V09 - Chapter 108 Battle of Legrath

--- Fortress Legrath ---

December 13th, 2025

Outside this underground chamber, all the Empire soldiers hear the loud explosions from the other Worlders war engines. It seems that the enemy invaders have underestimated the defense of this fortress.

While he does not know what is happening outside, he understands his responsibility right now.

Herm gave him the responsibility to lead a two thousand Legendries into the enemy formation.

He turns around and sees his men. Most of them are from other units that have been destroyed during the Elies Campaign. While most are Humans, many of their armored Minotaur's, many mercury Volradens mixed in and a few other races. He looks into the eyes and notices an interesting sight.

While most of them seem ready to dive into battle like a true Imperial warrior. Many seem relenting, which is a sight he is not used to. Even during the darkest days of the Empire, the Imperial Army has a long tradition of standing tall.

He wonders if their morale was ruined about the recent Krysist and Muilk rebellion. To regain order and allegiance, General Herm had to crucified anyone who did not kneel and show loyalty to the Empire. Basically, anyone who was loyal or expressed loyalty to the rebel Krysist. Everyone should be happy that the proper order has been reestablished.

"Men," The Saderian Centurian yells, holding up his sword. "Listen to me."

He looks around as everyone starts looking at him.

Fortress Legrath is built inside a massive hill which means most of its constructions and buildings are built inside the fortress. He can see the dwarf's contractors walk around, making sure the wooden and stone walls and ceiling hold up the dirt and working the ceiling gate.

Seeing that all eyes are on him. "We are about to charge against the enemy. Our mission is to kill their first advance force while our engineers take them out with the Lithobolos(1) and Heavy Ballista's."

He then hears this massive roar from one of the giant wild Minotaur's as it gets loaded up into the chamber.

"I know you all have been through a lot in recent weeks. Your fort Legatus and the banish General abused your loyalty and…" As he speaks, he looks around, seeing many of his troops disgruntled. He even sees a small fight breaking about between two camps. It seems Herm failed to purge all of Krysist loyalists.

"Legion!" He yells, knowing that is what Krysist yells to rally the troops. To his surprise, he only got moderate results.

"We are going to attack those bastards and feed Emroy belly with their souls. These people have attacked your lands and stripped your wealth and honor. Fight for the Empire and for your glory. Always remember, Idos is on our side." He yells at the top of his lunges.

He then gets off the box he was standing on and walks through the troops, encouraging them.

As he walks, he hears the above doors opening. He stops and looks up as these trolls pulling these large chains. Five doors open leading to outside the fortress.

This is a small section that leads outside the fortress wall to allow a quick strike force to conduct a surprise counterattack. It is designed this way so this section floods after the soldiers leave, so no one can use it to sneak under the wall.

He looks to his left and sees the three-monster size Minotaur's. Unlike their humanoid versions, the monster ones are extremely dumb. They only respond to their basic instincts of food, fight, and mating. However, they are one of the strongest beasts in Falmart and properly focused, they can be deadly.

"Attack!" He yells.

He sees the three Minotaur's rush out of their chambers, heading towards the Other Worlders position. He looks around and hears the war cries as everyone rushes out the door, following behind the Minotaur's.

Once they all leave, the trolls start closing the doors and the dwarfs begin the process of collapsing this place.

A head dwarf walks over. "Centurion, why are you not going with them?"

He looks down at the dwarfs. Normally he wouldn't bother with such creature, but he feels in a good mood. "It is a suicide mission. No point wasting good officers."

--- Outside ---

Major Bronston walks up to his Bravo Company command post.

All the officers and radiomen calling out and giving orders. While they seem stressed, they all are acting professional and orderly. No one overreacting or tripping up. The Army teaches its troops not to fall into chaos or the simplest of engagements can become a slaughter.

"Report!" He asks.

"Major," Captain Lopez says. "Enemy artillery seems to be random fire. Those fire pots seem to be the less inaccurate from this range. The fact they can reach this distance surprises him. However, those massive spears are more accurate. We lost a HUNVEE's and they breached our Stryker's. Whatever they are mad out of, they can breach out less armored vehicles. Where taking cover and targeting their surface fire."

He kneels to his subordinate. "I got word from Brigade. UAV's are locking on to their location and transmitting targeting data. I want your Company Bradley's to fire their TOW and Hellfire missiles once you have a target."

That is when he hears this loud screaming sounds from the HVP rounds(2).

He walks around the command M2 Bradley; the captain and three other soldiers follow him.

What he sees is these massive Minotaur's charging towards them. He has heard stories of them but hasn't seemed them yet. In the Falmart Field Assist Manual (FFAM) that was made for the troops in this world. It has small packets of information about the races, creatures, culture, and others must needed information.

He remembers reading about Minotaur's but nothing at this size. The three that are charging at full speed are about three to four stories tall.

"Damn," He said out loud.

"If they get close were fucked," Captain Samuel Murillo comments.

He agrees with Lopez. While the Abrams and Bradley's will be fine, the Infantry will struggle against them.

"ISR(2) says a Brigade size infantry force right behind them." One of the radiomen says.

He nods and gets on his radio to his Alpha Company commander. " Captain Arron Wohali. Do you see those three?"

"How can't I sir? Orders?" Captain Arron Wohali asks.

"Take them out." He says firmly. "Send them would welcoming basket."

"Roger," Captain Arron Wohali says.

He lowers his radio, seeing the three Minotaur's getting close.

He then looks left to where he sees Alphas three M1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks lining up their cannons. In seconds they all open fire. The M1028 anti-personal ground each hit the charging Minotaur's and each one of the beast's shatters into dozens of Pieces. What remains of their corpse fall to the ground.

He hears many of his Cav infantry cheer from the sight. These mighty beasts of nature just being shredded in seconds.

He then notices the enemy infantry charge stops for a moment, which is a massive mistake. He assumes they must be shocked how easily those Minotaur's fell.

He turns around and sees the rest of Brigade arriving to reinforce their assault. Cavalry infantry dismounting from Bradley's and rushing up into formation. He hears small arms fire and 25mm fire into the incoming infantry.

He can see the Imperialist advancing halted from their sudden attack. He knows they will not even get close to his line.


Beluutie stands on the hill defensive platform, looking out at the battle down below. Past her is the two main defensive walls and past that is the Other Worlders forces.

Being a Siren, she can naturally use wind magic. While not an offensive ability during the war, it is great to blow away enemy arrows and spears. Even the bigger artillery from catapults and trebuchets can be deflected from their target.

When she saw the enemy fire their strange flying projectiles, she is amazed by how fast they traveled. She could not believe this is the enemy the Empire is facing. She heard stories explaining this, but she didn't believe half of them. They seem too far out there.

By the time she summoned the wind, the flying projectiles hit their target with great accuracy and with a large explosion.

She could not believe how easily those Minotaur's were killed. It was like they were never there.

She has served under Muilk command for eight years, serving at this fortress by his side. He gave her a place by his side and worked hard for this position as the head fortress mage, the Guardian of Legrath.

She had mix feelings of the sudden appearance of General Krysist and his Legion. He was exiled for starting a rebellion in Sadera. The Empire has said that he was a traitor that was trying to take the throne. That he worked with the eastern Swestual Kingdoms and raid the farmlands. Anything that is considered bad and dishonorable they said about him. She did not want Muilk's reputation ruined by General Krysist and his loyalist Legion presence.

When Muilk decided to side with Krysist, she agreed to serve without question, only of respect for Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk. She did not like how he used the elf prisoners to lure the enemy into her fortress. You never willingly allow a predator into your nest.

Throughout the Elies campaign, she still had mixed feels about Krysist. He did earn her respect for fighting in the trenches with the lowest rank soldiers. Unlike most generals, he stayed close to the soldiers and she had to respect that. More importantly, he came to help and Sadera didn't. Something Muilk mentioned all the time. The exiled general came to his aide while his leaders didn't.

She quickly realized many of the propaganda around him was not true, but she also did see the hatred with the Empire and its leadership in his eyes. While he proved to be an honest and great General, becoming popular with the Legion here, those eyes did make her question his motives.

Then Herm arrived with his loyalists. They were not alone; he brought these creatures that she has never seen before. While she understands the need for clear leadership, Herm executed Muilk for treason. The reason was that he allowed Krysist to work under his command, who was an enemy of the State.

Watching his execution was not easy to watch. Her only father figure in her life, her master just gone like that. She knew in her heart that he was no traitor. While not a perfect man, he always remained loyal and fair. The only reason he died like this was because of Krysist intervention.

Right now, her only loyalty is to defend this fortress because it is her only remaining home. Without it, Elies and the surrounding regions would be raided and destroyed by the Goblins and other Dark races. On top of that, this is the last line for the Empire in this region. Everything rests on this last defense.

Doing what she can, she knows that will make Muilk proud. Legrath has never fallen in his history and she is determined to not let that happen again.

As she looks out, she sees another one of the Other Worlders flying spears. It flies right into one of the Heavy Ballista*.

She steps off the outer wall ramp and looks at the damage. She sees a few dead bodies as people trying to put out the flames. With a single shot, the Heavy Ballista is destroyed, being the third one gone by these strange weapons.

Legrath is heavily defended by many different types of siege engines. From basic Onsager's to Scorpios to Trebuchets scattered all around the fortress. Also, this fortress has heavier versions of these weapons, specially built for this fortress with the help from dwarves.

The Heavy Ballista that she just saw get destroyed requires two trolls or Minotaur's to load it and four to fire it. That is the same thing with Heavy Trebuchets. These weapons were specially designed as defense weapons. Unlike the small standard sizes, these cannot be moved or built on the field.

She takes a deep breath, seeing that the stories about how powerful these Other Worlders are, she walks back to the hill wall.

Once she gets back to the ramp, she sees two pots full of wildfire blow up in big air.

Wildfire is a specially made green liquid that spreads and grows, tinted with magic dust to enhance its abilities. It burns super-hot and nothing is known to withstand it.

She takes another breath, getting stressed out that the fortress defenses are only having limited effectiveness. It seems only the spears from the Heavy Ballista's are making it to the enemy forward position.

Looking back up, she seems more of those small spears flying towards the fortress. If they keep hitting the heavy weapons, then the fortress will be defenseless.

She forms her hands and brings them back. She focusses on getting her energy, summoning the wind. She tried and fail before, but that failure gave her some knowledge about these strange powerful spears. Somehow, they can course-correct and hit their target. This time, she understands what she needs to do.

As the flying spears get closer, she unleashed with all her might a strong wind. The wind knocks the strange flying spears off course and ram into the hillside. She figured out that if she waits until the last moment, the flying spears won't be able to course-correct in time.

She breathes heavily after that, taking a lot out of her. She understands she cannot keep this pace up, but she has no intention of allowing for this fortress to fall.


Lieutenant Peterson gets out of his M1120 Stryker. It has been a long time since his platoon first came here. His first time here was with the Rangers in rescuing a Ranger Prisoner of War(4). That was an experience he never will forget.

The 3rd Cavalry Regiment is covering the right flank of the main assault.

As he rushes out, he hears .50 caliber rounds and 30mm rounds from his Stryker platoon. All firing into the incoming enemy infantry.

"All fire teams move up and engage. Do not let them close!" He yells.

He sees his forty soldiers pouring out of the back of his Stryker's and forming up.

He stops right behind some of his men as the open firing in the large formation.

Up ahead he sees all these different soldiers charging up.

One by one he sees them being picked off. The 30mm is tearing the larger formations apart.

Some seem confused about what to do, noticing that their shields are worthless. Others seem to be debating to fall back and others still pushing the charge.

None of that matters to him, he is happy they are in the open now and not in the trenches like before.

He has lost three soldiers in clearing out those trenches during the opening stages of this campaign. While it only delayed NATO advancement, it was smart on their part. He is shocked by how different they are fighting now than before. He misses the challenge from before. Victory felt earned.

He reaches and pulls his First Sergeant over. "Get second fire team over there and cover our flank. I don't want any issues."

"Sir," The First Sergeant says and rushes down the line.

He looks back and sees the battle raging all across the line. He sees small explosions all along with the fortress as its battery positions being taken out.

"Watch out!" A soldier yells.

He looks up and sees this massive javelin coming down.

"Get out of the way!" He yells.

He jumps away with the rest of his men. The javelin hits one of his Stryker's hard. The pieces through the armor of the Stryker. It doesn't do any structural damage besides the piercing.

He gets up hearing a few screams. He looks and sees a piece of a spear went through a man's leg. A medic is rushing over.

He looks over to the damage Stryker and notice this massive dent in its side. He sees the spear part of it still in the armor, somehow piercing through the armor. Stryker's are not known to have the best of armors but should easily deflect a spear. He then sees that the .50 caliber on it looks disabled from the impact.

"Shit. They think they can win." He says.

He looks back out to the halted infantry.

While the bigger creatures were killed quickly, he sees this glow coming spell coming from the back.

He grabs his binoculars and looks out. He sees these two growing mounds lifting from the ground.

He saw this before. A mage using some earth spell, creating this mud monster. Bullets are worthless against these beasts and the heavy weapons seem to only do a limited amount of damage. They can regenerate from the ground below. It requires a heavy concentrate fire.

He grabs his radio. "Actual, I have two Earth Beasts being formed. Request heavy artillery support. Also, we are taking fire, I have wounded."

"This is actual, I hear you. We will send a British platoon to reinforce your flank. The main attack force is preparing to attack."

"Roger that. What about my support request?"

"Standby... You confirm Earth Beasts?"

"Standby." He says and looks through his binoculars. He sees the two-dirt made beast formed and charging forward. "Confirmed."

"Roger that, standby."

As he waits, he rushes over to the 30mm Stryker. "Hey, aim for those targets. Slow them down."

He looks out, seeing the 30mm change target. It starts firing in bursts of four.

The rounds hit the dirt beasts; parts being destroyed. As he expected, they just keep charging, unfazed by the attack. The large holes in them are regenerating.

"Actual?" He asks.

"This is Actual. Heavy support is authorized. Reaper has two targets. Expect surface-to-surface missile. HIMARS preparing to fire."

"Roger that," He replies. "All units, surface-to-surface missile inbound. Take cover."

He hunkers down by the Stryker as it continues firing at the Earth Beasts.

He sees on his feed of a countdown of the missile. He looks out and sees this missile ram right into the ground, creating a large explosion.

It was closer than he liked but once the dust is clear, both targets are destroyed.

"Target hit," He says over the radio. "Thanks for the assist."


Colonel Robert walks among the frontlines, he sees this large explosion from his left flank.

The first thing he sees is one of the pots full of this strange flammable green liquid blows up in the sky. He saw no missile or string of bullets from standard defense systems.

"Major Bronston," He yells with much excitement. "Report."

"Enemy ground force is falling apart," Major Bronston says as he runs up. "Be careful though. Our laser weapons are taking out the pot artillery, the sears they are firing at us seem to be laced with this ultra-armor-piercing skin or something. I don't know how else to describe it."

Bronston is talking about the Stryker Mobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser (MEHEL), the Army's first combat-ready laser weapon. This makes it its first combat debut and it seems that it is doing a fine job. Taking out enemy artillery rounds. The laser locks on and with a split-second shot, the pot blows up.

Science fiction usually shows lasers as theses colored lights being fired, even though that is not true. That more for visuals then real life. However, while not as strong as the Navy defensive laser, it is effective as a defensive weapon.

"Really? The egg heads will love to review that." He replies. "What is the damage?"

"No major KIAs," Bronston replies. "A few wounded but that's it. We lost two HUVEES. The Bradley's and Abrams's armor seem to be heavy enough to withstand the spear strike but anything less, dents or worse."

"Thank you, Major," He replies as he looks at the fortress, amazed how big it looks. "Keep up the pressure."

He then sees this strange gust that destroyed the Tow and Hellfire missiles.

He then points to that direction. "What is going on there?"

"At first out missiles were making it through. We destroyed about forty percent of their defensives within minutes. But suddenly this gust keeps knocking some them off course right before impact. There like being pushed aside the last minute." Bronston replies. "Were still taking out key targets but it seems they're trying to protect the heavier weapons."

He remembers reading this on a report from Italica. In Alnus, there is this bird woman name Myuute who controls the wind. This sounds like something she would do.

"Alright. Keep our AA fire on their round. I want artillery there, there and there. That should clear those positions out." He orders.

"Once that is done their defense should be cracked," He said. "What is the status of their anti-air batteries?"

"We have taken out most of them on this side," Bronston replies. "The Chinooks should be clear to advance once our forces inside give the ok."

He thinks Major General Stanford plan is a bold one and that is coming from him. He prefers to be aggressive, not wanting to sit idle on the battlefield, just like General Patton from World War Two. If you keep moving, then that enemy will struggle to respond to you he believes.

That doesn't work so well against a fortress. The Major General doesn't just want us to storm the place, fearing what might happen in close quarters. He wants to divide and conquer and take Legrath in one go.

Having troops hit the front door and deploy inside, that should force them to defend multiple locations, splitting up their defense and secure key positions.

As he looks up, hearing this loud zooming sound in the sky. That has to be the artillery firing HVP rounds from a staging ground thirty-five kilometers away. Traditional artillery has a maximum range of about seven kilometers. HVP rounds propel itself father, not just relying on the cannon.

He watches as each round hits its target, taking out five positions. Again, taking out a target might require a dozen rounds from traditional artillery. HVP allows you to only use one.

Happy that the enemy heavy artillery is being reduced, he looks out to the front.

Before he got here, he was informed that the enemy infantry was charging them. As he starts walking down the line, see his Cavalry infantry doing their duties. He sees that the enemy advance has been neutralized.

Seeing that their primary objective is almost complete, he reports back to Stanford that another armored Brigade from his sister 1st Cavalry Brigade and French forces can advance towards the two northern gates.


Herm walks along with the inner battery chambers. He takes cover as another Heavy Ballista is destroyed. He sees bodies everywhere as the wounded scream.

He gets up from his cover and begins rushing away.

In his long career within the Imperial Army, he mostly has spent it in Sadera. He helped Zorzal in the war against the Warrior Bunnies and a few other smaller battles but nothing close like this.

"Come on men! We have been told legends of your courage and bravery. Do not fail now. Fight!" He yells, trying to motive what remains of this section of the battery. He can only assume other battery positions are in the same state.

He rushes up to the Guardian of Legrath position. The pink Siren woman walks away from the platform she was standing on, panting from lack of breath.

"What is wrong with you," He yells. "Get back out there and stop their strikes?"

She looks at him. "What you think I been doing? I never fought against something like this before." She says in a tired voice.

"Do not give me excuses woman." He yells.

She stands fully up. "Maybe you should have killed the two men who could have stopped them. What have you been doing?"

He looks directly at her annoyed by her lack of respect towards a nobleman. He thought about executing her to however he thought that might be too much for the troops stationed here. Losing both two leaders and the fortress guardian. And besides, if this place falls, he does need someone to blame and who better else than a damn Siren.

He looks outside and sees most of the northern batteries destroyed. "Why are they attacking the batteries that can't reach them?"

"I was wondering that myself," Beluutie replies.

Both of them duck as this shell hits another Heavy Ballista position. With that one gone, that only leaves four more left on the North and East side of the fortress. All around are spots of fire and smoke.

He looks around, looking at the Other Worlders. He sees all those metal war wagons and troops. They are not storming but their metal war wagons are just picking off his defense weapons. Even he knows it won't be long before there defenseless.

He thought the enhanced Parachelsis steel from the Dwarves would have beaten their armored weapons. Nothing seems to stop them, barely slowing them down.

That leaves him with two choices. The Horde should be coming but he doesn't know how far away they are. Based on past reports, if these people get inside the fortress, he won't be able to escape.

"What happens to the ground force?" He asks.

"They were slaughtered. They didn't even get close." Beluutie replies. "Stand back."

Beluutie takes a massive breath and blows another gust of wind. But this time it did nothing against these new shells that are hitting the fortress.

Seeing more of the enemy weapons hit the fortress and seeing more of Legrath defenses get destroyed, he decides it is time to head to the south end.

"You, Siren."

"My name is Beluutie," She replies with much annoyance. "Not Siren."

He hated how much she talks back to him. This place still has the stench of Krysist defiance. "Know your place."

As he yells at the Siren woman, this messenger boy, about the age of fourteen runs up. "General!"

"What is it, boy?" He asks.

"I have a report. The enemy is inside the fortress." The boy says.

That news shocked him. He could not respond at first. "How… how is that possible?"

"The tunnels," Beluutie replies as she looks at the boy.

He looks to her. "There are tunnels?"

"This is a five-hundred-year-old fortress. Of course, there are." Beluutie says disbelief. "How did you become a General sir?"

In pure reaction, he would just smack her. "You do not speak to me like that. I should have executed you to." He yells. "You are the guardian and yet you failed to properly inform me of this place."

As she gets up from the ground, holding her cheek. "If I recall, did you tell me to go scrub my nest floor and let the real men lead?"

He glares at her but knows it was true. "Fine. How many are in the fortress?"

The boy steps forward. "We don't know. Small groups of them are all over the place. It seems like they are heading to open platforms and plazas."

Beluutie snaps her fingers. "They are flying in more troops."

He wanted to reject her idea, based on how silly that is. But he remembers what happened in Sadera. These Other Worlders just flew past the city walls and attacked the heart of it. He hates to admit it, they have that ability.

"Where is Taylin, dammit." He mumbles.

He sees that the situation is hopeless and doesn't want to die here. He knows he can serve better if he lives and is at Sadera. The only hope out of here is the south gate. There he can head south and meet up with the Horde. While they attack Legrath from the south, he will be able to get a ship out of this region.

"Ok," He said. "Beluutie you come with me since you are worthless up here. We will push them out towards the south. Whatever their plan is, we can't have them link up with their forces."

He then looks to the boy. "Get my personal guard. Let's go."



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1) Lithobolos is a stone thrower. Empire version is larger because of superior dwarf engineering and stronger beasts to operate it

(2)HVP = Hypervelocity Projectile

(3)ISR = Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

(4)Chapter 30-35

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballista#/media/File:Bal_BBC1.jpg (The Empire uses a far bigger one for defense)

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS

Special Thanks to these people for their recent help mithril124DD, Lunarreaper824, Tomrichman