Chapter 91 Rise From Fallen


--- Combat Outpost Serenity, Havcristen, The Greater Elies Region ---

November 1st, 2025

Sharpe stands there and watches Princess Pina walk away.

He cannot believe what just happened. He notices everyone around, his Vanguard team, other Vanguard teams, and other soldiers from the 1st Cav and 101st Airborne Divisions saw that.

In pure reaction, he looks down at Rory, Lelei, and Tuka to see their reaction. While they are not fawn of the Princess or the Empire, he can see in their eyes that they didn't disagree with her, but they fully agreed.

"Sharpe, she is right. That is why we all fallen in love with yeah," Rory bluntly said.

"You never let others sway your values before Major. What I liked about you the most is how you are always confident in what you do. When you speak, there is never any hint of doubt and I can always rely on what you say," Lelei adds with a smile.

"Yeah, I am still new here, but you didn't have to do what you did for my people," Tuka said.

"Never thought that hot air would leak out boss," Private First-Class Alicia Moore said as she and the other Vanguard-7 come around.

He notices his team pops up.

"We all been through a lot, sir. Many of us probably would be dead by now if it weren't you keeping an eye on us." Scott Marvin said.

"Look, there is a lot of things that we wouldn't be doing. We probably never would have helped or brought those Alnus refugees." Corporal Andrew Steele points out.

"Or kick those Imperial bandit asses in Italica. Now we get a free beer there for life for saving them." Scott Marvin said in a cocky voice. After saying that, he gets a hit in the head by both Rory and Alicia.

"Yup. And remember what you said to that Navy Seal Lieutenant Commander? Based on an Imperialist Civi, you defied orders and get off to rescue another one of our people. We all followed your boss because, that was the right thing." Alicia Moore said.

He sits back down after taking a glance at everyone. He then investigates that fire that Tuka started. He then starts to think about all the examples they all brought up.

He then thinks about his old mentor Harbor always said. 'You are what you need to be'.

He looks into the fire and thinks. He makes sure he has his Colt M1911 and stands up.

"Everyone stands down. We have a strict order not to do anything and I don't want anyone court marshaled," He said.

When he said that he sees some dread in their eyes, thinking they did not get through to him.

"Understood?" He said again in his commanding tone.

"Yes sir," Rory said, moving her hand in a not approving way.

"Good." He said. "Now I will be back."

After saying that he walks off.


Rory watches Sharpe walk away, confused, and concerned about what he is going to do.

"Ahh, Jackson! What are you doing?" She asked, genuinely concern about his wellbeing.

Sharpe turns around with a serious face. "I am getting my logistical officer back. I am not going to do all of this paperwork."

She could not help herself but smirk form that. "What a stubborn idiot he is."

Alicia laughs and crosses her arms. "I call dips."

She looks over to her warrior friend with confusion. "Dips?"

Alicia looks at Rory and smiles. "The next time he needs a smack on the face. If I knew that would have worked, I would have done it back on Earth."

She giggles at what Alicia said but then thinks. After some thought, she decides that if anyone is ever going to hurt him, it will be her and no one else.

"No, that is my right!" She responds directly to Alicia.

She then hears Johnson walk up behind her.

"Hello Lieutenant, so are we just staying here?" Tuka asked.

"Yes. We cannot just leave and storm in. He has a point; we might get court marshaled. However…," Johnson said.

"We are civilians and we do not have to obey his orders." Lelei points out.

"Correct. Rangers are ready to be useful. Rory, Tuka. Follow him but be quiet. Intervene only if you need to. Use the rooftops so you are not spotted." Johnson said and turned to Lelei. "Sorry, Lelei but you will have to stay behind."

"I understand. We each have our specialties. Good luck Rory and Tuka." Lelei said.

She nods her head and smiles. She then looks to Tuka.

They gather their things and head out.


Princess Pina is back with Lieutenant General Stanford, Colonel Yang and now Colonel Robert. They have been talking about the current situation of the battle.

So far, they have been talking about how to storm the city. The stone bridges are not strong enough to support their vehicles. They have been debating how to cross the river, debating to fly in a prebuilt bridge or do a helo-drop.

She has been in battles with these NATO forces before and one thing she has learned is their weapons make a lot of noise. She has noticed how quiet it is right now.

She expected to see them raining down their superior firepower into Krysist half of the city but right now nothing. They are probably worried about killing one of their own since she could be anywhere.

She then notices a reaction coming from the officers, looking behind her.

She turns around and watches as Major Sharpe walks up.

Sharpe walks up and stands, giving a salute to the three officers. She has noticed that this is their way of lower-ranking military members showing respect to their higher-ranking officers." Permission to take Princess Pina, sir."

She sees Colonel Yang get a frustrated look on his face as he crosses his arms. "Major, I already told you…"

"Permission granted Major." Major General Stanford said.

Sharpe nods and then looks to her. "You want to help?"

"Ahh… yes."

"Move out Princess."

He then turns around and starts heading west, to the bridge.

She quickly follows him and gets up to his side.

"What is going on?"

"I need your help, Pina. Right now, you are the only one that makes this successful."

She smiles, finally feeling useful.

It took a little time to get to the bridge. They start crossing it, heading to the Empire side of the city.

As they approach, she can see the manmade fortifications the Imperial soldiers made. It looks like their version of what the Americans call sandbags.

As they walk, she sees more of more solders come out of hiding, waiting for them. She realizes it has been a long time since she has been around her own people, excluding her Knights.

Seeing them from this point of view gives her mix feelings. She is helping her people enemy that is trying to save one of their own.

She is doing this to help build a dialogue and to help forge peace between her and their people. If this is what needs to be done that, she knows she must do it. She is the Princess of the Empire, after all, these are her people and should listen to her.

As they approach, she hears Sharpe say something. "Pina, thank you."

She looks to him and smile, feeling like all that work she has been doing has paid off.


When they get to the end of the bridge, these Imperialist soldiers form up to greet them.

Looking at their armor and cloths, Sharpe is still impressed by how similar they are to the Roman Empire. While their armor looks like the ones from ancient Rome, there are differences. One day the historians will have to figure this out but not today, he is on a mission.

This soldier walks up, sword in hand. "What is the meaning of this?"

Pina steps forward, between them.

"Legionnaire. I am Princess Piña Co Lada of the Empire. We have come to have an audience with General Krysist. You will let us pass; I command it."

"If you are the princes, where is your crown?" Another soldier asked.

Pina glares at them. "Are you asking a question to a royal family member."

She then reaches into a pocket and pulls out this piece of cloths. She shows it to the soldiers, showing the Royal Family Seal.

Once they see that they back away, apologizing to her.

"You are forgiven. Now take me to General Krysist camp now. Let's go, Sharpe."

Seeing that, he follows her through the Empire defensive line.

As he walks, this one big soldier walks up to him, clearly not liking his presence.

He stops and looks directly into his eye, sensing trouble. "Get back before I rip your skull out and beat you to death with it."

He looks directly at that man, unwavering. As Pina said before, setting the standard so no one messes with them.

The soldier backs away, seeing the threat and he continues to follow her.

As they walk through the city, seeing the deteriorating situation on this side of the city. Soldiers, many look half dead sitting and standing around. Many of them look hungry, probably getting little food each day.

Many looks demoralize from the fighting, probably from the condense bombardment from NATO weapons. He also notices not many soldiers and civilians are in the open street, all staying close to the buildings. Most likely trying to hide from our drones, knowing if we find them, we can strike quickly.

However, she can see their spirits have not broken. She cannot image how these Imperial soldiers can still have the will to fight. She wonders what Krysist and Muilk have said or done to keep these soldiers' spirits up.

As they walk, Pina looks up at him. "Can you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Rip someone skull out and kill them? Wouldn't they be dead?"

"No, just making sure we had a mutual understanding of what I would do to him. Nothing more." He responds.

"You are a strange person, Major Sharpe." She said.

"It has kept me alive all these years," He replied, thinking about the bridge now.

"Pina, what happens to your crown?"

"I sold it to get information. This dwarf knew were some of your people were at and that was all I had to offer," Pina responds.

"Oh, I am sorry about that," He said, did not know what else to say.

"Don't be. I am not. I can always get another one," She said, looking to time with a smile.

"Now, do you have a plan?" She asked him.

The truth is that he doesn't have a full out plan. In the past, he always had a plan but knew no plan survives first contact. He always had to be flexible to the changing environment and when he gets new information.

"Working on it."

He sees her sign, realizing they are walking into one of the most dangerous generals the Empire has without a solid plan. "You are kidding right."

"Krysist has Sarah. We think we would do what we did in Sadera right. Go all in, guns blazing. And he expects me to act like him. So, I am going to do what he is not expecting." He answers and walks past her. "Follow my lead."

After saying that he sees the soldier there following takes them to this building.

He walks in first with Pina right behind her. As they walk through, he sees more soldiers, wearing more special kind of armor.

"This way. He is currently in the war room," The soldier said. "If you try anything, we will kill you."

"Understood." He replied and walked into the war room.

When he does, he sees Krysist looking down at a hand-drawn map of the city. Little flags and figures all over the place.

"I said I did not want to be interrupted," Krysist said in a tired and annoyed voice.

"I don't give a damn." He responds as he walks in.

Krysist looks up fast, eyes shocked to see him in his war room. "How the…"

"I allowed him in here," Pina answers before he would finish. She walks in behind him.

He gets a good luck at Krysist. He looks like in the same sorry state he himself is in. No sleep, tired, dirty, and more. He looks shocked at what is happening, a feeling he is probably not accustomed to.

Krysist then looks away from Pina with this hatred look on his face.

He can see Krysist looking back at him as he walks to the other side of the War table, not caring about the other soldiers in the room. He is not worried about any of them if there is one thing, he has learned about Krysist is that he prefers to do things himself. No worries about someone sneaking in and attacking him.

He can see Krysist still adjusting to this new reality that he is standing here, think something complex in his head. Probably trying to figure out if he is about to be attacked or if there something more going on.

"I can assume we are about to be attacked. But using our Princess as a shield, interesting," Krysist said.

"I am not being used as a shield. I came here too…" Pina said before being interrupted by Krysist.

Krysist looks directly at her with an angry expression. "You shut up you traitorous whore. You are working with the enemy of this world and you think you can come down here and speak to me woman! Next word I will…"

"Krysist! Shut the fuck up. Your business is with me." He responds, seeing that he did not like that someone spoke like that to Pina. He must admit, he respects Pina now.

Krysist looks back at him. "You are correct." He then leans forward, placing both hands on the table. "I can assume you are here for the woman?"

"You should become Batman sidekick with those detective skills. You have one of my soldiers and me to bring her back. I am not leaving until then." He responds.

"I see where she got that tone from now. It is brave for you to show up here like this," Krysist said.

"Na, just stupid enough to do it. Nothing like the war with the Walrus Nanookwaffe back in 1947(1)." He responds, showing no emotion.

He sees Krysist think about what he said, probably trying to figure out what any of that meant. Just a reference to his brain-dead show Family guy. There is a reason why he calls himself an honest liar.

"Ok. So, you came here to trade? The Princess whore for one of your own?" Krysist asked.

He can see in his tone that he is still figuring out the situation, at least a little. It is how he is speaking rather than the tone.

He glances over to Pinas she looks at him. He can see on her face that she did not expect him to trade her for Sarah. She is wondering if that was his plan all along.

He looks away and back to Krysist. "I am an American, we do not trade our people for one of ours."

Krysist chuckles a little from hearing that.

The chuckle seems strange to him like there is more to it than he is letting on. He decides to ignore any hiding meaning, for now, is the only priority is Sarah.

"If you are not willing to trade my own princess for her, then what do you have to offer. From what I understand about your scrolls, you would trade yourself," Krysist said.

He delays his answer, looking directly into Krysist eyes. "Correct. You told me back at the fortress you wanted me. Here I am. You can give me what I want, and you got your wish, or I can come back and put a bullet in your head."

The room is deal silence as everyone waits for Krysist responds.

He can feel the sweat coming down his face. Even though it is cold outside, the tension in the room is becoming heartbreaking. He understands one wrong move and Sarah is dead.

"Are you sure you want to do this for spoiled goods?" Krysist said with a chuckle.

He could not help himself but wonder about that mean of that. An expression Krysist noticed.

He watches him reach into a bag and pull out this olive-green bra.

Krysist slowly lowers the bra onto his side of the war table intently slow. "For a woman, she put up an impressive fight. The men found her incredibly attractive. Each wanting a turn to rape her."

He looks at the bra and then at him, assuming all the worse things. He is so sick and tired of this world and how inhumane these people are. Sarah doesn't deserve any of this, being a very sweet and caring girl.

He looks up at him, with a ferrous look. He can tell Krysist can see his new expression.

"I find it fascinating your kind sends your women to war and yet get angry about the consequences. And then you think you can come here and negotiate for her release." Krysist said in a lecturing tone. "Your kind is so soft, and you think…"

"Fuck it," He said, tired and had enough.

He uses all his strength and forces the table into Krysist. Once he got him distracted and off-balance, he tosses the table up and to the side.

He then rushes forward and dodges a defensive punch from him. In return, he gets a punch on Krysist side. That left him open for Krysist to land on in his gut. Luckily, his vest absorbs most of the impact however his body is already tired.

They both lock arms and pull each other every way. These two soldiers rush up to try and kill him but Krysist looks over. "Do not dare!" He said, forcing himself to speak.

He swings Krysist around and rams him against the wall.

But Krysist lands a knee jab into his side, forcing him to back away.

Krysist throws another punch however misses.

He grabs his armor chest piece and tosses him around.

Letting go, they both take a step back as they regain their balance. Then they both go at it again, trying to get a knockout punch. Each blocking or getting side gaps at each other.

They grab each other by the side and swing around again. They both try to ram one and another into the wall, hoping to get the advantage however both end up smacking against it.

They both move away from the wall and then stand there. Krysist looks down, catching his breath while Sharpe holds onto his side, trying to breathe.

After a second, they both begin to go at it again before Pina jumps into the middle of them. "Knock it off, both of you! This is not why we are here."

Both stop, catching their breath.

"The royal whore is correct," Krysist said.

"Then agree to my terms." He responds, placing his hand on his side.

He sees Krysist think on it some more. He looks around at the princess and then his men like he is doing a math equation.

Krysist finally looks back at him, looking directly at his eye. "No. I do not accept your trade offer."

Hearing him reject his trade confuses him greatly. He thought Krysist wanted him for some grand master thing. He was willing to trade his life to save hers, a particularly good trade. A Major, someone he considered a major threat to personally target for a First Lieutenant woman.

"Your fucking kidding me…" He said panting a bit, getting frustrated. He takes a step back, wanting to restart this fight again. Pina stops him though and holds him back.

Krysist holds out a figure, telling him to wait a moment as he catches his breath.

They both had a long, drawn-out fight last night. It is good to see him still drained from it like him.

"What!" He asked with a demanding tone.

"I will give back your woman but in return, I want a seven-day cease-fire," Krysist said. He then turns around and looks to this eleven-year-old boy. "You boy, drink. Now."

He watches the boy runoff and then looks back to Krysist. "You want a cease-fire in return?"

"Yes. Tell your leaders that I will withdraw my Legions from the city if you promise not to molest my forces for seven days," Krysist said.

Seeing that their fight is over, he stands fully up and thinks on the counteroffer. "Seven days. What makes you offer that?"

"Because I know you will convince your superiors to agree to that. If you don't, I will finish off your lady friend. Then your forces will flood my side of the river and we will have a bloody fight to the last man. While you will win, the taste of blood will spoil any victory you might try to achieve." Krysist said in a defiant tone.

He thinks about it. He worries is that this is Krysist, a man that always has a trap within a trap. He looks around and looks at his men. He remembers what he saw outside the building. These people are spent.

He looks to Pina and sees her smile, kind of helping him stand up. He then looks to Krysist. "I accept."

"I know you would Major Jackson Sharpe. You are a man of honor, a worthy opponent." Krysist said as he directs his soldiers to let them through. "Frayen will guide you to her."

He sees that same Dark Elf, standing in the dark side of the room. He starts to walk to the elf but before passing Krysist, he looks to him. "Next time we meet; it will be the last." Saying that he heads off.


As Sarah lays in the straw, her body is freezing hold. She has tried to get some sleep however the guards have been keeping her awake. Either by making loud noises, threats on what they would do to her body or making sexist remarks.

She knows it is the same day however she has lost what time it is. With no windows, just a fire torch on the other side of the cell door lighting up the area. Everything seems so dark and scary.

It has not just been Humans but other races too. The image of a Lennon, Minotaur, or this other race she does not recognize ravaging her body terrifies her and they know it. She assumes they enjoy tormenting her like that, knowing she has nowhere to go.

She hears the cell door open and the first thing she doses and closes her body more. "Just leave me alone."

"I think Selina will miss you too much if I do."

It did not take long for her to recognize that voice. It sounds choppy and tired however it is that voice that everyone loves. A sense of confident and commanding, not degrading but inspiring. But most importantly, as Rory once pointed out, a hint of love behind every word.

She looks up and sees Sharpe standing there.

It took her a moment to believe it, wondering if it is some kind of magic. That being a normal response in a world where magic is daily use.

Sharpe knees down and takes off his vest. "Hold on," He drops hands his vest to Pina and then takes off his jacket.

"You... you are really here? How?" She said, feeling new life. She sits up onto her knees, covering herself with her arms.

After taking off his jacket, he wraps it around her body. Having a smaller frame, the jacket covers up most of her upper body, making her mostly decent.

She takes the jacket and wraps it tight around her, enjoying the sudden warmth. Even though it only covers her upper body, it is the first sense of warmth and comfort she has had since coming here.

"An intense negotiate. Princess Pina was able to get me here," He responds.

He then turns around, so his back is facing her. "Get on."

She gets on his back and he lifts her up.

Sharpe sees the Dark Elf hand something to Pina.

"This seal will tell anyone who bothers you that you have permission to leave. Good day," Frayen said.

He takes a deep breath as she holds Sarah on his back, her arms wrapped around him.

Sharpe nods to Pina and she begins leading the way back.

She lays there, hoping this is not some kind of dream.


--- Combat Outpost Serenity, Havcristen, The Greater Elies Region ---

October 29th, 2025

Tuka is sitting on the roof, looking down at the street. She sees Pina and Sharpe carrying Sarah.

"It looks like we were not needed," She said, smiling at the sight.

"Yeah… but I still don't like that he went in without me," Rory said, feeling left out.

"Unless he knew we would disobey orders and wanted us to be here." She said with a giggle.

Rory looks over to her and thinks. "You are fitting into this group to well."

She rolls her eyes and giggles. "I have to say, I hate the Empire. But the Princess didn't have to do that."

"I feel the same way, but Sharpe and his people have a strange way of turning enemies into allies. I find that amazing that they can do that so easily. It is like second nature to them." Rory comments.

"I will take your word on that. But what should we do with the Princess?" She asked, looking for Rory for input.

Since joining Vanguard-7, while Sharpe is the head of the unit, she has found Rory to be the leader of what he calls the 'girls'. That being Lelei, Selina, anyone that pops in and out like Myuute and now her too. Somewhat being the matriarch of the group.

Thinking about her question, Rory smiles and looks to her. "For now, we will accept her and her Rose Knights. I think an olive branch is deserved after that has happened."

She nods. "Ok. But if they get out of line, I will put an arrow between their eyes."

"And I will hold them there for you." Rory giggled.

Then something catches her eye and looks out. "See that?"

"What… oh, I see."

She sees this figure inside one to the window of the building.

"Is it just someone who is watching or something more?" She asked.

"I have no idea. Hold on." Rory said and the reaches into this bag. She then pulls out this binocular.

Rory then looks through it, spotting for her.

"Yup, I think that person has a bow. But I cannot tell if he is a threat or just some stupid soldier that's watching." Rory said.

She grabs her bow and aims, getting ready to cast a wind spell. When she cast this spell, it can increase the speed and impact damage to her arrow.

"You have my permission to fire the arrow."

"Did you say that Rory?" She asked, not recognizing the voice.

"No…. oh," Rory said.

They slowly turn around and see that Dark Elf Frayen standing there.

"Damn you are stealthy." Rory said, shocked that he is standing there."

"I live a life where I wish not to be seen, Mis Mercury. Now, are you going to kill the assassin?" Frayen said.

Rory blinks her eyes in confusion. "Assassin? The guy in the window?"

"Correct," Frayen confirms.

"Why are you telling us that?" She asked, just as confused as Rory. "Weren't we enemies last night?"

"You said the word enemy. In addition, I promised my master their safe return to your side of the city. I am here to guarantee their safety. That assassin in the window is not one of ours and should be killed. Like now."

Taking the hint, she turns around and gets on one knee, in a firing position.

She pulls back and castes her wind spell. She then fires her arrow towards the window.

"Hit," Rory said, looking through the binoculars. "The guy is dead, nice shot."

"Thank you. Now back to your Dark Elf…. Hmm?" She said as she turns around.

She sees that Frayen is gone.

"That… he is a strange one." She responds.

"I see why he doesn't go out much. Anyway, let's get back to base." Rory said.


"Hold on, I see the bridge up ahead. Almost back to base," Sharpe said.

Hearing that makes Sarah happy. She looks down at him and sees him all beaten up. She starts to feel bad that he is carrying her after getting into two fights with Krysist. One last night and just now.

She feels so weak, more than ever. A part of her prefers to walk the rest of the way, have some pride. The deeper truth though, she is enjoying this feeling, having never felt more safer in her life.

"Thank you for coming for me." She said.

"You are on my team Sarah. We don't leave people behind," Sharpe responds.

She blinks, expecting his robotic answer. She is about to say something but hears him continue.

"And besides Sarah. Truth is your key to the team. Everyone will miss you if anything happens to you. We like having you back at base, having someone watching us and make sure everything is ok."

"I don't say this often, bad habit. But I am glad you are on my team. You were the first to help me get me out of my depression and first to have confidence in me when I first arrived in Vanguard-7."

She smiles and rests her head on the back of his, feeling validated.

"How do you do it?" She asked.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Do this? You must be exhausted right now. How do you keep going?"

"In my last unit, Harper had a saying. You are what you need to be. Whatever the situation currently is, you must be what overcomes it. God damnit Harper..." He said in a worn-out voice.

"Well… thank you."

"I don't want a thank you. You and everyone around me are enough. Wouldn't trade it for anything." Sharpe said he gets back to their lines.

A few soldiers rush over and help them. Then soldiers help lift Sarah off his back and help lay her on a stretcher.

Vanguard-7 rushes over and helps support them back to the temporary medical center.

--- Later that Night ---

"It looks like they are honoring Sharpe's cease-fire my lord," Frayen said.

Krysist is sitting down on this chair. His doctors are helping to patch him up.

"They are not the Empire. Returning their woman turned out to be what saved what reminded of the Legions." He responds.

"However, I thought you planned on making this our last stand. You had your opportunity to get what you wanted, to dual him," Frayen asked.

"You know above all; my personal interests do not take priority over my mission here. We must continue the plan." He responds as a stitch goes through his side. "Ouch…"

"You fear nothing but needles my General," The doctor said.

"If you tell anyone I will crucify you."

"Yes, my General. You told me fifteen times by now."

Frayen walks around him. "Did you change your plan because of her?"

He takes a breath and looks up at his slave-apostle. "Correct. I had no idea the Princess has arrived. Why didn't anyone inform me of that."

"I did not know my lord. She must have recently arrived," Frayen assumes.

"Doesn't matter. This is perfect. Continue withdrawing what remains the Legions to Fort Legrath. We will begin preparing our final stages of this campaign. Final victory is within our grasp and we must seize on it."



(1)Family Guy, Season 9 Episode 3
