V09 - Chapter 112 After

--- Outside Fortress Legreath, FOB ---

September 22nd, 2025

"This is an inclusive report from SCNR News. This is Jessica Moore reporting from the frontlines of the Elies Region. All around us you see Coalitional forces securing the area and beginning the occupation of the fortress."

"As you see to the left, there is a prison hold for the Empire troops who surrendered after the fortress was taken. While the military has yet to release the enemy strength number, about five hundred prisoners are currently being held so far. They will be shipped to the Ohio Special Detention Facility which is guarded by the 28th Infantry Division Ohio National Guard and Homeland Security."

"However not all of the enemy forces took up arms against NATO forces during the attack. During the assault, Special Forces met up with defectors and helped turn the tide against the Empire during the assault, allowing our forces to secure the fortress far faster than expected. With their help and understanding of the fortress, they were able to clear out sections far quicker and more efficiently. Preventing our troops from getting trapped within the facility. While there still believed to be hold outs throughout the fortress, Lieutenant General Charles Stanford has declared the battle over with NATO being the victor."

"With that, one of the remaining leaders who defected, called the Guardian of Legrath, is officially surrendering. Please follow me and we will give you an inclusive look at the ceremony."

Both she and the Cameraman walk forward to this large tent. As they move, soldiers and vehicles are moving everywhere.

"Inside the tent, there is this Pink woman identified as part of the Siren race standing there. She is facing Lieutenant General Charles Stanford, leader of the NATO Expedition Force. By his side are the other major Allied leaders in this campaign. Major Brigade General Armel Vernier, Major Brigade General Mason Arthur, Italian Brigade General Danio Agrusa and Japanese Brigade General Kōichirō Hazama."

"As we see, the Guardian is handing over this small orb. From what we understand this orb is what the locals call the Heart of Legrath."

"From what we currently understand, the fortress started as a small outpost about five hundred years ago and grew into one of the largest fortifications in Falmart and Earth history, excluding the Great Wall of China. It has a long history of repelling invaders from nearby regions. This was the main base of operation for the Empire in this region and… wait…"

"It looks like the Guardian is handing over the orb to the Lieutenant General."

The camera shows the Pink Siren handing over the orb to Stanford. Then the Siren woman knees in front up Stanford. However, he stops her and gives her a salute. The Siren notices this and returns the salute with a salute.

Once the ceremony is complete, they all look to the fortress. The camera pans to that direction and up at the center tall main tower. On top of it is this long pol sticking up high in the sky. The sounds of drums and trumpets can be heard in the background, playing the Star-Spangled Banner.

On the tower, the cameraman sees movement. Moments later this large flag in unfolded and a massive American Flag is released, symbolizing the taken over of the fortress. As the flag unleashes, it extends out and begins flapping out in the wind.

In the background, the sound of movements goes quiet. Cheers and vehicle honks can be heard as they celebrate the landing of the flag.

"From reports, this flag was a special request for this event. Because of the size of Legrath, it is considered tone of the largest flags commissioned, compared to the one in Tacoma, Washington."

"This event can be compared to the Defence(1) of Fort M'Henry(2) when Lieutenant Colonel George Armistead raised a far larger storm flag during the War of 1812. Some will consider this as a symbolic act because the Invasion of Philadelphia was the first time an enemy force step foot on the American continent since the War of 1812. In addition to the 1945 Battle of Iwo Jima(3) in which US Marines planted the flag on Mount Suribachi."

"For our International audience, the fifty-two stars on the flag represent the States within the Republic. With Porte Rico officially joining in 2022 after five failed attempts and Guam has joined early 2024 as a counterbalance to China missile testing and threats to take the island."

"The color red represents symbolizes strength and valor, White represents symbolizes purity and innocence and Blue represents symbolizes vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The goal is to show the difference between us and the Empire. In time other NATO nations will raise their flags as garrisons and who is occupying what is established."

"We were informed during the early days of the Elies Campaign that the stated goal was to secure the western flank from the Empire. In addition to cutting off a major agriculture hub from the Empire, which would have been used to fund their war against the US and Alnus. With the rich agricultural value, the State Department wants to use Elies to help make the Alnus Region self-sustainable."

"As we previously reported, once our allies Italica City-State and, the joint-occupied Alguna Kingdom and the Elbe Kingdom. They all were cut off the Falmart trade network that the Empire provided to their vassals."

"While many in Congress and the Atlantic Council believed that they should have bombed the fortress besides committing so many resources in taking. Lieutenant General Stanford had a response to this criticism."

"The overall plan is to establish a long-term presence in the region. Legrath is a unique fortification that we could garrison. It is in a very defensible position and allows us to project power in the region. Also, from our own historical records, ancient castles and fortresses had places where they store prisoners. Early on we rescued prisoners of war and were afraid of additional casualties that we didn't know about." Lieutenant General Stanford said.

"That was all we could get from the Major General. We at SCNR News will keep you up to date on any new events. You can watch this content at Minds, Bitchute, Brighteon, LBRY, DailyMotion, Rumble and YouTube. This is Jessica Moore, please visit my channel from the link down below for more details about Alnus. Signing out." – SCNR News


--- Italica, NATO Temporary Staging Ground ---

September 22nd, 2025

Countess Myui Formal walks out of her city walls and heads to the Other Worlders tents. To her left is her head maid Kaine and with two of her maids Mamina and Persia. To her right is the American Ambassador Harland Willington.

"Countess," Kaine said. "You shouldn't be out here. You might catch something."

"I will be fine," She responds. "I want to see this for myself."

"I do have to agree with Miss Kaine. You might not like what you see." Willington said.

She knows what she will see. She saw her people die during that siege. She has seen the bodies of her people and she knows for her city to be free she will need to get stronger.

While no formal war has been declared, when she chooses to side with NATO for protection, it opened Italica up for attack and embargo. In high sight, that didn't change much. The Empire never was going to protect Italica and it was ex-Imperial soldiers who laid siege to her city. Trade is going to go around the Romaria Mountains to trade with the rest of the Empire. Maybe even through Bellnahgo or Rondel now that Elies was taken.

"I am the Countess of this city and I will do as I please. And I want to see the wounded and see what I can do to help." She said, determined.

While Alnus was not that far with their fast-moving wagons, it is the only friendly city that is close to Elies. Her Other Worlders allies wanted to set up a logical station. In return, she got what she always wanted, trade and protection.

She stops and looks at the many tents. Her eyes widen as she sees people in these strange thin robs running around the bed to bed. She can hear the soldiers screaming in pain and the healers calling out.

She takes a deep breath and walks into the tent.

As she walks, she looks to the right and sees a small puddle of blood on the floor. The floor is this thin layer of what they call plastic.

She starts to walk over, wanting to see but is stopping by this female doctor. "What are you doing here girl?"

"I'm…" She said nervously, trying to tell her that she is the Countess. The words do not form together.

"Doctor, this is the Countess. Leader of Italica. She wanted to come and see how everything is going." Willington explains.

The woman looks up at Willington and back at her. "I am sorry Countess. It is just that puddle of blood is poison. We moved the bodies with poison away so we don't spread it."

"How is it poisoned?" Willington asks.

"Sometimes Imperial soldiers put poison on their spears or arrowheads," Mamina said in a cold tone.

"Please Myui, let's go somewhere else," Kaine said.

She looks back and then looks back to those soldiers. She sees three doctors around this man, trying to patch a deep wound.

She turns around and continues walking along. She sees this young-looking man lying on one of the beds. He is missing his left arm. It is banged up. He is alive but laying there, depressed and wondering what will happen to his life now. He looks up at her, wondering who she is.

She smiles as she looks at him. "You are in Italica and you are safe. You don't have to worry."

She then takes her hair clip out of her hair and attaches it to the soldier's bloody vest.

The soldier looks down at the hair clip. It is a blue flower made out of jewelry. "Thank you."

She smiles back at him. "No, thank you."

"We should keep going Myui," Kaine said, being a bit overprotective.

As they walk away, Kaine whispers into her hear. "You shouldn't have given him that. It was nice but you shouldn't be given out free stuff. We don't want to start anything."

"It is ok. I don't think they will take advantage of us. And I can replace jewelry anytime. He can replace his arm," Myui said.

She takes a glance around and notices that is the exception and not the rule. At first glance, it seems most of the soldier's wounds are from ranged weapons. Mostly from arrows, spears, and javelins.

"Over here, we are losing him!" This doctor yells over in the distance.

She looks over to that direction and sees some blood squirt out. Five of their healer's rush around the bed, trying to help him.

"Why didn't you take them to Alnus?" She asks as she looks up at Willington.

"There is a storm in the western sea. It blocked the route to Alnus and had to divert them here. If they waited, they wouldn't have made it," Willington said.

"Oh," She said and looks away. "Even with you, the gods of nature still to be feared."

"Thank you again for allowing us to set up here," Willington said.

"I am going, to be honest, there isn't a lot of wounded," Mamina states.

"Well, they don't need to have large armies that clash together. It makes sense." Persia comments.

"I do not mean to sound rude but how many are hurt?" Myui asks.

"The last report said seventy-three from the fortress but about thirty-one are here. That doesn't include the other battles. These are the most critical." Willington said. "About a third of that is from the crash helicopter during the assault."

Myui cannot believe how low that number is. The number is usually far higher. During the siege, she lost hundreds of her people.

As she turns around to speak, she gets bumped by a passing doctor as he went to another patient.

"Myui, I think we should go. We are in their way," Kaine said.

"Yeah, you are right. Let's go," She said.

As they walk, she passes this dead body laying on one of the beds. She stops and looks and sees the right side of his chest and shoulder burnt deep. "What happened to him?"

"To me, it looks like it came from a fire spell," Persia comments as she adjusts her glasses. "This had to be close."

"Close yes," A doctor treating a patient right next to where they are. "He died an hour ago. Five years doing this I have treated many burns. Never seen anything like that before."

"It was," Colonel Yang said as he approaches. "Can I help you, Countess and Ambassador?"

She looks over and sees this tall man walking up. He is in full combat gear like he just arrived from the front. "I am sorry, but I wanted to see your people. See maybe I could offer something."

"That is nice Countess, but this isn't a place for you. We thank you for your concern," Yang said.

Then this doctor walks up. "Hello, Colonel."

"Major," Yang responds. "My Rangers will be arriving. There are some wounded, three critical. One dead"

"Ok Colonel but we need more water and bandages. Our extra shipment is late, and we only had a short notice to set this place up." The Major Doctor said.

Hearing that she thinks. While not critical, Italica supplies are getting low. It has been much harder to transform the city economy away from interstate-trade with the Empire to just the Other Worlders and Elbe. She and her government had to be smart about where their resources could go.

But they are their allies, and she knows they can replace any low stocks her city needs. Just like when she fulfilled her father's dream of outlawing slavery in the city, some of the merchants will not be happy losing their inventory.

She looks up to Colonel Yang. "Colonel, your people can have whatever you need. Italica stock is open for your people."

"Countess," Kaine said. "You know there will be a small uproar."

"Small yes but most want to find a way to help. Here it is. Anyone who complains just reminds them their shop only exists today because of their help," She says with a determined voice. "And Colonel, if you need manpower, I can send some help."

"I can help show your people how to properly counter the poisoned," Persia. "I have much knowledge of how to properly treat that and magical wounds."

"We appreciate the aid; we will take whatever you can give us. But don't deplete yourself," Yang said.

She smiles and about to say something before being interrupted by this man yelling.

"Out of the way!"

She and everyone else moves to the side. These two men rush by both carrying this stretcher. On is this man in much pain. He has this long wood piece in his leg, probably from a ballista piece that exploded nearby him.

She has to admit, it is different watching people fight and get hurt from her palace. Down here it feels so different. More real.

"We should go, Countess," Kaine said again.

"Ok," She said. "I don't want to be a bother. I wanted to see everything for myself."

As she starts walking, she hears another man scream from pain. Hearing that she quickly walks out of the tent.

As she gets out, she and everyone else hears one of their larger helicopters fly over. It slowly hovers down until it lands.

It is an amazing sight to see. She has seen many landings now, before the campaign, once every week or two. Now it is three times a day. The ability to master flying that impresses her. If the situation wasn't so intense, she would love to ride in one.

"Willington. I am sorry for your losses, but I am glad that the campaign is over," She said.

"Thank you for your people's help," Willington replies with a smile.

She looks up at him. "But we didn't do anything. Only your people did."

"If you mean from my world yes but war isn't only fighting. Allowing us to use your land has been a big help. Sometimes that is enough," Willington said. "We should go back in and make arrangements."

"Agree," She said and starts to go back inside.

She stops and looks at what they call a Chinook finish landing. A sight she never thought she would see. Princess Pina and her Rose Knights and some Americans walking off.

Last time she saw the Princess they had a heated disagreement on the future of her city. That was when a peace treaty between the Other Worlders and the Empire was close but what Willington describe it, she botched it.

She heard that they are 'allies' now but she is still royalty of the Empire. Normally she would have to go introduce herself and provide her service because of the Imperial hierarchy. Now she doesn't have to.

But what she did take notice was Vanguard-7 walking out. She remembers all their faces.

"Hold on a minute," She said and then ran off to see them.

"Hi, Vanguard!" She yells, excited to see them all again.

She can see they look at her with surprise. It seems like they weren't expecting anyone to greet them.

"Hey, Countess," Sharpe said.

She stops in front of them all. "I am glad you are all ok. We haven't forgotten any of you. Please stay where you please. Italica gives you all a warm welcome."

"Ahh thank you, Countess. We might after getting checked out," Johnson said.

"But first we need to take care of our wounded," Sharpe said. He then turns around.

She sees two of Sharpe's men carrying a stretcher and on it is a Rose Knight. While she doesn't remember most of their names, this one is that brown-haired girl that is always by the Princess side. Hamilton Uno Ror.

She sees that her upper armor is off and that her chest is wrapped around in bandages. To her side is a blood spot where her wound is.

She looks up and sees the concerned look on Pina's face. A look that she never has seen before in her. Not that she never cared about her Knights, everyone knew the Rose Order all she cared about. But a humbler concern.

"If your friend ok?" She asks.

Pina looks down at her. "I think so."

"She will be fine. The gel wore off," Sharpe said.

She had no idea what he was talking about but ignored it. She decided a long time ago that she won't understand a lot of words and terms these people will say. She must get used to it.

"Well, welcome all. I am glad to see all of you again," She said back to Vanguard-7.

She looks back and sees Rory, Lelei and the High Elf Tuka standing there.

Behind her, she sees the Ambassador and the Colonel. The two officers give a salute to each other.

"Major. Take care of your troops and report to the Diplomatic Outpost for a debrief. Until further notice, you are in command of Vanguard-7 and 2," Yang said.

She looks at the colonel with confusion. She still doesn't know much about war and the military. Willington has been teaching her the basics but still, there is a lot to learn.

"Sir?" Sharpe asks.

"Major Davis is dead. Arrow in the head. We'll talk later," Yang said and walks away.

She looks back to Sharpe. "I am sorry about your friend. You all can rest inside my palace."

Sharpe looks down at her. "Thank you for the offer Myui but well stay out here for now. Might hold that to you later," He then turns around and looks at everyone. "Rangers. Knights. Roll out.

As they all walk away, she looks up to Willington. "Why he said no? I thought were friends?"

"You are but they are soldiers. It is their place to be with their people. Maybe another time but right now isn't the proper time to show that divide," Willington explains.

She doesn't understand the divide he speaks up but accepts it for now. She looks back to the staging area and watches the wounded being treated.


--- Roma Highway (route between Alnus and Italica) ---

September 22nd, 2025

When Sarah found out that that Vanguard-7 was being moved to Italica, she convinced Sharpe to allow her to drive over. He didn't need much convincing once she brought up that she could bring Selina. She thinks after the intense battle and his run-in with Taylin, a little family is what he wants.

She gave Selina about an hour warning to back up however when she went over to pick her up, she was a mess. Of course, she was at Sharpe's apartment, been staying here when the Major at war.

She assumes she feels safe there and that is why she stays there and not at the other place. She would allow her to stay at her quarters, but she bunks with coworker April, being only a Lieutenant and it wouldn't be appropriate for a lieutenant sleeping in a Major quarter. This is still the Army after all. She is shocked that no one has put a stop to Selina staying over. It just proves if you are good at your job and get results, rules can be bent.

Now there on route to Italica, heading to a temporary staging ground that was set up as a midway point to Elies.

"What is that over there?" Selina asks, pointing out the window.

She looks over and sees a patrol boat in the Roma river. It is a big river, close in size of the Mississippi River.

"That is the Navy Mark VI patrol boat. We have four of those boats stationed in Falmart. Two in Italica and two-port at the checkpoint were coming up too."

She looks at the impress glow in her eyes. "It is going so fast."

"It is going slow. They can go much faster," She replies with a giggle.

In front, their vehicle is other vehicles. Some going the same direction while others coming the other way back to Alnus. The first time US forces traveled on this road was her team, heading to Italica to go shopping.

She stops herself and thinks about her current thought. Now that she thinks about it, in a very small way, everything is his fault. The butterfly effect, where one event so small has a long-term ripple effect. The only reason was in Italica and now in Elies is because of Sharpe and the Rangers involvements during that siege. Why we attacked Sadera and the rescue and the later alliance with the Rose Knights. If it wasn't for him, we probably would still be on Alnus Hill trying to figure out which way is north. Without Lelei help and Rory babysitting us until we figure things out, this would have turned out very differently.

"Well, what?" Selina asks.

"I was just thinking, it is all your father's fault. Always getting involved and getting in trouble. Getting into many unnecessary fights," She said.

Selina looks over to her. "You talk a lot Sarah, you know that?" She says with a smile.

She looks back at her and was about to say something but stops. She nods her head thinking about it. "Yeah, you're not the first to say that. I am just saying I know you miss him and that is ok. And… oh. Hold on."

The vehicle slowly stops at this checkpoint. She looks around and sees about a dozen soldiers walking around. Not in a threatening way but the standard guard duty. This is the second checkpoints they have reached so far.

This is an Italian assigned outpost that is guarding the Roma Highway. Their job is to protect the highway from raiders from the western mountains. An Italian soldier walks up and she hands him her paperwork and orders.

Italy is one of NATO's biggest supporters. They dedicated a full brigade to just NATO needs. Whenever there needed, their the first to respond.

"Alright, you check out. Try and stay in a group. It is safer. There was a report of a raid attack at Roma Checkpoint Six," The Italian says.

"Was it bad?" She asked.

"Enough for artillery sir. It usually nothing big but the raiders keep coming from the Dumas Mountains. Please move along." The Italian soldier says, waving her along.

As they start going again, Selina looks at her. "Why are there so much traffic and stops? I don't remember this either time I went to Italica."

"There have been raids on the highway. People have gone missing and there been some kidnaps. So, the military established some checkpoints and outposts to monitor the highway." Sarah replies. "But you have nothing to worry about."

"Ok," She replies and looks around.

As she drives, she passes a few Italian Freccia IFV that is on guard.

"Do you think he misses me?" Selina asks out of nowhere.

"What kind of question is that? Of course. He asked me to invite you. That is why we are going to Italica," She said, confused about the question.

"Do you think he will like what I am wearing?" She asks.

She giggles hearing that question, realizing that she is becoming a teenager. The appearance will start to become particularly important. But she has noticed that she only wears dresses and skirts. While that is normal, she wonders if it is a cultural style. Always wanting something with a design on it.

"Ok Selina, what is wrong?" Sarah asks.

"Well… I don't like what I am wearing. So, I don't think he will be impressed by me," She said.

She remembers being that young, seems so long ago now.

Selina wants to look good to impress her new father. Since this whole campaign started, she has had little chance to spend a lot of time with him. A few times during the holidays and that one time after rescuing Tuka.

She wants everything to be perfect and rememberable, but nothing seemed right. However, this usually means something else is on her mind and this is just a vent. She knows Selina doesn't like to talk about what happens before freed her from those mercenaries.

"What do you mean you don't like what you are wearing? It looks cute on you. It works well with that bow of yours," She responds.

"Maybe, but it doesn't feel right for this," Selina replies. "And I always wear a ribbon. It means I am ready to embrace the touch of Mirrita. And…"

She glances over to her with a smile. "I get it. Well, why didn't you wear that red dress? You know, the one you got the first time we went to earth? It looks adorable. And besides, he is a dude. I doubt he even knows about your other clothes selection besides that one. Get a new haircut and wait three weeks for them to notice."

There is a noticeable pause with Selina's response. "It doesn't fit anymore. The top part is too tight now." She said shyly.

She looks back to the road. "That is fine, it happens at your age. We can get a new one."

"You don't have to be nervous Selina; everything will be fine. It is just you are growing up and blossoming into a young and beautiful woman. This is just part of life," She says.

She looks over and sees Selina nod. If Sharpe was heard she knows if he said everything is fine, she will feel better. Everything he says is always back by that conviction tone. It is one of the things she likes about him. She even hears Rory bragging about it at times.

She was about to say something, but Selina starts speaking.

"Sarah, can I ask you something?" Selina asks.

"Of course," She replies.

"Why are you nice to me?" Selina asks, looking directly at her.

She looks at her and sees this determination in her eyes, staring directly at her. She can see that she is digging for information.

She has learned Selina can be a direct girl, saying what she sees and stands firm in what she believes in. While she isn't Sharpe's biological daughter, she has been surprised how similar they are, Selina probably trying to model herself off of him. Which she finds great until she adopts Sharpe's interesting sense of humor.

But the question makes no sense to her. Why wouldn't she be nice to her?

"I don't understand your question. Of course, it would be nice for you. Why wouldn't I?" She replies.

"Well, you always are the one that tries to take care of me while there gone. Taking me out to breakfast and playing games. Sometimes helping me with my reading lessons and taking me out shopping." Selina said, staring directly at her.

She feels a bit uncomfortable, wondering if she is going to call her out. For a long time now, she has grown feelings for her father and saw this as an opportunity to help get noticed. But that wasn't the only reason, her job is to help where needed. The Major cannot do his job on the field if his mind is worried about her. So, it makes sense to take care of her, so he has peace of mind. He wouldn't have been able to fight Taylin the way he did if he was worried about his domestic life right then.

"Well, it helps your father have peace of mind while on the field. The team goes out and faces things that we don't fully understand. Any distraction might mean they don't come home." She replies.

"So, I am a distraction?" Selina asks.

She nearly responds nervously but stops. She looks at her and notices her tone wasn't shame or disappointment but leading. She sees that she is tricking her into being defensive. Something her father would do.

"He is teaching you the worse things," She replies and sees this evil smirk from Selina. "Anyway. He needed my help, so I helped. And a little secret between you and me, I feel a bit lonely back at base to. Everyone else is out there together, I sometimes feel left out back at base. So, I enjoy having a friend like you." She explains, hoping that the answer was enough for her to stop digging.

Selina smiles and leans back in her chair. "So why did you want my help with the missile toe? From father's reaction, he wasn't expecting it."

She would sweat drop after hearing that question. She did ask for her help in setting everything up. She was hoping that her ignorance of American culture would be enough. But it seems Selina is smarter than she expected.

"Well… first, it is Mistletoe(4)," She replies and glances over. While Selina was very close in saying it right, she saw it was a way to change the subject.

"Mmmissile toe…. Missile toe." Selina says as she gets frustrated.

Seeing that Selina distracted from her struggling to probably say the word, she takes the chance to change the subject. She has to admit though, she finds it adorable on how Selina sometimes says words. So close and yet so far.

"Anyway. While I think Sharpe will be a great father to you, there are some things you need a woman's touch." She said.

"Like what happen last time in Italica?" Selina said shyly.

"Yes," She responds. Last time right before the Sadera debacle Selina became a woman. Even though she went to Sharpe for help, she had to help and clean Selina up. As she remembers, she remembers her curled up on his lap after a scary night.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of and as I said you are growing up. If you have questions, please ask me anytime." She said. "And not your father. I do not know why but they tune those things out quickly. IT is like a genetic thing in men."

"Sarah?" Selina asks, looking at her confused.


"What is a genetic?"



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Defence was how they spelled it in the early 1800s

(2)A fort during the War of 1812 which American defenders defeated the British Empire

(3)Battle of Iwo Jima was a battle during World War 2

(4)Chapter 99



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS