V09 - Chapter 102 New Years Date

--- Philadelphia, US, Earth ---

December 8th, 2025(1)

"So, the mouse asked the boy for a broom to clean up the hair trimming." Selina says as she reads the book 'If you give a mouse a cookie'. She is sitting on the couch.

Sharpe is on the ground doing sit-ups. As he works out, he is listening to his daughter read out loud as he does his morning workout.

The other day Sharpe got a few new books for her to read. He has been pushing her to read more, to develop those skills. She could tell the reading material she was first starting with was for children far younger than her.

When she first started learning how to read, she honestly hated it. It was hard, the words kept jumbling around and 'English' has all these same words that are spelled differently which confuses her.

Since then, it slowly has been getting easier. At least for her, the words are coming out smoother even though she still doesn't fully like reading. But as long as her adopted father wants her to, she will do it. She really wants to please him and make him happy.

As she turns the page she glances down at her adopted father. Since he came back from the frontlines and coming to Earth, that scary man in her dreams went away. She doesn't understand why that man reappeared, but she is just glad it is over.

"What happens next?" Sharpe asks as he stops and grabs his water bottle. Making sure she continues.

"Oh, sorry," She replies and looks back down to the book and continue reading.

"Then the mouse wants to have a nap but before that, he wants a story before bed," She said but then lowers the book. "Wait a minute. Why is the boy doing all this?"

"Doing what?" Sharpe stops everything and looks to her.

From his facial expression, she can tell there is a lesson he wants her to learn. That's when she realizes that he is testing her. "Oh… ahh… I don't know."

"Then continue." He stands up and starts doing pushups.

She takes a deep breath and glances down at the mouse. "After reading a story the mouse than wanted to draw a picture so they had to get some crayons and paper. Then after the mouse draws the picture, he wanted to put it one the re…reffrator. Refff…grtor." She says frustrated, struggling to pronounce refrigerator.

"Refrigerator," Sharpe corrects

"Ok," She replies as she leans forward to the book. "Refrrrigaerator… So, the mouse needs to find some mag…. Not even going to try."

She then turns the page. As she does, she hears the baby upstairs in the guest bedroom start to cry. Hearing that, she sees an opportunity to stop. "I better go help."

Sharpe stops and sits up, looking directly at her. "Selina. He is not your responsibility. This is homework time."

"But," She said and then sees his reaction. She leans back into her chair and nods her head. "Ok, sir."

"Thank you," Sharpe replies. "I know it is hard. Reading was never that easy for me. That's why I prefer things simple."

She takes a breath and smiles. She glances down and continues reading the book. It did not take long until she finally finished reading it.

She closes the book once she is finished and looks at the cover. She already knows the question he is going to ask her. It is going to be the question she asked him. And he has a rule that no question can go unanswered.

She thinks in the book, putting all the pieces together. "It started with the mouse asking the boy for a cookie but in the end, the mouse wanted another cookie. That would make it a circle because that would repeat everything that happened."

Sharpe sits down and looks to her, smiling. "Go on. What is the lesson of the book?"

"Don't trust mouse people?" She quickly responds.


She hears Rory laughing from the kitchen. She looks over to that direction. She then looks back to Sharpe and sees him chuckling at that.

"Ok, that was funny," Sharpe said. "But…"

"Ok. Well." Her eyes suddenly get wide and she looks directly at him. "OK. The lesson is that if you just do what the mouse said, you will be taken for a trip."

"That is correct," Sharpe said. "You see Selina. The boy never said no to the mouse. You have to learn to say no to people otherwise they will take advantage of you."

"But how do you know if someone is going to take advantage of you?" She asks.

"It might not be intentional. While I am on the field, I have my team asking to do this and that. Giving me ideas and proposals. I have to choose a path and sometimes the answer is none." Sharpe explains. "With the boy, he wanted to please the mouse and he couldn't say no. So that is the lesson, you need to always be able to say no."

"But when do you say no?" She asks.

"That is something you have to learn from experience. There is no single example. But when you are dealing with someone you don't trust, always remember this." He finishes.

She glances down at the book, thinking about what he just said. She is trying to think of examples of when she would need to say no. Maybe if she was back in her country, she could have told her father to say no to his Generals in waging wars against Edras neighbors.

However, she was so weak and always ignored back at the palace. If she was there now, she knows no one would ever listen to her because she is a weak little girl. That is why it was so easy for her to be sold into slavery.

She glances back up to her adopted father and sees him doing another round of pushups.

As she watches him, she thinks about when they first met. She was so scared of those four Sadera mercenaries. And then she watched him just defeat three out of the four of them like they were nothing. Then she was scared of him because he clearly was a skilled killer but now, she sees him as a strong and brave dad. No one could ever do what they did to her to him. Because he is strong.


"What's up?"

She lowers the book and looks at him. "Can I work-out to? Like what you're doing?" She finishes, speaking a slightly shyly.

He stops and looks at her. "What is on your mind Squirt? What is going on?"

She looks directly at him and then glances away, feeling shy.

While everyone has been at war, she is always left behind. She understands as she is small and weak. Everyone has a use but her.

"I just like to work-out like you," She responds. "Maybe I could be more like you."

She sees him looking at her. She has noticed that he does this a lot. Always thinking before he speaks, being careful. She has always found this a bit scary, knowing his actions are from being a well-drilled soldier. It means he can be a little emotionally distant and hard to approach. However, and more importantly, she knows deep down inside he loves her and that's all that matters to her.

She scoots off the couch and adjusts her blue skirt. She then walks over and sits down by his side.

She then looks up, wondering what he has to say.

"Selina," Sharpe said. "Don't try to be like me. When I was your age, I was very scrawny and easy to bully. Had to work very hard, a lot of it came from Boot Camp."

He then holds out and flexes, teasing her a little.

She looks and his arm and smiles. Slowly she moves her hand and pokes it, being silly. "Not as big as Randy though."

"Well fine then." He replies, pretending to be upset.

She giggles and looks at him. She sees him look back at her and then rub her on the head, messing up her hair.

"Stop…" She says giggling as she slaps his hand away.

He nods, enjoying that she is smiling. "If you like to work-out with me you can. We can start something. But why do you want to?"

She glances down and takes a breath as she collects her thoughts. "I just want to be stronger, like you. You fight bad men all the time and can defend yourself. I just want to be stronger. It is ok if you say no though."

"Let me explain something Selina," Sharpe said. "Physical strength is not everything. Ninety-nine percent of the time I am using my head in battle. If I ended up in a fistfight, then that means I screwed up somewhere." He then pokes her head, making her smile. "You want to develop this. This win battles."

"I know," She replies in a happy tone. "But I just don't want to be weak."

"Selina, you are not weak," Sharpe said. "I understand what your feeling, but you are not weak. Most kids your age would struggle to get back on their feet if they went through what you did. I get it, it was scary and wrong."

He then thinks about what she said. "But I think it would be good for you to learn some self-defense."

She nods her head and smiles, seeing this as a chance to spend time with him. "Ok."

"How about this. Tomorrow let's go out together, you and I. We'll look around the city, maybe the park." Sharpe said, think on top of his mind.

She tilts her head hearing that. She loves the idea of going along to spend some much-needed time together but there is one thing that confused her. "What is a park?"

Sharpe chuckles. "I will show you."

--- That Evening ---

Sarah walks inside the door, holding some grocery bags. She walks over to the side and allows Noriko to walk past her. She then closes the door behind her and walks over to the kitchen.

"Thank you for the help Noriko." She said.

As she follows Noriko, she notices Sharpe and Selina on the couch, watching a TV show. She couldn't get a good look at it but of course, it is a cartoon. A dated one based off the designs.

Noriko sets the bag to the kitchen. "No, thank you. I needed this stuff." She then grabs one of the bags and looks inside it, making sure all her personal products are inside.

"I understand. If you ever need anything, just ask me." She says.

"It can be so hard being a woman," Noriko replies, taking a chuckle breath.

Sarah laughs. "Yeah. It is definitely a ride. But do not worry, you will find a man and you can take it out on him. Mom taught me about the toilet seat trick." She finishes, chuckling at the times mom yelled at dad about closing the toilet seat.

Noriko thinks about that and then smirk. "Mom did that too. She yelled at him all the time about it, but I did not know it was a women conspiracy."

She holds her figure to her lips. "Shh, don't let them know. I will teach you and the other girls about the temperature gauge later."

She has seen Noriko struggling and decided to take her out for a little bit. Just to get away from everything for a bit. She wanted to cheer her up for a bit and Selina is always willing to volunteer to babysit.

She then hears a loud noise coming from the living room. She rolls her eyes. "We better go spoil their fun."

She walks over to the couch and stops there. She looks down and sees Selina holding Tenchi in her arms. She can hear Selina humming some alien song as she holds Tenchi close to her. Sharpe is sitting beside her, looking towards the screen.

"Selina, that sounds like a nice song. What is it?" She asks, looking closer at Tenchi.

"It is a song about Miritta. It is about the blessing of life and the strong bond and blessing of a child." Selina said.

"That sounds lovely," She said and then asks. "What are you watching?" She sees this cat transforms into a robot. "I should have known. It is true, men never grow up."

"And your point is?" Share responds quickly.

"Yeah Sarah," Selina adds. "What is your point?"

She instantly reacts and looks right down to Selina, shocked by her response.

Selina looks up at her and smiles.

She cannot believe this grown man watching such childish things. And dragged the alien girl with him into this fun. In a strange way she finds it humorist, but it is their thing.

"He has corrupted you."

"And I am proud of it!" Selina responds and then looks down at Tenchi. "Hey, no baby."

She just witnessed Tenchi reaching to Selina's breast, grabbing her chest part of her shirt. Wanting to feed.

"Noriko, I think your son is hungry."

"Again? I am coming." Noriko says shocked. She then walks over to Selina. "Hand this little pain over."

As Selina hands over Tenchi, he grabs Selina's shirt, not wanting to let go.

"Baby, I can't feed you!" Selina says, thinking the situation funny.

"And you never will as long as I'm alive," Sharpe responds as he keeps watching the TV.

"What a dad answer." She responds.

She watches as Noriko takes Tenchi upstairs to breastfeed him. She tried to decide on what to do now.

It has been nice of Sharpe to bring them all along to Earth. It has been fun watching the girls all have fun and seeing that cheering glow in their eyes during Christmas. However, she has been hoping to get a little private time with her commanding officer. If anything, just to relax and spend some time alone as friends.

She takes a deep breath and turns around, deciding this was her chance to ask since it is only Selina here.

"Hey, Sarah," Sharpe says right when she turns around to face him.

"Yes, sir?"

"While everyone is distracted, there is this bar across the street. Want to recon it?" Sharpe says.

She can tell that he is forcing himself to say it. It might have fooled his guy buddies however she can tell there is more meaning behind it.

"I told him to ask you or I was going to call him a cat scary!" Selina says, looking over to her with a big smile.

She looks at her and smiles. She knows she means to say 'scaredy-cat' but it doesn't matter. She can see Sharpe close his eyes, wanting to stranger his daughter. "How adorable." She thinks.

"Yeah, why not. Before Rory marches down the stairs and starts another war." She says as she crosses her arms.


Both Sharpe and Sarah went to the sports bar across the street. It is the normal bar you see in the big city. At the bar, there is a lot of military personal inside, the ones who are guarding this side of the Gate.

After some time, they are sitting at this both, looking up at the screen.

"You know Sharpe," She said. "I have been meaning to say I am proud of you for doing all this for them."

He takes a sip of his beer. "They earned it."

She takes a sip of hers. She likes how focus he is and how he puts other people first. He does not let small or big things get to him and his laser focus on getting his mission done. He knows his priorities and sticks with them.

A lot of guys she has been around with and dated only cared about themselves and their own ego. Sometimes though, it does get annoying. Like when trying to compliment him, he deflects it like how he would when insulted.

"I mean it. You said they earn it, but you didn't have to go this far. It meant a lot for them." She replies.

He looks to her, slightly confused. "I didn't think it would be that big of a deal. They earned it and I figured when the day comes, they can visit Earth more regular, they have a place they can stay out. One that is safe, and I can control. Not some random motel or something."

She smiles at what he said. "Oh boy. You really don't understand how a girl thinks."

He takes a drink and then set the bottle down. "Then educate me."

"Well need a keg and aspirin at the end when I am done educating you Sharpe." She says chuckling. "My point was the reason it means a lot to them is that all this means this is for the long haul. A commitment."

She sees him about to say something but stops like he realizes what she is saying.

"It just tells them that you are not going anywhere and that you all are going to stay as a team." She says and waits for his reaction. "Commitment means a lot to a lady. Always remember that."

She watches him glance away, looking at the beer bottle. He is processing what she said and taking it all in. One thing she has learned about him is that he is careful. Every word is tactful.

"I see what you are saying. I did not think of it like that. I just figured they would enjoy it. For example, Lelei is crazy smart. I do not even know how to begin." He says.

"I know. She already knows how to use a laptop." She said. "You did put the child filter on, right?"

"That and more. The Internet is an interesting place." He replies. "Rory, on the other hand, baffles me."

"Why is that?"

"She is a Demi-god…"

"Demi-goddess," She corrects him. "She takes pride in that."

"Goddess," He says as he half-ass points to her, acknowledge the correction. "Anyway, she is this badass warrior Apostle with so much wisdom. But around she acts more like a kid sometimes and runs off doing her own thing."

Hearing him speak, she knows what he is talking about. She giggles hearing that.

"What are you giggling about?"

"You know why?" She asks. "Rory is a bit like you. How many times you runoff in this war? And being childish, who was watching Transformers from the nineties?"

"… True." He replies.

"And besides, think about it." She said. "You point this out all the time. Their world is brutal. She and all of them probably never got a chance to just sit back and have fun. Be a child. She might be a thousand years old but deep down inside she wants to have fun. I think being around you she can be freer with who she is."

"I guess. She is a fun one." He says and glances away thinking on something. "It might be me, but I think she been hitting on me."

"Really, there no way." She replies in a sarcastic tone.

He nods his head. "Your right, I am overthinking. Just playing another game."

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, thinking that he has such a thick head.

"Selina has approved a lot." He says.

"Of course you are going to say that," She quickly responds. "Mister Captain American has a softy daddy side."

She signs at her. "Really?"


"She is coming into herself. But something seems to be holding her down." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know," He said. "Today before you went out with Noriko, she wants to start working out with me."

"Sharpe... maybe she just wants to spend more time with you. Have you thought of that?" She replies.

"That is what I thought, and it probably is. But there seems to be more motive behind it. It is just a feeling." He says, speaking out loud.

She thinks about what he said. "We have to remember Sharpe, she went through a horrible experience. She might be still figuring it out. Let us be honest, you still figure out yours."

He nods his head. "I have to admit, your right."

"While she is figuring it all out. Just be open and there. Just be around her and as open as you can. Just always remind her that you love her and if she wants to do something, try and do it." She says, trying to be helpful.

When she was captured and feeling those five soldiers' hands feeling up her body, ripping off her clothes like rags. She has started to understand what Selina went through. It is a terrifying experience that no matter the amount of training could prepare you.

Thinking about that she gets an idea. "Try and be more supportive of her faith."

"You mean Miritta?" He asks, already knowing the answer.

"Yes," She replies. "It is clear Miritta is very important to her. Try and find something common about it to bond over. Maybe that will help."

"Bonding, like pip her out like the religion demands?" He says in a cold voice.

She shakes her head, shaking her hand no. "I did not mean that."

"According to Selina, that is pretty much the full religion." He says and takes a drink.

She takes a breath, agreeing with him. This has become a small throne between Sharpe and Selina. "There has to be more to it."

"Like what? I already thought about this? Of course, this is important to Selina. I want to be supportive but there is no way I am going to prostitute my twelve-year-old daughter. I don't give a damn about it is their culture." He says like he is setting the law. "And don't give me that multicultural stuff. That's all fine and good but I won't compromise my values and do something evil."

She shakes her head and smiles. She didn't realize this would have started a mini war, but she loves how much he is willing to go for Selina.

"I agree," She replies, trying to calm him down. "I am just thinking there has to be more. Look at Rory and when she talks about Emroy. Emroy covers a full range of things. It sounds like these gods cover a range of topics. There has to be more to it than just prostitution."

Sharpe nods his head, thinking about what she said. "I already ask Lelei and Rory, but they don't know. This is Emroy and Idos territory. Miritta religion has no presence here to learn more."

She takes a deep breath but then remembers that fox women inside Alnus. "Why didn't I think of this before?"

He looks at her confused, leaning on his arm now. "What are you talking about? Think of what?"

"This is this fox woman that moved into town. An older woman, sweet lady. She is a baker and sells sweets." She says as she collects her thoughts. "She worships Miritta to. But, when I brought Selina to her for the treats, Selina nearly started a holy war."

"That was her name?" She asks herself and then snaps her figures. "Karlin! She clearly has a different viewpoint of Miritta and it seemed like she knew more than she was letting on. I think she was just trying to respect Selina's values."

"Why wasn't I told?" He asks, slightly annoyed that he is just hearing about this now.

Her eyes widen and think of an excuse. "Ahh... rule number one?" She then takes a drink, needing a little buzz.

She can't believe that is what she said however it probably saved her. From what she understands, Rule Number One is a joke he likes to troll people with. It means whatever he wants it to mean in whatever situation.

"... fair enough." He replies and takes a drink.

He thinks about what she said. "Ok. I will talk with this fox woman. Thank you. I just want is best for Selina and help her through whatever she is going through."

"It will be fine Sharpe. She loves yeah and is very adorable," She says and then giggles. "You should see it, she adores you."

She nods and smiles. She can see that he knows and likes that.

He takes a drink and looks at her. "Hey, Sarah."

"What is it, boss?" She said and then takes a drink.

"Can I ask you a serious question?"

She looks directly at him. "You, ask a serious question? I can't believe it. There is a god… hey!" She finishes as he tosses the beer lime at her. She has to grab it off herself and tosses it back at him, seeing him chuckle. "What is it?"

His happy face suddenly changes to a serious look. "Why have you been so nice to me? I mean before the war. I admit, I was in a bad spot in my life and I took it out on all of you."

She glances away, blushing and hoping that he doesn't see her.

"I remember when you crucified me on my performance and terrible leader I was being."

She delays her responds trying to calm herself down and thinking how to respond. "Well, I never told you, but I got in contact with your old team. I found out you were ex-Delta and a war hero and all that. While I never found out what happens and trust me, I tried. I did put it together that something bad must of happen to you."

"So, I decided I had a choice. I could either continue seeing you as the enemy or try to be a solution." She finishes.

He nods his head and holds up his beer. "I want to let you know. I might seem like you have a small role on the time but, to me…"

She looks at him and sees this is just a commander just giving a compliment. If it was that he wouldn't be struggling to say what he is thinking. He is too professional to hesitate like that. This is coming from somewhere deep down inside.

"I am personally happy you are watching my back. Losing you would be a major loss." He said.

She smiles and thinks. She is about to say something but sees him glare at her, implying not to interrupt. She expresses that she will not interrupt and just takes a drink.

"What I am trying to say, when you were taken, I realized I just lost my best friend. You had my back and we're taking care of me from the very beginning." Sharpe says, flustering a little.

She looks at him, cheeks a bit red. He sounds like Selina when she is practicing reading. Even though they are from two different worlds and she is adopted, they are so similar.

"What I am saying is that I would hate to lose you." Sharpe forces out.

She takes a breath and leans forward. "Lean forward."

She can see that he is hesitant to, especially after him opening up that tight locked up box of emotions deep down in his heart. He ends up leaning forward as she asks.

She then kisses him. "Thanks for saving me. I owned you that."

He is hesitant to respond. "What was the one from Christmas?"

She leans back, smiling.

She got the question she has been asking herself, does he like her. The question is yes, even though he hasn't fully come to that conclusion yet.

That is fine to her, she does not want to force anything on him yet. While he has approved, that mission in Mexica really fucked with him and it has taken her and all the other girls putting him back together. And she has found the more pieces of that puzzle the more she falls in love with him.

"That," She responds with an evil smirk. "Was to embarrass you in front of the girls."

He shots her an evil glare but she ignores it.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Holiday Note: Holidays will not match the story calendar. They are considered holiday specials. The events in the chapters are cannon, just the real-life dates are not. It is for fun and the special moment.



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Discord: https://discord.gg/VFgHtn4