Chapter 101

--- Alnus ---

December 6th, 2025

Pina is currently walking back and forth in her Rose Knights barracks.

In her hands is a travel note from Casel El Tiberius that recently came from Sadera. The note is short and to the point.

The note explains that Zorzal is now the Emperor of the Empire. It also says there these. We shady people who now associating with people he has never seen before. Nothing about her brother Diabo and most important, all Rose Knights are considered traitors and should be captured or killed on sight.

"Your highness," Beefeater said. "We don't care what your brother says. He can't lead a parade."

"You're kidding?" She asks. "What happened to father though? He never would willingly surrender the throne. He would rather let the world burn before he surrendered it."

As she walks back and forth thinking about the meaning of the note.

Back at the fortress, she saw it firsthand. Zorzal people, like Herm and that other new race there carrying out his will. They said they were going to kill her, ordered by her brother.

She never cared for her brother Zorzal, they never had anything in common. However, Zorzal is still family and she must respect that. She never wanted the throne and has made that clear to him, even though she knew he would be dangerous.

"How could he betray me like this?" She asks out loud.

Bozes walks up. "Let us go back to Sadera and get some answers. Maybe beat the crap out of him."

"Don't be a fool," Jalin said as he leans against the wall. "The minute we get close to the city he will kill us all. He won't give a damn about any of your nobility."

"I am sorry to say but he is right." Panache said, sitting down on a bed in the military cloths.

"Why though. What did I do to cross him? I haven't even been to Sadera." She asks, baffled by the situation.

"It is because of that your Princess," Jalin says. "We have been running around trying to help these people. Helping the enemy find their people and return them. We gave them information and staying here for this long. Then you tried to help them in Havcristen(1). They probably see that as us switching sides."

Panache looks to him and the Pina. "Again, I have to agree with him. Your attempt to regain these people's trust resulted in our people not trusting us. All of our noble names are going to be affected by this. Maybe this was a bad idea."

"I did not say that," Jalin says. "Stop pretending to agree with me if you're just going to cast doubt of the situation."

"Well, some of us have names to protect. You might not care about yours, but this will have negative repercussions on our houses." Panache states, annoyed.

"Knock it off you two," Beefeater says, annoyed by those two bickering.

"Maybe she is right. Maybe this was a bad idea?" Pina asks.

As she paces, she cannot wonder if she made a mistake. These Other Worlders are so powerful and maybe deep down inside she might if wanted to be on the winning side rather stand by her people. All she can think about is what will happen with her Knights. They have no home, no station, no people. As Panache said, most likely all their names will be disowned.

She stops and looks at her lieutenants, "I am sorry my Knights. I dragged you down like this."

"It is not your fault Princess," Beefeater said.

"Yeah," Said Bozes. "If we were still at the palace, your brother would probably force us to disown you or execute us. And there is no way we would disown you."

"But if we didn't go on this adventure, none of this would have happened." Said Panache as she holds up her hands like whatever.

"Don't be mean," Beefeater responds, glaring at her.

She looks at her friend Panache. She looks very angry at this news. Out of all of her Rose knights, Panache came from one of the noblest of families, the Kalgi family. They can trace their lineage all the way back to the early days of the Empire. They are one of the wealthiest and an example to many of the nobles, excluding the Royal family.

"I am not," Panache said. "I am just pointing out what we're all thinking. Besides Jalin here, we all lost everything now. We are practically peasants now."

"Panache." Beefeater tries to interrupt.

Panache looks to Beefeater. "I am just making light of our situation."

"No, you are just being mean Panache. There is no way we could have known this was going to happen." Bozes points out.

"Besides," Bozes said. "If what Sharpe said is true, all these other Worlders are peasants. They have no nobility."

Panache looks to Bozes with a slight look of disdain. "I don't fully believe that we need to be careful in accepting what they say at face value. Besides, I just don't want to be a peasant."

"Shut up Panache," Jalin says. We all had the choice not to go along and we all accepted it. We all knew there would be some consequences to that. Besides, we might have not been hanged in Sadera but that doesn't mean we would be treated well. It is better that we are here."

"Wow," Panache said. "Just a few days ago you considered these people as the enemy and are sketchy about their gifts."

Jalin looks to her. "Well, which world tried to kill our leader?"

Hearing Jalin asks that question, Pina looks around and notices that everyone remains quiet.

She told them what happened at Havcristen, Krysist(2), and at the Fortress Legrath(3). Jalin had a point, all this time she saw this as them as a guest within the enemy camp.

While Sharpe and her 'flew' back on one of their planes, he explains that it was common in his world that past Empires decanted into civil war between brothers trying to seize power. However, the mightiest Empires of Earth past, The Roman Empire, the China Empire, the Ottoman Empire and many more. Then he went on a rant about how representative Constitution Republicanism is the only true path.

Then the rest of the flight dissented into chaos as Sharpe and that Seal man Daniel entered a forty-five-minute argument about pass missions and how each other disapprove of each other methods. It got to the point Rory Mercury had to put them in 'time out', whatever that means.

But as Jalin said, her brother and most of her people tried to kill her while our enemies from the other side of the Gate helped her.

She takes a breath as she feels thirsty. She places her hands on her hips and stretch. "Hamilton, water please."

She looks around after noticing Hamilton didn't walk over. Now that she thinks about it, she hasn't seen her here all day.

"Where is Hamilton?" She asks. As her servant, she has grown used to her being by her side nearly every moment of the day. She finds it is strange now having her right by her side.

"With her new friend," Bozes said with a big grin. "They are doing something called a movie night."

She nods her head hearing that, almost forgetting her recent interest. Right then she thinks about what Bozes said about movie night. She recently learned a movie is the Other Worlders moving pictures, like what she saw during Thanksgiving, showing all the Vanguard-7 victories and moments hey had.

"Wait," She says. "She is watching their propaganda? Is that their form of entertainment?"

"I don't think it is propaganda Pina," Beefeater said. "She was here while you were out this morning and tried to explain what there watching. Something about four young girls trying to be warriors called Huntress. There is magic called dust and I stopped paying attention after that."

She scratches her head, trying to make sense of that description. These Other Worlders has a lot of strange entertainment and it seems to only get stranger.

"It sounds stupid," Jalin states. "However, it is interesting seeing that she is interested in…" He looks down at Beefeater. "What is that word they use?"

Beefeater looks to Jalin. "I think they call us Aliens?"

"That is the word," Jalin replies.

As she listens to them talk about how strange Hamilton's romantic choice is. She sits down on one of the beds and thinks about the current situation. More she thinks about it, Jalin had a point. Zorzal betrayed her, not the other way around.

She thinks about General Krysist's plan(4) and wonders what happened to him. She was told how they were ambushed in that arena. He stayed behind to cover so Sharpe's team could teleport to the fortress and so his Rangers could escape.

He told her his grand plan after being taken. A life of betrayal and he still was a patriot. Not to the throne but to the people of the Empire. He was trying to save the Empire not from the Other Worlders but from itself.

She finally understands when Sharpe says his oath is to a piece of paper called the Constitution and not to their President.

She knows that her brother Zorzal will dig an early grave for the Empire, the only question is how many he will bring with him. Also, she wonders who else is he allying with and the dangers that will bring.

The more she thinks about it, the more she sees that someone does have to stop him, and she has to be part of that. The only ones who can help are these Other Worlders. She has seen them fight, while powerful, they seem to be aiming at random. It is probably because of how little they understand this world and the politics of it. An alliance would benefit both parties.

"Alright, listen up Knights," She says as she stands up. "I am going to finish what General Krysist started."

She sees them all look at her.

"We are exiles but were not alone. This note proves that we have friends in Sadera. I saw more of those green pig races at the fortress. While we were out here, my brother has been making new friends. That is the only way he was able to take control of the Empire. I only see two choices right now, either step aside and live our lives or we fight back." She explains.

"Does that mean we work with the Americans?" Bozes asks, crossing her arm.

"Haven't we all ready?" She asks. "We have a common enemy, my brother. If they came here, just to destroy then the war would have been over by now. I was in Havcristen and Lieutenant General Stanford explained to me that they were setting up to establish long term relations with the people in Elies. They already have with King Duran as a ally. I believe the Empire and NATO can coexist. We just need to finish what Krysist started."

She watches and sees her Knights show a disdain reaction when hearing Krysist's name. She cannot blame them; she hated that man not too long ago and still somewhat does. Not because of some past experience but because of the propaganda she had her entire life. Same with her Knights.

"If you wish, you can give me your sword." She said. "Any of you want to help me, we can make a difference. My brother cannot be Emperor. Times have changed."

She watches them all look towards Panache.

Panache looks at them all. "What?"

"Well, you were that's complaining about everything," Bozes says.

"That doesn't mean I am giving up!" Panache says angerly.

She crosses her arm and smiles, glad that her Knights are sticking with her. "Alright. I am going to find Grey and tell him we decided to stay and help. For now, just rest up and try to make friends with the locals."


--- Throne Room, Sadera ---

December 6th, 2025

Zorzal is looking at the chair his father used to sit in. Inside the throne room, he looks at it, smiling.

"Finally," He said. "I finally get to sit on it. My destiny has been achieved."

"I am glad you finally got what you deserve," Godasen said. "Your father might have started this war, but he wasn't able to finish it."

"Yes," Woody asks. "But do we have to associate with these, abominations? These pig-like beasts, what do you call them?"

He sits down in his chair and thinks. "They call themselves Haryo. There some isolated tribe passes the Mountain Range of Ice and Snow."

"Yes," Woody said. "These Haryo, they do not seem too trusting to me."

"If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be able to rebuild the Army and the Empire would be on the path of collapse." He responds.

"Yes, their troops should help General Herm in purging Krysist loyalists. I do wonder how the war is going there." Godasen says as he rubs his chin.

"It matters not. The campaign in Elies is providing the necessary time we need to rebuild and solidify our position." He responds. "Herm task is to hold the line there until the hordes of the west-southern arm of the Swestuals Kingdoms arrive. When they do, he will pull out and allow the hordes to swarm them."

"Will the horde be enough?" Godasen asks.

"Maybe, but it should give the enemy a bloody nose. As long as the enemy is focused on Elies, we have time."

"I do not agree," Woody responds. "While our Legions are building here in Sadera, it won't be enough to break the enemy war engines."

Hearing Woody, the head of the Imperial Army, he could not disagree. The enemy weapons are strong, but they still can be beaten. It just requires a lot of effort and everything the Empire has to offer.

The big error he sees is that so far, the Empire has been solely using Human Legions. It is clear traditional warfare will not work but need to use all the elements of this world against theirs.

"I already know that Woody," He responds. "I am not fighting blind. I already sent General Mudra out to call on our vassals. I am hosting a submit in Knappnai."

So far, the Empire has been waging a local war and that is it. The Empire is vast, covering most of Falmart. While this NATO is strong, they only control a small fraction of the continent. The Tribes of the Western Desert, the Kingdoms of the Dwarves in the west, east and southeast and the other nine Human vassal kingdoms and the Centurion tribes. Plus, other smaller vassals and some of the dumb Dark races like goblins and trolls.

"I already know my Emperor," Woody said. "That won't be enough."

"What are you talking about Head?" Godasen says. "What more can we do? We're mobilizing every man we can find, regardless of race."

Woody looks to General Godasen. "We need outside help. We need the Dark races."

"Your brain is dry old man," Godasen responds sharply. "We already have the goblin hordes working for us. By treaty. Plus, all those other damn races. The Orcs and Trolls will supplement our ranks."

He is baffled by Woody. What more can he be talking about? Godasen is correct, he has summoned everything the Empire can.

His eyes suddenly get wide as he realizes who Woody is talking about. "You do not mean her?"

Woody looks up at him. "Correct my Emperor."

He leans back into his throne and leans his chin on his hand. He is talking about the eastern queen, Queen Famulis of the Scaulis Kingdom. That is one of the more powerful Swestual Kingdoms that lay in the far southeast coast.

He takes a deep breath as he thinks about what to do. While the Empire controls the lesser Dark races, the far more powerful intelligent races are not subject to the throne. Under the treaty, the Empire is in charge, enforcement is another story. It took thirty years of none stop war to bring them to a peace treaty.

"You're kidding?" Godasen says, shocked. "There is no way we can work with her. If we lose control, it could mean the return of the dark ages."

"And if we don't, then Empire falls, and the dark ages return anyway. Forging a new alliance might prevent that and make the Empire stronger than ever." Woody explains. "It is just a recommendation but once that must be considered."

"From what I understand, it is just Humans in their world. They have limited knowledge of what our world has to offer. That means they do not have the proper tactics or foresight to counter what our world can throw at them." Woody finishes.

Godasen rubs his chin as he listens. "I hate to agree with the old man however he has a point. They have only been winning is because of their stronger wagons and flying machines. Our diversity is our advantage. Any limits we place on ourselves will lead to our downfall."

Hearing all that he feels the gravity of the throne. It always looks so easy when his father sat on the throne.

"Alright," He says. "I will consider our options. Summon my war council and we will form a grand strategy. Then I will address the Senate my plans for the future of the Empire."


--- Alnus ---

December 6th, 2025

"So, is this what it is like on your world?" Hamilton asks Andrew.

She sits down on the couch and looks at what he calls a television or TV for short. So far, they are halfway through the first season.

Andrew sits down next to her, watching the screen. The screen is not as big then that one that projected at the bar.

"Nope," Andrew responds. "It is a made-up story called RWBY(5). I thought you might have liked it and relate to it. Magic, monsters and warriors."

He then looks over at her, dressed in his casual military uniform.

"So, who are the girls? There so many people to follow." She asks, smiling at him.

"I understand that," Andrew responds. "Well, the main character and leader is Ruby, and she is the youngest. Her sister is name Yang, she is like the cool big sis. Weiss is this pretty cool character but seems cold in the beginning. And then there is Blake."

As she listens, she realizes that the first letter of their name spells the title, RWBY. "Ok, I think I get it."

"Who do you like so far?" Andrew asks.

She thinks about that. "I like the monkey boy. He just seems like fun."

"Interesting," Andrew replies.

"Why is that?" She replies, confused by his comment.

"Well, not everyone liked him. I think he is fine." He then thinks about it and looks to her. "I do see why though. He helps Blake out throughout the series. Kind of like you and the princess."

"I explained it to you. It is my duty, my responsibility." She starts to say but see them try and calm her down.

"I get it, not complaining or poking fun. Just pointing that out." Andrew says.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to jump at you." She says.

"It is ok. I probably deserve it." Andrew says and looks down at the popcorn bowl on her lap. It is almost gone. "I take it you like the popcorn?"

She looks down and smiles. "It is very tasty. How did you pop the food to make it like that? It is soft and crunchy at the same time."

"I…" He was about to reply but realizes he does not know how popcorn is made. "I don't know how popcorn is made. I just buy."

"Interesting," She replies with a smile. "I notice that with your people. You have all these fancy things, but you don't know how to make them yourselves."

"Well, yeah. That a problem?" Andrew replies.

"I, I don't know. It is just something different I noticed about your people." She tells him.

She sees him look away like he is thinking deeper about what she just said. It is like he never thought about that himself.

"Anyway, would you like more?" Andrew asks.

"Oh no, I will get it. Please just sit there." She says as she stands up with the bowl.

She walks over to the kitchen and grabs that bag with the popcorn on.

"Are you sure?" Andrew asks, looking at her from the couch. "Do you remember how to use the microwave?"

"Yes, yes," She says as she opens the microwave. She then puts then bag inside it and closes it. "Please remain seated."

She looks to all the buttons and tries to figure out which one to press. "Which one…?"

He has been nice to her recently and arranges her on this special night. She does not want him to do anything for her and besides, she always felt strange when other people serve on her. But asking for help made her feel very useless.

Andrew gets up and walks over. When he arrives he presses the popcorn button.


"Sorry for what?"

"Because it was simple."

"Don't be. It will take you some time to learn our stuff. If we are out there on the field, I bet their things that are simple and common to you, but I would be clueless about." Andrew says.

She smiles at him and then glances away feeling shy. She enjoys that he tries to make her feel better.

"I have a question," She said. "Are your friends ok with me being here at your barracks?"

"Yes," Andrew responds. "I checked out the lounged place off. We still have an hour."

"I mean, you call us Imperialists, right?" She said. "You are being around the enemy?"

"Well, you are not really the enemy anymore," Andrew said. "Look at my commander, he has three tagging along with him all the time and adopted another. And besides, they like you."

She is surprised to hear that. She never would have through his people would like her. She tried to find a reason behind that but remembers the first time she beat him at their own game(6). They were very mean to him after that. These people seem to have a love-hate relationship with each other. "Is it because I beat you at all your games or is it because they make fun of you because of it?"

"…both…" Andrew responds in this unmotivated response.

She smiles and giggles. "Well, you should be better in your own games."

As she spoke, the microwave begins to beep. It spooked her and she jumps right behind Andrew, holding onto his shoulder. "Why is it angry at me?"

Andrew looks completely baffled on what just happened. He looks at her and then at the microwave. "It is just telling you it is finished."

She looks past him, looking at the microwave. "Are you sure?"

He delays his response as he looks to the microwave. "Maybe, maybe not… ouch!"

She just slapped him on the shoulder. "Don't be mean!"

She can hear Andrew just chuckling as he then grabs the popcorn. "I am surprised your Princess doesn't mind."

"Well, she wants to be friends with your people, so I think she doesn't see any harm if I spend time with you." She replies as she walks back over to the couch and sits down.

"Hmm." Andrew mumbles. "I try to keep politics out of my life. Most of the time it is pointless drama people get overwork about."

Hearing him say that, she takes a destress breath. "You have no idea." She says in a tone that says she has experience in that drama.

He looks to her and chuckles. "I bet, that's your life. Well here. No politics, just fun."

"Alright, I want to see the ending." She says as she eats some popcorn.



Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Chapter 90 & 91

(2)Chapter 95

(3)Chapter 96 & 97

(4)Chapter 94

(5)RWBY is a American amine made by Rooster Teeth

(6)Chapter 23

Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman
