V10 - Chapter 113 After

--- Sadera, Imperial Senate ---

"What is the meaning of this?" Marquis Palesti yells as he walks around the senate floor. "We have lost the greatest monument the Empire has created. The symbol of our might and power. The Fortress of Legrath fallen in a morning."

"Don't overblow it. Legrath isn't the greatest monument." Podawan corrects.

He takes a breath and Podawan spoke. While a Senator, he leads the Wyvern Corp. In the past, they were a keystone in victories and domination. Now, they have been worthless from the enemy superior Wyvern 'aeroplane'. While a strong ally in the Senate, he has become worthless on the battlefield

"Don't shade the situation." Palesti counters.

As Zorzal sits on his throne, he looks down at the senate floor, watching the Senators yell at each other. When the news first arrived that the fortress has fallen, the Imperial Senate called for an emergency meeting to discuss the current situation.

Like always, he hears then same old people protesting the war, saying how hopeless it is. The arguments have become hollow to him now, saying the same things each time. They never said anything that might help with the war effort.

The man speaking now is Marquis Palesti, a very wealthy and powerful Nobleman from a strong family. He and his father headbutted many times but there always mutual respect between them as both did what they thought was best for the Empire. Unlike the other Pro-Peace senators, he at least helping the government during this crisis, separating his personal feelings and his duty to the State.

However, when he got the news that his only child joined the enemy with his sister Pina, it hit him hard. He was so upset he publicly disowned his daughter on the senate floor and supported the declaring that stated the Rose-Order of Knights as rebels.

Many of the Pro-Peace faction was forced to support the motion. Many of them backed his sister's during her peace attempt and they all lost a lot of influence and power when it fell apart. While it didn't end the Pro-Peace faction, a few did leave and joined The Neutrals in the Senate.

When his coup happened, everything seems to be moving smoothly. His father is imprisoned, the Centurions Tribes, The Knights of Talis and more importantly the Army and the Oprichnina loyalty. His father was running the war into the ground. Regardless of your political beliefs, everyone agreed that something needed to change.

Decades of being friendly and making friends with the Noblemen and establishment is paying off. Most of the government has fallen in line with him taking the throne. The Senate, while approving the change of leadership wasn't as welcoming as he thought.

When he got news from his friend Herm Fule Maio that he killed his bastard of brother Krysist, the Senate and the Noblemen celebrated. Even most of the Pro-Peace faction joined in the celebration, besides Casel El Tiberius.

Over a decade ago, Krysist and his loyalists were crushed and forced to the Northern Regions. At the end of the say, you can always count on people to protect this power and purse.

When his father Molt told him that Krysist is his older stepbrother, that made him wonder if he was trying to seize the throne. If that is true, then his return and his alliance with Diabo might have been a deeper plot to take the throne from him. He is destined to be Emperor, not his bastard of a brother.

"We cannot lose faith now," Godasen yells. "We are all in now. If we falter the Empire will fall apart."

"Look around you. It has fallen apart. They took the Elies Region from us. How we will feed the people in three years when our foot stocks run out?" Marquis Palesti states.

Oras walks forward. "You act like that is our only farmland. We still control most of Falmart."

"No," Dussie responds. "But it was one of our most profitable. If you want to continue the war, how will you pay for your war?"

He looks to Dussie and grown. He considers him a traitor. He supported the invasion of Earth and his son was part of the invasion. When Pina brought his son back from the enemy, he suddenly saw the light and supported peace. Selling his honor for blood, pathetic. The Empire won't survive with people like that.

"This wouldn't be a problem if you acted earlier." Godasen states. "You act like Elies was a complete failure. We did much damage to the Invaders, killing many of their warriors. We even damage their war wagons. From the reports from the Battle of Havcristen, the battle was intense for both sides. From the updates, it sounded like our soldiers gave them hell. The enemy didn't walk over our troops like past battles."

He takes a heavy breath, struggling to speak up after hearing that. He read the updates as the campaign was unfolding. He was highly impressed by how long the Imperial Army withheld against the enemy assault. That alone is an achievement compare to past battles but there is one problem. The problem is that legitimizes the rebel Krysist and Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk, even though he declared them traitors. The situation is very sensitive, and he knows he has to be careful. While they hate Krysist because he represents everything there not, that means they agreed to kill the only general that has been effective against the enemy.

"And yet they still lost," Palesti states. "For everyone we killed, they killed hundreds of ours. Let's not forget, they took Legrath in less in the morning. The shortest siege before that lasted six months. Probably the shortest siege in history."

Seeing the conversation starting to spin in a circle, he stands up and walks down. "My fellow Senators hear me. Let's be honest here. Elies is a massive defeat but not a complete defeat. As Godasen said, our troops did the impossible and made the enemy bleed. We now know we can fight them, and we might have won if it wasn't for the traitors."

He then sees Baron Monterey walk up from his seat. He is the leader of the Neutral Senators. He has protested against the war but has agreed to support the war effort through funding and law until there is peace.

"Emperor," Monterey said. "Regardless if we made them bleed, we have lost our arms and legs. The current situation is not bolding well for us. We need to consider all of our operations because you can't win wars without arms and legs."


This fatter man walks up to counter Monterey. He is Adaulis, one of the wealthiest business traders in Sadera. He has connections through the Empire and trades in luxury goods. When the Other Worlders raided the city and sole some of the slaves, his daughter was killed by them. They killed her just to save his daughter's pet girl. His sister said many times that these Other Worlders care about life and yet they kill a child for a slave. He sees this as a savage act.

Before the raid, he was a backer of a peace agreement, seeing them as possible business partners. But when the Americans killed his daughter, he has become a mighty ally. With his wealth and influence, many of the Pro-Peace senators are afraid to face him.

"Do not delude yourself here," Adaulis said with much fire. "This is a war of elimination. If we let them have their way, we all will be rounded up and executed just like my daughter. They are immoral beasts who value the life of a slave more than decent folk."

"They only attack to take back their people," Tiberius comments.

"Coming from the man who would open the gates to barbarians," Adaulis responds. "You are an idealistic fool Casel. Lets all just be friends with everyone and hope for the best, shall we? You would allow any enemy to march in here unopposed and let them kill everyone in this hall. I ask again, what will happen if we surrender to these murders? They do not respect the rules of war or the statue of nature."

"We all will be stripped of our wealth and our estates will be taken away. We will become the peasant class or worse." Oras yells.

"Correct," Godasen said. "Then all of our vassals and enemies will see how weak we truly are. When do you think The Ticaret Conglomerate invade us or the Buaven Kingdom attack the eastern shores again? Any show of weakness now will tell our enemies to attack and there will be nothing we can do."

"Our vassals will question us," Oras adds. "Why would they remain loyal to us if we folded this easily. Our trade network will fall apart, and we will go bankrupt. We will degrade into a minor power, like the early days of the Empire. Surrender will result in the complete annihilation of our way of life."

Then there is this clap as Dussie walks forward. "Great speech all of you. So, let's all march to our deaths for coin. That's all you are saying."

"My friend is correct," Tiberius adds. "As stated before, they only attacked our city because they wanted their people back. If the Emperor did not bring his whores into diplomatic meetings, none of that would be happening. You talk about how the Empire will fall if we do not keep fighting but you have yet provided a plan that would win the war. So, if we surrender the Empire will fall and if we fight, the Empire will fall."

He glares at Casel El Tiberius, not liking the personal attack. He has thought about that day a lot. No man has ever defied him like that. That Sharpe defied his power and sent a weak woman to beat him up. All to protect a weak sex slave. The irony of it all is if that didn't happen, he never would have become Emperor. One day he will need to visit her and personally say thank you.

"So, you would prefer to bend your knee and accept your fate then?" He says. "That is right, let us all go to the people and explain to them that their leaders have failed. Yes, let's explain to them how the invaders will come in and strip them of your wealth, estate and their slaves. Yes, that will go very well. We will see a revolt like the sights we never have seen before."

He sees everyone look at him, all figuring out what to say next.

He personally doesn't care about the people well being. The lower classes are there to serve the Empire when needed. As his father said, any love towards whats lower to you only shows weakness.

That is when Cicero La Moltose finally got up from his seat and walks onto the Senate floor. Moltose has been an early supporter of the war but recently he has been quieter about his true feelings. The day Krysist arrived, he has been more careful in sparing with the Pro-Peace faction. Like he is seeing where the wind blows.

Both Moltose and Tiberius have been long time friends, even though they spare politically. The war has been no different.

He is afraid to lose his support in the war since his house carried a large amount of weight.

"My fellow Senators," Moltose said. "These are definitely dark times. There has to be another option."

"Have you gone soft Cicero?" Godasen says with a chuckle.

"No, just smart. I am loyal to the Empire and I will base my vote on what best for it. Not what is best for your purse and the company you keep by your bed." Moltose states with a strong tone.

After shooting down Godasen, Moltose looks out to everyone else. "I am sorry to say but right now there is no clear path to surrender. They are right that any form of surrender will bring the end to the Empire."

He smiles after hearing that, glade that he is still loyal to the cause. The Pro-War faction begins cheering but suddenly stops.

Moltose holds his hands up, trying to shut Zorzal people down. "However, we cannot continue the war the way it is. Things have to change, and they need to change now. This blind push is no longer acceptable." He then looks to Zorzal. "And one last thing. No more executions of our field commanders. While this floor might not approve of what Krysist and Muilk have done, they did not deserve that treatment. They should have been brought to the Senate for trial. If we kill our own out of political spite, then let's surrender. We already have lost a lot of generals to be killing them ourselves."

When he heard that he glares at him, biting his tongue. It was a direct attack on him. Very few people know the true reason why he had no choice but to kill Krysist and his loyalists. If it wasn't for the fact, they were related he might have looked passed past insults for the Empire's sake. But the throne is too important to take such risks.

"Very well said my friend and I agree. I and my Generals have been working on a new plan." He yells. "While the enemy has been distracted in Elies, we have been conducting raid attacks on the Roma Highway. We have also been probing the Elbe Fiefdom northeast border. We have been using the Goldrash Kingdom as a staging area. They remain loyal to the Empire. Using the mountains and dense forests will limit their armored wagons, forcing them to come to us and close quarters."

The Goldrash Kingdom is a small dwarf kingdom hidden deep in the Dumas Mountains. While a smaller Kingdom, Sadera gets about fifty percent of its metals from them, because of how close they are. It is more of a business relationship than an alliance however they fear the growing power of Alnus.

"Raids?" Dussie asks in an annoyed voice. "That is your grand plan? And Dwarves? While brave but they alone can't do much. They only care about their mountain kingdom and nothing else. They won't win the war for us."

"Emperor." He adds to what Dussie said, making sure they understand who is in charge. He pulls out his sword and points it towards him. "As I was saying, this was meant to distract. I am mobilizing the entire Empire. That is everything. I sent call to arms weeks ago."

"You are crazy! How will we pay for that?" Dussie asks, shocked.

"What do you mean all?" Monterey asks.

"I have sent embassies to the Ticaret Conglomerate. They have a state in their war too. I will be meeting everyone at a submit I am hosting in Knappnai." He says in a confident tone.

"I also will be meeting with Queen Famulis." He said and looks around. The second he said her name he saw the shock and fear in all of their eyes. He expected this reaction.

Seeing the stun silence, he continues talking. "My fellow Senators, I understand your worries, but this must be done. My friend Cicero La Moltose here is correct. A mistake we have been taken is fighting this enemy alone and under their terms. I plan to fix that by mobilizing all of Falmart to fight this enemy. If anything, Falmart should be ruled by the people of this world and not by people from another world."

"This wouldn't be necessary if we didn't foolishly invade their world." Tiberus states.

"That was my father and the past. What done is done and we need to move on from that." He counters and raises his sword up, trying to keep the attention on him. "Let me explain. I will forge an alliance with both Queen Famulis and The Ticaret Conglomerate and together, we will outnumber this enemy a thousand to one."

"That sounds nice but are you a mad man?" Oras said. "The Ticaret Conglomerate at least I understand. They won't want to be ruled by an outsider, they never will accept that. But the Queen of the Dark races?"

"Yeah, she will betray us!" Marcus yells.

The Ticaret Conglomerate is a loose confederation of power families in the western desert. The Empire considers them a backwards people but with rich traditions. The Empire has tried to conquer their lands before but was unsuccessful. The intense desert and lack of reason to annex the desert lands stopped more attempts. Right now, both the Ticaret and the Empire are more trading partners than anything else.

However, Queen Famulis is another game of itself. She serves the God of Evil, Siflis. She is an intelligent and deadly woman who rules over the eastern Swestual Kingdoms. She is no friend of the Empire but that's because the Empire does not treat the Dark Races as equals, barely second-class citizens.

Her kind has burned and destroyed kingdoms without check. Kingdoms and towns are just gone during the old days. It was one of the reasons why Sadera created the Empire, to stop her. It took a thirty-year campaign and two theaters to bring them to their knees. At the time it was the costliest and deadliest war in Empire history, that is until now.

But what Moltose said is correct, things have changed, and the Empire needs to change with it. While he doesn't trust her and her people, they are also the key to winning the war and creatures of this world.

"You are kidding us!" Tiberius shouts. "Your trading one enemy to another. At least the one was facing now doesn't burn cities to the ground and murder everything in their path."

He glares at Tiberius, getting annoyed by his ideals. He wonders how his father put up with him for so long. He is always preaching about reforming the Empire into a model where all races are represented and a constitution to regulate the government. He is a traditionist, wanting to bring the Empire back to its early roots when it was weak.

"Tell that to Elies. If we do not stop these Other Worlders now, it is all over. Queen Famulis should be feared however she has a stake in this war. From what our intelligence can tell, the Other Worlders have no love for the Dark Races. While they spare Human settlements, they won't with her people. That makes them natural allies."

He then looks to Cicero La Moltose. "You said we needed a new strategy; do you have a better one?"

He can see that put Moltose in the corner. The plan is sound and there isn't another choice.

"Fine," Moltose said in an angry tone. "But I have my own amendment to your plan. I want my own man to lead the Army in the Dumas Moutain Range."

His eyes widen big hearing that. How dare a Senator tell him how to manage his army. The Imperial Army belongs to the throne and not to the Senate. "What?"

"You want my support then accept," Moltose said.

"Who do you want?" He says frustrated. He has found that it is never enough with these people.

"I want to bring General Briteon Hasulo out of retirement and lead the Army," Moltose said.

"I agree," Adaulis said. "If you accept, I will personally fund the army and get more financial backers. I have many favors within the Mercantile Guild."

He closes his eyes hearing that name. Briteon Hasulo retired five years ago from the Army. He is a Leonoid, one of the few none human generals. Unlike the weak and submissive cat-people, Leonoids are strong and furious. But the only reason he can think why Moltose wants him is to keep some control within the Army.

"Fine but I remain control of the military. We need a strong leader right now." He replies. To forge these alliances, he knows he will need the backing of the Senate. It is a small price to pay to get what he wants.


--- Sadera, Royal Palace, Emperor Room ---

Zorzal walks through the palace, annoyed how the meeting went. He gets to his large chamber, which once was his fathers. He took it after he seized power, it only is fitting. It is a large place with all the luxuries an Emperor needs. A large private bathhouse, with a large sleeping area. A war and meeting room so he can have private meetings without the Senate knowing and more.

"KASLITA!" He yells, calling for his cat slave.

The blue hair cat maid rushes over with his evening drink. "Here you go, sir." She says nervously.

He walks by and takes it. He drinks the wine, strong the way he likes it. "Good thing you know how to make good wine. Wouldn't want you to disappoint me again." He says with a smirk.

Cat-People, the dirt of all the common races. He finds them fascinating because of how easy it is to control them. Unlike the Warrior Bunnies who fight and have endurance, Kaslita people don't. There is a reason why they are one of the most common slaves within the Empire. Easy to hunt, easy to capture and easy to control. They can be enjoyed by Man, Elves, Pooka, Darfellans, and the other common races.

There is a reason why Cat-People never been able to establish a Kingdom for themselves is that they are too physically weak compared to most races. And that is the way he likes it.

"No my Emperor." She says, bowing to him. "By the way, Torturis and Svenhard are waiting for you in the war room."

He forgot that they were coming over today. "Slave get me my wine. And what did I tell you?"

"You, you told me to call you… master. But last week you told me to call you Emperor and the week before that was Sir." Kaslita explains nervously.

"Hmm…" He mumbles as he places his hand on his chin. "I did. But today isn't last week isn't."

"Yes, master," Kaslita says as she bows.

He smirks on how submissive she is. He loves to toy with her, always keeping her on the edge. "Now get me my wine."

After saying that he walks to his War Room. Inside he sees the Minotaur Torturis, the leader of The Knights of Talis. They are the best cavalry within the Empire, some of the best. They are considered the honorable protectors of the Empire, personally enforcing the Emperor's wishes.

To the other side is Human Svenhard Lupus Moon. He is in charge of the Oprichnina, the Empire secret police. Any information or anyone who needs to disappear they take care of it. They have a brutal reputation. Once captured, rarely anyone ever hears from them again.

He walks in and sits down.

"You look tired," Moon said.

He looks over to him. "The Senate. It would be so much easier if there wasn't one. All they do is grumble about action but do nothing."

"If you agree to my plan…" Moon said as he stops.

He holds out his hand to stop Moon's thought. "Doing that will turn my allies in the Senate against us. Right now, I need their support to push my agenda."

Moon here proposed to round up most of the Pro-Peace leaders and their allies. While that would solve many of his problems the timing isn't right. Now that Cicero La Moltose wants to bring back Briteon Hasulo, that makes any move against the Senate riskier.

"What about the traitors?" Torturis asks.

"You mean the Roses?" Moon asks.

"Yes," Torturis said. "They are a threat and Herm didn't say he killed her."

What Torturis said is true. There has been no news since the note that said Legrath has fallen. Then that was it. The only reason why they even know about the defeat is from the Haryo spies in Alnus. No word about Herm and Taylin.

While he doesn't care for his little sister, she knows the inner workings of the Empire. While most of the Senate voted to disown her and her pathetic knights, she still has allies there, even though they are few. But it only takes one arbit fruit to spoil a basket.

"We will still prioritize her assassination. If your people or the Haryo have a chance, kill her. But now we need to regroup our forces." He said.

"Still, the Pro-Peace group. They need to be dealt with." Moon states.

He turns around as he hears footsteps. It is his cat slave walking up with a trey. On it are three glasses of purple wine. "Here you go, master."

All three of them grabs a glass. He sees Moon glance at her.

"Pretty thing," Moon says with a creepy chuckle.

"Go prepare my bath and then prepare yourself. I had a long day." He orders in a commanding tone.

She takes a deep breath and bows. "Yes, master." She says softly. Then she scoots away and all three laughs.

"I see you replaced the two," Torturis states.

He is talking about Tyuule and Noriko. Noriko was his exotic toy while Tyuule was always a fighter. Out of the two, he misses Tyuule the most. Still, he has a special place in his heart for both and would like to get them back. If anyone, just for his pride. They were his two most favorite slaves he ever had and those damn Americans stole them from him. "Yeah, you know catgirls. But she is no Tyuule."

As he drinks, he thinks about what Moon said. "Still, it might be good to prepare. The Pro-Peace still has a lot of influence and Cicero La Moltose looks like he is going to switch sides."

"He has been one of the most pro-war senators. You really think he is going to oppose you?" Moon asked, surprised by that.

"He is just an old man trying to stay relevant." Torturis states.

"An old man with a lot of influence," He said. "Svenhard. Just in case prepare a plan to remove the Pro-Peace faction. I am not going to let them destroy the Empire because of their weak and self-interests. Torturis, I want your men to be ready to aid in that. Also, I want you to come with me to Knappnai. I am hosting a submit to get more allies in this war and I like your people as a show of force. Especially that Queen Famulis will be there."

When he said her name, just like in the Senate both of them freeze and look at him. The Minotaur rection amused him a bit. His kind can be brutes, rarely being afraid of anything. They are usually hired as soldiers, guards or heavy labor. They are like a two-sided coin, one side is a very useful ally and the other is them attacking you because they get angry easily.

"You're kidding?" Moon states.

"No," He responds. "We need her and with my father off the throne she might be more open in helping."

His father Molt treated her people like third-class citizens, to be used and tossed away when needed. He cared little of them. To be fair neither does he but times have changed.

"She is going to want a role in the government," Moon said.

"I know. We will see about that. I think giving her my father as an offering might be good enough." He said.

"She will kill him," Torturis said.

"Yup, the only reason he is alive right now. But this stays between us for now." He said. "I am hosting a war meeting tomorrow. I want to layout the next stage of the war before I leave for Knappnai."

"Ok, we will support you during this but I have a propseal," Moon says. "If we are going to bed with the Queen, then we need to recruit Jasis."

He leans forward and thinks about that. Jasis is the Apostle of Siflis. While Queen Famulis is a force to reckon with, she is logical and calm.

Jasis is a creature all in herself. A Succubus who makes goblins seem decent.

Succubus is a female-only fiend race. What they do is seduce a man to seal their essence or enslave them. They take their essence by reaching deep into the male soul, control and manipulating the male sexual desires. With this, they control them to do their bidding or consume them. It is said once you are under their spell, you are lost.

"That is more dangerous," He states, feeling a little fear in him.

"They are just stories," Moon said.

"That is because you worship her god," Torturis states, slightly nervous.

"I don't worship her, I just admire her work." Moon responds as he takes a sip of his tea."

He looks to Moon thinking on his proposal. Based on the stories Jasis is a psychopath. Some say she has two minds in her head because she is always talking to herself. Regardless if that is true or not, it is known she his very masochistic. Someone who loves sex, who loves to humiliate and torture others.

From what he understands she is a loner too. Very protective of her worshipers but despise all other worshipers. She believes Siflis is the only Goddess worth serving.

While most Apostles will just kill you, with her you become her property. When confronted by her, she is every man's nightmare.

"I was thinking about our Apostle Taylin. What has he done for us? He has failed when the city was attacked and he failed to defend Legrath." Moon explains.

"Hold on," Torturis said. "Taylin is very loyal to the Empire. And don't mix it. He and my Knights have killed many of their patrols on the border."

"I am not discrediting Taylin loyalty. It is clear he is not enough. Rory Mercury joined the enemy and it clearly has benefited them. If your idea is to mobilize all of the Empire to fight them, we need her." Moon said.

"She is loyal to no one," He states. "She is just as likely to attack our men. At least we have influence over Taylin."

"Well, we performed the Ritual of Elbaga on Krysist Apostle, Frayen. The agents I had with Herm took some of the body parts and began spreading them. One of them should be arriving here in a few weeks." Moon said. "Let's not forget what we did to Miritta Apostle, Karlin Daolo. She has been missing for three centuries."

"Our list of possible Apostles might become allies are growing thin." Moon finishes and takes a drink.

"How do we control her though?" He asks.

"We offer her Sharpe," Moon said. "Think about it. Rory took interest in that man. Same with Krysist. I can probably come up with more examples but the point is, that should be enough to attract her out of her hole."

He thinks about that and leans back in his chair. While he personally wanted revange on that man, this probably is the better option. Assuming what Moon said is true, Jasis would not be able to resist.

"Correct me but didn't Rory beat her in a battle years ago?" He asks, trying to remember his history lessons about Apostles. He considers history boring but remembers something about that.

"Yes," Torturis said. "From what I understand they hate each other. I think this might work."

"Ok," He says as he stands up. "Moon, I want you to go to her and offer the terms."

"I will," Moon said. "I never met her so it should be interesting meeting my Apostle."

He chuckles, enjoying his confidence. The official god of the Empire is Idos. Taylin helps build the Empire and help it example, all in the name of stability and tranquility. While he is powerful, maybe rivaling Rory if they fight alone, he is a fool.

"Taylin will not be pleased by this," Torturis states. "He hates Jasis just as much as Rory dose. Working with her might isolate him."

He looks to his minotaur friend. "He can hate it as much as he wants. He is a fool. He still clings to the old image of the Empire. It is about power, not tranquility. Svenhard might have a point, while he has been helpful in the past but he has been little help now. Maybe a change is needed."

"If he learns of what you said, he will not be pleased," Torturis states. "Besides, I would not mind finally putting Rory down for good."

During the raid, she killed about a quarter of his cavalry. She just slaughtered them all. He took it hard. He might he harsh, he cares for his men.

"Then we won't tell him," Moon comments. "He is too naive to question us anyway. As long as he says the usual things and gives him space, in the end, he will do as we wish. Like always. And taking Rory out will please both Taylin and Jasis."

"Alright, gentlemen. I think this is enough today. Start as soon as you can. Torturis, keep your knights attacking. All this talk about Siflis and Jasis got me all worked up. I am going to enjoy my bath."