V10 - Chapter 115 Evening Darkness

--- Italica, Looking for The Brave Pony Tavern ---

Date: December 14th, 2025

After the Girls kidnap their commanding officer Sharpe, most of the team decided to go out into the town and drink.

Randy walks behind everything, looking down at them all. Almost everyone is here, except for the Major, Johnson, and Andrew. Andrew was going to come when he heard but he 'recommended' that he stayed with his lady friend. From the years of his experience being married, happy wife, happy life. He told him to start building up those brownie points now because he will need them down the road.

He looks around the group, it is not just the Vanguard team that is together but some of the Rose Knights. Most of the leaders seem to be gone, doing whatever nobles and royalties do.

Accompany them is Jalin Tu Fendro and Suissesse Co Mein of the Rose Knights.

Sharpe has made it a point to have both groups to try and work together. Both on and off the battlefield. He understands the logic behind that. At some point everyone needs to learn they are on the same team.

During his time in Afghanistan and Iraq, it was important to include the Afghan and Iraqi army with them. Otherwise, what was the point in building up their army if they do not know how right?

He and the other Rangers have noticed both Sharpe and Pina trying to figure out a way to work together, it has been mixed results so far.

"Hey, it is the Rangers!" Some of the townsfolk say in a cheerful tone as they all walk by.

"Hi," Alicia waves as she walks by. She then looks to the other Rangers. "That was the fourth time in ten minutes."

"Trust me, I noticed," Jalin comments.

Alicia looks up at him, she looks like a shrimp compared to him. "Aww…, dose the big man feel jealous?"

"Knock it off Alicia," He said, making sure they don't kill each other."

"What did I do?" Alicia asks, turning around.

"You know what you did," Scott said.

Randy shakes his head and looks at the townsfolk. The last time they were here was during the peace process that fell apart(1). Last time they were treated like heroes. Many of the townsfolk set up a quick drinking party just for them while the officers were doing their diplomatic duties. He had a chance to become an officer and glad he did not, you miss out on all the fun.

"I have to agree with her," Jerry comments. "Everyone seems warm and friendly here."

"I wish I was there to see that," Frost said. "Back at Ranger School, we were told what happened to her during the Siege. It was an inspirational man. I worked my butt off to get assigned to you guys."

"So, what, three bottles of Scotch and a night in the Emperor bed?" Scott said with a cocky tone.

"I can't afford the good Scotch and…." Harvey stops and thinks and looks at Scott. "Hey…"

Randy sees the Rangers chuckle as they pick on the new guy. He chuckles himself, remember what it was like being a lower rank many years ago. Being young and alive can be a great thing, especially after a battle that you won. You feel like you can walk in the sun and be fine. It does not help that the Major does that daily.

"I have no idea what you are saying," Jalin said. "You people act like your enemies."

"Of course," Alicia replies. "Do you have any idea how boring life would be if we live in peace and all that good stuff."

Alicia then looks to Frost. "By the way Frost, how are things with the batgirl? Didn't you have a thing for her?"

Frost grumbles a little as he figures out what to say. "Well, being deployed hasn't helped. She doesn't seem to like anyone yet. Doesn't trust us but has nowhere to go."

"After everything we have done, why not?" Alicia said.

Suissesse Co Mein looks to them. "You are friends with a bat? Bats are part of the Dark Races"

"You realize they are the enemy," Jalin adds.

"Now that makes since," Alicia states, crossing her arms.

"You don't understand. They are bad people. Given the chance, they will swarm over the lands killing everyone," Jalin said. "You all saw that horde that marched on the fortress."

"Yeah," Scott said. "And we blew them a new hole."

"And besides," Frost adds. "We found her being attacked by bandits(2). All she is doing is looking for her brother."

"Yeah," Alicia adds. "You say they are evil and all because they look different. But didn't you two work for the Empire once? Look all the crap they did to people."

He smiles hearing that. While they ragged on each other, when it comes to it, they back each other up. He looks to the two Rose Knights and can tell there thinking on what they said.

Yes, those Dark Races the Knights call seem to be bad on average. Trolls, Demons, and Goblins seem to be mindless killers but that does not mean everyone is bad or evil.

"Scott, how much longer? I am starving," Jerry asks, trying to change the topic.

"Almost there," Scott said.

"You said that three times now," Suissesse points out.

Everyone stops and looks at her.

"Wow," Alicia said. "You do talk."

"I forgot she was there," Frost adds.

"I just spoke a moment ago," Suissesse states.

"Be nice everyone," he said.

He looks at Suissesse as she walks. She just ignores everything they said. But Alicia had a point, he nearly forgot that she was there.

During the battle when they stormed out of the hill and into the Imperialist charge, saving Vanguard-5 and the 101st. He saw her there. Suissesse killed three men very efficiently with her thin sword. It seemed like she was a stealth killer.

Truth is he is shocked how young she and the other Rose Knights are, and that most of them are female. He has worked a lot of women while in the military, all pulling their weight just like the men do. But the Battle of Legrath proved any concerns he had to be mute.

The group walks some more, the area looking a bit sketchier. The positive family-like feeling of the town disappeared.

"Scott, where are we?" He asked, getting annoyed that they have not found the tavern yet. This was supposed to be a fun night, not a tour.

"I don't know. I thought it was around here." Scott said, confused.

"You thick head," Alicia said. "Where lost."

He sees everyone stops and looks to Scott. An argument breaks out as they figure out what to do next.

As they fight, Suissesse walks over to him. "You seem to be the only normal person."

He looks down at her. "Comes with the rank. Not the best first impression though."

Suissesse looks up at him. "No. We are being followed."

He can see that she is short with words. But what she said about being followed. "Where."

Suissesse just points to the roof. He looks up as see this figure on the roof. The person does not deem to be hiding but is clearly following them. "I see. Quickly move to them and tell…"

Before he finishes speaking, the figure jumps down towards them. Whatever who that it, it moved very quickly off the roof. The person lands right onto Scott.

Everyone backs away and watches. He looks down and sees this tail. The person is a purple Neko. Just like any other cat, she is just sitting down on him, looking at him. His training is telling him to react because one of his men under attach but the Catgirl looks familiar.

"Wait just a minute," Jerry said. "I saw you helping at the Aid Station."

"You're that Neko maid from the palace," Alicia said. "Hello Persia. Long time no see?"

Persia looks up at them all. "Yes, to all of that. And hello Alicia."

"We didn't," Jerry says.

"Why did you call her Neko?" Jalin asks. "I have noticed you call Cat-People Nekos."

"It is a Japanese term," Alicia says. "Andrew explained it to us, and that term stuck."

"Mam, why are you on top of one of my men?" He asks.

Scott slowly raises his hand. "I also like to know…" He said in pain.

Persia looks to Scott's hand and begins playfully swiping at it, just like a house cat would do. "Truth is I was trying to land next to him but my vision at long distances is not that good. I was told Scotty here was going to the Pony with you all. Then I noticed you all went to the brothel district and that got to be confused."

"My name isn't Scotty...," Scott said.

Persia looks down at him. "Yes, it is. You told me that last time you were here."

He thinks back on that night. The team went to the bar and had a party. He remembers seeing Scott flirting with this girl here. Apparently, she grew more attached than he expected.

Scott tries to bring his hand down but is stopped by Persia. She grabs his hand and begins swiping at it again.

"Wait! Back up!" Alicia said in a shocked tone. "Did you say brothel?"

Randy takes a deep breath after hearing that. Army regulations say there not supposed to be at places like that. They are on an alien world with unknown dangers, fighting beasts that once thought were make-believe. With all fighting and god knows how many light-years from Earth, possibly not even on the same reality.

While NATO is winning the war, that is a lot to ask of soldiers. On top of that, there are also a lot of beautiful and exotic people and the Army does not want to start any bad habits.

Bored or lonely soldiers could result in bad habits. And this society closely matches the Classical Age, which means tons of desires that might easily spread in those brothels. A situation the Army wants to avoid.

"That is correct," Persia said. "You are in the brothel district. I normally have a good sense of character and when we met the last two times, I thought he was good with morals. Cocky but good. So, when I saw Scotty here come this way, I began to question my original view of him. That is when I figured out that you are just lost."

"Alright," He said. "Do you mind helping us out?"

"Yeah. We are all hungry," Alicia says. "We will let you do whatever you want to him if you help us."

"Do I get a say in this?" Scott asks as he tries to get up. But Persia just stays sitting on his lap.

Alicia leans over, pushing the purple tail out of the way. "What you get is that we don't tell the Major you took us all to a brothel joint."

"She has a point," Jerry said. "In this world anything is possible. We can make up anything we want and a good chance it is true."

"I hate all of you…" Scott mumbles.

He crosses his arms, enjoying the bantering between them. "Alright, let's head out. We don't want to keep the Major waiting."

--- Italica, The Brave Pony Tavern ---

"Where you all go. Be careful, this place can get a bit rough," Mamina explains.

He nods and thanks her for her guidance. She has been guiding them through the city.

After a long day and meeting Captain Sarah Rose and his daughter Selina at the East Gate, they head to the Brave Pony for some food and to relax. Sharpe was at the East Gate for them.

When they got there, the rest of the team are already enjoying themselves.

He looks down and we Rory wanting to join in. He has Found that Rory is a massive drinker and partier. Both have a lot in common that is why they have a strong relationship. But in this case, they are different.

"Rory, go ahead." He spoke.

"Yeah!" Rory jumps up and gives him a massive hug. She then bolts off and tackles some of them.

"I think I will join them," Tuka said. "I can go play some music."

As Tuka walks away, he looks down at Selina as she pulls onto his jacket.

"Come on," Selina said with a big smile. I want to show you my story."

He smiles, surprised that she is this much energy over a book. "Ok."

"I will get something for us," Sarah said and walks off.

He feels Selina pulling him along, to this booth. He looks to his side and sees Lelei following him. "Don't you want to join them?"

"No Major," Lelei answers. "I don't like the taste of beer and I think I am going to go to bed after some food."

"I understand," He replies. "I never was much of a drinker." As he sits down, he then thinks of a memory. "Expect for Taiwan. I don't remember much about Taiwan."

He looks back to Lelei and sees this confused look on her face. "Never mind."

Selina sits down next to him and pulls out that tablet that he got her for Christmas. "See father, I figured out how to use this."

He puts his arm around her, enjoying her innocence excitement. "Good. So, what did you want to show me?"

Selina smiles and opens her book app. Then she pulls up the manga 'For my daughter, I might even be able to defeat the Demon King'. There is this man who is a professional Adventure. Kind of like you."

As Selina spoke, she looks up to make sure he is paying attention. As he watches, he is impressed with how quickly she learned how to use the tablet.

Selina shows him the images of the book. "The adventure name Dale and he found this little demon girl and took her in. They become family and in time he adopts her."

"That is cute Selina," He replies. "Glad you found something you like."

She looks up and smiles.

Hearing that he sees why she identifies with this story now. She goes on with the story, explaining how the two go on adventures together. The Dale character tells her around to these villages and has a good time.

Sarah comes back and sits down. She sets down this large platter that she got from the bar. It is this turtle-like animal that is cooked. These armored scales are covering its body.

She also puts down this pitcher of water. She takes out this case and takes out two pills. With them, she drops it into the water. The water starts to bubble a little.

"What is that?" Lelei asks, fascinated by the reaction.

Seeing the water bubble, Mamina looks over and watches, amazed by the strange event. "It is cursed."

"No, it is not. It is a purifying pill. We don't trust the water here, fill with germs. This cleans it so our troops don't get sick but can use local resources." Sarah explains.

Lelei takes a cup and pours some water. She takes a sip and then spits it out. "That tastes nasty."

He chuckles and hands her a drink flavor. "No one said science is tasty."

He then looks at the beast in front of him. It reminds him of that animal from the Stargate film but scalier. "What is this?"

"No idea," Sarah said. "It was that or what I think is a salad. And I know your policy about salads."

"what policy is that? Lelei asks. "Anything that makes you hungry ten minutes later should be banned." He looks at the beast, trying to figure out how to eat it. He is starving, not having much to eat or rest on the flight here from Elies.

"It is an If-Gruuf," Selina said as she reaches over. "I see them all the time back in Edras. Their shell is hard as stone but when you cook them, the scales lose up."

"They still look hard to me," He replies. He watches her grab one of the scales and pulls it. When she pulls, he sees this decent amount of meat.

"You don't eat the shell part, but it pulls out the meat parts. Now you eat." Selina explains as she eats.

Seeing that, they all do what Selina did. He found that the If-Gruuf tasty and juicy.

"It tastes like crab," Sarah says, enjoying it.

"Yeah, but it has this salty taste with it," He responds and pulls another piece. "Not bad though."

"Did she tell you that story?" Sarah asks.

"She gave me the rundown. Sounds cute." He responds.

"That's all she talked about for two hours in the car," Sarah said.

Selina looks up at him. "Yeah. She got bored though."

Selina pauses as she thinks. She then looks back up to him. "But Sarah said something about genetics."

He looks at his daughter and then back at Sarah. He sees her shrug her shoulders. Looking back at Selina he brings both of his hands up. "That is pretty many genetics. You have a mom and dad together alone in a room. Then a baby pops out. Genetics 101."

He can see Sarah glaring at him but trying to hold back a laugh. Lelei has her figures covering her mouth as she giggles, understanding the hidden dirty joke. Selina rolls her eyes, giggling.

"That's it?" Selina said. "I could have said that."

"You're a bad influence," Sarah said.

"And he's proud of it!" Selina comments with much energy.

"You always take his side," Sarah states.

He runs his daughter's hair, messing it up a little. "That's my girl."


While most of Vanguard-7 spent their time at the tavern enjoying some relaxation, Sarah and the other three went off. Lelei and Selina, both being tired and went to the countess palace. The Countess maid Mamina is escorting them to there. The Countess Myui has been nice and opened her maids to the team, making sure they are being taken care of.

This gives both Sarah and Sharpe some time alone, something she was hoping for.

As they walk, she noticed how lovely the design of the buildings. They remind her of the old west buildings for some reason. There is just this old country feeling she gets from them.

She sees these three men and two women walk past them. Three of them say good evening to Sharpe. Two of them addressing him by his rank while the other addresses him by 'Gold Emperor'.

Once they pass, she looks up at him chuckling. "Really?"

She can see his reaction, being a bit uncomfortable with the attention. He tilts his cap out of respect.

He takes a breath, placing a hand on his hip. "That's Randy's fault."

"I know," She replies. "I read the report. And I heard them joking about it afterward. You needed their attention and it worked."

"Yeah. A little too effective." He spoke. "Either way, glad to see the city rebuilt. Just means it wasn't for nothing." He pauses for a moment. "I do wish they stop doing that though.

"Don't be so thick," She responds. "They understand you didn't have to help but did. Take some credit and enjoy life."

While she feels fine opened up to him, she has found it hard though. Her roommate and friend April have described him like a brick. Hard to break thought that outer layer.

As she said that, she thinks back when they first met. It feels so long ago, and the team has been through a lot. He has been through a lot but is happy who he is becoming. More than just a soldier.

"The thing is, in my line of work… well I mean my last line of work if people knew you are dead." He responds and thinks about that. "But your right. It has been hard transiting."

She nods in agreement. She and everyone noticed that having the girls around have helped him come out. They each helped play a role in his growth. And that all started here in Italics.

As she looks at the buildings and listens to him talk, she sees a path that leads to the wall. It is nighttime and she wants to get a good view of the place. A night stroll on the wall, the torches lightening the buildings. "Hey, want to head up there? Should be fewer people."

He thinks and looks up to the wall. "Ok."

She knew that last part would easily convince him. She smirks getting what she wants.

They head up to the city wall and walk around a bit. As they walk, she against see the city guards greet him.

"They really respect you," She comments. "Was this where the battle was? Where you made your famous speech?"

"I honestly don't remember what I said. I was just trying to get the people act together." He responds.

"Come on," She responds. "You were trying to give them hope. A reminder of why they needed to fight."

He then stops and thinks about that. He then points down below the East Gate. "Everyone was gathered down there. They were all freaking out. It reminds me of when I was in the Philippines, training Hong Kong rebels. So many of them were clueless about what to do much eager to step up."

She looks at him shocked. The US has been denying any involvement with Hong Kong Independence since 2019. While it is not a chock that the US would do that, it is just strange hearing it. She read his file, even some stuff that she is not supposed to see through some contacts

She knows he should not be saying that but enjoys that he trusts her enough. It makes her wonder what other secrets are in his head. It must be hard, living a life of secrets, unable to speak about major parts of your life because its classified.

He looks down the wall and points. "When the enemy started swarming the wall, the gate fell quickly. Scott, Andrew, and I were up here. Alicia, Rory, and Randy were down below. It was chaos up here. It felt like the ancient times."

He then walks to the edge of the wall, looking out to the field. "There were thousands out there. All bunched together. All your really could see was their helmets."

She walks up to his side and looks out. "Were you afraid?"

He thinks about those questions. "No. There wasn't time for that."

She thinks about that and remembers her first mission on the field. While she went through Ranger School, like most of the newer Rangers she was a virgin solider, not having seen combat. The older Rangers like Randy did through the later stages of the War on Terror, but she missed out on that.

It was the attack on Combat Outpost Serenity in Havcristen where she saw combat when Krysist attacked(3). There is always some level of risk in war, that is why the saying is you are a Rifleman first. But watching the beast burst through the wall like that scared the living daylights out of her. For a moment there she thought her first mission was going to be her last as the monster came for her.

She leans over the upper stone and looks out. She then looks up at him as he explains what happens during that siege. But she thinks about when he tackled her to the ground, just saving her. She got to see his eyes, again no fear but determination. But she saw some concern there too.

She thought it was him just trying to protect his coworker but the next day when he crossed the bridge just for her told her what she wanted to hear. Their relationship is more than just coworkers and probably more than that. The girls told her how he broke down after that and it took that Imperialist Princess Pina slapping him to snap him out.

Then she remembers being taken by Krysist just to escape. And there was everything that happens as his prisoner. She could not imagine anyone coming in as he did. Just going alone, putting all that trust into that Pina. Clearing taking the saying 'Balls of Steel' to a new level.

"While I was down below this troll started climbing over. But you know the rest. Air support came in and the battle was over." He said as he turns around, looking back to the city.

"I wish I was here when all that happens," She said, letting out an annoyed sound. "I know my job is important, but I do feel useless at times. You are out here risking your life, facing some insane things. I am in a comfy chair in a climate control room."

He looks down at her and then looks away, leaving against one of the stone pillars on the wall.

She takes a deep breath. "When I was looking through your camera, staring down Taylin. I must admit, I thought it was over. I am sorry but I did. No Rory, Lelei there to help. Just you. You were standing there calm and I was safe and scared."

"Give yourself a break." He says.

Hearing that she looks up at him, confused.

"Look. I was scared to death. You thought it was easy starting down at an Apostle?" He says. "Deep down inside I knew I was fucked unless help arrived. And new help would arrive, but I needed time. I had a few tricks up my sleeve that I preplanned but that didn't turn as planned."

He then looks at her. "But in all that I never felt alone. I knew you were there is a second pair of eyes." He stops trying to find the proper words.

She smiles and giggles a little, seeing how much he is struggling.

"What are you giggling about?" He asks.

She blushes a little, realizes what she did. "I just think it is funny that you can walk in the middle of artillery fire and bark orders with no issues. But fall flat on your face in the civil sense."

She turns around and then leans against the stone pillar, adjusting her cap.

"Ok," He said, adjusting himself. "What I wanted to say, I didn't feel alone because I knew you were watching my back. Anything I miss you caught it. So, while I was scared, I knew I was ok. I knew you were going to get me the help I needed."

She looks at him and smiles, feeling happy to hear that, knowing that she brings value to the team. She can tell he cares for her and more than he is letting on. Otherwise, he would not be struggling.

She was going to say something, but he stops her. She watches him grab his backpack which he was carrying. She was wondering why he still had some of his gear on but though it was some SF thing.

For the first time in her life, she sees him sweating nervously. It is hysterical that it is more natural for him to cut his own hand but whatever he is about to do is so foreign to him. He pulls out this plastic bag and he hands it to her. She takes it and looks at it, trying to figure out what is happening.

She takes a glance at him and then back at the bag. She opens it and pulls out this blue dress. It has gold color lacings all around but not too dominating. Some parts over part of her upper arm but the shoulders are left open, like some of Selina outfits. The dress reminds her of some roman or Greek goddess clothing she has seen back in history class.

That is when she remembers when they talk, he randomly asked her 'blue'. She looks to him seeing that he was talking about this.

"I knew you felt like that for a while," He said, feeling stupid. "While we are out and about, I figured this might have been a thank you for being there if you needed it. Figure… never mind."

She looks back at the dress. It is a bit silly and struggling to think of a situation to wear it. But to hear the thought is all that mattered. While simple, she knows it must have been hard to buy something like this.

She looks back at him, feeling renewed and welcomed. "Thank…. What is that?" She asks as she sees something behind him.

As they both look, they see a building in the distance glowing. Smoke starts to appear and they both can see flames appearing. The building is on fire.

He stands fully up. "Better go check it out. It looks like it will get worse."

She was about to say something but see that switch turn in his head. Back to work.

"Alright, let's go." She says.


--- Italica, Countess Palace ---

December 14th, 2025

Lord Lashin finishes climbing the rope to the Countess roof. He looks around and sees five other Wood Elves with him, the most trusting members of his expedition force to this region.

It has been a long time; his expedition being here far longer than he expected. His mission is the take King Juleas last remaining child, Princess Selina.

When those damn Edras Humans killed the royal family as part of becoming vassals to the Empire, they stole his chance for revenge. While he wishes that he could have sliced Juleas throat after what he did to his family, her blood will have to do.

"Are we ready?" He asks.

His second in command and most trusted friend Haoulis looks to him as he brings up the rope. "Yes, but we better hurry."

He looks out to the burning building. He sent a few elves to start a distraction but have clear orders not to kill anyone. One of the main reasons he waited this long was because these Other Worlders have proven to be stronger than anything he ever has seen. While he hates Humans, he does not want to risk war with these people. Let Humans kill other Humans.

However, nothing will stop him and his people vengeance. Selina must die in the fire of Palapon.

His people serve the Wareharun, the Tree Goddess. With her, they gain unnatural abilities in the woods, a key reason why their people have held out against the Edras Kingdom, the Empire and The Ticaret Conglomerate.

But she could help with his mission. He knew he needed help on his quest to wipe out the last of the Edras bloodline, wiping them out as a threat once and for all. He and his tribe switched to the God Palapon, the God of Revenge and Retribution. He hopes with his blessing he will complete this task and end the threat once and for all.

The only way to break free from Palapon is for him to finish his quest to kill Juleas, daughter. But he cannot do it here, he was to sacrifice her to Palapon to please him. That ritual is through a pit of fire, marked by his blood.

"Let's go," He said.

The five quickly jumps down to a balcony and sneak inside. They go into one of the empty rooms and crack the door. They have all broken into many human buildings over the centuries, usually on assassination missions. This one is no different.

One of his elves shows that he sees two Human guards talking about the fire. He signals to them to use them spirt magic and put them to sleep. Its effect depends on the skill of the user, that is why he picked the best-trained members of his tribe. It does not come as natural as the High Elves but being Spirit Magic, they can use it.

Normally he would not care about the life of a Human, killing them as they should be. But he wants to try as hard as to not anger these people enough. Hopping just a lost girl would not be worth the escalation.

He watches two of his elves wave their hands and these blue magic flows out. The next thing he hears is two thumbs.

As they walk out of the room, Haoulis moves up to him. "My Lord, this would be so much easier if we kill them."

"Obey my orders. We are here to take revenge. Not start a war." He says back.


Mamina is sitting down by this warm fireplace. In front of her is the blue hair girl Lelei, her master Countess Myui and her fellow maid Aurea. There are also three Rose Knights Piña Co Lada, Grey Co Aldo, and Margarita. There was another one here but left, Panache Fure Kalgi.

Lelei has been telling them stories of her adventures with the other Worlders. Explaining what Earth's life is but she can tell that Lelei is withholding key information. Which is ok because she has earned their trust with their secrets.

With the Rose Knights here, she sees some tension between Myui and Pina. Both defected from the Empire but under a different context. The last time they met was not under the best conditions.

"So, they really have buildings that tall? Even greater than the Great Tower?" Margarita asks.

Lelei takes a drink from her tea. "That is correct."

"I can't believe that," Aurea said with much energy. "And flight is very normal for them?"

Lelei just nods.

She takes a drink from the tea. While they are all down here, she has an ear listening to the little one. Lelei explained that the little girl has great value to Major Sharpe and the other Rangers. For saving the city and by extension Countess Myui, all of their protection is her priority.

At the Brave Pony, she didn't realize that was the same girl she helped saved with Grey. These two Wood Elf punks tried to mug or rape here the last time they were here. She has no intention to allow that.

"Their world sounds impressive but all of it just seems like fancy toys to me," She said. "It seems like it takes away the simple parts of life. They drive by all the time, missing out on the surroundings."

"You are crazy," Aurea states.

"I might be but…" She begins to say but her ear pops up a little.

She then bursts from her position without warning and rushes up the stairs.


Lord Lashin gives the order and Haoulis fires an arrow down the hallway. The arrow hits this order looking maid that was heading to door Selina is at. On top of the arrow is this poison powder that paralyzes when hit but nothing that kills.

He was hoping this maid woman would head to the other direction, but she did not. It was either wait or get aggressive.

Once the woman is down, they all move to the door. He quickly opens the door and walks in.

Getting this far into Italica might seem easy but it required much planning. His spy in Alnus gave him the heads up that she was coming here which worked out better than he expected. He wanted to attack now when the Other Worlders were at their weakness. Many of them only recently coming back from the war and are exhausted. Since Italica is a safe place for them, he figures they would lower their guard.

He walks in and sees Selina sleeping a bed. The only light in the room is from a candle.

Looking down she looks so peaceful, lying there, lightly breathing. She is still dressed like she was waiting for someone.

Haoulis walks up and looks down at the girl. "All this trouble for something so small."

"Still," He responds. "It will be enough." He looks at her and can only see the memory of his son and daughter. "Get the rope. We must hurry."

Haoulis walks over to Selina and casts a sleeping spell on her. The last thing they need is for her to wake up and struggle.

Another elf walks over and begins binding her arms and legs. He then lifts her over his shoulder.

Seeing that they got what they came for, he orders everyone to head out.

They all start rushing down the hallway, trying to make a stealthy getaway.

As they run, they nearly get to the room they came in. It is only at the end of the hallway. The guards they ran into before are starting to wake up.

As they get close, out of nowhere this orange Warrior Bunny slides down the other hall and blocks their path. He knows about her and the other maids' beasts. While they look just like any other maids, they are highly trained warriors. He was hoping to be in an out before they notice.

"Fire!" He yells.

Two of his elves move up and fire their bows. The same paralyzing powder explodes next to her. But she just jumps forward before she gets injected.

She rolls in front of them and stops, tossing two daggers at them. Both hit their target as two of his elves get wounded.

"Fall back," Haoulis orders. They all start to move backward, heading to another room.

"Haoulis, Koulua. Burn the hallway." He orders.

All of them stop and he and the other elf that's not carrying Selina fire their bows. Haoulis, Koulua stop and cut their arms. Their blood turns into fire and begins burning the walls around them. An ability they learned after switching gods, mixing her fire magic with their cursed blood.

The Warrior Bunny stops as the flames engulf the area.

Seeing that the stop her, he waves them to move out. "That won't last!"

He breaks into another room and hears this scream. He looks over to this bed and sees this man and woman waking up. He ignores them and rushes to the window and breaks it. He helps his people out and looks to Haoulis.

Haoulis stands there and aims his bow at the door. He fires another round of that powder at the floor, blocking the entrance.

"Haoulis," He said. "Let's go."


--- Italica, Burning building ---

December 14th, 2025

Sharpe is standing there helping coordinate the effect to put the fire out. Everyone around him is a mix of Italica citizens and some NATO soldiers working together.

This corporal rush up to him. "Sir, I think we are getting a handle on this."

Sarah is standing by his side, on a radio. "Major, engineers should be here in five minutes."

He looks to her and nods. "Good. Tell them were trying to prevent it from spreading."

He looks back to the fire but for something reason, something doesn't feel right. The moment Sarah pointed to the fire, nothing felt right but he can't figure it out. "Ok Corporal. Get those men over there and flank on that side. Don't let it spread. Get them to move that wagon full of water over there. Wind flowing west so we need to counter it."

The Corporal salutes and runs off.

As he stands there, he hears someone calling his name. He looks around and, in the distance, he sees Pina. The confusing part is that she is running as fast as she can.

He watches Pina as she runs up. "Why are you running?"

Pina rushes out, completely out of breath. "Sharpe… there is… something… happened…"

"Spit it out, Princess." He orders.

Pina looks up. "They took her. They took Selina."

He looks at her. Everything else around him seems to unfocus. The sound of the fire and the people around him yelling just fade away. All of his attention is just on Pina as he looks at her. He can feel his mind rejecting what she just said, refusing to accept it. He had to mishear her.




Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 40

(2)Chapter 51

(3)Chapter 89

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS