room when he got her from the slave market.

"I… I am happy for you Nor…ko. I would like to be part of the... your child's life." She said.

The girl takes a frustrated breath. "My name is Noriko."

"I'm sorry, Noriko." She said, struggling a little to properly pronounce her name.

She realizes that Selina is right. As of right now, it is best not to bring up the child royal bloodline. Even if she could find a way to bring the child back to Sadera, it would destroy everything she has done up to his point. On top of that, what would be the point? She knows her brother is unable to raise the child and she does not want to help him take the throne.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I just came to talk to your Major Sharpe." She said. She then closes her eyes and reopens them, collecting her thoughts. "But I am glad I ran into both of you. I want to let you know that neither of you has anything to worry about from me or my fellow Knights. If I could go back and redo things I would, I regret what happened to you Noriko, I really do."

"I have no interest in taking your child back to my brother, he doesn't deserve to be a father. I don't think I would get past the gate anyway." She finishes, trying to give off a joke.

She then looks at them, both seem confused on how to respond. She does not blame them for not trusting her motives right now.

"Is everything ok here ladies?" This male overprotectiveness sound is heard from behind.

Pina hears this male voice behind her and turns around. Right there she sees Major Sharpe. His eyes look confused about what is going on.

"Princess? What are you doing here?" Sharpe asked.

"She said she is here for you." Selina answers.

"Really? Alright." Sharpe said.

He then looks to her and then back at the two girls. "Girls stay here. Eat whatever. I will take care of this."

"Ok," Selina said.

She then looks to Sharpe and sees that he wants her to follow her.

She turns around to look at the other girl girls. Their expression clearly states that she is not welcome. She thought about saying something but decides to follow Sharpe, letting everything rest.

They both go to the other end of the bar, so no one bothers them.

"If you wanted to talk to me, you should have gone to my office and set up an appointment," Sharpe said.

"I did. The lady there said you avoid showing up unless you need something." She said back.

"Hmm… Sarah told you that didn't she…" Sharpe said and looks at her, thinking. "Alright, well you got me. Sit down." He finishes in an ordering tone.

She sits down and leans forward over the table. "The girl seems healthy, I am glad. I hope one day she will forgive me."

"She is a tough one. Maybe one day. But since you brought that up, I am going to make it clear. The child is an American."

"I know, I know. Selina said it already. I have no plans on taking it from Alnus. Honestly, the child is better off with your people than mine."

She found it strange how easy it was to say that. It took almost no effort and she does not feel bad about how low she made represented her family.

"Ok. I am glad we have that understood." He responds.

She looks at him, wanting to get to the point. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I haven't… well ok, I have. But I have other responsibilities here Pina. I have the girls I take care of, a unit. There is this new thing called a war happening and other duties I can't go into." Sharpe said.

She sees that she might have pushed too hard, not thinking about other people's daily lives.

"Ok, I am sorry. It is just there are some things I want to talk to you about." She said. As she is finishing, a confusing thought popped inside her head. "The girls…? So, you run a harem now?"

Sharpe nearly responds but then stops himself, realizing how he said that. "Yeah, that sounds a lot different in my head then out loud. Quite different but no, I do not run a harem..."

Pina finds it hysterical how much he struggled to respond to that. She knew what he meant. She could not help herself but giggle a little.

"Anyway, you know what I mean. Also, is this about a peace treaty?" He continues.

She could not help herself from giggling at that. "Well, that is one thing I like to restart." She said.

"Princess, that ship has sailed a long time ago." He responds.

She could not believe what she just heard. She wonders if everything she did was for nothing. She wanted to regain his trust so they can work out a proper peace treaty, the right way this time.

"But, but. I know what I am going this time. I have been through hell to figure this out. What do you mean there won't be peace?" She said, not understanding.

Sharpe holds off on his reply, trying to figure out the best way to respond.

"I am going to start off by saying this. Thank you for getting our people back. I mean it. Regardless of my, those two or anyone else personal feelings, people do at least respect that. It will take time to… adjust. You didn't have to do it and we know that. I know that." Sharpe said.

"Then why can't we continue where we left off?" She asked directly.

"Well first, there is no way the Senate will approve a treaty after what happens in Sadera. The President stated that we will not accept anything less than an unconditional surrender. You know what that means right?" Sharpe explains.

She takes a deep breath with that realization. She fully understands what 'unconditional surrender' means. It means that the Americans are going to use their overwhelming technology and bomb the Empire into submission.

Before she could respond, Sharpe cut's her off.

"Besides Princess. I have an honest question for you. Does the Empire even want peace?" He said right at her.

She wanted to say yes but she knew that was a lie. There is no way her father will surrender if it means giving up the throne. All he cared about is that throne.

When she was growing up, she had four brothers. Two of them died when she was younger. She was told that they died in battle but as she grew up, she heard rumors that her father killed them. All because they threaten his throne.

It has been years since she has thought about that, never wanting to believe them. She was noticeably young during that time, her memory of them is very fuzzy. Every time she thinks about it, the more it seems possible.

If that is the character of her father, it explains her oldest brother Zorzal. Everyone knows he is not fit to run the Empire when the time comes. When he becomes Emperor, there is no doubt in her mind that he will restart the war.

She looks at Sharpe and sees why she has been wanting to follow him so badly. Her family is not trustworthy and hold no personal beliefs while this man does. They can be corrupted by all that power while he cannot. More importantly, he gives a shit about people while her family can't even see people like Noriko and Selina.

She wants to do some good in the world and make a difference. Not rule for the sake of rules like her father and brothers. She just does not want the throne.

"Yes and no. I know of people in the Senate that will support a peace agreement with your kind however my father would never. Same with my oldest brother Prince Zorzal." She said.

"Your oldest?" He responds, confused by that statement.

"Yes, Zorzal is my oldest brother. Now there is Prince Diabo… oh…"

As she was speaking, she realizes that his people had no idea about Diabo. With all their power and help from the locals, it became clear how little they know about the Empire. Based on his question, his people might not even know about the pro-peace senators.

"Interesting. I didn't know that you had another brother." He said.

"Yes, I do. He isn't a bad guy. He is somewhat like your little blue hair friend Lelei, a book person. He isn't like my other brother Zorzal. He doesn't hurt people, least not like how Zorzal does." She said.

"Very interesting," Sharpe replied, not saying anything else.

She can see in his eyes that his brain is working on something. However, this was not what she wanted to talk to him about. She wanted to talk about General Krysist.

"Major, I will be happy to explain the inner workings of the Empire, later. I wanted to inform you of Krysist." She said.

Right when she said that man's name, she sees Sharpe taking full interest in the conversation.

"I saw you two fighting during that projector during your party." She said.

"It is projector and I take it that Krysist isn't just some clever Imperialist soldier?" He asked.

She glances down at the table and thinks. Part of her has mix feelings even saying anything. On the other hand, if he has returned and taken an interest in Sharpe, she knows she must warn him. Watching them fight from that strange projection they call a video recording; it showed the war is getting far more serious.

"No. I do not know a lot about him. His name is forbidden to speak about in Sadera and I was still somewhat young when everything happened." She said as she collects her thoughts. "Ok. He is a General in exile, an enemy of everyone in Sadera, especially my father. That is what I been told."

"You realize none of that makes sense, right? He is in exile and an enemy of your father, but he is here fighting us?" He asked, confused.

"Well, most of our military leaders are born in Sadera or grand cities in Falmart. They come from elite noble families and gain a command of their own. Krysist didn't." She said.

"That explains it. They hate him because he isn't part of their club. Politics… sucks everywhere you go." He said.

"Kind of. Here is the thing. There are a lot of stories about him. I think most of them are made up. But the story said he was once a young gladiator who fought in the arena. He won battle after battle until one day he was taken in by this nobleman from the eastern city of Wrist'o. No one knows why this noble family took him in, but they got him a commission in the Imperial Army."

"Once in the army, he exceeded. He won battle after battle for the Empire. Many of his gladiator days overlapped with the army, giving him a unique fighting style. Fighting bandits and the Dark races that are in the races."

"Grey told me this myth about him, that he never has lost a battle. I have no idea how true that is but Grey explained it to me is that he defines the term of victory to whatever he needs it to me. Losing three battles so he can crush your army in the fourth, he considers that a victory."

Sharpe sits back as he listens. "Like rescuing those elves. He wanted to learn more about us, and he got what he wanted. The elves were just a tool."

She nods to what he said. "That sounds like him, based on the stories. That is how he did so well in the arena and how he did so well in the army."

"So why did he fall out of favor? It sounds like someone the Empire would want to keep around. He is surely keeping us busy in Elies." He asked.

That is the question that is bothering her. The stories do not make much sense when you put them together.

"I do not know. I know they had fallen out, my father and him. Six years ago, the Dark races assaulted our eastern borders. Something happened there that forced my father to imprison him. From that, the Krysist rebellion happened."

She takes a drink of water from the mug. "Many of our soldiers sided with him. While he was not popular within, he was popular with the people in the east. It was a short but bloody fight, but he won in the end."

"My father, unable to defeat him in battle, agreed to leave him alone and he goes into exile in the Northern Mountains. Him and what remains of his Legion." She finishes.

"Interesting tale." He said as he thinks about what she said. "It explains a few things."

"Indeed. But I don't know why he has returned." She said, trying to understand Krysist motives.

"That's the easy part, he sees this as his Thermopylae moment." He said.

"Thermopylae?" She asked him.

"About two thousand years ago there were these three hundred Spartan warriors. They were considered the best warriors at the time. They fought off an invasion force of a few hundred thousand. While they lost the battle, it turned the tide of the war for the Greek City-States. It could be something like that." He explains, thinking on top of his head.

"You think it that simple?" She asked him.

While she understands why Sharpe just said, it sounds too simple to be just that. Is Krysist just looking for one last moment under the sun, just like in his gladiator days? Or is it a far greater plot against the Empire.

"I think it might be more than that. Maybe to undermine my father's rule in some manner?" She said.

"Could be. All we have are stories, which they might not even be true." Sharpe states. "I do need to get going, got a war to fight. But why did you tell me this?"

"Because. I want to show you that not everyone in the Empire is these bad people. That you can trust and value me. Even if others don't." She said and then takes a glance back to those two girls.

He stands there and looks down at her. He then chuckles a little. "You are a stubborn one. Well, thank you. It seems like we are going to be facing him again and now I have a better understanding of him."

She looks back at him and stands up. "You're welcome. And besides, you did help my Knights heal and rest."

She sticks out her hand for that handshake.

He looks at it and then takes it. "Just to let you know, you don't have to shake every single time."



(1)Chapter 64

(2)All American TV shows
