V09 - Chapter 109 Battle of Legrath

--- Fortress Legrath ---

December 13th, 2025

Delilah is currently moving quickly after jumping off the ground. She lands on the upper part of a pillar and bounces off it. This allows her to fly behind the enemy formation.

Once she lands, she takes out her curve blade and swings it around with incredible speed. As a Warrior Bunny, she has far faster reflexes compare to most other races.

The Imperialists soldiers around her fall from her assault. The ones who turn around were easily picked off by her Ranger squad mates.

It wouldn't take long for the plaza to be cleared out.

She gets up and sees her boyfriend Captain Bailey and the rest of his Vanguard-5 Rangers move out of their cover and secure the area.

"This place should be good," Bailey said. He then walks up to her, giving her a thumbs up. "Nice job."

She returns the thumbs up and smiles at him. This thumb pointing is a very strange custom for her to learn but has started to enjoy it. She has found these Humans from Earth have strange and sometimes silly customs.

"Alright Rangers," Bailey yells. "Secure the area. Smith. Get on the horn and contact command. We are securing the LZ and there are good to go."

She walks up to his side as she listens to his orders. The plan is for many of the Special Forces units to either target and secure places of interest and secure landing zones for reinforcements. She has found that these people love to fly in the air. While she has been in their flying machines, she still prefers to be on the ground.

She looks to him and smiles. She never thought she would ever find love after what happened to her kingdom. Seeing the slaughter and hardship, barely getting away from the massacre. Most of her friends and family were either killed or enslaved.

Finding someone she can care about closely again seems impossible for the longest time but now she is glad that she was wrong. His team helped her rescued her queen from Prince Zorzal during the Raid of Sadera(1). At the time she still and mix feelings about the Americans. He lost two men during the rescue and after that, she just felt like she owned him. It started off just being friendly at the bar she works at. Slowly it just led to something more important.

"Helo inbound," Hopkins yells.

"Roger that," Bailey yells. "Everyone watches out. They will have to rope down so they will be vulnerable."

"Rope down?" She asks.

"Yes," Bailey replies. "The Chinook is too big to safely land here. Just use those cute ears of yours and warn me if anything coming."

She blushes and glares at him. "What is up with you and my ears?"

"Well, I could talk about other body parts of yours," Bailey says with a cheeky tone.

She punches him in the arm. "Not the right time."

As she looks up at him, face all read she can hear the loud sound of their heavier helicopter called a Chinook. Since that day she enjoys his flirtation and how he looks at her. While at the bar everyone gets a bit touchy with her, she enjoys his touch.

"So, there is a time later?" Bailey said and then looks to the incoming Chinook.

With the radio she was given, she can hear the two pilots talking to Bailey and the radioman Smith. Coordinating on their approach so they can drop reinforcements.

Two by two, she sees these soldiers slide down the rope. Bailey told her that they are from the 101st Airborne division, even though he said they are technically not Airborne anymore, its Air Assault. She just nods her head and agreed to that, not knowing the context behind it. She has found these people have to have at least one word for everything small detail.

As she watches a few more soldiers slide down, she sees something in the distance.

She sees this boy appears on one of the inner towers and then suddenly jumps. She can believe the sight, this Human boy moves through the air.

Her eyes widen ass he realizes that the boy is heading to the Chinook. He is holding up an ax, getting ready to strike. Its Taylin.

"Bailey! Its Taylin!" She yells as she points.

Bailey looks up and sees what she is pointing at. "Pilot, evade!"

It is too late to warn the pilot. She watches as Taylin heads right into the back of the Chinook, slashing at the back-propeller engine.

The Chinook stops hovering and starts spinning out of control. One soldier falls out from the back, missing the rope while the two sliding down the rope falls from the sudden turbulence.

The Chinook swings and hits one of the building walls that is built within the hill. She can see the helicopter cracks. With the impact, it falls right down from there and into the plaza.

Two of Bailey Rangers had to get out of the way. The six other soldiers also had to get out of the, being awfully close to the crash site.

Before she could react to what just happened, she sees Bailey running to the crash site.

"Secure the crash site. Check for survivors. We need back up now!" Bailey yells over his radio.


As Taylin stands on the roof of a building that he landed on. He looks down and sees the big flying wagon that was offloading more troops.

He knows he cannot do much to the forces outside the fortress, but he knows he can make them bleed right here.

As he watches their wagon hit the ground and seeing their soldiers scrambling around, he looks up and sees two more of them flying over to other areas of the fortress.

He thought about finding Rory and face her. She needs to pay for choosing these people over this world, over the Empire. He beat her in battle back in Sadera during the raid, but it was that Other Worlder man and his friends who stole his victory. They had a recent fight and he allowed them to get away, but he doesn't fully understand why.

While he decided the more effective way to hurt Rory is to hurt her new friends, a part of him has become afraid of facing her again so soon.

Last time she was saying how the Empire is wrong and they are the aggressors. That everything he built has been corrupted or that is how it sounded. Even if she is right, it doesn't matter to him. He built the Empire and while the Empire has done questionable things, it has done what he intended to do. Brought peace and stability to Falmart. That is all he wants, that is all his god wants.

Still, something Rory said to him has been bothering him. She has implanted the question in the back of his head, what if she correct?

When Rory betrayed him four hundred years ago(2), he took it hard. She was the only person he felt like he could truly trust, even though she represents everything he is against. He thought they were close, and he impaired her chaotic personality.

Emory and Idos do not get along at all. One breeds chaos while the other breeds stability. Still, she seemed perfect.

He did plan on jumping down there and slaughtering all those soldiers that are helping their comrades, but he sees these other flying wagons getting closing in. His guess confirmed that they were planning to strike from above, just like what happened in Sadera.

He lowers his legs and them jumps, flying through the air and then lands on the next rooftop that's built into the hillside. He gets ready to jump to the next landing site but then sees this thin-looking flying machine coming towards him.

The strange-looking thin machine comes over and hovers around the crash site, like a mother hen protecting her nest.

He looks, trying to figure out what the flying machine is doing. But then his eyes widen and start running as the flying machine spitting out its projectiles from its chain gun at him.

Right behind him, the roof gets torn apart. He realizes that if he gets hit by one of these bullets it will tear him apart.

He looks back to the flying machine and sees it stop firing its chain gun. Then it fires two of its missiles towards him.

He stops and pushes himself the roof as the missiles destroy the roof. He moves through the air and heads to the flying machine.

As he approaches, it starts trying to fly away but it is too late. He takes his ax and hits the machine tail.

He lands on this tower and turns around to see his victim. Just like the bigger one, this one hits the hill and begins falling after bursting into flames.

"They're fragile," He says to himself.

He then looks around for his next target. As he sees other big wagons offloading troops throughout the fortress, he notices this slick-looking flying machine flying past him. It is too far for him to reach; he assumes it is terrified of him. But the machine looks to different, too small to be carrying people.

This strange slick machine just flies around him, like it is watching him.

He decides to ignore it if it's not going to attack him, he wants to finish up and destroy these other flying wagons.

As he gets ready to jump, his senses stopped him. This situation doesn't feel right. He looks back at that machine. One thing he has learned about these people, everything they do has a purpose.

His eyes narrow and looks to his left, sending something. His eyes widen and try to jump off the tower, but this large missile hits the tower and explodes.


As Sharpe runs down this hallway, trying to reach Vanguard-5 position. When he heard that Taylin took out two US helicopters. A Chinook and its Apache escort.

"This is Actual, HIMARS firing mission complete. Please confirm MGM-140 hit."

"Target was hit Actual. We cannot confirm that the target is neutralized. However, it seems like he disengaged for now over." Smith from Vanguard-5 replies over the radio.

He thought Taylin would try and target Rory and him, not the others. The brass knew he was here and the was the random element in the operation, but the presence of an enemy Apostle doesn't mean the operation would be stopped.

"Roger that Vanguard-5. Reinforcements and support assists are inbound. Secure the area as we prepare another fire mission. Actual out."

Command permitted him to abandon his mission to clear an LZ so they could go help their Vanguard sister unit, Vanguard-5. When he got the word, he ordered his unit to double time.

To make matters worse, when Rory heard what happened, she took off alone to go stop Taylin. He understands why she feels responsible for his actions. Still, he hates it when she runs off on her own, which she does often.

He is worried though she won't be able to stop him. Not because she isn't strong enough but allowing her history with him cloud her. Just like what happened in Sadera and the last time they were here rescuing Pina. Unlike most, he understands the urge to correct or hide her past mistakes.

"Let's go Rangers. Let's go, Knights, haul it!" He yells.

As they get closer, he can hear the weapons fire coming from Vanguard-5 position. It sounds like an intense battle. He can imagine the situation, ever Special Forces nightmare, a Black Hawk Down scenario. A helicopter goes down creating dead and wounded, forcing our forces into a defendable position, which usually is a bad position to hold. Even the most ill-trained force could capitalize on that degrading situation.

He sees his three Rangers up front heading into this lobby looking room. He and everyone else follows behind and sees this large formation of Imperialists all over the lobby.

"Watch out!" Randy yells.

He sees this pink hair Siren woman appear in front of the enemy soldiers and he sees her conduct a wind spell.

He has seen this before back in the Siege of Italica(3) and from Myuute in Alnus, Rory having her showoff her powers. "Lelei!"

As this small gust of wind comes by and hist them all, he slides down to the ground, so he doesn't fly back. Right behind him Lelei caste some kind of spell that counter the full wind attack.

He hears Johnson, his second in command get everyone going after being dazed from the Siren wind attack.

"Attack them!" This soldier in fancy-looking armor yells.

"Rangers, form up and open fire!" He orders, getting back up and aiming his rifle right at the pink Siren.

Before he pulls the trigger, he hears Pina yells.

"Herm you coward!" Pina yells, with a somewhat shocked and angry tone.

He heard that name before. Now that he thinks about it, that man in fancy armor looks familiar. He was the General who ambushed him and Krysist in that small-town arena.

"General Herm?" He asks, looking away from his scope to find the more important target.

He sees that man getting nervous, clearly noticing the Rose Knights and him. He can hear both of his teams; the Rangers and Knights form up. In front of him are the standard soldiers forming up, about a hundred in size plus about forty of these Royal Guard looking soldiers.

"What are you waiting for," Herm yells. "Kill them!"

He glances to his right and sees Princess Pina stop by his side. He can see the frustration and angry look on her face. While he doesn't understand Imperial internal politics, it seems they have a history of some kind and not a positive one.

He then sees this big man in this strange armor that reminds him of a Roman centurion. He is a big seven-foot-tall muscular man. He steps out, sword out in his hand, leading to the front. "Legion! For honor!"

"Herm," Pina yells, ignoring the centurion. "You traitor, I am going to kill you for what you have done!"

He places his hand on Pina's shoulder, preventing her from charging.

"Princess," The Pink Siren woman says. "Look where you stand. Because of you, an honorable man died. Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk tried to defend this place and…"

"Pinkie," He says, interrupting. "Herm here tried to execute her for trying to save you all. I heard of Muilk. Both he and Krysist fought bravely against us. He was a man worth respect and did not deserve to be murdered just for a coup."

He can see what he said resonated with her. That the pink Siren woman is loyal to the people who were in charge before the coup d'état.

He looks and listens to her and can tell she is upset but his death. While he didn't see the hundreds of crucified men who were Krysist or Krysist loyalists.

He takes a glance at the situation, seeing not just the pink Siren but the other soldiers. Something feels off and he thinks he understands it.

In combat, you form a special bond with the comrades beside you. During intense battles or moments, like George Washington(4) during a brutal winter at Valley Forge(5). His Army came out of that place more united than ever. Especially when your leader has earned that trust.

History is full of examples of armies doing insane things just because of how loyal they are to their leader. George Washington, Patton, Julius Caesar, and Lord Nelson.

He knows if it was his people were crucified like that and if he found his leader like Stanford and Yang murdered, he would be pissed, regardless of the official reason. That was an experience he was forced to go through back in his Mexico and to this day he cannot get over it.

He stands fully up and lowers his M4A1.

"Sharpe?" Pina asks, looking at him confused.

He ignores her and sees that the pink Siren was just as confused, stopping her wind spell from completion. She walks forward. "Did you say, Sharpe?"

"What are you doing?" Herm yells in confusion. "Attack or I will have you all crucified for treason!"

She walks from his position, ignoring the questions from his troops.

"Major Sharpe," The Siren says. "General Krysist talked a lot about you. Wanting to beat you in a match. He convinced my master that this was the key to victory."

"What is it Pinkie?" He asks as he watches this pink Siren appear.

"Was he telling the truth?" The Siren asks, crying a little. "Were we close to that victory that was promised? Was it all worth their deaths?"

Sharpe knows exactly what she is asking. During his fights and meetings with Krysist(6), he talked about achieving this great victory. That victory was fighting and surrendering with honor. There are great stories of soldiers who lost a battle but fought bravely. Just like the Siege of Jadotville(7), you fought so hard to the point your opponent had no choice to respect your resolve, establishing a level of respect and trust.

It is said that the only truly universal language is mathematics. From his own experiences that is a theory he fully disagrees with. The way of the Warrior is another form of language that only people who have a lifetime of wars and battles understand. It is a mutual understand because you can fully understand the experience someone went through without words. An experienced and understanding that so few.

And that brings him back to her question, was he telling the truth. Both he and Pina explained to him what his true plan was. While he disagreed with his methods, his sole motivation was his troops and people.

"Mam. Yes." He says.

The Siren rubs the tears from her eyes and nods. He sees this vengeance and termination in her eyes. She then looks past him and sees the Rangers and Knights standing together.

She takes a deep breath and turns around. "Centurion."

That big man walks out from his line. "Guardian?"

"Centurion," The Siren woman called Guardian says. "We have been betrayed but not by these people but by him. My comrades. Many of us fought against these people in the rain, dirt, the trenches. Krysist promised a great victory and Herm took it away from us. He even killed the banished… our brothers. Now he wants us to kill more of our people."

As she speaks, he holds out his hand telling his people to stand down. With that, he sees a hundred Imperialists lowering their shields and swords.

He then sees Herm walk out in shock on what is happening. "What are you doing? Attack them. They are the enemy?"

"What's happening?" Pina asks him.

"Honor Pina," He responds. "In war, all you have are the people besides you. General Herm made the ultimate sin. He killed their brothers and sisters because of a grudge. He stole their honor and respect but most importantly, their victory from them when they were so close."

"I see," Pina replies.

The big Centurion man stands in front of the Siren woman. He pulls out his sword and holds it up like he is about to cut her down.

Seeing that he is about to raise his rifle to take the Centurion down but notice a new reaction. The Centurion turns around to face his men.

"Legionaries. About face!" The Centurion yells.

To his and everyone under his command surprise, all of the Imperialist soldiers turn around and aim their weapons to Herm and his Royal Guards.

He then sees the Siren gives the order to attack, with much vengeance in her tone. He watches as both sides go at it.

"Pina, get you knights and help them." He says. "Rangers, engage."

"What the hell is going on?" Andrew askes.

"Reinforcements." He replies.

Both groups clash against each other. While the Royal Guards are far better equipped and trained, with the help of the Rose Knights and Sharpe's Rangers, they start to crumble quickly.

Not wanting anything to happen to the Princess, he stays close to her, picking off anyone who gets close.

In the back, he sees General Herm fall back down this hallway with some of his guards.

His first reaction would be to follow him, taking out or capturing a General is especially important however, Vanguard-5 and the others need help. This delay might have resulted in Taylin killing more of his people and being out of contact with Rory is making him nervous.

"We have them on the run!" Jalin yells, pointing his sword out.

"We should go after him," Pina yells.

"Delay that." He said. "We need to get to the crash site."

"We can split up," Pina says.

Johnson walks up to his side. "That is a good idea, sir. We can't let him get away."

"This base is still in enemy hands. If we start splitting up, never know what other surprises might appear. Besides, I need everyone to deal with Taylin." He says.

"TAYLIN!" The big Centurion yells. He is holding up one of the Royal Guards and then slaps him right into the wall with much force. "He killed many of my comrades." He says in a thick voice.

Johnson looks to the big man and then look back at her. "Sir, you know we can't let this opportunity pass up."

He takes a deep breath and looks at him. He doesn't want to agree because he doesn't want to risk losing the team. However, he knows he is right. "Fine. Take Scott, Frost, Mis blondie there and Grey."

He then points to their new allies. "Pinkie and Terminator. Your people with me, fall in under the Princess."

"Yes sir," Johnson said. He then walks away and gathers his team.

"Blondie?" Bozes asks, offended.

"Let's go Bozes." Johnson replies. He finishes gathering everyone and starts heading down the path to hunt Herm.

The Siren walks up to him, annoyed. "Stop calling me Pinkie. My name is Beluutie, Guardian of Legrath."

He holds up his hand, getting annoyed by more distractions. "Roger that, I will put your name on the Christmas card. Now we have to go!"

He turns around and sees the rest of his team and the Rose Knights. "Form up. We're all going together. We are going to hit hard and fast. Roll out."



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 45-46

(2)Chapter 59

(3)Chapter 14-20

(4)George Washington was the General of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War

(5)Valley Forge was a winter camp for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War

(6)Chapter 95

(7)Siege of Jadotville was a Irish battle during the 1961 UN intervention of the Congo Crisis. Irish soldiers surrendered after fighting bravely and surrendered with honor and respect

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS