Chapter 93


--- Alnus Community ---

November 22nd, 2025

Selina bursts through the front door of the Alnus hospital and heads inside. She slides to the front desk where she sees this white hair Warrior Bunny sitting behind the desk.

There is this Human man from Earth standing above her, directing her on how to use the computer. The man has a Canadian patch on his arm.

"Hello. I am here for Noriko. She is giving birth right now," She said, trying to look over the desk.

The Bunny looks over. "Oh, hi there. Are you talking about that young girl correct?"

"Yes. Her name is Noriko," She replied. "I need to hurry. I want to be there when she gives birth."

"Ok girl. Please make your mark here and head to the elevator to floor three," The Bunny answers.

She takes the clipboard and signs her name. "Selina Mir(1) Sharpe… I think that is how you write it."

"Ok, there. Now, what is an elevator?" She asked, not understanding the word.

"I will help guide you," This little purple fairy flies over.

She looks to the fairy, a little creep out by them. Back in her country, they were used as slaves. Not the normal type of slaves, used in labor or brothels. They were useful for administration work. That is what her father told her.

While she now does not agree with slavery, they still give her the creeps, because they are so small and can slip anywhere.

"Ok," She said, placing her hand on the open part of her neck and places her hand on her Polaris

The fairy flies away and heads down the hallway. She quickly follows it, trying to keep up with it. Ferries can be fast for someone who only walks on two legs.

After going down the hallway, the fairy takes her to this grey metal door. She looks at it. "Why is it always gray?"

"I know what you mean," The fairy said. "These people have no taste in art. Anyway, press that button for me."

"Ok," She reaches out and presses the button with the arrow pointing up. After a short period, the door opens.

Inside the elevator, it looks like this tight box. It reminds her of the time when she went to Earth and they had to go below the ground. Down there in what Sharpe called a subway was very loud and scary. Even Rory was scared to go down there. She wishes Sharpe were here, so she could grab onto him before going inside the elevator.

She walks inside and then the door closes and sees that she is trapped.

"Do not worry Human, it is supposed to do that. I take it this is your first time in these?" The fairy asked, chuckling.

She glares at the fairy, seeing it making fun of her.

"Press the number three button."

She walks over and presses that one that shaped like a three.

The elevator suddenly starts moving and she ends up on the side of the wall, holding onto the bars inside the elevator.

For her, nothing feels natural as the devise moves.

When the elevator stops and the door opens, she gets out quickly. "That was… strange."

"It takes a few times for people to get used to it," The fairy said.

"… where is Noriko's room?" She asked, just wanting to see her friend baby.

"This way," The fairy said and flies away.

She rushes down the hallway, following the fairy. She moves past a few doctors and wounded soldiers. Most look ok however some here and there are missing an arm, an eye or other body parts missing.

"Right here."

"Thank you," She said and opens the door.

Inside she sees Noriko laying in a bed, sitting up and holding her baby in her arms.

"Hi, Noriko. I missed the baby being born?"

Noriko looks up and sees her friend. "Hi, Selina." She said in a tired voice.

She walks in and closes the door. She then walks over. "Hi, Noriko."

"You just said that silly. And yes, you did. But that is ok Selina. Having a baby is a private thing in my world," Noriko said as she cuddles her baby in her arms.

Hearing that confesses her. Having a baby is a great and blessing feat for a woman. It is something a woman can only do, bring life into a world. That should be celebrated and shared with close families and close friends.

Myui remember what Sharpe said about religious tolerance, that not everyone shares her strong beliefs. She looks at the baby and smile. "Aww, he looks so cute." She walks over and stands by the bed.

"Thank you. He was a bit of a pain. He didn't want to leave my tummy." Noriko said, poking her figure at her son. "Didn't you little boy."

She leans forward, leaning on the railing on the side of the bed. "He has your eyes, so pretty. Let me get a picture."

She pulls out her cell phone and then opens the camera app. She takes a picture of Noriko, holding her son in her arms, facing her.

"Talk about cheese!" She said.

After the picture, Noriko giggles a little. "Selina, it is 'say cheese'. Not 'talk about cheese'."

She looks at her and blinks, confused. "That makes no sense."

"Ok. Can I send it to Sharpe and the team?" she asked as she sends the picture to Sharpe, Rory, and Lelei.

After thinking about it, Noriko nods her head.


Major Jackson Sharpe is walking along the street around Combat Outpost Serenity. This mission was to help establish control and presence over the area. After a long day, their team is on their way back to the base.

It is his first day back in command of the team.

"Keep an eye out Rangers. Do not get separated from the group," Randy said.

"Why Sergeant Major? Want to keep the ladies to yourself?" Andrew said as he glances over to some of the city girls by this trade booth.

"Andrew, aren't you dating that Rose Knight girl?" Alicia points out, saying in an evil tone.

Andrew looks to her, about to say something but stops, realizing what is happening. "Hey, I did not mean anything by… Don't… say a word."

"Stay loyal Andrew. Stay loyal." Alicia responds, chuckling as she rolls her eyes.

Steele stops where he stands, feeling guilty now.

He knows what Alicia is talking about. He has noticed the Rose Knight Hamilton, Pina personal assistant and Andrew getting closer. He noticed that they had some chemistry when they first meant in Italica(2).

That is when Scott walks up and gives in a pat on the back. "Don't worry, I will keep the ladies warm in your absent." Then he walks away laughing.

"Hey, keep focus Rangers." She said in his command, no-bullshit voice.

"Someone is feeling better," Alicia comments.

He looks back at his troops and waves at them to knock it off. "Listen to the Sergeant Major. He has done this before."

"Yeah, we got it, sir. Don't want any of us to be taken," Frost said chuckling.

"I guess being a White Knight twice a week is too much?" Alicia adds.

Everyone in Vanguard-7 begins to laugh at the joke.

"Please sir, no more white night stuff. I am getting sick of patching you up all the time. Sir." Specialist Jerry William said slightly annoyed by recent events.

"I am with you, Specialist." He responds, still feeling that burn sting from Frayen attack at the fortress on his chest(3).

"Based on your track record sir, when pigs fly that's...," Scott comments.

"What the hell is that?" Andrew asked, looking up.

He stops and watches this pig-like bird flying past them. "I hate this planet."

As he looks at the strange alien bird, he hears his phone vibrate.

The screen in his NW warrior tells him that it is Selina calling him. He then looks over to Johnson and tells him to take command. He is glad the five Combat Outposts have towers, allowing him to communicate with Selina from Alnus.

Once that is taken care of, he accepts the call.

"Hey squirt, what is up?" He said as he looks at some civilians who are staring at him.

"Hi, father... why do you sound so funny?" Selina asked, showing concern.

At first, he is confused by her question but realizes that he is still recovering from two slug fights with Krysist. She probably can tell something is wrong based on his semi-tired voice.

"Hi, Selina!" Alicia yells, trying to get her voice through the cell phone.

"All is good kid. That is Private First-Class Moore, ignore her," He responds.

"Hey!" Alicia yells.

"Why is your voice funny though."

"Got in a few fights and won them. Anyway, what is going on?"

"Ok. As long as you won. The reason I am calling is because Noriko just had her baby and I thought you all like to know that." Selina said in an excited voice.

He cannot help but be happy for Noriko. He understands Selina, because of her religion will probably adore the child for a long time. A little too much more he thinks about it.

"Hold on," He said to her and rallies his unit. "Rangers. Selina is reporting that Noriko just had her child."

The team stops where they are at. Everyone is happy by that fact; a big reason why is Vanguard-7 was the one who rescued her. They all feel a bit attached to what happens with her, all wanting something good to happen.

"Tell the kid we are happy for her," Randy said, thinking about his own kids now.

Alicia forces herself in, all excited. "Hey, what is the name? I demand a name!"

He holds out his hand, warning her to calm down. "Selina, can you give the phone to her?"

A moment passes as Selina's hands the phone to Noriko.

"Hello?" Noriko said in a quiet face.

"Hey kid, this is Major Sharpe, Vanguard-7 Lead... Ouch…," He said as Alicia punches him in his arm.

"Act Human sir!" Alicia said.

He looks at Alicia as he hears Noriko chuckling.

"Alicia said hi. I am putting you on speaker," He said.

"Hi everyone," Noriko said softly, clearly nervous, and tired.

Everyone responds by saying hi back.

"So, what is the kid's name?" Scott demands.

"Ok, ok. His name…," Noriko said before being interrupted by Alicia.

"It's a boy! Wait… another boy…," Alicia said as she crosses her arms, looking at the other Rangers.

He looks to her and thinks about what she said, realizing that he is surrounded by women all day. "Says you Alicia, I, on the other hand, wouldn't mind the kid being a boy."

"Stop interrupting Alicia. What is the name!" Jerry demands, getting annoyed by all the interruptions.

He can her Noriko and Selina giggle from the drama form his Rangers.

"His name is Tenchi. Tenchi Jackson Mochizuki(4)." Noriko said.

"Aww, that is a cute name," Alicia responds.

"You own me twenty bucks and you own me thirty," Scott said.

"You bet money on my baby?"

"Well yes. Frost here bet if you would name him an American or Japanese name and Steele betted if it would be a boy or girl," Scott explains.

"Alright, everyone. We better leave her alone. Rally up and head back to base." He said.

"Hi everyone. And thank you." Noriko said as she starts to cry.

"Good job kid," he said. "Selina, take care of them. See you soon girls." He then ends that conversation.

As he watches everyone breaks up and starts heading back to base.

"Mind putting Selina back on," He asked as he walks with his unit.

"Hello, father! It's the baby so cute!" Selina said as she takes the phone back.

"One, yes he is. Two, you can't have one." He said, already knowing where this was going.

"Bu… ok, sir," She said.

"I have to get going. Well, talk later. Try and give Sarah a call, I think she would like that right now."

"Ok. I am going to send you a picture."

"Ok, Selina. I got to go."

"OK, I love you. Kick their ass."

He chuckles hearing that. "Always. Love yeah."


--- Combat Outpost Serenity, later that evening ---

November 23rd, 2025

Piña Co Lada is standing at the top level of the compound that the Americans occupying. It is the third level, about to see a decent distance from the city.

She is watching as this large beast what they call a CH-47 Chinook. It is hovering very slowly as it lowers something thin and large underneath it. It looks like a metal bridge.

As she watches, thinking about what kind of wonders they have on these people world and what the future might bring.

In her hand is this dark-colored drink the Americans call coffee. The drink is one of the tastiest drinks she ever had. For some reason, she feels this new energy within her. Like a new life, able to challenge the day.

"I was told you were out here."

She looks to her side and sees major Sharpe walk up.

"I was informed that you were up here. Is everything ok?" He asked as he walks up.

"Yes. I am just thinking right now," She responds.

"Be careful of that. It usually results in bad things," He responds and stands by her side.

She looks at him, confused by what he means by that.

He sees her expression and looks away. "Never mind."

"Ok, what brings you up here?" She asked.

"I wanted to say thank you for your help. I haven't had a chance to," He said, forcing himself to say it little.

She looks to him, seeing saying that makes him uncomfortable. She finds it adorable and giggles.

He looks to her, confused. "What?"

"You already said that."

"I did?" He replied with a blank face.

"Yes. Back on the bridge."

"Oh… ok," He turns around and leans on the stone railing. "Well, I am saying it again. Hitting me like that was the best thing anyone could have done."

"Well… I didn't mean to hurt you. But I have to say, I kind of enjoyed it," She said.

So far for her, he has somewhat been this taller than a life where she could match up. It was a nice sight that he is just Human just like her. That she was able to help for once.

He looks to her and then away, smirking. "As Spiderman said, everyone gets one(5)."

She looks at him. "I have no idea what that means. First, you people tell me there are no monsters in your world but then you say things like that. There are now spider people."

She sees him look directly at her, slightly afraid.

"It is a joke from… wait… there are fucking spider people in this world? Shit…," He said, taking a deep breath.

She rolls her eyes hearing that. "Yup. But they are isolationists. As long as we do not bother their nests. I never thought that you were afraid of anything."

"I despise spiders. Back in the Philippines, I nearly blow up our motel room because there was one in the bathroom," He said and shakes his head a little like he is trying to get rid of the thought. "Fuck..."

She turns around and leans against the stone railing. She then takes a sip from her coffee.

"Before, back at the tavern bar. You told me that maybe the Empire might not want peace. I came here to try and end the war," She said.

She thinks back when they were having that small conversation with General Krysist. Right before she spoke, he called her a traitorous whore.

She was gone for so long, trying to build a relationship with these Other Worlders that she did not think about she might be destroying hers with the Empire.

"I noticed that. I think he just wanted you to be quiet," He comments.

She thinks more about that. "Maybe. But I feel like I might not be able to live up to my mission."

"Welcome to the party kid."


"I mean, give yourself a little slack. You have done a lot. You did the quest you wanted and brought your people back intact and in good health. Think about what you can do, not what you cannot do. The first thing I learned in Delta training; you cannot control every situation. All you can do is control what you can and prepare for the worse," He explains.

As she looks at him, she can hear the experience of talking in his tone. It tells her that she still has a long to learn.

There is a sudden silence between them, both reflecting on past missions.

She looks back at him, not enjoying the silence. She is used to having Hamilton by her side, so she is never alone.

"I don't know if this is appropriate, but I overheard your soldiers talking about this baby?" She said.

She knows who they were talking about. Her newborn nephew.

She sees Sharpe reach into his pocket and pulls out this device. He presses the screen on it and then he shows her.

"Boy name Tenchi."

She looks at the screen. In the past, she has been amazed by every little advance toy these people have. Now, she can tell it is slowly becoming normal.

She looks at the picture on the screen. She sees the baby with brown hair and her brother's blue eyes. "How cute."

"That's been the word of the day," He comments and pulls the device away.

She watches as the device gets put back into his pocket. Seeing the picture of the new nephew upsets her, thinking that she will never get to see him. For some reason, she wants to have a role in child life but does not know why.

She wonders if it is because of how she treated Noriko and past slaves in the past or that she does not want the child to be like his father.

"Do you think she will ever forgive me?"

Sharpe crosses his arms and thinks. "It is not my place but someday yes. It is not easy to be a single teenage mother. She needs time to figure out what to do. The best thing is to just stay out of the way and help when needed."

She takes a deep breath from hearing that. She is still down struck on how much she has learned and gained from talking and interreacting with people from her enemy than her own family.

"Well, I better get back. Got to get tomorrow mission. I…," He stops before stopping suddenly.

She looks at him and sees him pulling out his pistol.

She looks away and down the balcony and see this Dark Elf just suddenly there.

Sharpe bullets hit the elf and blood starts flowing. However, the elf just stands there, barely reacting to the impacts.

That is when she realizes that this elf is an apostle. "Oh, the gods."

She feels Sharpe grab her on her shoulder armor plat and pulls her. She looks away and starts running right behind him.

"We need back up now! We have a Break! Apostle, Frayen!" He yells over the radio.

As she is pulled, they were about to go through the door to head inside. Before that happen though the door suddenly blows up, blocking their escape.

Seeing that, she feels Sharpe tosses her behind him as he reloads.

Sharpe fires his pistol again but only gets a few rounds before the Dark Elf catches up and grabs him by the chest.

"Hey! Let him go!" She yells as she grabs her sword handle to pull it out.

The Dark Elf looks at her. "I shall. I am here for you anyway."

The Dark Elf tosses Sharpe into the wall and quickly moves up to her, grabbing her.

She thrust her sword into him but sees that did nothing.

"Hey!" Sharpe yells as he rolls back up.

She looks over and sees him about to tackle the Dark Elf Apostle.

The Dark Elf notices and grabs her tightly. He jumps up into the airs and lands on the building behind him, preventing Sharpe from doing anything.

"Let go of me!" She yells as she struggles to get free.

Looking back at the balcony she was just on; she sees soldiers rushing out of the building.

She looks back up at the Dark Elf and sees his eyes slowing blue. He pulls out this amulet stone and begins chanting.

She has heard this amulet before. It enhances a magic user's ability, allowing them to summon more power.

Then right underneath her is this blow blue appearing. She looks around, trying to figure out what is happen.

She looks up back to Sharpe and then everything is gone.



(1)Mir stands for Miritta

(2)Chapter 24

(3)Chapter 73

(4)Special thanks to Flamewolf. Let him rest in peace.

(5)Reference from Family Guy, Season Two Episode 14 and Season: 6 Episode: 3
