Chapter 86 Operation Squeeze Play

"The Battle of Havcristen begins. The road to Havcristen has took NATO two months, being forced to take multiple cities to create staging grounds for this assault.

Around Alnus Hill the Empire employed traditional ancient warfare tactics, large formations in line formation, marching directly to your enemy. This active has made it easier for NATO forces killing Imperial forces in the tens of thousands with little cost. Enrolling mind-blowing death numbers. These tactics allowed NATO to easily deploy their divers' weapons.

In the Elies Region, the Imperial Army has deployed their Legions in a new manner. General Krysist and Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk deployed their forces in entrench position. They are using cover and using the environment to their advantage. Besides having large armies deployed as one, smaller units are spread out to cover more ground

At first this took NATO by surprise but quickly adopted. Artillery and air support engage these smaller-entrenched units, NATO flushed out the Imperial forces. Then ground forces cleared them up the rest.

NATO forces stormed through the capital of Havcristen. The defenders through their walls would protect them however Air Assault forces flew over them and secured strategic positions on the easter side of the city, ruining the defender's response.

Distracted, NATO armored easily broke through, allowing the Infantry to storm the city. As of now, street to street fighting as NATO forces advance through the city." – Free Alnus News


--- Havcristen, The Greater Elies Region ---

October 18th, 2025

Vanguard-7 is currently riding inside a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. Their mission is clear out this building that seems to be some rich man palace.

Colonel Yang informed Sharpe that their mission is to storm the building and push the Imperialist forces out. The 1st Cavalry soldiers will be outside the facility to clean up everyone they push out.

Glancing to his left, he sees his girls, Rory Mercury, Lelei La Lalena, and now Tuka Luna Marceau. He finds it humorous how nervous they seem like the ride in the helicopter.

He is interested in seeing how Tuka handles under pressure of a real mission. The only reason he has allowed her to come is that she seems to handle herself well back at the fortress. She did come back and save him, so he owns her a chance at least.

While Rory and Lelei have done an air assault before, that was only once in Sadera. All three of them do not use to flying in the air. "It is ok ladies. Just relax."

The Blackhawk shakes a little from the battle raging below. Lelei looks to him and gives him a thumbs-up, trying to keep her spirit up.

He looks at his team and sees everyone is eager to get back into the fight. He is to however a little bit unnerved by what Pina said.

After that conversation, it reminded him of another conversation when he first took command of his Delta unit. His old mentor Harper told him about how not to rely on technology. That the United States is technology the most powerful nation on Earth, and now on two worlds.

However, it still took two decades to clear our insurgents in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia. It still took the men and women to go in and occupy the street after street.

He has no doubt NATO will take the city and quickly. It is not going to be like Sergeant Major Randy Dodson's stories, taking months if not years to take full control of a city.

"Alright Vanguard, listen up. I know we been through this back in Kerush but I want to go through this one more time." He said, getting everyone's attention.

"As part of Operation Squeeze Play, our mission is to clear out this building code name Combat Outpost Serenity This is part of Major General Stanford plan is to push the Empire out of the city. To do that effectually and prevent a long-term insurgency we have to do that by the street."

"Combat Outpost Serenity is our first step in SCHB. We are assisting Major Bronston battalion in taking this place. Our mission is to repel down to the roof and sweep the building. We are going to push them out."

SCHB(1) stands for Seize, Clear, Hold, Build. During the Battle of Ramadi in 2006, the 1st Armored Division developed a new strategy that turns the tide for Coalition forces. Before that, it seemed nearly impossible to take the city and push out the Islamic Insurgency(2).

SCHB sends a military unit moves into an enemy-controlled section of the city and takes a key building or point. Then you clear out the remaining insurgents in the sector and hold the line. As you prevent the enemy from retaking the sector, you build a Combat Outpost to establish a permanent presence. This prevents the enemy from retaking the sector after you cleared it out.

"And then 1st Cav is going to chew them up!" Alicia said all excited.

"Damn right," Private Second-Class Scott replied.

He is happy to see the morale is high. While he has little experience in urban warfare, he understands it can get dicey. Even a puppy can still bite.

"That is correct. We will be splitting into two groups. Lieutenant Johnson will take Dodson, Scott, Frost. Remember l, the Sergeant Major served in Operation Phantom Strike in Iraq and has experience in this type of warfare." He said, making sure everyone understands.

"That is correct kids. I have full experience in fighting Human space aliens on another world. Fighting people that look like Romans." Randy said in a sarcastic voice.

According to Dodson record, Operation Phantom Strike(3) was his first combat debut. He is happy that he has someone he can rely on in Urban fighting, with his experience.

Everyone laughs at that; all understand the context behind it. Even Rory and Lelei picked up on the joke, showing how much, they adopted to our humor and understanding. Only Tuka did not laugh at the smart-ass joke.

"It is ok Tuka, you will pick up on our humor. Soon enough." He responds.

"If not, you will end up crazy," Rory adds with a smirk.

He then hears the pilot tell him over the NW system. He looks forward to seeing the city. Smoke can be seen from the city.

"Holy smokes," Private First-Class Frost comments.

He looks out the left side. On the ground, he sees thousands of NATO and other Coalition personnel. They pass six M119 towed artillery dozens of heavy equipment like tanks and armored personnel carriers and more.

He looks over to the girls and sees this 'Aww' expression on their faces. Even though they have been around for a while now, this is the first time they have seen the full-blown operation that is ongoing. Seeing thirty-five thousand troops from all nations. From armored units to logistics to security to command-and-control operations and far more. Seeing how complex and moving parts in the American military machine.

As they pass the wall, he sees three major holes in the outer wall. The three gaps are large enough to fit two or three vehicles in at once, going around

"What happened to the city wall? There is this massive hole in them now." Lelei ask.

"Because Lieutenant General Stanford didn't like how the door looked." Alicia comments, referencing the city's main entrance door.

"It was decided not to trust going through the main gate. When our Marines invaded Algnus they ran into heavy resists when going through the main entrance. We expect the same type of resist when we go in, so it was decided to create our own. There are breakthroughs like this all around the east wall." He explains.

"Correct. Concentrate M1 tank fire and close air support easily blown through their defenses and now we can attack how we want." Johnson adds.

"Wow… you guys are brutal." Tuka said, surprised how easily they can roll over a city defense.

"That's nothing. You should have seen the gunship the first time we came here. Damn." Rory said with an evil chuckle, enjoying the memory of all those dead Imperialists.

"Damn, I want to be down there," Alicia said as she looks out the window.

He moves over to the window next to him. Down below he sees NATO forces fighting in the streets. Their armored vehicles moving through the streets, destroying entrenched positions. Soldiers and Marines beginning to clear out the building after building.

It seemed Stanford flank tactic did the trick. The fighting looks intense as they begin clearing outbuildings.

The Blackhawk flies over the target buildings and begins to hover to the room. Both doors open and the rope on both ends release down.

He moves through everyone and grabs the rope. He looks to his girls. "Alright, just remember how I explained before. Grip but not too hard. If anything happens, I will be down below to catch. And remember!" He waits until he knows he has this full attention. "Han shot first."

After saying that he slides down the rope. As he slides down, he can hear Rory asking what he just said, confused as hell. "God, I love my job." He said with a smirk.

He lands on the roof and aims his M4A1 carbine. Right behind him is the rest of the team landing. They find out and begin securing the area.

"Major, be advised. We are detecting Imperialist inbounded on the second floor. Transmitting feed to your NW(4)." Blackhawk pilot said.

"Roger that." He responds and turns around.

He then starts pointing to where he wants everyone.

Around him, his team starts to get into position. Some of them head to the side and start open firing at any hostiles that move.

Once he sees that everyone is out of the Blackhawk, he gives the order to move out. "Rory, you're up. Everyone follows behind."

Rory smirks and then jumps off this part of the roof and lands down to the open part of the third floor.

He can hear these two Imperialist yells at her until they realize who they are facing. Right then he hears them scream as they are sliced to death.

"Damn… I don't want to be on her bad side." Scott points out, saying what everyone is thinking.

"No shit… Alright, move it!" He orders at everyone.

He heads right after Rory. Right behind him is the rest of the team.

He looks to Lieutenant Johnson. "head out. Well, meet in the courtyard."

After watching Johnsons team heads down the other direction, he looks at his team.

He gives them the nod to move out.

They find the entrance they need, seeing it being guarded by a few soldiers. He points to Alicia and Steele and all three of them open fire.

Five soldiers in all different kinds of uniforms fall in a moment, bodies full of bullets.

"Move out." He said as he storms ahead.

As they move through the hallway, he can hear soldiers yelling and screaming everywhere. Horns can be heard while a raging battle taking place outside.

He sees Alicia firing down the hall. There are these three Imperialist soldiers, the first two are in the lone formation, hiding behind their shields.

The M4A1 5.56x45mm caliber rounds tear through their shields, going down quickly.

He takes a quick look around, seeing where he wants to go. While Johnson team clears out the outer areas of the compound, he wants to take the command post.

That is when they hear this roar. He remembers that sound, from a male Minotaur.

If he were the leader of this compound, he would keep an assist like that to protect the leadership. That means that is where the leadership should be.

He looks to Rory and sees her getting g jumpy. He understands that the souls of the dead pour through her body. Unless she engages in a fight, she becomes a liability during a fight. The issue for him is that she prefers to go out and do her own thing during a fight, a wildcard. The Army teaches not to have wildcards.

"Rory, search and destroy that Minotaur. No funny business this time though." He orders, remember what happened last time.

"No worry boss," Rory said with a wink, brushing off his concerns.

Seeing her jump out of the open wall, heading down the courtyard, he faces the rest of his team. "Alright, begin room by room sweep. Tuka, stay by and help Steel cover the flanks. You see anyone takes them out. They are going to try and swarm us."

He then looks to Alicia and Lelia. "Room by room sweep. Lelei, blast the door open. Alicia, follow me inside."

After giving the order they all move into position.

As he moves down the hall, firing his rifle to take out a guard. He points right where he wants Lelei to stand. Alicia did not need direction, being a Ranger, she knows what to do.

He watches as Lelei stands by the door. She places her staff forward, pointing the blue orb at the door. With one small chant, this magical force shatters the wooden door into the room.

He then moves into the room, rifle ready and shoots this Imperialist soldier who was recovering. Alicia comes up behind and takes down another one.

He then fires his rifle again at this other man. He misses as the Imperialist soldier rushes into the next room.

"On my six!" He yells as he rushes to the corner of the pathway.

Peaking around he sees three men and an elf. They pull out their sword hut the else, arrow glowing, aiming right where he is. "Oh shit."

He leans back and sees this part of the wall gets destroyed by the force of the wind magic enhancing the arrow.

"Damn sir," Alicia said, witnessing what just happen.

He looks at her and then at Lelei. "Use your telekinesis. Make a mess."

As Lelei gets herself ready, he signals to Alicia to get into position.

Both him and Alicia begin firing into the room, keeping them pinned.

One of the soldiers falls onto a table after getting shot while another ditches his shield and charges into the Rangers room. The elf archer fired another concentrated shot, forcing Alicia and him to back away.

As he adjusts himself, he sees Alicia dodge and attacks that swordsman, taking it close and personal. Using her M4A1 rifle to block the man's sword. The Imperialist soldier is far strong and taller than her however she effectually used his weight against him.

He steps forward to help but then remembers the other soldiers in the room.

He looks and sees dishes and other objects flying around, distracting them at first.

Not wanting them to flank Alicia, he rushes into the room and fires. They both go down quickly.

He turns around and sees Alicia finishing up with the male soldier she was fighting.

"Bastard, thought I was going to be easy because I am a woman?" Alicia chuckles as she kicks the dead body.

Before he can comment he hears more troops. "Form up. Take position at that door."

As the three moves to the next door, he informs Steele and Tuka to be ready. He plans to squeeze these people out into the open so they can be picked off.

Just like last time, Lelei burst the door open. Then Alicia and he storm in, letting loose their weapons. Either the Imperialists inside either die or rush out of the room. Then Tuka or Steele mops them up.

After a few rooms, he, and his team head out into the main hallway. Unlike the hallways back at base, the walls of these hallways are open to the world.

When get gets back outside he can see the smoke in the distance, helicopters, and jets flying by. The sound of artillery and heavy weapons.

Over on the other side of the compound, he can see the rest of his team engaging the Empire.

Then this goblin drops from the roof and lands close to him, charging at him. As he aims his rifle, this arrow hits it right in the eye.

He turns around and sees Tuka. He gives her a nod and then looks around.

He rallies his team and then continues to clear out the building.

--- Later ---

Tuka is sitting on this barrel, eating this apple. "Well, this was an interesting time."

"Yeah, this is your first mission with us. An official at least." Lelei points out.

"Yup! Welcome to the team girl!" Rory yells as she pulls out her Halbert out of this Minotaur skull. She then swings it over her shoulder and walks over.

She looks at them and smile. "Well, it was fun. It is nice not running away all the time."

She then looks out and sees all these soldiers walking around. They are cleaning up the dead bodies and bring in equipment.

"I did not realize how destructive these people are. Is this normal for you two?" She asks, seeing the smoke coming from the city.

"Not yet. This is our first-time part of the larger-scale operation." Lelei answers.

"Look at Lelei, speaking like the Major. Large scale operation." Rory said poking fun at Lelei.

Lelei just shots Rory a glare.

She laughs at the two, sees how they pick on each other. She then notices the V-7 badges on their arms. She saw them wearing it before when they first met. Then again when they were flying to the city.

"How did you two get those badges?" She asks.

Both girls look at her, and then at their badges and then at each other. The end that by looking back to her.

"These badges represent that were part of the Sharpe team," Rory states with pride. She then places her finger on her chin. "Or is it 'Sharpe's Rifles' now. I wonder why the change."

"Correct. We fought many battles and have been by his side since they first arrived." Lelei adds. "Why do you ask?"

"Because she wants one," Rory answers the question.

Rory then looks back at her and gives her a big smile. "Don't worry about it Tuka. You will get one soon enough. We had to bust our backs to earn these."

"Well, I did save him." She points out.

"And that is why you are here now. Let me…" Rory was saying before this helicopter flies overhead slowly, heading deeper into the city. "Hey! I was talking!"

"I think I get it." She responds. "But as I said, they seem destructive in their wars."

"I have been studying their history. While I only scratched the surface, I realized that we have yet to see the full might of their military. This is only a small portion." Lelei said.

She could not believe what Lelei said. "How? There are tens of thousands of them."

"On our world. Their civilization is far bigger than ours. If they wish they could annex all this world there is nothing the Empire or anyone could do to stop them. But they have chosen to work with the local population when they are not hostile." Lelei said.

That is when Sharpe walks up to them. Right behind him is Alicia, holding the radio handle.

"Alright, ladies. Good job today but this is just the start. We will be holding up here for the night. 1st Cav agreed to let you have a room on the east wing." Sharpe said.

She smiles, seeing how he is trying to look over her and the other two. Because she could say anything though, she sees the Alicia woman telling him something.

"Sorry girls, I got to go. Staff meeting." He then starts to leave but stops and turns to all the girls. "Do not leave these walls." And then he looks directly at Rory.

"What?" Rory asks, shocked by his action.

"No worry sir. I won't let Rory out of my sight." Lelei said with a smile, grabbing Rory by her clothes.

He nods and then walks away.

When he leaves, she looks back at her friends. "Hey, so what does Han shot first mean?"

Again, both Rory and Lelei look at each other and shrug their shoulders.

"We have no idea."


As Private First-Class Alicia follows her CO to the makeshift officer quarters, she is surprised when he asks her a question.

"Alicia, when did you learn how to fight like that?" Sharpe asks.

She can help herself but smirk. "You're asking because I am a woman, are you?"

"If you are going to be blunt, yes." Sharpe responds unfazed.

She then frowns, realizing her little evil plan did not work.

She sees him glance behind to see her. "I deal with Rory all day; you are going to have to do better than sexist jokes." He finishes with a chuckle.

"Yeah… I guess your right there. I have gotten lazy on picking on yeah." She said and thought about his question.

"Well, I never was a girly girl like my sister. I got in a lot of fights in high school. No gang stuff just fights. Guys are naturally strong, so I had to learn to think smart. So, I learned how to use their strengths against them."

"I am impressed." He comments.

She looks at him and smiles. If someone told her that she was going to be fighting human aliens, she never would believe it. Glad she made the right choice because it is paying off now.

"Why do you ask sir?" She asks.

"No reason. I have just noticed that over the months. You have some good skill; it comes naturally for you." Sharpe said.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yup. You jump out in the middle of battle gets a bit annoying for my taste. But when I am in a jam, I don't have to worry about you. Always good to have a wildcard. There are some advance martial art styles that might be able to help you." Sharpe said.

"Are you being nice to me?" She said smirking.

Sharpe gets to the door and looks to her. "Don't let it get to your head Moore."

"You don't have to call people by their rank all the time, sir." She said to him.

Sharpe then looks to her as he grabs the door handle. "Then I would have to remember everyone names." He gives her a wink and then walks inside the makeshift office.


Sharpe walks into the office and sees a few 1st Cav officers. He sees Major Bronston standing at a table.

"Good job Major. Colonel Robert sends his thanks for the mission." Bronston said.

"Nothing we haven't done before Major." He responds. "What can I do for you or is this a social visit?"

"Nope, Business Major. I read your report on what happened at the fortress. While my men were going through all the intel, one of them found these documents." Bronston said.

That is when Bronston hands him the documents. He looks through them and cannot understand anything. "Ok, and?"

This red ferry flies over. "Do you see this seal here Major?"

He looks to the ferry and is surprised to see it. He has seen a few back in Alnus but they usually spend their time at the State Department. He has nothing personal against them, they just creep him out for some reason.

"Ok. Am I supposed to know what this seal means?" He asks, still confused.

"You people think you can come to this world and not learn the local writing. Silly, look. This is the Seal of General Krysist." The ferry explains.

That got his attention. He looks to the red ferry. "He is here? Are you sure?"

"This is my job. I came here to help your people find intelligence that might be useful for you." The ferry explains.

"When she brought this to me, I figured you might want to know."

He puts down the documents and thinks.

He has found that man to be extremely dangerous. It was pure luck that Vanguard-7 was about to get away casualties. It was such a gamble to send Captain Bailey and the rest of his team the other way around, something he was not happy about.

Last ten years he had to hunt down, and fight people like him. Dangerous people. It was not a pleasant thing to do, hunting a man and removing them as a threat. Out of all the evil people he had to face, only one got away, the King of the drug cartels.

It was not easy making the transition into the Rangers, feeling like he failed and was not worthy. Part of the reason why he was able to pick himself back up and move on is that he swore to never again fail like that.

"Thank you very much for this information. I got to go."



(0)Operation Squeeze Play was a combined U.S./Iraqi sweep of the western suburbs of Baghdad launched on 22 May 2005

(1)SCHB = Seize, Clear, Hold, Build

(2)Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink (Author), Leif Babin (Author)

(3)Operation Phantom Strike was a major offensive launched by the Multi-National Corps - Iraq on 15 August 2007

(4)NW = NETT Warrior
