Chapter 92

"Today a Pentagon spokeswoman reports the invasion of the Elies capital Havcristen has officially be secured. Major General Charles Stanford commented on successfully taking the city." – SCNR News, Jessica Moore

"We have taken the regional capital of Elies five days earlier than expected. This is a major steppingstone in securing the wider region. We are currently planning out the next stage of the campaign. That is all." - Lieutenant General Charles Stanford interview


--- Combat Outpost Serenity, Havcristen, The Greater Elies Region ---

November 6th, 2025

Rory is sitting down on this makeshift couch that was put together form one of the destroyed HUMVEEs. It is inside this medium size room in Vanguard-7 section of Combat Outpost Serenity.

It has been just over a week since the event between Krysist and Sharpe fight and Sharpe saving Sarah(1). It was an interesting sight, something she has never seen in the nine hundred and sixty years of her life. He is such an idiot and that is why she loves him.

In front of her is a laptop that is sitting on this wooden stool. She is watching this one film on Sharpe's favorite list, The Last Samurai. She is at the part where Captain Nathan Algren has been taken, prisoner. To her surprise, she is really enjoying the film. She does not know if it is a true story however, she enjoys seeing how the old world with bows and swords facing the early days of the modern world. How they both clashes.

She also really likes the Japanese warrior culture of Samurais. How honor dictates everything about their ways and how much the sword plays in their life.

Unlike Selina and Lelei who loves watching movies with him, she is lukewarm as the Americans say. She has fun because he enjoys it most of the time. She understands half of the things he watches are for children and has wondered why he watches stuff like that.

She does like that childish side of him, it brings out the more Human side of him. It is very adorable seeing that side sometimes beside the cold commanding soldier.

Feeling something on her lap, she glances down and smiles when she sees Sharpe's head on her lap, still out cold. He is laying down not the couch, with his head using her lap as a pillow.

That was not his attention, but she did not mind sneaking herself into his nap.

Colonel John Yang gave her strict orders to keep him out of action, so he can properly recover. The rest of the unit is out on pratol duty around the Combat Outpost Serenity area of responsibility.

As she looks at his innocent face, he seems so peaceful. That is probably because she had Tuka use her sleeping spell on him.

Most of the time he is tossing and turning when he sleeps, clearing having some form of discomfort. Even when they are all in Alnus and when they have 'sleepovers', he seems slightly destress. But she is glad that everything is fine now, and that defeated man she saw is gone.

After giving him a lovely pet on the head, she looks over to Lelei who is sitting in a chair. She is in her rob and not the military clothes she has to wear while in combat.

Lelei is reading a paperback book, like always.

She has grown to respect Lelei's ability to understand and adapt to these Other Worlders. For example, she understands their mission calendar system for missions.

Knowing Sharpe would stubbornly force himself to go on the patrol missions, she worked out a schedule were Tuka knocks him out with her sleep magic. They have done this to him three times now and so far, no issues. Just sleeping peacefully and not getting himself into danger.

"What are you reading?"

"It is what they call a romance fantasy. The book is called Radiance," Lelei said as she turns the page.

"What is it?"

"I do not know yet, I only started. Something about Human kingdoms, arrange marriages between royal families. I think it is this noble princess who rejects her marriage to be with an evil man and slowly turns his soul around," Lelei explains.

She has a delay in her response, soaking all that in. When Lelei speaks, it is like a manual, giving you everything in one shot. At least you know what she is talking about, not lost context.

"Well, that is a mouthful."

"It is? I thought I was undercutting it. Sarah recommends it to me, saying I might enjoy looking at examples of their world fantasies. Since they say everything on our world was a fantasy of theirs, maybe reading their material might be me a better idea why," Lelei explains.

She nods her head, agreeing to what she said. Then a thought occurred to her and then she smirks. "And it just happens to be a romance scrip?"

She watches as Lelei glances up at her. Her cheeks get rosy from embarrassment. She cannot help herself from giggling at her reaction.

Lelei is so easy to tease, easily able to be embarrassed about such things.

"How is he? He seems to be sleeping better when he's under a spell," Lelei asked, trying to change the subject.

She looks back down at him. The reason she is the one who keeps having his head on her lap is that she is secure enough not to be judged by others in this context and strong enough to control his actions when he wakes up.

Like last time in the vehicle after rescuing Tuka people. She had to keep forcing him back down so he can rest. If she did not, she knows he would get back to work, ignoring his physical condition.

"Yeah," she said as she pets his hair. "I do wonder why it is so different though. It will not be healthy to put him asleep with Tuka spell."

"Yeah. Magic is supposed to be used responsibly, not as a daily tool," Lelei said.

"Your no fun," She responds.

Both go back to what they were doing. She continues watching her film, watching how that American Captain is learning a new culture and training in the arts if the Samurai(2).

After some time. She sees Sarah walk in. It seems she just woke up herself. Unlike Sharpe where he would resist that treatment, Sarah had no problem wanting to sleep off her prisoner experience.

"Hi girls, I take it the team is already gone?" Sarah said.

She looks to Sarah as she walks into the room. Sarah is wearing green sweats and a black sweater with Army written on it. Her dark brown hair is just over the shoulder and it looks like she just got out of bed, which is unusual for her. "Morning Sarah. And yes, they left at nine."

Sarah looks to her and then outside, scratching her head. "Nine… What time is it?"

"Nine to eleven, Zulu time. 1342 local time," Lelei said as she turns the page.

"… Lelei, you scare me sometimes." Sarah responds, shocked that she knew both times off-hand.

Sarah walks over and sits down in a chair. She then takes her legs and holds them close in the chair, comforting herself. She can still see the brush mark on the side of her face from being hit, but it is healing.

She must admit, she is surprised how well Sarah handling her experience. She is always back at base where it is safe, regardless of being a fellow Ranger. She has always liked her but gained a new level of respect for her.

After thinking that, she glances down and brushes Sharpe hair a bit, trying to make sure he has good dreams.

Lelei stops reading and looks at Sarah. "I made sure to memorize your people's times and dates. So, I can properly date my notes and research." She said and focuses more on Sarah. "Sarah, what I don't understand is why my world and your world calendar is different. Earth days and years are shorter than ours. Why is that?"

She listens to Lelei's questions, never thinking about that herself.

Now that she thinks about it, she finds that odd. Shouldn't both world's length of the day be the same? Same with how long a year is. On Earth, a day last twenty-four hours and an Earth year are three hundred and sixty-five days.

On Falmart or Uros as Sharpe people sometimes calls it, there are three hundred and eighty-nine days in a year and a day lasts twenty-nine hours and thirty-three minutes. That is according to American science.

She looks back at Sarah, waiting for an answer. Being somewhat interested in the topic. Normally she does not care about the science behind the Other Worlders technology.

Sarah was about to answer the question but stops.

She knows the Americans, supported by Sharpe to place limits on the knowledge shared. He has explained before it is for their protection, mean this world protection.

Sharpe explained it to Lelei before, too much new knowledge could result in the complete collapse of this world, as the average person does not understand the basic level knowledge to properly use it. He called it Star Trek rules for some reason.

"I will let Sharpe explain it. He loves that space stuff. Ask him in the JLTV next time, he will go off for hours." Sarah said and then coughs, still a little week from her recent experience.

Hearing Sarah that, she is slightly confused by what she means by space stuff. She knows what the word space is, but she realized sometimes some words have grating meaning with these Other Worlders. She remembers hearing that new group back on Earth when they were watching the Americans land on their moon.

She glances over to Lelei to see if she understands the context. Seeing her looking back at her, it is clear she still does not fully understand what Sarah meant. She wonders what space in a room and time have to do with each other.

"So, how is our hero doing?" Sarah asked, voice cracking a little.

"He is fine. Sleeping like a baby," She said with a smile.

All three of them giggle a little at the baby part. They all find it cute that a fierce warrior, a die-hard soldier to the heart is laying down like that, all peacefully and adorable looking.

"I do have a question though Sarah. Why does he struggle to sleep? He is not normally this passive. Also, while you were taken, he broke down," She asked.

Sarah cozies up in her chair, holding onto her legs. "I am surprised you haven't asked this before. He is suffering from a disease called Post-traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for short."

"PTSD…?" Lelei repeats like she is analyzing the word. "Why don't you just use your medicine to cure it?"

"it is not one of those sickness Lelei. It is a mental one that mostly affects soldiers. The Human brain can only take so much trauma before something snaps. There are different levels of it. I had a neighbor who suffered greatly from the War on Terror," Sarah explains.

"And that means some people break down outside of battle," Lelei said.

"Yes. I hate using the word Triggered but sometimes small things can trigger someone with PTSD. Some minor everyday life tasked over stress them. Or, in Sharpe, when calmness, quietness and when big and bad happens, it pushes him down a dark path." Sarah responds.

"What about with Selina? She struggles at times and struggles to sleep. When she isn't sleeping at Sharpe's apartment, she sometimes is sleeping with me or Lelei." She adds.

"Yes. She was diagnosed with it." Sarah answers and thinks about how she going to say next. "This is probably not the best way to explain it but there are like levels of it. Some people, it just an extra thing to deal with on a daily basis. For others, depending on the event, they might go out and shot someone or themselves because they can't control themselves."

Hearing that, she looks down and imagines Sharpe flipping out. She hears Sarah continues like she saw her reaction.

"I wouldn't worry Rory. The Army wouldn't let him stay if he is dangerous." Sarah said with her natural motherly tone.

"What can we do to help Miss Rose," Lelei asked, clearly wanting to help.

Sarah looks away as she thinks. She then smiles and looks back at them. "Nothing."

That responds annoyed her greatly. She hates the word nothing. "What!? Nothing!"

"Shh. Don't wake him up." Lelei said to Rory. "But she has a point. I don't want to do nothing."

She notices Sarah is just smiling from their reaction.

"Both of you are sweet. He and I had a conversation about this. He didn't want any of you to know." Sarah replied.

"But why, we want to help," She responds.

"Sharpe didn't want the team to be distracted by his personal problems. There is more than this when he was nearly court marshaled from that Mexico mission. And…" Sarah said before stopping, realizing she spoke personal information. "Do not tell him I said this."

"That is fine, we won't. But why can't we help?" Lelei said.

"Girls, I want you to do nothing. Just be yourself, like everything is normal. The worst thing you can do is treat him different. Trust me, your presence is more than enough. Just be yourself." Sarah said.

"The last thing Sharpe ever wants is special treatment. He has worked hard for what he has so and if you start treating him like it undermines everything. On top of that, he will tell him that he cannot live up to expectations. Like how you describe what happened." Sarah finishes in a soft, choppy voice.

"I understand what you mean Sarah," Lelei said.

"Thank you. Each one of you has something special he enjoys. Just keep being yourself, like nothing has changed. Be normal and keep him busy. It is important not to let him stay alone and isolated. He enjoys those talks Lelei and Rory, he does enjoy those games and your attitude to things. Selina, well, it is Selina after all. She is adorable. He and Tuka will figure something out and… wait. Where is Tuka?" Sarah said.

"Tuka is trying to be that elf man from that ring movie." She responds.

"Legolas from Lord of the Rings films. She is looking for a shield so she can side on it. Like what he did in the movie." Lelei said that like it is no big deal.

Sarah looks at her and then at Lelei. She was about to say something but decides not to open to go down that hole.

She rolls her eyes and looks back at Sarah, as she lightly pets Sharpe as he recovers from two fights.

"Is that why he watches cartoons so much? To distract him from his time being in Delta and dealing with this world?" Lelei said.

She looks to Lelei, surprise she asked that. She did not know that she has the same question in her head.

"I don't know but I think so. I decided not to ask because it makes him happy. A distraction from the world. Maybe that helps him."

"I didn't mean to make that sound like an insult Miss Rose. I enjoy them myself, the bonding. Most of the time it is easy to understand what is going on and for an easy laugh," Lelei said, showing support of the arts.

She giggles from that, agreeing with Lelei's viewpoint.

She looks back at Sarah. "How are you holding up Sarah?"

Sarah delays her reply, as he holds herself tight. "I will be ok. I honestly still feel their hands over my body, but I will be ok. It is just fresh. Tuka spell is helping a lot."

"That will go away, Sarah. If you need to talk about it, be my guess. It's just us girls here." She responds.

The other day Sarah explained to everyone what happened. The attempted rape by those men and how Krysist saved her. How to demoralize the state the enemy is at. That it seems Krysist pure leadership is what is keeping the enemy Legions going in Elies.

"Yes, Sarah. We are open." Lelei said, looking at her.

"Thank you, girls. That means a lot and I will be fine." Sarah said and smiles. She frowns a little as she thinks of something. "I will say though, I think I understand what Selina has been going through. I feel stupid for how I been acting."

"It is ok Sarah; you don't understand what you don't know," Lelei said.

She smiles as she listens to Lelei. She then looks back at Sarah and sees her struggling a little.

"Hey girls. I am going to make lunch. Do you want anything?" Sarah asked as she stands up.

She can see that she is still affected by the experience. "Sure. I am hungry."


--- Sadera ---

November 1st, 2025

Zorzal El Caesar is currently in his quarters. Since finding out that was not the firstborn son and that his father still plans to take away his Crown Prince title and give it to his low lift brother Diabo. He has been in a rage.

"My lord no… Ah!" His blue hair cat girl squeals as she cries.

"Yes, scream for me!" He said. He is above her as he rapes her.

He has always enjoyed it when his female slaves cry and scream. It always makes him feel more powerful and important.

Since when his favorite sex slave was taken, Tyuule, he has been trying to fill that hole. No one has been able to love up to her defiance, strength, and determination.

He likes the American girl Noriko because she looks so exotic, and she has this special spirit of hope and disbelief that he enjoyed cracking.

They served a separate and special role when he wants sex, both have been hard to replace. One was strong and the other was weak, both perfect in those roles.

General Herm Fule Maio walks into his chambers. "My Crown Prince."

"I am busy!" He said.

"Zorzal, he has arrived," Herm said.

He would stop raping his maid and catch his breath. He looks up to one of his most trusted generals. "About time."

He gets up and faces his general. Before he spoke, the blue hair Cat-girl gets up from his bed and runs between them. She is holding herself and crying from his abasement.

As she runs, she slips on the ground.

He saw that and could not help but laugh at the sight. He places his hands on his hips. "I guess cats do not land on their feet."

As the girl gets up and storms out, he looks back to Herm.

"I see you have finally found a replacement," Herm said with a smirk.

"Kaslita I believe. I don't care, I just like calling her My Little Kitty." He said chuckling. "I had to go through nearly a dozen, but she is the closest to Tyuule and Noriko. But she is not as strong as Tyuule. She made me work for breaking her spirit. I think I will try her butt next. See if she can beat Tyuule record." He finishes in a sexist tone.

While he does respect the women of nobles and royal blood, he thinks less of all other women in Falmart. Unless they are from a high class, within his inner circle of allies and friends, he sees them as his own personal property. As they only use to please and serve him.

"We will get her back Zorzal. After we crush the Other Worlders and all those who were disloyal to us." Herm said.

"So Bouro is finally here? He promised his support ages ago. Bring him into my chambers."

"Yes, my Prince," Herm said and leaves the room.

As Herm leaves to get his guest, he talks over to his washbowl and begins washing the sweat and sent him off. Once he finished, he puts on his golden color armor.

By that point, both General Herm and the leader of the Haryo Tribe Bouro.

He looks to Bouro and is confused by what race he is. He is short with green skin. His head is shaped like a big but has brown and white hair. He has an eye patch covering his right eye. He looks like a hybrid of a pig with some other animal creatures.

Normally he could never give this creature a time of day however he promised to help him in this war. As a gift, he sent him the heads of two American slaves that were given to the Kingdoms of Mudwan and Winsu.

"It is an honor to finally meet you Crown Prince Zorzal," Bouro said.

"Same here." He responds, looking down at him. "You said you can help me?"

"Yes. I have spies all over Falmart, even in Alnus." Bouro said.

"I enjoy your gift however what can you offer me?" He asked, still not convinced of this partnership.

"I understand. Let me give you an example of the power of my network. I found your sister." Bouro said with a chuckle.

That got his attention. Pina has always been a little pain to his side. Always that annoying girl trying to be like the men. He always wanted to put her in his place in the family hierarchy. While she claims she has no interest in the throne, he believes that she is a threat to his claim.

"Where is my sister?"

"She and her Rose Knights are with the enemy in Alnus. They have been feasting with them for a while now," Bouro tells him.

His eyes widen with rage. "What? She is with the enemy? She always was this idealistic woman, but he never considered her a traitor. She just wanted their father to love her."

Bouro looks up at him, indifferent by that last part about daddy love. "Yes, her people have been there for a while now. They have been helping each other. Princess Pina has been sharing information about the Empire to them."

"That bitch! How dare she!" Herm said, ferrous by this information.

"Why… why is she helping them? Why did they let her in Alnus?" He asked, struggling to believe this.

"She led her knights on a rescue mission to look for her slaves. She killed some of my men during the process. She returned many of their people to them," Bouro answers.

"Why would she do this?" He asked, trying to figure this out.

"Because of my Crown Prince. If the enemy wins the war, they will need to put a puppet on the throne. This is Princess Pina's chance to steal the throne from you," Bouro said calmly.

He takes a heavy breath and starts walking around. First his false brother Krysist, then Diabo and now Pina. His chance of getting the throne is slipping through his figures and it is all because of his father.

All of his life taking the throne was his destiny. He has been told all his life that he is the future ruler of this great Empire. He had plans once he took the throne, many plans.

He helps grow the Empire as Crown Prince, waging war against the Warrior Bunnies. They have been a throne in the Empire side for generation, a small kingdom within the Empire borders. He planned on expanding the Empire to take all Falmart.

"The Empire will fall if Pina or Diabo takes the throne. Diabo is weak and does not have the will to lead the Empire during hard times. He believes Pina can't lead effectually because she is a woman, and they can't properly lead because of their soft hearts and emotions." He said openly.

He stops walking around and looks back at them. "We need to reform the Empire so it can survive another six hundred years. If you aid, I grantee a position in my government. Your tribe will be in a position in power."

"Thank you, my Crown Prince," Bouro said as he stands up.

"Zorzal, what are your orders? The Army and Oprichnina are with you." Herm said.

He crosses his arms. "Ok. To save the Empire my father must be removed. We cannot just kill him. We must assassinate him."

"I can arrange that. Poison can be good enough." Bouro said.

"I like that. We can blame Pina or Krysist. Make it as a plot for them to take over. The problem is, the Army in Elies supports Krysist," Herm said.

"It might be better to frame Diabo. He is here after all. We can say he is conspiring with Krysist," Herm proposes.

"Elies. I will call upon the Swestual Kingdoms in that region to attack. We wipe out Krysist and his army in one sweep," He said.

"With the Other Worlder military weakening the Elies garrison, the Dark races hordes should be able to break Fort Legrath defenses. After that the Army there should break." Herm adds.

"Yes. Herm, take command of the situation there. Take who you need and go. Bouro, make the arrangements."

"What about your sister my Emperor?" Herm asked.

He places his hand on his chin. "Kill her."



(1)Chapter 91

(2)The movie The Last Samurai
