Chapter 85

"NATO Forces have surrounded the Capital city of Elies, Havcristen. Havcristen is considered the gateway to the legendary fortress of Legrath. According to NATO Expedition leadership, they believe taking the city would grant total control of most of the region, cutting all viable logistic route for Imperial forces.

Lieutenant General Charles Stanford is committing the largest attack force yet in the war to the city. Nine countries and twenty-two thousand soldiers mobilized for the assault.

The reason for the large number of troops is because the Empire is making a major stand at Havcristen. Army intelligences believe there is about thirty-five Legionnaires in the city, prepared to fight. This does not include the five thousand who bene fighting NATO forces on the outskirts of the city.

The military is not taking any chances after learning that both Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk and General Krysist are leading the defenses. Muilk leadership has held the region together, being a long term ruler over the region. However, Krysist has proven to be a formidable enemy. His tactics and strategy have differed from the traditional Imperial method of waging war. Some military scholars have labeled him to ancient generals like Hannibal, Fabius, and Sun Tzu.

Many expect the battle to be bloody and devastating as the city is vital for both sides. Once the city is taken, all doors are open for the final assault on the prize of the region, Fortress Legrath." – SCNR Jessica Moore


--- Havcristen, The Greater Elies Region ---

October 8th, 2025

General Krysist is standing by this table, looking at the map of the city.

Havcristen is an old city, going back to the old elvish kingdoms. While no longer an elf city, the layout still resembles their style.

The city is exceptionally large, able to hold up close to three hundred thousand residences. It is a major trading hub for the Empire, with seven different small highways linking to this one city.

While the city is larger than Italica, it has never been able to displace it from being one of the major trading cities in the Empire. Most of the trade worth in this city are just slaves and agriculture goods while Italica trades more in gems, manufacturing, and luxury goods.

Another reason is that Italica is far safer than Havcristen. It is known that goblins raid the countryside and the Imperial Army station here only prioritizes aid to those who pay 'proper' taxes.

The city is cut into two by a large river. Four bridges connect both sides of the town.

Since arriving, Krysist has bene studying everything he could, trying to find any use he could for the defense of the city. He understands if he misses anything that it will cost the deaths of hundreds of his comrades.

That is when he hears the door open behind him. He takes a glance over and sees Muilk walking forward.

"Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk, I am glad to see you alive." He said.

"Do not give me the lighthearted talk. Do you have any idea what it is like out there?" Muilk asked in frustration.

"Yes, I do." He responds, looking back at the city map.

"You know how many soldiers we lost out there?" Muilk asked.

He looks back at him, not enjoying being disrespected like that. "Don't you dare speak to me like that Legatus. After everything I have done for you and your men. Let us not forget, my Legionaries, are out there too, fighting side by side."

He can understand Muilk's frustration. This is the opponent of opponents. We are fighting not just weapons but ideas that the Empire cannot even dream about. The Imperial Army is outclassed in this fight and everyone in Elies knows it. But if everything still believes achieve victory by the end, it is worth it.

Muilk walks over to this bowl of water and begins washing his faces. "I have protected this region from wolves, goblins, trolls and every else the Dark races have to offer. Nothing can compare what we're fighting now."

"I agree." He responds.

The topic reminds him of one of his missions in the east, his cohort was defending this valley of farmers from the goblin tribes. He got word from his scouts nearly two legions of goblins, orcs, bats, werewolves, and more were coming to attack.

Reinforcements were promised but they never came. His eight hundred Imperial soldiers fought and defeated the invaders. The average soldier of the Empire is far superior to a goblin and orc. Better armor, training, leadership, tactics, the works. However, numbers still count and some of the Dark races have that.

With sheer leadership and discipline, his men defeated them but almost everyone in the cohort was killed. His parent Legion was only a few hundred leagues from his location and could have sent aid in time.

He later learned that Emperor Molt Sol Augustus himself denied the reinforcements request. That was the first time he has been on the receiving end with the Emperor. It only complicates matters.

This time though, the Emperor and everyone in Sadera needs him. Their way has not been winning the war. And the only way to regain honor and order is to face these American warriors in honorable combat.

"It almost makes you wish for the old days doesn't it?" He said.

"I don't know anymore. Our lines were crushed. If it wasn't for the hedgerows, I think there wouldn't have been any survivors." Muilk comments.

"At least it was not for nothing." He said, looking back to the map.

"You're kidding?" Muilk asked, walking over to the table.

"No, I am not." He responds.

Muilk gets frustrated by Krysist attitude. "Since you are here; I take it your mission was a success?"

"Completely. I got all the information I wanted and more. It was a damn good fight. I see why the royal family is afraid of him." He said and looked at Muilk.

He could not help but smile, thinking back on that fistfight at the fortress. It brought him back to the glorious days of the arena.

A part of him wishes that he were not bought by that noble family, just to serve them in the Imperial Army. However, if they did not, he would not be standing here fighting the great fight in world history. Even the gods fear these Other Worlders, and that is a good thing.

He then explains everything that happens at the Fort. Telling him about the elves, the trap, how it nearly captured their leader but that their leader also outsmarted him. He then explains everything he learned about American weapons. How they can see at night and see their heat. How they can talk and see people at long distances. The many different types of weapons, ranging from all different kinds of deadliness.

Remembering what they call a rocket to kill that troll with a single hit. He could not believe how easy it was for them to do that.

He looks to Muilk and sees this unpleased look on his face. He is probably trying to find a logical way to make sense of everything. "Ok. So, where does that leave us then?"

"This is my plan. I have already told the city defenders and they are making the preparations now. We are surrendering the wall to the enemy and going to allow them to come right through." He begins to say.

Muilk takes a deep breath, tired from battle. "That is because the wall is worthless?"

"Correct Legatus. I want to lure them into the city and ambush them there." He adds.

"Wouldn't they just use their superior power to kill out troops inside the city though? It will be like a death pin for their flying metal dragons." Muilk asked.

"That is what I thought at first however things have changed. They are more compassioned. They won't just blow up a home because they feel like it. They care about the people who live here." He then looks directly at Muilk. "Do not get that wrong though, they might hold back on their might but that does not mean they won't bring down the hammer."

"Ok, we allow them to enter the city and swarm them," Muilk said.

"Yes, but in two phases. The one you just said. That is just to add confusion. I am preparing five hundred of my men to pretend to be slaves. They find the practice of slavery as offensive and will prioritize their safety over anyone else. The plan is for them to take my men back behind their lines. Then they will strike when ready." He explains.

"That could work however that won't stop them. And that is a suicide mission." Muilk points out.

"I know. They all volunteered for this, but it might balance the odds." He comments.

"Ok, then why don't you just use the tunnels?" Muilk said.

He looks at him confused by his question. "What tunnels?"

Muilk then points to the map, point out where tunnels are at. "While Elies is a farming region, it has a lot of rain. This city has storm tunnels built by the dwarves three hundred years ago. Many leads outside the city."

He watches and gets annoyed that no one pointed this out before. But that does not matter right now and is glad that Muilk is adding his impute.

"While we can move a large force through them, we could sneak some scouts or assassins behind their lines," Muilk recommends.

"That could play a role. I will have to think about that. Thank you." He responds.

Muilk nods his head and then looks back at the map. "I see you are moving the bulk of our forces pass the river."

"Yes. No matter what, we need to accept the fact that they are going to lose this side of the bridge. The river is wide and from what I understand it is deep this time of year. That should help us repel them for a time." He answers.

"Until they use their flying wagons. I saw them land and their warriors rush out of them. They will be able to easily outflank us." Muilk points out.

He nods to what he said, taking that information in. "Yes, that complicates things. But we must adapt to that. I moved half of our siege weapons to this line on our rear flank. A small detachment will guard out the back door."

"It will be risky for them to move troops to pass their lines. While their flying machines are impressive, from what I understand the principles are the same. A wagon can only carry so many troops, the same as theirs. If they try to land troops on our side of the city, then we try to swarm them before they can set up roots. I want to save our magic users to shot down their flying machines." He explains as he leans forward, pointing to the city.

"I will find a good sniping spot for them. I know this city very well." Muilk said.

As he looks at the map, he is happy that Muilk told him about the tunnels. "Muilk, one last thing."


--- Alnus Community ---

October 10th, 2025

Rory is sitting down in this chair at this new coffee shop that recently opened in Alnus. The owner is this funny Texas man who got permission to open this shop here. She has yet to meet the man, some of the townsfolk say he wears this funny looking big hat.

All she can say is that she loves this drink that is called expresso.

"Hmmm… where has this been all my life…" Rory said, enjoying the foam from the drink.

"Rory, Rory, Rory. I never thought I would see the day that been tamed." Karlin Daolo, the fox woman comments in front of her.

"Hey! I have not been… well… maybe a little." She said and took a drink, realizes that she has been doing these Other Worlders bidding.

"Anyway, what brings you here Karlin? It has been a long time." She said.

"I know. Has it been three hundred years when we last met?" Karlin asked.

"Three fifty I believe. That was a fun fight." She said with a giggle, giving her a wink.

"Oh, Rory. You are such a little demon." Karlin said, laughing.

"Little…, I am not little!" She states, hating when she is called short.

She has decided when she finally ascends to godhood that she will ask Emroy why he picked her when she was short.

She looks at the fox woman as she just chuckles.

"You might have beaten me in that fight, but I know how to hit your soul," Karlin said.

She could not help herself and roll her eyes at that.

"I must ask though, what are you wearing? It is rare to see you in different clothing." Karlin asked.

She looks down at herself and smiles with pride. "Well, these are glasses they called Aviator sunglasses. They look sexy so I wanted to give them a try. And the clothes, they pay me for helping them, so I bought this. It was the first time I spent the money I earned.

She is wearing this gothic Lolita vintage cape military style with a cross regression Victorian cape, all in a burgundy color with white sleeves. The outfit she wears took many skilled craftswomen to make, with special cloths so it does not rip so easily.

Cloths on Earth are far easier to makes and you can get them designed in any way you like. It is so easy to get clothes and different styles. She also has found how sexual many western clothes are. In her nine hundred years being alive, she has found every society has a vice they do not walkabout. Even the pure looking ones and on Earth, it seems it is the same there. And that is something she likes about them.

"I wanted to try smoothing different. I earned it and I paid for it and I think I look good. They have a large selection to choose from. And besides, I want to look good." She said with a smile.

"For who? For that man, you been following around?" Karlin asked, her expression tells that she already knows the answer.

"Well, a little. But first I have questions for you. What are you doing here and what happened to you?" She asked, looking directly at her.

As she sits up, taking a sip from her expresso.

Karlin Daolo is the apostle for Miritta, one of the rare Kitsunes in the region. Her race is a legend to come from another continent of this world. She is tall with beautiful golden hair.

She has always found that Miritta to be an interesting god. Most of the gods have some form of aggressiveness jobs. For example, Emroy is the god of war and violence. Siflis encourages and provides benefits to murderers and rapist and Palapon encourages people to take revenge.

Miritta is far more passive than the other gods. She is the god of fertility, giving benefits to birth, encourages natalism, virtue, and motherhood. All builds on the family unit and encourages the creation of life so it can blossom.

Most people today only see Miritta to increase fertility and birth. The other jobs Miritta provides have been dismissed since Karlin disappeared three hundred years ago.

"Well. That is a long story. The Empire sent Taylin after me. I believed that they wanted to weaken my Edras followers. I was defeated in battle by him." Karlin said.

Hearing Taylin's name frustrates her. He is a man that she invested much time into, once believing in him. While apostles serve and carry out their god's wills, Taylin became a zealot in bring stability to this world. He will use whatever force he can to bring stability to this world. Work with or remove anyone who gets in the way.

"I am sorry. I didn't know Taylin did that to you." She said, feeling guilty.

"I understand your fall out with him. He is not your responsibility Rory. What he does not represents you." Karlin said.

"Yeah… still. The Empire might have not risen to power or wouldn't be as brutal if I didn't help him create it." She said, not thrilled with her past.

For the last five hundred years, she has avoided working with groups and factions. Wanting to go it alone, until now.

"So why have you been staying out of the public view? Your follower's kind of need you." She asked.

"I saw that little girl that was with you. Selina was it? I am glad that my followers are still believers." Karlin said.

She couldn't help but chuckle at that. "You have no idea. Miritta is almost her whole world. I think when she finds her religion apostle is here, it will shock her."

"That is why I haven't reintroduced myself. She and others like her are a good example. When I talked to her, she was hostile when I brought up the true ways of Miritta. It seems that she was brainwashed to this twisted form of virtue. I have found that to be the case everywhere I go." Karlin explains.

She understands what Karlin is saying. Without their Apostle to guide them over the centuries, she has witnessed her followers turned into this twisted cult by outside forces. The main target was the Edras Kingdom since they are very devout followers to Miritta.

The Empire was struggling in conquering their lands. From what Karlin is saying, they took out their apostle so they could corrupt their religious beliefs, to weaken their culture.

"I feel bad for the girl and the rest of her people. It seems their faith is still strong but now misguided. Miritta never was meant to be a form of reproduction for the sake of reproduction. She brings life to the world and the love around that. The union between a man and women when coming together and create a little miracle. Then that leads to the blessing of being a mother, the caring and nutrition between the child and mother." Karlin continues to explain.

As she sits there and listens. "I guess I understand. Is that why you decided to come here?"

"Well, I was in this small farming village when I hear some passing traders talking about these newcomers to this world and giving the Empire some trouble. Then I heard this little girl with a black pointy bow on her head sided with these new people." Karlin said.

"Hey…." She said, knowing that she is making fun of her again.

"I sorry. Anyway, I wanted to come and see for myself. I wanted to see if that was you. And to my surprise it was you, working for a new group." Karlin said.

She could not help but smile, thinking back on when she first ran into Vanguard-7.

"Yeah, I decided to stick around. They are goofy but they seem like fine people." She said.

Karlin chuckles from that. "I am happy that your smiling again. You seem incredibly happy here and I am glad." She then learns forward. "Is it because of him?"

"Wait what?" She asked, wanting to deflect a little.

"Don't lie to me. I saw you at that party at the bar and seen you around, following him. You always have those eyes when you are around him. Trust me, I know what those eyes mean." Karlin said.

"And besides, I can see that he cares for you. I have seen those games you two play. Very innocent indeed." Karlin continues.

She could not stop herself from blushing, thinking on that. She admits, she has changed around him. Feeling that she can be more herself, without having to be all serious all the time.

"Well… pretty much. You know how it is being an apostle. Everyone gazes at you however there is that disconnect with the people. Being immortal, people know they never could connect with apostles like us. Sometimes I feel the same way. Even if I found a friend, I know I will outlive them." She said.

"Even with these people. I still sense there is this gap between us. I will never be seen as one of them." She said.

She then leans to the side, placing her head on her hand, smiling. "But he doesn't give a damn about all that. He sees me just like anyone else."

"Really? What made you come to that conclusion?" Karlin asked, very curious about what she has to say.

"Well… two things. His speech in Italica shows me his true character. Someone I wanted to follow. Not just for fun and games but follow because I believed. Just like Taylin once did. But this time by a man of character." She said, smiling.

"And then, this is when I decided that follow him to the end of time. I was fighting these bandits and one of their attack helicopters came over. The attack helicopter is their flying warhorse, which can kill hundreds of soldiers easily. Either way, he knew I was immortal, but he ran out there and took me into his arms and pulled me out to safety."

She takes a deep breath, enjoying the memory and feelings of that moment. "I never was in a man's arm like that before. As I looked up at his face, I had a thousand emotions going through. I was baffled, confused, happy. I strangely felt safe and valued. Everything. No words could have explained how I felt and was going through."

She thinks about it when she was in his arms. It was something she never experienced before and was confused at first. Then it all hit her. That is a memory she holds dear, being in his arms, realizing that someone is willing to go out and risk their life for an apostle. Not just any apostle but for her. Since then she has wanted to maintain feeling and comfort.

She looks directly at Karlin, making her point. "Think about it, a mortal risked his life to save an immortal. That makes no sense but that still happened."

"Wow. I am impressed. But are you not worried what happens with Taylin will happen again?" Karlin asked.

"No. Not at all. I believe in their mission. While not perfect, if half of the things they represent are true, then this world will blossom. That is one of the reasons why I am here. They need my guidance for them to achieve their goals. I don't want them to fall into the trap the Empire did." She explains.

"I see that. But you need to remember Rory, they can't help you delay your ascension to godhood." Karlin said.

She takes a deep breath knowing she is correct.

Over the centuries she has been wanting to delay her ascension. While living a full life, seeing, and experiencing things that most could never imagine, there are still things she wants to experience and witness.

"I know… but I will find a way to delay it. It is not fair." She said.

"It is not fair that an apostle can live a thousand years. Most people would sell their daughter just to get a fraction of that life span." Karlin points out.

"Yes… I know. What I mean is… you know. As an apostle, we can see and do things mortals cannot do. However, I cannot have children and experience being a mother. The one great thing a woman can do and yet I and you can't be a part of that." She said, annoyed by that fact.

It is not like she is going baby crazy, she accepted that fact centuries ago. As apostles, the gods want them to fully commit to representing their values and beliefs, spreading them around Falmart. Seeing families around though sometimes reminds her that she is different.

It is not just that, when she and all other apostle ascends to godhood, they lose all emotional connection to the physical world. Love, hate, sadness, happiness all would be forgotten, and she would feel nothing once she ascends. Any trace of her humanity would be stripped away and that scares her.

"I feel like if I stay around him, my presence in the world will have an impact. That maybe I can still feel and live longer. For the past hundred years, I felt very disconnected. The time with him has shown that I can still make a difference but at the same time, I can just have fun. I can be a… well… little girl as you say…"

She stops and smiles, cheeks all rosy. "I can live."

"Well, Rory. I am happy for you. I hope you find what you are looking for. I would like to meet him soon." Karlin said.

"Well, I will try. We are shipping out tomorrow. He likes to do things his way. That is one of the reasons why I like him. I do not have to carry that load on my shoulders anymore. I can just help him succeeds." She responds.

"So, what are your plans here then?" She asked her.

"My current plan is to continue making sweeties. During that, I will try and add value when I can and where I can. See where I can help out, maybe I can help reteach my beliefs to that girl Selina." Karlin said. "If you don't mind keeping this a secret though? Right now, I prefer to keep my statues of an apostle a secret."

"Why? The Americans are not going to care. My word carries a large weight. If I say your cool, then they will accept that. You don't have to fear them." She said, confused by the request.

"I know. It is not about them. I do not want my statues of the apostle of Miritta to get in the way from people asking for my impute. Being the sweet grandmother and giving advice seems to be working for me right now. I think it will be best if I maintain that public image." Karlin explains.

She nods. "Alright, I will let you be. But I do recommend you telling the people in charge. They might keep your secret if they already know. One thing I have learned is that trust is deeply valued by these people. If you tell the ones in charge now, they will more likely let you do your thing compare to if they find out later."

"Hmm, thank you for the advice. I am happy for you Rory. We should have another chat when you come back." Karlin finishes.


--- Somewhere in the southern Dumas Mountain Range ---

October 11th, 2025

This scout American soldier is crawling on the ground, breathing heavily.

He and his four fellow soldiers were to escort this small caravan of refugees and trades to a town on the Blue Sea. It was supposed to be an easy mission, about the Empire ambushed them.

As he crawls on the ground, he can hear the civilians in the background yelling and crying, scared for their lives.

It only took moments for his unit to be wiped out the Empire force. It was like nothing he has ever seen before. He got wounded with this arrow in his back and his leg cut off. His fellow soldiers suffered far worse.

He hears these footsteps walk up to him.

Pushing himself up, he looks over to see the boy who did this.

Looking up, he sees this silver-haired boy with a battleax. There are bullet holes in his body as blood pours out of the boy. None of it seems to affect him.

He could not only watch as the ax is raised and then swing down at him.


After executing the Other Worlder soldier, Taylin picks up his ax and looks to the peasants who were with these Americans.

He then looks over to the few soldiers of the Empire who helped in the sneak attack. Well, they more just distracted so he could flip over their vehicle. He did not want to face that large weapon on top of it, learning that the hard way in Sadera.

"Lord Taylin, we achieved a victory. What should we do with the prisoners?" A soldier asked.

He looks over to them. "They are enemies of the Empire and wish to bring instability to this world. Kill them."

"Sir." The soldier said and then walks over to his men.

He turns around and starts walking away, hearing the screams of the peasants as they beg to be spared.

As he walks, a horse rider arrives. "Lord Taylin, Emperor Molt has requested your presence. It is about the war in Elies."

He has not been in Sadera since that attack. Most of the fighting has been in Elies right now, a fight be is interested in getting involved. "Ok."


