V09 - Chapter 103

"Today we are here to report that the newly reactivated 2nd Armored Division. It was disactivated in 1995 after the Cold War. Its last combat debut was during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. It was credited in one of the most famous tank battles in the modern era, Battle of 73 Easting.

The 2nd Division will be deployed to Elies to relieve the 10th Mountain Division in occupation operations." – SCNR News

--- White House, Washington D.C., US, Earth ---

December 8th, 2025

"What do you mean you investigate found nothing?" Asks President Emily Pots.

She is sitting at her desk in the Oval Office on the phone with Brent Quintin, director of the CIA.

"I am sorry madam President; we do not know who leaked the meeting date," Quintin

"There are only a few people who knew. This is a massive security break, Brent," She signs as she listens to all of his excuses on how they failed to find the leaker.

A few months ago, she hosted a secret meeting with some of our main allies from the Special Region(1). The represents were from Vanguard-7 unit, led by Major Sharpe.

Rory the Demi-goddess, an enormously powerful ally who has helped us get out of much trouble and has brought much creditability to our side. Lelei the magic-user who has helped us understand their world better, so we are not just blindly walking over landmines. Because of her, they know were over those landmines.

She wanted a secret visit before being more public about US allies from that world. There is no rule book or guidelines for first contact. Most people always thought Humanity would meet aliens but that be three hundred years or so. No one thought it would be in their lifetime.

Because of that, she wanted to personally get to know before going public. The country and the world cannot afford any more major surprises right now. There is this silent fear in the back of the people's minds, just like what happened during 9/11.

Then no one knew what was happening, who the bad guys were and why it was happening. That was the biggest reason Americans were in a state of shock for a few years while in World War II, they knew who to focus that anger.

The only reason the nations of Earth didn't descent into World War III was because of the American military global presence and how decisive their victories have been. This has brought some sense of stability as the public consensus catches up on what is happening. While scared and confused, it is calming that the greatest military machine beating the aliens on the field.

There is a lot of goodwill and understanding around the world. Even the Chinese Empire has been quieter since its failed raid on the resort. She believes everyone is just waiting for what happens next.

Hearing more excuses from the director, she finally interrupts him. "Brent, figure it out. Otherwise, why do we even have a CIA? My god Brent, do your damn job and figure this out!"

She hangs up on him and takes a breath.

"Sounds like a fun conversation Madam President." Secretary of State Bobby Gates

She looks up at him. "Spooks," She said. "A lot of talks. Especially the CIA."

"Would you like a minute Emily," Gates replies.

She leans back in her chair. "No. You can continue your NATO report."

Balancing international relations right now has been complicated. Half of the State Department has been going back and watching and reading old science fiction shows and books on how to communicate what we are witnessing at the Special Region.

"Well, the UK, France, and Italy are our biggest tributes. Japan is our biggest tribute right now which is "interesting." Gates said.

"Yeah, I already know. They are happy to fight for liberty and mankind and all that good stuff. Let me guess, they want more involved?" she say, already knowing the answer to her question.

"Pretty much," Gate said. "Brazil has finally approved a detachment. First foreign conflict for them since the big WW2."

"Good. We need to at least show this is an International mission. As long as we are under control of everything. More allies helping us like this, less support political support for the UN trying to take over." She explains.

Brazil has slowly become a growing ally in South America. Since they finally rejected socialism, they have been growing stronger and freer. That has resulted in closer relations between them and the US.

She thinks about what Bobby said before, knowing this day would come.

Right now, there is a campus under construction on Alnus Hill. DARPA and a few corporate research and office buildings. This new world is a treasury of resources and knowledge, it is an opportunity that cannot be passed up and everyone wants a piece of that.

That takes time though to figure out the proper regulations, the contracts and building the infrastructure. The biggest issue the Senate has is where to provide those funding and resources. Everything we know about the universe has been flipped and everyone is making up the rules as they go.

Early on she decided to go slow when making policy in the Special Region, allowing Major General Stanford to run the war until the current threat is neutralized.

It is clear that a new form of Manifest Destiny is here, and she knows there no way to stop it. She wants to make sure this time, there is no genocide that comes with it. There has been a massive debate going on Earth on what to do with this new world. Some want us to just close the Gate, but most want to colonize it in some matter. Something we should do massive development while others think we should do a light touch. And of course, the UN and the US allies want a stake in that.

"Tell them not to worry. They need to understand that this is a hostile world. While primitive, we barely understand any of it." She leans forward to think about how to say next. "Our scientists still don't even understand how magic is even possible. It is going to take decades to figure this out."

Gates suddenly starts to chuckle as he sits in the chair across Pots desk. "Could be worse, you could be working for the government."

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes hearing that, enjoying the bad joke.

"Anyway, let's mix things up Madam President. Have you read the recent progress in the Special Region?" Gates ask.

"By god Bobby. Can we find a better name for that place? Special Region, let's put that on a flier." She replies. "What do our troops call it over there?"

"Uros Mam." Gates respond.

"Slightly better," She replies. "Anyway, yes I did. Elies is almost fully under our control. Seems like the locals don't like NATO presence. That fortress seems to be our last obstacle in the region."

"What about the power struggle."

She knows about the strange power struggle that is happening with the Empire in Elies. While the report did not include much, it did state that the General leading the Imperial Army in Elies was planning on surrendering but was stopped and reports saw he was assassinated. However, there is no visual confirmation on that.

"This is going to complicate our operations there." She says.

While NATO forces have learned a lot about that world, there is still so much they do not fully understand. The number one problem so far in the war has been our lacking that world. The politics, economics, cultures, all the different kinds of races or ethnic groups, just everything about the world still very know.

"Not by much. We still can beat them on any battleground. The enemy success has only been on small skirmishes so far." Gates said. "But Leiutenant General Stanford wants to slow down until we fully understand the new political situation."

"There is no point in occupying the territory if we don't know what to do with them," She replies. "And tell him I agree. But I want him to keep putting pressure on them."

She remembers her days on the field, going out on patrols in the streets in Iraq and Afghanistan. While we won the wars and crushed their armies and militants, NATO struggled to turn those victories into long term tactical success on the ground.

"Bob," She says to get his attention. "I think it is time I visit our allies in Uros. Italica and Elbe. I want to get a better idea of what is going on from the people on the ground."

"I will make the arrangements. Would you like to meet Princess Pina during your visit?" Bobby asks.

She glances down at her desk, trying to remember who that is. The name sounds familiar for some reason. "Wait, is she the woman who botched the peace treaty?"

"Yes, she is," Bobby replies. "She is in the recent report. She and her Rose Knights have been encamped under guard at Fort Alnus."

Now she fully remembers that woman Pina. She now remembers glancing over her name over the recent reports. She is the one who cost her a lot of political capital in her failed treaty. She is the brat who turned what was supposed to be a short and quick war into a long drawn out conflict with no clear end in sight.

"No," She replies in a suppress but angerly tone. "I want her nowhere near anything. I don't need another political disaster."

Bobby leans back in his chair. "With all due respect mam but in the report from Major Sharpe, she seemed to be exiled from the Empire. The major recently given her some positive feedback, crediting her help in rescuing a POW. He even led a small rescue mission to recover the Princess from execution."

She leans back into her seat after hearing that. Regardless of her personal feelings about the young Princess, she cannot ignore those recent events. The Geopolitical situation is changing on the ground and she might be useful as an alternative government in the future.

"Alright, I will meet her. I rather beat the Senate before they start walking to her."

"You mean Senator Ryan Laymen." Bobby states.

Senator Ryan Laymen from Texex is the head of the Committee of the Alnus and Uros and is on the Committee of NATO Expeditionary Forces. He was a major help in pushing her general mobilization of American forces, deploying three more divisions and reactivation two Army divisions, one Marine Division and five Air Force squadrons. With other additional resources from the Navy and Space Force slowly being mobilized once they are needed.

He was a major help in getting the treaty with Elbe and Italica passed, a surprising ally in getting her Special Region agenda through Congress.

However, this has all come with a price, he wants to be far more active in the day to day policy making with this administration. That is the last thing she wants is more hands on the steering wheel.

That is the name of the political game though she tells herself.

"Alright, Bob. Give me the current rundown and well figure out our next step."


--- Philadelphia, US, Earth ---

December 9th, 2025

Sharpe slowly wakes up, shaking his head. He felt something on his which woke him up.

When he wakes up, the first thing he sees is these big beautiful crimson red eyes.

"Goooood morning sleepy."

He feels this small finger poke his nose.

He feels this headache from last night drinking with Sarah(2).

When his vision gets unfussy, he sees Rory's face. Her head is extremely close to his. He can feel that she is laying onto him.

"Rory…" he tries to say as she places her finger on his mouth.

"Shhh," Rory says quickly says to shut him up. "You don't want to wake everyone up."

He takes a deep breath, feeling uncomfortable. "What is it, Rory."

She leans back a little, placing her arm on his chest and shifts her up a bit. She is continuing staring directly at him with a big smile.

"You looked distressed," She said in a cute and seductive tone. She then moves her hand and brushes the side of his head, playing with his hair. "I wanted to cheer you up."

He shakes his head, trying to grasp the situation. He had another dream last night, where he almost saved that Mexican teen girl. This is a dream he has many times but each time he fails and watches her burn to death screaming.

He doesn't know why but it seems Rory always knows when he is struggling. Always giving him extra attention or flirting when he feels depressed or cold.

He tries to get up, but Rory uses her supernatural strength and holds him down with her arm. "Rory, get off me."

Hearing him say that, Rory fully sits up. He sees that she is wearing her black and red Lolita pajamas dress. Her hands move down his chest and stop, holding herself up.

"Come on," She said with a smile. "Stop being a stick in the woods. Don't you like me at all? Am I not pretty?"

He had no reply so all he could do was stare right at her, into her crimson red eyes.

In what feels like forever, he sees this large devilish grin on her face. Her eyes glance down at where their bodies meet and then look directly at him like she is seeing right into his soul.

"Hmm," She said. "I guess you are happy to see me."

Hearing that, he grabs her and forces her off of him. He then sits up, angry at her.

"Ahh!" She yells as she falls over onto the floor.

He sits up on the couch and sits there, recollecting his thoughts.

While he has his own bedroom, he has allowed Sarah to use it. This meant he had to sleep on the couch which is fine with him. His old mentor Harper once told him that every husband should pick the couch because when the wife kicks him out of bed for whatever reason, you will need a comfortable place to sleep.

While not married, it was advised he decided to accept. Right now, it paid off.

Rory pops off the ground, scratching her head. "You are like no fun. Ever." She then giggles.

He looks out the window and sees it is still dark. He then looks to Rory. "What are you doing down here Rory? Shouldn't you be asleep?"


Rory stands right up after being tossed off of her man. She thinks to herself 'party pooper'.

Both him and Sarah came home late last night and both where pretty buzzed.

Seeing that, she saw a chance for some 'bonding' time while he is buzzed from drinking. She allowed him to get a few hours of sleep.

While her personal 'fun' mission didn't go as plan, she sees a different way she can help.

Throughout their adventures, she knows that he tries to keep what they call PTSD a secret. To prideful and concern what others think even if he doesn't want to admit it.

After standing up and fixing her Lolita pajamas, she sits down next to him and gives him a happy smile. "As I said, I felt that you were distressed."

He looks to her. "And how you figure that? Did Emroy tell you again or was it that other one which starts with a P. I don't understand how you always know how I feel."

She knows what he means, Palapon the God of Revenge. She has tried to explain it to him that she doesn't talk with Emroy in the traditional sense. It is a sense and feeling she gets. There are ways she could directly talk with him but that is rare.

With Palapon, she can sense his presence within Sharpe because she has developed a strong bond with him. She swore that she never would allow Palapon to influence him. She loves who he is and becoming and doesn't want that to change.

During her younger days in the monk as she learned what it meant to be an Apostle of Emroy. Emroy represents war but that does not always mean war on the battlefield. The Priestess explained it that every man always has two wars in their heart, one for love and the other is hate. The life of a soldier can bring much hate into a wounded heart.

She holds up her hand and brushes off his comment. "No silly, I can't feel or hear Emroy while on Earth. I tried." She then looks up at him and gives a warming smile as she places a supportive hand on his lap. "Besides, I am a woman. I don't need a god to feel that something is wrong with you."

"So, talk to me," She said. "Maybe I can help."

He takes a breath and leans back. "Don't worry about it, Rory. Don't worry about it."

She rolls her eyes and glances away, crossing her arms. "Why do men always act like this." She then looks back at him. "Talk."

"It is just another dream, Rory. Nothing more than that. I have them all the time, it is just something people have to live through. You never have to worry about me." He says as he yawns, looking at the cloak.

She leans back and thinks. She then smiles and leans on his shoulder, rubbing his arm with his hand.

"Sharpe," She said. "You know this is the first time in a long while that I felt like I have a home and belong."

She then looks up and sees him looking down at her. "I was born in the Kingdom of Eden. I was once a priestess in training, to become a citadel warrior."

She pauses as she cozies up against him, brings her legs up. "But that all changed when I was chosen by Emroy to become his Apostle. I was driven out of the kingdom because they worship the god Zufumut, the God of Light and Order. Close friends turned just like that. I barely made it out."

"I did not know Rory. I am sorry about…" He says before she interrupts him.

"It does not matter. I moved on a long time ago." She replies with a smile. "Funny thing is that they worship me now." She chuckles, thinking back on that time.

The early days were a hard time. She nearly was given the ritual of Elbaga by the old Apostle of Zufumut. That is when an Apostle is cut into many pieces and each piece sent across Falmart. Since Apostles cannot die, that is the only effective way to remove an Apostle from the world. That is until these Other Worlders arrived.

That old and angry Apostle of Zufumut was not pleased that one of his worshipers become a rival Apostle. He is gone now and replaced by what these Americans call a frenemy.

She wanted to tell him to help him open up. She slowly looks up at him and gives him the big glowing patty eye, being all cute.

Sharpe shakes his head, knowing what she is doing. He wraps his arm around her so she can cuddle up.

"Rory… all four of you are horrible." He says in a joking way. He just doesn't understand how when girls give that look, it's like a cheat code to get what they want.

She just snickers. "So, tell me about the dream."

"It is the same one, well a few," He said. "It is either watching that Mexican girl getting burned alive and seeing by old team butchered like cattle. The other is you all be tortured and killed, and I am powerless to stop."

She had a feeling it was something like that. He takes things to personal. She has killed and slaughtered many groups of people in her life but always for what she thought is right or in defense. That does not mean she doesn't have regrets about who she killed.

"I know Jackson," She replies. "You're a good man and that is the problem. Why people like being around you is because you give a damn."

She then looks at him as he looks away, probably thinking on past missions. She always has to remember that he is not immortal and doesn't have a hundred generations of experience and growth behind him. Everyone needs help and this time she won't fail.

"You see," She begins. "You need not worry. We are not worried because we all know you have our backs. Don't stress yourself out like this. And Jackson, you need to forgive yourself. It was not your fault. Bad things happen and sometimes there's nothing more you can do."

She noticed that he did not respond. Most likely he knows she is right but wants to disagree with her logic.

She glances away and thinks. She knows it will take some time but the more she pushes, the better he gets.

She feels him hold her closer and she allows it. "Sharpe get some sleep. I will just wait here."


--- The Greater Elies Region, Hagoth Highway ---

December 9th, 2025

Major Bronston walks up to the front of the line. His while battalion was forced to stop because Bravo company found something, and they thought he needed to see before moving forward.

What he saw what he got up there was one of the most horrific things he ever witnessed.

"God damnit." He says out loud. "Someone gives me a smoke."

"Didn't you quiet sir?" One of his officers points out.

"Not now," He responds. "Did you report this to Colonel Robert?"

"Yes, sir. This is being reported all across the line. The Japanese ran into this an hour before we did. French and UK forces in the south just did." Another officer explains.

He looks at what is in front of him, trying to decide on what to do. This has been an interesting war so far.

He has heard stories about when Radical Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and the Taliban did to western soldiers. Very barbaric acts to their prisoners. He cannot think of an example of what he is looking at.

"Alright, tell Alpha and Charlie companies to move up half a kilometer and set up a defensive line. I want Bravo to clean up this mess. From what I understand these are the good guys before being betrayed." He orders.

"They are Imperialists."

"But they were at least honorable Imperialists." He shots back.

He watches his officers walk off to their companies. He looks back at the naked crucified man in front of him.

From what he understands it is one of General Krysist men or one of his loyalists. There is one of these crosses with another crucified man on it doing north and south, stretching for dozens of kilometers.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 55

(2)Chapter 102



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS